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Chapter 674 Points system, decadent world!

The page is from top to bottom.

Price from high to low

The dense information records clearly record that more than 300 different identities are for sale in villages, towns, counties and cities within Tianyuan's territory.

Among them, the most expensive ones, such as management positions in counties and cities, can be bought for a full 20,000 to 30,000 points, and they only last for five years.

And cheap ones, such as construction worker positions in a subordinate town, are priced as high as 800 points, making them prohibitive for ordinary people.

"Before I left, I just said that new people coming in should be strictly screened and divided according to levels."

"I didn't expect that eight years later, it would be twisted like this?"

Sumo murmured, his face full of incomprehension.

For the creation of the "Tian Yuan Territory" by himself, he was extremely careful in every step of the plan.

Before leaving the territory, I was afraid that a large number of people would migrate into the territory after the disaster of loosening restrictions, causing the people in the territory to collapse.

Before leaving, he also deliberately left many coping methods for Chen Shen and other management.

Among them, regarding the management of migrant population.

At that time, Sumo remembered that he only said to start from scratch, formulate rules, divide the people, and slowly integrate the sixteen-character response method.

The purpose is to screen out people with ulterior motives in this way.

But he never expected it.

In the wasteland eight years later, the way he left behind has undergone multiple evolutions and changes, and it has reached such a perverted state.

Various identities with different prices, after being linked with transaction points, divide the crowd into three, six or nine levels.

People with more points are equal to excellent people.

People with few points are like cannon fodder in the wasteland.

Use points to classify people into three, six or nine grades, and exclude potential talents.

This behavior pattern is very similar to the "spending money to buy officials" in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. No matter how you think about it, it should not be done in your own territory.

Even now.

As a lord, if he wanted to return to his territory, he would have to spend a huge amount of points to buy a quota and a so-called "identity".

Simply outrageous!

"Right now, what I have to worry about is not why my system has become so outrageous."

"The top priority is to find a way to earn points and accumulate enough to meet the minimum threshold to enter the territory as soon as possible."

When I think about my five hundred points, I can't even buy the most rubbish position in Tianyuan territory.

Suddenly, Sumo understood the difficulty of refugee status.

There is only half a year, not only to earn enough points to enter the territory, but also to slowly climb up from the bottom and lead the territory through the disaster in half a year.

At this level of difficulty, even with the help of the three privileges brought by the title of "Early Bird", Sumo only found it extremely difficult.

For Feng Mengyue or other ordinary people who have no title, it is the extremely terrifying "Hell Difficulty", which is basically impossible to complete.

"I'm afraid this limit on earning enough points in a short period of time is the real pre-mission. Escape should limit the time I can earn!"

"Otherwise, if you give me ten days and a half, I can make enough!"

While thinking, Sumo simply exited the identity purchase page and clicked on the avatar to enter Su Youzong's personal page.

After a jump of one or two seconds, a bill recording a lot of information popped up.

Just looking at it, Su Mo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Su Youzong's position as deputy director of the Materials Department was actually bought with points."

"No wonder it's been eight years since the wasteland and he only has 3 points in his account."

Among the hundreds of records on the bill, Su Youzong gave a detailed description of each expenditure, saving Sumo the trouble of slowly checking the accounts and asking questions.

Moreover, he also has the habit of keeping a diary similar to Somo, writing down a lot of his thoughts in the blank spaces of this page.

Through these notes and changes in account points, after reading the last account, Sumo gradually understood why the original person only had three points left before, and what audacious and outrageous operations he had made.

Qingguo Territory has two counties, six towns, and ten small and medium-sized villages.

In this kind of agricultural territory, which department has the most profit and water, it is naturally the Materials Department and the Warehouse Management Department.

The former can secretly collect kickbacks in transactions, while the latter can steal and change the situation.

In order to climb up from the bottom, Su Youzong, who was a civilian about two years ago, did something daring.

He first found 40 or 50 people to raise funds together, pooled all their points together, and promised these people that he was willing to repay twice the price after one year.

Later, I don’t know why these people believed his lies.

Anyway, after going back and forth, in only half a month, Su Youzong was able to collect enough money to be the deputy director of the Materials Department of Qingguo Territory's subordinate Cili Town.

185 points, lifetime system, job salary is 1.8 fixed income points per month. As long as he works here for eight years, he will be able to recoup all his expenses and start making steady profits.

