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Chapter 679 Conflict breaks out! Horrible disaster half a year later!

The time on the train passed little by little.

In the civilized era, leisurely travelers can also take out their mobile phones, computers, and entertainment devices to kill time and pass the long time on the road.

But in the wasteland, there are no such electronic devices for entertainment. Only a few hours pass and it feels like a long time.

Fortunately, there were only five people in the car heading to Tianyuan territory from beginning to end, so it was not as crowded as the previous car.

After the initial unfamiliarity, after learning that Su Mo was going to Huang Xiaojuan, the middle-aged woman and the Lone Ranger simply came over and chatted to pass the time.

After a period of chatting, the identity of the two people has become clear.

This middle-aged woman named ‘Huang Qing’ and Gong Liang are not a couple on earth, but a new family formed after they came to the wasteland and joined the Tianyuan territory.

The two of them were rescued from the hands of aliens by the external forces of Tianyuan Territory in the fourth year of the wasteland calendar.

Because his eloquence is pretty good and his ability rating is C-level, after passing the postgraduate entrance examination.

Fortunately, they were accepted into the big family of Tianyuan Territory without spending any trading points, and became members of Baoyu County.

Then, the last six years of the calendar year.

The two spent another two years of accumulated trading points, through internal trading channels, and with their usual seriousness in work, to purchase positions in the foreign trade team.

Like this time, they came to Qingguo territory mainly to examine the benefits and risks of Qingguo.

As for the lone ranger, his name was a bit surprising to Su Mo, it was 'Chen Yongkang'.

According to him, he and Chen Shen, the current mayor of Hope City, still have a somewhat close relationship.

It's just that it's beyond the fifth server, so it's not too close.

Moreover, this person's identity is also a bit strange. Although he claimed that he was a guard from "Luolong Town" in Tianyuan territory, he now took annual leave and ran out to find his relatives who were living abroad.

You can see the occasional dodge in his eyes, and the lack of detail in his words.

Sumo could roughly guess that this person was not telling the truth, or that his purpose was somewhat concealed.

"After my clan brother goes to Hope City, his future is really limitless. Maybe he will become a big shot in a year or two."

"That's right, I hope the city's welfare is very good. I heard them say that even ordinary residents can receive a 25-point transaction point subsidy a month, which is enough to ensure a basic worry-free life."

"No, no, how can we provide unconditional subsidies? As long as you work and the minimum wage is lower than this, you will be subsidized. How can we let you sleep and lie down to get money every day?"

"Haha, isn't this what everyone has spread? We've never been there, so we don't dare to ask!"

The conversation started, and the topics discussed began to get wild.

At one time, he discussed some issues related to welfare in the territory, and at another time, he revealed some secrets that he had heard from hearsay.

As a large territory with a permanent population of more than 400,000, Soma listened to these questions very attentively and secretly remembered them all in his heart.

"By the way, have you heard that when we hoped that the city was still a village, it seemed that Su Shen personally mentioned the name?"

"That's what you're talking about. I've heard that some people say that our Tianyuan Territory was originally founded by Su Shen, but because of an accident, Su Shen never came back."

Huang Qing and Chen Yongkang were quite gossipy. As soon as they mentioned this, Wang Zhuyu, who was still standing in the gap, couldn't hold back and sneaked into the carriage to join the gossip army.

"No, I know an old resident. He is the real kind who joined the territory from the beginning of the new wasteland."

"He once told me that Su Shen personally brought them to the territory eight years ago. Unfortunately, after the blizzard disaster, Su Shen left the territory and never came back."

"And the current lord of our territory, Su Chan, is Su Shen's sister!"

When he said this, Wang Zhuyu was very interested and felt secretly happy when he saw the astonishment on the faces of Huang Qing, Chen Yongkang, and Huang Xiaojuan.

As a conductor, her source of information is much stronger than those who stay in the territory.

Regardless of whether it is hearsay, it does happen.

Every time she was crushed by this kind of information gap, especially when she was crushing someone who was more noble than herself, it made her feel extremely happy.

But today, as satisfaction swept across the faces of the four people, when she arrived at Somo's side, the secret joy in her heart immediately diminished.

On Somo's face, she didn't see a trace of fear after learning about Misin, nor any curiosity about Su Shen's news.

Some, on the contrary, have an indescribable weird feeling.

just like.

"Brother Zong, is it possible that you have more detailed information about Su Shen?"

With a sweet smile, Wang Zhuyu finished speaking, and the eyes of several people immediately turned to Somo's face.

Su Shen has been in the wasteland for a long time and has become a landmark figure.

Although a full eight years have passed since the disappearance, it is still a topic that everyone can’t stop discussing after dinner.

