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Chapter 666: Seeing in front of the battle, looking forward to death!

Compared with most magical animals, the quality of human eyes is very poor.

When it is so bad that no light enters, people will directly become blind, completely unable to continue to receive the transmission of external scenes.

However, this does not deny that in some cases, the upper limit of human vision is.

Within a tenth of a second, a sudden flash of fire was clearly seen emerging from the flames of the explosive package.

Almost all the soldiers, including Feng Long, sensed the danger immediately.

However, it is a pity.

It is one thing for the brain to react, but another thing is whether the body can respond simultaneously.

From the time the fire appeared to the time it flew past everyone, it actually took only a little over a second at most.

At this time, just when the eleven people had just made a gesture to pounce to the side, it had already arrived quietly!


A loud noise, no less than the explosion of a dynamite pack, erupted from everyone's ears.

In just an instant, the explosion point spread out with unimaginable impact.

Being hit by this force, even three soldiers who were close to each other were blown away more than ten meters away in the air, and fell heavily to the snow. Blood spattered, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

Others, like rag dolls, were directly lifted off by the power of the explosion and fell straight into the distance.


Hitting the ground hard, Feng Long could no longer hold back the feeling of tightness in his chest and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Although he still couldn't see the extent of his body's injuries, he felt light and airy all over his body.

Without thinking, Feng Long also guessed that he had at least a dozen fractures, or even more.

But it's okay, I'm taking advantage of the time when my mind is clear.

After opening the storage space and taking out a bottle of psionic water that had already been opened and prepared, and drinking it, the burning feeling in my heart was finally slowly suppressed.

Instead, there were waves of unspeakable heart-breaking pain, rising from all over the body.


"It's a success!"

He raised his head with great effort and saw that the Frog Car that he had stopped by being blown up was abandoned in the distance, and the other three cars began to slowly move up through the sea of ​​​​fire.

A smile suddenly appeared on Feng Long's charred face.

Even at this moment.

In his sight, the door of the stopped frog car had begun to open slowly.

Sun Bahu's bastard sitting on top of them had also rushed towards them.

But there is no doubt that the eleven-man assault team has successfully completed its mission!

"No, no, no."

Stretching out his hand, Feng Long subconsciously wanted to take out the hand platform on his waist. Before the enemy came to completely eradicate the roots, he reported the good news to the headquarters who were still going up the mountain. By the way, he told his elder brother Feng Tianmin that he was there.

The last words of this wasteland.

But with just such a touch, Feng Long smiled bitterly and slowly sat upright.

The hand platform that had been configured had already been blown away to an unknown place when it exploded.

The sub-station is placed in the storage space. If you want to debug the encrypted channel, you have to operate it with the password pad for at least half a day.

But now, the enemy is already close at hand. Where is the time for him to debug and where is the time for him to report the results of the battle.

Everyone's lives have entered a countdown.

"If you want to kill me, then you can follow me to hell?"

From a distance, I looked at the ferocious gun in the opponent's hand.

Feng Long suddenly felt a burst of energy coming from nowhere, and suddenly took out things from the storage space.


There are not only M-1 automatic rifles that are loaded with bullets and can be activated at any time, but also serial explosive packs that can be activated by just pulling a wire.

There is also a diary with a third of it written, a growth calendar that records his own mental journey, and a code book used to communicate with the territory.

If you die and the core of the shelter will explode, for the sake of the safety of the territory, you cannot leave these things behind, and you must take them all away even if you die!

"Tianyuan. Tianyuan leader, everyone obeys the order!"

After gushing out his last burst of energy, Feng Long picked up his rifle, placed it on his elbow, and shouted suddenly.

For a moment, although this voice was not as powerful as before, it was extremely loud among the quiet mountain peaks.

With just one click, it spread forty to fifty meters.

"For the director, for the territory, and for the ambition to stay in the battle!"

"Death but no life!"

Another shout.

But the difference was that this time, after Feng Long finished speaking, there was a gratifying response from the side.

Although these sounds were weak, the meaning they conveyed made Feng Long suddenly put his finger on the trigger.

"Perhaps death is another beginning"

The enemy's distance has closed to about forty meters, and there are only ten meters left from the best shooting point.

Saying a silent farewell in his heart, he bulged up the painful muscles all over his body, Feng Long's eyes sharpened, and murderous intent emerged spontaneously.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why only those soldiers who survived the battlefield could be called veterans and elites.

