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Chapter 68 Choice? I want them all!

The talks between the two parties in the center of the camp are still continuing "clumsily".

Because there is no professional translator like "Oreo", neither Maeda Taketo nor the kobold can accurately understand the other party's meaning.

We can only rely on some of the most primitive gestures to carry out the simplest communication.

After looking at it, Sumo gradually understood the meaning of communication.

Maeda Kento was probably giving advice to the kobold, and his hand gestures were like helicopter propellers, just above his head and flying.

The stupid kobolds had difficulty understanding its meaning, and could only bark anxiously after failing to understand a large number of gestures.

After about half an hour, when even Somo was tired of watching, the two parties finally finished communicating.

With a big move, Taketo Maeda yelled at a few losers, and a small car was pushed out from a warehouse a little further away.

"Huh? Is this saltpeter that has already been collected?"

Saltpeter is white with a slight earthy color, and even through a telescope, Soma can feel its high purity.

Compared with dung saltpeter and urine saltpeter, this kind of saltpeter mine is simply an indispensable resource point when starting an "arms dealer".

Kobolds treat Maeda Kento fairly equally.

The two losers were not so lucky.

In the distance, you can see several kobolds yelling at the dog-legged people, looking arrogant, but the dog-legged people can only endure it and dare not get angry.

"People, when they become like this, they have completely lost their dignity. They have to live just one day at a time."

After calming down the murderous intention in his heart, Somo slowly began to stand up and retreat.

He already had an idea of ​​the upcoming plot in mind.

The kobold team that came just now is most likely here to transport the mined saltpeter back to the castle.

"It seems that the leader of the kobolds is not a fool. He knows that the camp outside cannot have such a gunpowder weapon. Otherwise, the kobolds in the camp will be forced to rely on themselves and lose their priority."

"It's a pity, it's a pity. I'm afraid these kobolds are here to transport saltpeter mine to me, Soma."

With a sneer, as the distance was far enough, Somo stood up neatly and ran towards the way the kobold came from without looking back.

Only children make choices!

I want them all!

This wave, the saltpeter mine must be mine, and the life of the kobold must also be mine!


"You all need to be smarter, otherwise I won't be able to save your lives if Master Doug takes the blame."

Seeing the kobold team transporting a cart of mined saltpeter ore away, Taketo Maeda wiped the sweat from his head and said angrily to the kobold next to him.

With the game's built-in racial translation, anyone of the human race can understand what the other person is saying without any pressure.

"Yes, Maeda-sama!" The two henchmen quickly straightened their legs and bowed deeply to Maeda Taketo at a ninety-degree angle.

"Ha..." Seeing the looks of the two people around him, Maeda Taketo's face showed a trace of satisfaction and continued.

"Well, Ying Xiong, I asked you to recruit people on the game board. How are you doing? Is there any progress recently..."

Hearing this, Ying Xiong, who was standing on the left, instantly trembled and said sternly:

"Master Maeda, all the fish nearby have been hung up recently. In addition, those two idiots deliberately leaked the news the day before yesterday. Many people are already on guard... We..."

"Baga!" Upon hearing Ying Xiong's words, a trace of violence suddenly flashed across Maeda Kento's face, and he kicked Ying Xiong in the chest with all his strength.

"How many times have I told you, here, you can't call a dog, you have to call me a dog. Are you a pig? Can't you understand human language? Next time, I will let you go to hell with those two people from the day before yesterday.

Let’s meet!”

Ying Xiong was kicked to the ground, with a painful expression on his face. Ying Xiong nodded repeatedly. A large amount of sweat fell from his forehead, but he pursed his lips tightly and did not dare to express his pain.

Seeing Ying Xiong's appearance, Maeda Kento nodded and said to the other person: "Marshall, come in with me"!

After saying that, Maeda Kento turned around and walked directly towards a room at the back. The man named Marshall showed a trace of numbness on his face and followed him.

In the dark house, only the small window as big as a head showed a ray of light.

Standing in the darkness, Marshall couldn't see the expression of Taketo Maeda sitting at the table.

After a while.

"I let you hide it privately... Well, how did it go..."

"It's done...it's done. I didn't dare to hide too much, so I stole a small amount each time while the mages were sleeping. I saved up almost a kilogram!"

"Okay!" Taketo Maeda's almost uncontrollable ecstasy came from the dark house.

"How did you go when I asked you to explore the location of the Somo base..."

Hearing Maeda Taketo's words, Marshall was about to burst into tears: "Mr. Maeda, last time I deliberately sent away most of the kobolds in the direction of Soma Sanctuary, leaving only two exploration teams.

..It’s been more than a day, and there’s no news. I’m afraid...”


"Brothers, we really don't dare to go. That Somo is ruthless and murders people like mowing grass. The shelter is so safe, there's nothing we can do if we go there!"

Hearing Marshall's words, Maeda Taketo first showed a headache expression, and then gave a controlled sinister smile.

This laughter was so penetrating that even though the sun was shining brightly outside and the weather was hot, Marshall felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Shit, is the thing I asked you to hide just for viewing? I've already got the news. As long as you can put it in the right place, hehehe, you can open the shell he thinks is strong without any effort."

"When the time comes, don't say it's made of stone. Even if it's made of reinforced concrete, if you do as I say, the so-called world's first shelter will be nothing more than a majestic tomb..."

"When the time comes, go in and get his shelter core..."

"Hehehehe, let me get such a secret, and the kobolds are paired together and stand while I talk loudly?"

Hearing that Taketo Maeda didn't let others call him a kobold, he didn't care about it.

Such a casual insult subconsciously brought a touch of contempt to Marshall's face, but the next second, his expression solidified.

"By the way, Marshall, how did you go to explore the kobold castle?"

Maeda Kento stood up from the table with an unbridled laugh, sat on the small bed inside through the light, and looked out the window.

Kobolds do not understand human language.

Maeda Kento has enough capital and self-confidence. Even if he discusses freely here, no kobold will hear it and report it.

"We went to the kobold castle three times, but each time we could only go up to the third floor, and couldn't get into the fourth or fifth floors. I suspect that the place where they store gunpowder is here, or... there is something ulterior here.


After saying that, Marshall respectfully took out a rolled piece of yellow paper from his arms and handed it over "respectfully".

"The fourth floor...the fifth floor...it seems that there is a big secret in this kobold castle..."

Looking at the complete distribution map of the first, second and third floors of the kobolds on the map, as well as the points where supplies are stored in the kobold castle, Maeda Kento nodded, with a hint of a lewd smile:

"Marshall, you are very good. Next time you go over to serve the kobolds, remember to be smart and look for opportunities to see what the fourth and fifth floors are, but remember!"

"Before we get Soma's secret, we must be careful not to let the news leak out!"

"That's right! Don't let these stupid dogs know any news about Somo! I'll figure out a way for the two disappearing exploration teams. When the time comes to capture the kobold castle, you will be my trusted general!"

"In this new world, you and I will establish a new order. When the time comes, beauty, wealth, security..."

“Easy to reach!”

After Maeda Kento's words fell, through the light, he smiled unscrupulously and put the map in his arms, as if he had begun to dream about the beautiful days in the future!

In the darkness, Marshall's expression changed rapidly.

From indignation to impulsiveness.

From impulsive to calm.

After his calmness turned into a faint sneer, he clenched his already hardened fists.

Marshall put on a sweet voice:

"Yes, Lord Maeda, I will definitely live up to your trust!"

"The new world will definitely be ours!"

This chapter has been completed!
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