However, how could Su Youzong, who owed a full 170 points, dare to pay back so slowly?

As soon as he took office, he began to engage in all kinds of corruption, and even began to collude with others to embezzle the share of the head of the Ministry of Materials in order to repay the money.

So rampant, it took him just over a year to pay off 80% of the debt.

As for the remaining 20%, it is because the borrower was unlucky and took the loan before he was owed money, resulting in the loss of the loan.

In just two years, Su Youzong relied on various means to complete a gorgeous transformation.

If it weren't for Soma's arrival, perhaps within this timeline, it would not be impossible for him to climb to a higher position in the future.


"Was Su Youzong dead or alive before I came?"

Because of his eagerness to amass money, nearly a quarter of the interests of Chief Minister Sha Yikang had been eliminated by Su Youzong, both overtly and covertly.

Thinking of the meaningful look in this man's eyes before, Sumo couldn't help but make a guess.

However, before he could collect the information, the game jumped out and gave him a definite answer.

[Record]: Detection that player "Suma" has triggered the "Su Youzong" specific side mission

[Record]: Would you like to accept the side quest - Last Wish?


"Are there any side missions?"

Out of curiosity, Sumo clicked on the prompt that popped up in the game.

Suddenly, a panel that looked like a front-end task popped up.

[Last Wish (Side Mission)]

[Description]: Due to an interest dispute, Su Youzong was poisoned and assassinated by Sha Yikang, the chief minister of the materials department of Cili Town. He had too much unwillingness before his death. Apart from wanting revenge, the thing that made him most uneasy was,

She is still the daughter of the benefactor "Huang Xiaojuan" who saved his life in the early days of the wasteland.

[Task Completion Conditions]: Help "Huang Xiaojuan" obtain civilian status in any of the top 30 territories in the wasteland.

[Task Completion Reward]: Level 1 Tracking (After exiting the dungeon, you can specify any creature in the dungeon to track. Depending on the opponent’s potential, you can search for level 2 talents)

[Punishment for mission failure]: None

"Level 2 talent."

"The reward for the side mission is actually a simplified version of the pointer in the real world?!"

Seeing the reward, Sumo couldn't help but feel excited.

The division of talents is also a rule formulated by this world.

According to the skills they have mastered or the achievements they have made, they are divided into level one to level five talents.

Among them are second-level talents.

If they are skilled workers, they are talents who can master a single skill proficiently and have scientific research level strength.

If you are a manager, you must be at least at the county level and have the ability to manage 10,000 to 50,000 people.

Of course, maybe in the wasteland eight years ago, these people were just ordinary people doing nothing.

But being able to make achievements here means that they at least have the ability to cultivate.


There is no penalty for failing to complete side tasks.

Moreover, after the recent contact with Huang Xiaojuan, Sumo could also find that she was kind-hearted and not a doer of evildoers.

In this case, there is no reason not to accept this task.

"It's just that the task of earning points seems to be heavier again!"

Based on the minimum value of 800 points for one person in Tianyuan Territory, two people would need 1600 points.

Thinking that he had been saddled with such a huge debt from the beginning, Sumo blinked and did not dwell on it any longer.

If you have too many lice, you won’t be itchy; if you have too many debts, you won’t have to worry.

Su Youzong, an ordinary person, can earn enough wealth in a short period of time to work hard for more than ten years.

If it were him, 1,600 points would not be impossible!

Thinking like this, Sumo's mind moved and he chose to exit the game panel.

Huang Xiaojuan's pretty face also appeared in front of him again.

"Hey, Brother Zong, have you remembered something?"

Seeing that Su Mo's eyes were completely different from the previous ones, Huang Xiaojuan felt happy and asked quickly.

"Well, I probably remembered something."

"But I didn't expect that this beast Sha Yikang would be so bold and dare to directly confront my opponent."

Huang Xiaojuan was stunned and quickly covered her mouth: "Sha grows him?"

"Maybe I have tampered with his interests, or maybe he wants to support new people. The reason why I am losing my memory now is basically because of his tampering."

"From now on, we must be careful with Sha Yikang. Don't touch or eat anything he sends."

"Also, prepare our luggage. I got news that the alien army is coming. We have to leave quickly!"