It was also at this moment, after he was ready to die, that he suddenly flashed through his mind that one day he would be written into the territory's textbooks and become a word-of-mouth hero among the children.

Is it worth it?

“Worth it!”

Seeing that the enemy had already entered the shooting distance in a daze, Feng Long had a bloody smile on his face.

The distance was so close, not to mention using a backrest, and the firelight was enough for him to see the other person's face clearly.

At this time, you only need to ignite the explosive package.

None of these people


Feng Long suddenly trembled, looking at the faces of the six "enemies" rushing over under the firelight, a hint of disbelief suddenly flashed in Feng Long's eyes.

At this moment, his memory seemed to have passed through the barrier of space and suddenly returned to the depression, with an incomprehensible look on his face.

When the other party saw him sitting on the ground, he did not draw his gun and shoot as expected. Instead, he came in a hurry with full eagerness.

Everything happens between enemies and enemies, and is full of contradictions.

But as far as the current scene is concerned, the whole scene has a naturalness that is difficult to conceal.

Just like.

Reunion of old friends?



After hearing two explosions at a short interval from the bottom of the mountain, Feng Tianmin, who was standing at the top of the mountain, stuck his head out and looked back and forth uneasily.

From a high position, he could clearly see a large amount of flames steaming below, illuminating half of the mountain, which seemed to be quite powerful.

According to the plan, the commando team led by Feng Long should have carried out the first wave of sniper attacks on the enemies who came up the mountain.

But the strange thing is that the explosion sounded twice before and after. Could it be that Feng Long arranged the attack into two waves?

"Can you contact Feng Long?"

Feeling the constant palpitations in his heart, Feng Tianmin walked back to the position uneasily and looked at the soldiers lying in the trench.

"No, Brother Long should have turned off the microphone. The signal on his side has been completely disconnected."

"Completely broken?"

After pondering these four words and thinking of the possible meaning behind them, Feng Tianmin's face froze and his whole body started to tremble.

If the signal is completely disconnected, there are only two possibilities.

First, Feng Long himself closed the communication with his mobile phone, causing the two parties to lose contact.

Second, it can only be that the mobile phone has been damaged, and the internal communication components are damaged and cannot send signals to the outside world.

"Team closure, don't worry, Brother Long is so smart that nothing will happen to him."

"Maybe I dropped my phone when I was escaping just now, and it was affected by the explosive package. It will be fine."

Seeing that Feng Tianmin's condition was obviously not right, other soldiers in the trenches who were still preparing to fight came forward to comfort him.

Even though they themselves know that the probability of this happening is extremely slim.

But the battle on Fenglong's side has ended, and it will be their turn next time.

Whether the commander-in-chief Feng Tianmin can exert his abilities is still very important and cannot be missed!

"I know, don't worry. Besides, isn't Fenglong's avatar still on in the friends panel?"

Open the game panel and look at the friend panel that has been blocked. Feng Long's still green avatar is there.

Feng Tianmin forced a smile and suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.

Although most of the functions of the game panel have been abolished by now, the few remaining ones can still play a significant role.

Just like now, although the friends you added before cannot be contacted, you can still check their online status through the panel.

"Continue to prepare. Now that the enemy has passed the commando level, there won't be much time left to reach us."

“Be prepared!”

The entire defense excludes the two teams brought by Du Shi and the first team led by Guan Yuan.

There were not many people left, only about seventy people.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the final battle, Feng Tianmin did not dare to arrange too many people to snipe on the mountain road.

As long as the enemy can get past Feng Long's team, they can go all the way to the top of the mountain.

Of course, this direct access does not mean that the other party can move forward unimpeded.

But after they finish climbing, they have to rush through a front line of about 300 meters full of solid ice and traps.

"Don't worry, team, we are ready!"

He pointed at the guys around him. Thanks to many death trainings in virtual reality, the soldiers' mentality was pretty good.

In this situation.

Feng Tianmin couldn't say much, so he could only return to his post in silence, sitting in the trench and repeatedly checking the panel, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

A quarter past one at night.

Driving to the bottom of the battle line, when the camp could be seen in the distance, Sun Bahu's three vehicles stopped.

It seems to be repairing, but also seems to be gathering information.

On the way, Sun Bahu, who was staying on the Spike, got off twice and stood behind the car to look at it with interest.