Will there be news about Su Shen from Su Youzong?

Thinking that the two people had the same last name, everyone opened their eyes wide and waited for the answer eagerly.

But unfortunately, before Somo could open his mouth, the train suddenly stopped, followed by bursts of violent gunshots, which suddenly erupted in the carriage in front.

"Is there an enemy?"

Always remember that you live in a wasteland, not a peaceful earth.

The first time he heard the noise, Chen Yongkang rolled on the spot, hid directly under a chair, and pulled out the pistol from his waist.

Huang Qing and Gong Liang were even more alert. They quickly seized the seats in the back row and pushed the seats down as a simple protection.

As for Wang Zhuyu, she is not afraid.

After the gunfire broke out, he strode directly to the source of the sound. It seemed that he had received special training.

"Brother Zong, do we want to hide?"

The first time she encountered this situation, Huang Xiaojuan was a little at a loss. Fortunately, Oreo lying next to her was still as steady as an old dog, giving her a little sense of security.

"You sit down first, I'll go over and take a look!"

"Remember to follow Ao. Follow Yuanbao. Wherever she goes, you go!"

The sudden gunshot relieved Somo from the trouble of being interrogated.

After recognizing that it was the sound of a powerful revolver, Su Mo frowned, stood up, and followed Wang Zhuyu to the carriage that made the sound.

The wasteland railway is jointly protected by humans and alien races. Anyone who dares to rob it is basically declaring war on both races at the same time.

Guessing that there might be other conflicts, Sumo was not too afraid. It only took a minute or two to squeeze in near the carriage surrounded by a crowd.

"Dude, what happened!"

Randomly finding a tall man of similar age, Sumo stepped forward.

"What else could it be? There's a high probability that a robber with no eyesight got into the car and wants to make a fortune on the train."

"I've seen this kind of thing a lot. People often show off their power by relying on a broken gun in their hand."

"Oh, it's a pity that the man who was robbed was also strong-willed. He probably didn't agree to his request, and the two of them had a conflict."

There were still three or four carriages away from the car where the conflict broke out, and the blood on the ground had already seeped over. Obviously, the tragic situation ahead was not as calm as the tall man described it.

It was obvious that there were large-scale casualties, at least five people.


Da da da!

Before Sumo could ask any more questions, another gunshot erupted in the carriage ahead.

And this time it can be clearly heard that it is not the previous revolver, but a powerful automatic rifle.

At this time, most people were in a commotion, and the carriage began to become more and more crowded.

People inside wanted to get out, and people outside wanted to get in. It was like a hamburger sandwich, tightly trapping everyone in the middle.

no way.

I took a look and the train's speed had dropped too much, which was completely within the acceptable range.

Somo simply bent down and got out of the window. He made a slight leap to release the impact and stood firm on the ground, completely getting rid of the crowd.

At the same time, many people nearby saw what he was doing and imitated him. They all climbed out of the windows and eagerly jumped out of the carriage.

But unfortunately, not everyone has Soma's strong physical fitness and interstellar human-level physical coordination.

Most of them had just jumped off, but were caught off guard by the remaining speed of the train and slipped by the stones near the train track. They fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

Only a handful of people, less than 20%, could follow Somo's footsteps, stand firmly on the ground, and then stride to the car where the incident occurred to see what happened.

Of course, this kind of phenomenon is not possible because these people are just curious and went to join in the fun.

But in the wasteland, there are too many strange dangers.

If we could detect something was wrong in advance now, we might be able to escape, but if we wait in the carriage, we will wait until the danger actually breaks out before we can escape.

It’s probably too late by then!

Running all the way, Somo was running very fast, almost using all his strength.

For some reason, ever since the gunshot, an inexplicable sense of threat has lingered in his mind, telling him that what happened at the source was not as simple as imagined.

And through the subsequent gunshots and shouts, he felt a vague sense of familiarity.

It's a pity that this body is not an interstellar human being after all. These feelings are only slight. If you really want to know, you still have to take a look.

Soon, in the "envious" eyes of most passengers, Sumo quickly rushed to the first place, only about ten meters away from the car where the incident occurred.

Based on Somo's current speed and distance, it only took him three to five seconds to know what was happening in the carriage.

But it was at this moment that Sumo's strong body control caused him to suddenly stop his forward movement and stepped on the stone with a rumble.

The next second, a figure suddenly flew out of the train car and fell to the ground with a huge impact, bleeding out.

Due to the timely braking, the spurting black blood did not splash on Somo. It lost power about one meter ago and spread on the gravel, dyeing it red.

"Damn it, why is this thing!"

When Somo took a closer look at the man who was thrown out of the window by a powerful automatic rifle, he saw that several large holes had been ripped open in the middle of his body, and blood was flowing out crazily.