Sticking close to Huang Xiaojuan's ear, Sumo dropped several breaking news in succession.

Seeing the other party's frightened white smiling face, Su Mo paused and had no choice but to explain a few more words in detail.

The aliens will come in three days.

It is difficult to find another trustworthy person in such a short period of time.

Only Huang Xiaojuan, who was relatively familiar with the terrain and shops of Cili Town, could quickly sell off all of Su Youzong's previous property and replace it with other portable supplies or points to take away.

At the same time, after removing Huang Xiaojuan, Sumo himself can also have room to move, and think of ways to "take advantage of the situation" in the last three days, trying to save up the 1,600 points needed to purchase the identity of the two of them.

After a while, after Sumo gave detailed reasons and plans, Huang Xiaojuan gradually came back to her senses, nodded repeatedly, and left with a cautious look on her face.

In fact, as someone close to Su Youzong.

She was not unprepared for Zong Ge's huge changes "before and after his amnesia".

But for some reason, after subconsciously seeing this face, Huang Xiaojuan couldn't get the slightest suspicion.

"As long as Brother Zong remains the same as before and treats me well, that's enough!"

Looking at Sha Yikang and others still sitting downstairs, Huang Xiaojuan's beautiful eyes narrowed and she stepped forward to greet them.

After a false conversation, I learned that Sumo needed a lot of rest and might not be able to work in the next few months.

Sha Yikang laughed and waved his hands proudly: "You Zong can't go to class? It's okay!"

"Before, he made great contributions to our Materials Department, which increased the foreign trade volume of our Cili Town by 30%. Now that he is injured, we of Cili Town will certainly treat him unfairly!"

"Don't worry, Xiaojuan. I will go to the mayor to explain the application later. Youzong's salary will still be paid during the rest period. Our material department will also send some food resources regularly. We will never let you live because of this.

Injuries are half a point worse”

"As long as you take good care of Youzong during this period, you will have made a great contribution to our Prickly Pear Town!"

When he said these words, Sha Yikang seemed to have truly assumed the position of a good boss.

At the end of the story, he was almost on the verge of tears, and several ordinary clerks from the material department next to him came up to comfort him.

"Don't worry, Minister Sha, Brother Zong, I will take care of you!"

"Okay, now I feel relieved!"

Glancing at the closed door on the second floor, Sha Yikang laughed, stood up and didn't stay any longer.

A nearly perfect plan, although it did not follow the standard process, the result was that it met expectations.

Regardless of whether Su Youzong was afraid of his own methods, he pretended to be ill and chose to escape.

Whether the poison he administered had really caused irreversible damage to him, it actually doesn't matter.

As long as he is absent for three to five months, Sha Yikang believes that he can completely rebuild the Materials Department into a single piece.

By then, even if Deputy Minister Su Youzong wants to come back, he can only be an ordinary director and can no longer get involved in anything.

"Shall I see you off?"

"Okay! Okay! This child Xiaojuan has a good character and ability. She is really lucky to have a clan!"

He glanced at Huang Xiaojuan vaguely, suppressing the evil fire rising in his heart.

Sha Yikang turned around and laughed a few words with the people around him. After walking out of the hospital, the group of people walked away.

But, what they don't know is.

"Su Youzong", who was already a useless person in their hearts throughout the whole process, was standing behind the window and looking at him quietly.

However, unlike the mockery on their lips, Su Youzong's face now was full of regret.


"I obviously just want to return to the territory quietly and stay for the past six months to develop."

"But you all have to force me!"

After staring at everyone's backs and disappearing, and Huang Xiaojuan quietly walking out of the hospital, Somo turned back to the bed and sat down.

The world in May of the last calendar year was nothing compared to what it is now.

The wasteland eight years later.

With the restriction of trading points, the system among humans has not become better, but has become more decadent.

Ordinary people, if they want to live here, will still have to be exploited and squeezed so much that they will never see hope for the future.

Those who live at the top are more comfortable, have tremendous power and power, and have all the money in one body.

"With refugee status, you can't even enter the top 100 territories."

“To make money, we must make money quickly!”

Before he has the ability to change, all Soma can do is follow the rules.

However, it's just like Su Youzong dared to break the rules to a certain extent and make money wantonly.

Thinking of Sha Yikang and others, Sumo clenched his fists.

"The first pot of gold, I'll take advantage of you first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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