However, because this distance is too far, it is difficult for the soldiers' rifles to cause damage, so they can only wait patiently for the opponent's next move.

Twenty past one at night.

Two faint coughs mixed with the howling mountain wind sounded in the mountains.

However, Sun Bahu did not choose to rush into the formation with three vehicles at the same time. Instead, he returned to the vehicle and started the first wave of psychological warfare.

"Hello, human brothers above, I am the lord of the origin territory below, Sun Bahu."

"It is true that your territory is not within our jurisdiction, but for some reason, one of my things was stolen by some of you."

"Here, I can give you a promise. As long as you hand over that thing, I can turn around and leave now. I will never take anyone on your mountaintop again in the future. At the same time, in this cold winter, we

We can also provide you with a batch of winter supplies, and the two parties can even carry out friendly cooperative trade after the temperature drops."

First offering a wave of inducements, Sun Bahu paused and changed his tone:

"Of course, I know what you rely on, and I can feel that there is indeed a very powerful person among you who is not inferior to me."

"But what I want to say is, buddy, times have changed. Just relying on these external powers will only be eliminated by rounds of natural disasters, and will only be divided and disintegrated by other greedy alien races. It is difficult for individual power to radiate.

"Whole face"

"If you are willing, I can accept you as my deputy. Let's fight, fight, and rob this huge wasteland together to get the resources that should belong to us humans and create creation for all the people who are still alive.

A new world without natural disasters”

"I can even open up the only opportunity for you to embrace the true power and gain a strong body and a long lifespan that is no less than that of aliens!"

"Do you want to?"

Sun Bahu is not a qualified speaker, but he is not a reckless man who is full of muscles.

Accompanied by the amplification of the huge loudspeaker, not only Somo could hear clearly at the top of the mountain, but also all the soldiers looked at each other and looked at the source of the sound.

It has to be said that this wave of threats and inducements thrown by Sun Bahu is indeed attractive enough.

If an ordinary person were to come here, there is a high probability that he would still be deceived by him, and at the worst, it would destroy the morale of the army.

But it's a pity.

"This Sun Bahu still has some brains. Come on, give me the speaker!"

Feng Tianmin took the horn boldly, and a hint of sullenness flashed across Feng Tianmin's face.

From the explosion to now.

Forty or fifty minutes had passed, and although Feng Long's avatar was still green, the two sides still had not reached contact.

There is a high probability that the explosion behind was Sun Bahu's counterattack, which caused a lot of trouble for the assault team.

At this time, hearing that Sun Bahu was still shamelessly trying to persuade him to surrender, Feng Tianmin turned on the speaker switch and started to yell at him without hesitation:

"That iron bump down there, has your brain been damaged by the rain and snow, and now you start barking?"

"I'm thinking that you, a melon, can't even manage a territory. You bully ordinary people every day and don't do anything. The supplies used by thirty thousand people for the winter were stolen by dozens of people, and 70% of them were discovered. You

Are you a piece of trash?"

"Also, as a lord, you don't want to think about how to make your people live better and lead them through natural disasters. Instead, you make a decision that can only survive half of the people. While making crazy money for yourself, you also let

These people are killing each other, do you think you are Thanos? Where are your plans to eliminate humanity here?"

"You are inferior to humans and animals. You are here to persuade us to surrender. Listen carefully. If you are still in your right mind, get out of the car and kneel down to beg our forgiveness. At the same time, confess your crimes in front of everyone. In this way, maybe we can still

Let you die with dignity, do you understand?"

Feng Tianmin took a deep breath and cursed a dozen times in a row. He didn't stop until his face turned red.

And these words were shouted loudly, as if everyone's anger was poured out, causing cheers to be heard from everywhere in the camp.

"Are you sure you have to do this?"

After listening to Feng Tianmin's scolding, Sun Bahu below snorted coldly and did not continue to pester him.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he won't use the simplest bad mouth to get the most extreme enjoyment.

But what Feng Tianmin scolded hit his weakest point.

As a lord, what he has done now can indeed be called "beast", and there is no way to refute it.

One thirty-five at night.

After hearing that there was no more noise from the camp, Sun Bahu seemed to understand everyone's decision and stopped the useless psychological warfare.

Accompanied by the sound of crunching ice, the three vehicles parked on the mountainside finally began to move and gradually made their way to the top.

Great war.

On the verge of breaking out.

This chapter has been completed!
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