But then, he screamed in his heart and his face was full of shock.

It has a gray-black face, fangs about five centimeters long, limbs with a strange black light, and extremely scarlet eyes.

Even though this man had been fatally wounded, he was still twitching after falling to the ground, like a centipede that was dead but not stiff.

And this thing is nothing new to Sumo.

It is no exaggeration to say that even in the real wasteland, his territory also has a group of experimental subjects with only their heads left in captivity.

When the scientific level within the territory is sufficient, research will be lifted and research will be started to prepare an antidote to this "zombie" virus in advance.

"Eight years, how could it be!"

"Why was this disaster that was expected to happen in two years delayed until eight years?"

Full of puzzlement, full of surprise.

At this moment, looking at the crazy figures flying out of the window and falling on the stones, Sumo couldn't help but take two steps back to ensure that not a drop of blood would be splashed on himself.

He left in a hurry before he had time to fully understand what disasters had happened in the past eight years.

Seeing the peaceful appearance of the wasteland, Sumo thought that the zombie disaster had long been resolved and became a thing of the past.

But now, the scene in front of him directly overturned all his subconscious judgments.

"You all, get out of the way, these people are crazy!"

"Go back to your carriages. You don't need to interfere here. We will be responsible."

After clearing out more than twenty "lunatics", a head wearing a special steel helmet and armed almost to the teeth popped out of the carriage and issued a warning.

When he shouted like this, the figures standing behind Somo were startled for a moment, and then immediately stood still.

"Hoho, he's actually a warrior from Tianyuan!"

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's all go back. The Tianyuan Army is in charge, and everyone is still afraid of a hammer. Even if a foreign race comes today, I won't panic!"

"I told you earlier. If I had known in advance that the person in charge of our train today was Tianyuan Territory, I would have just gotten on the train and fallen asleep."

"Haha, come back, come back. I've long heard that the Tianyuan Army is powerful and has awesome weapons. I really didn't brag when I saw it. It's so damn powerful!"

"Tsk, tsk, these madmen are really miserable. If they encounter the guards from other territories, they may be able to survive for a while, but if they hit the hands of the Tianyuan Army, there is no chance of resistance."

One after another he was praised.

Sumo could tell that everyone seemed extremely relieved about the Tianyuan Army.

And from their subsequent behavior, Sumo could also tell that these people were not pretending, but were truly reassured to the extreme.

"You, go back too!"

Seeing that Somo was motionless, the helmet stuck out again and issued a second warning.

But what he didn't expect was that Sumo didn't retreat with the others, but instead slowly walked over.

"This powerful warrior, may I ask, is this the first time this kind of madman has appeared?"

Pointing at the lunatic who was still struggling to get up on the rocks, Somo looked cautious.

If this kind of situation has happened in the past, it's okay. Presumably each major territory will have corresponding methods to deal with it, so as not to let it spread to the point where it is difficult to end.

But if this happens for the first time, I'm afraid there will be a disaster in half a year.

"Well, this is the first time we have seen such a person who is not afraid of death."

At first, the soldier wanted to coax Somo away.

But for some reason, after meeting Sumo's eyes, his aura weakened, and his tone couldn't help but change to that of answering a superior.

"That's it, I understand, thank you!"

"By the way, do you want to help clean up these on the ground? I think they are still alive?"

Showing his white teeth, Somo gestured with the revolver on his waist.

"No need. Forget it, if you have more bullets, go and practice your skills!"

The soldier with the two characters "天元" engraved on his helmet originally wanted to refuse, but just like before, when he was about to say it.

When Somo looked at him, his tone softened as if some memory had been recalled.

This special treatment could not help but make some people who had not gone far widen their eyes. They wondered who Somo was, and could actually make the Tianyuan Army so kind to the people who wanted to kill him.


After thanking him again, Sumo drew his pistol skillfully and began to accurately name the madman's head.

His marksmanship was very accurate. When Somo shot the last person, even the soldiers above couldn't help but admire his accuracy.

"Hey, man, you really look like someone I know!"

Seeing Somo preparing to leave, the soldier took off his helmet, revealing his unshaven face underneath.

His face was full of nostalgia, and finally he opened his mouth and shouted.

But it is destined that his question will not be answered.

Because from an angle that he couldn't see, Sumo turned his head, with shock already written on his face.

"The disaster half a year later turned out to be a zombie attack!"

I exclaimed in my heart, looking at the game panel that had automatically popped up and the latest prompts on it.

Sumo's face suddenly turned ugly.

The task that had been set long ago actually changed during the execution process for the first time!

Thanks to the young blacksmith for the reward~

This chapter has been completed!
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