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Chapter 704 Research and development successful! Take the initiative!

"Brother Su, have you known Master Pei for a long time? He looked at you in a strange way just now?" Sun Quan said vaguely while eating the braised pork in the bowl.

"No, didn't I say that this is really the first time we have met?" Sumo smiled.

"Maybe it's a matter of heroes cherishing each other. Look at how well he cooks the food. Doesn't this match my skills?"

"Tsk tsk, Brother Su, this meal is served in front of us, but our tools haven't been found yet. They will be harvested soon." After a few days of comfortable fishing, after seeing Su Mo making such progress,

Sun Quan also wanted to do something.

But unfortunately, for ordinary people, they have never even seen the energy stone, let alone developed the corresponding tools.

Even if you can have a rough idea, you can be regarded as a genius among ordinary people.

"It's okay. If you want to work hard, I'll tell you something later and you can just do it." Sumo continued with a smile: "Aren't you a computer major? I'll give you a work order later."

"Raise a work order?"

Hearing this familiar yet unfamiliar term, Sun Quan suddenly raised his head.

Eight years after the end of the world, he has increasingly forgotten everything about the civilized era, and all that is left in his mind is how to survive and how to protect himself.

Only these days, when he met Somo, did the dust-sealed memories in his mind gradually open up and be released.

Until now, Sun Quan has no idea why he spontaneously felt close to Somo when they first met him.

But one thing he was sure of was that the man in front of him had a spirit that was revealed from time to time that was completely different from other people in the wasteland.

It is definitely the only one in the entire Tianyuan territory and even the wasteland!

After the meal, the two of them left the canteen and headed back to the workroom. Sun Quan couldn't sit still, so he started to talk about other topics in different ways.

"Brother Su, speaking of it, since I joined our territory five years ago, in the past few years, the territory has never seen this kind of chaos."

“Today’s chaos is truly unheard of and unseen.”

"Indeed, I have also heard other people talk about this. This time, the territory's attitude toward migrant workers seems to be very subtle." Sumo nodded.

"Brother Su, have you ever understood the structure of our Hope City?"

"No, few people mention this. How come you know this?" Su Mo raised his eyebrows, becoming interested.

Although Oreo's various abilities are suppressed by Yuan Bao, a Chinese pastoral dog, after all, she is a god with divine personality.

As long as the corresponding person appears within two kilometers nearby, Oreo can sense it.

But this time, after visiting the entire Hope City, Oreo couldn't find any trace of Su Chan or Moore. Even Lu Kuan and Ai Jianfeng couldn't find it.

Including the current mayor of Hope City, Chen Shen.

Oreo was nowhere to be found, and the entire top management of Hope City seemed to have disappeared, which was confusing.

"Have you heard some rumors?" Sun Quan looked around thiefly and whispered after confirming that no one was there: "Some people say that the great lord of our territory has been transferred to other territories, and the real policy is issued by Chen Shi

Chang is dealing with it. In the past, he was a staunch pioneer in our territory. It was only when the lord was there that he was repeatedly suppressed from his aggressive behavior and continued to implement measures to stabilize the territory."

"Now that the lord is away, Mayor Chen no longer has any constraints. Perhaps this turmoil is the first step for him to launch an attack."

"After all, our territory has developed rapidly in the past, and there are too many people who have benefited from the dividends. These people only rely on a house to ensure that they have enough food and clothing even if they don't go out to work."

"Our territory spends a lot of money in the wasteland, using the best geographical conditions, the safest territory hard power, and the most comfortable living environment to support such a group of people. We cannot quickly change blood and iterate, leaving talented people behind.

, clean up the "waste", and over time, once a real disaster comes, it will definitely be broken with one poke!"

I don’t know where Sun Quan’s information came from, but when he narrated it, he was very precise and well-supported.


"You mean our lord is not in the territory?" Sumo frowned.

"I'm not sure about this." Sun Quan shook his head like a rattle: "But I do have some news here. In the past, our Su Chan, Lord Su, although we didn't show up often, could be seen during the most important summer harvest, autumn harvest, and New Year every year.

She will attend the farewell party on time and deliver her condolences."

"But since the summer harvest last year, she has not appeared in any conferences. Until this year, no one has seen the lord."

Having said this, Sun Quan did not dare to continue.

In the entire Tianyuan territory, although it is not stated openly, there is a red line rule secretly that cannot criticize the lord.

This is not because the lord forcibly issued a death order and could not listen to these discussions.

But living in this territory, the people themselves know that the safe life they have today is indispensable to the lord's contribution.

Anyone who criticizes you will be stabbed in the spine as if you are a total white-eyed wolf!

"Okay, I understand." Seeing the workshop approaching, Sumo paused and finally stopped talking.

So far, he has met two old friends from the territory.

Becoming a high official in a feudal territory and holding tens of thousands of troops is considered a Feng Long.

The notorious Director of the Inspectorate, Pei Shao, who is now approaching disguised as a cook, is one of them.

Under various visions.

Intuition told Sumo that the current Tianyuan territory may have undergone drastic changes in the past eight years. The simple people before were no longer simple, and the kind people before had begun to have ambitions.

But emotionally, he still believed that the management team he chose could maintain the last trace of their original intention and know exactly what he was looking for in the wasteland.

"I will give you a task later"

"Okay" Sun Quan nodded, then opened the door and entered his workroom.

Looking back at the direction of the cafeteria, Sumo also closed the door thoughtfully and continued to devote himself to research.

Since Pei Shao approached in this way, it means that he did not want to expose his identity and wanted to achieve his goal from the dark.

In this case, due to the limitations of the game, Sumo naturally had no way to attack immediately, he could only take one step at a time.

Of course, it would be best if Pei Shao could guess his true identity, but it doesn't matter if he can't.

Just take out the corresponding tools during the summer harvest and save enough funds to replace the materials.

When the time comes to make the Sun-Chasing Armor and have basic self-protection capabilities, Sumo will have the confidence to give it a try even if the situation in the territory becomes complicated!

Within the next few days.

Since the two had a tacit interaction and reached certain understandings, Pei Shao did not take the initiative to disturb them.

He is still playing the role of "chef" seriously and devotes himself to the small canteen of Zizai Liangfang.

Only when eating every day, he would happily carry the dishes to Somo's table, put them down, and say a few words seemingly by chance.

But even this made several other electricians extremely jealous and wanted to replace him.

Time passed by in a hurry, and three days passed before I knew it.

The shopkeeper Zhang Min asked someone to send back the news, claiming that he would not be back for a few days.

But there are only two days left before the warm-up meeting held by Qiankun Grain Store.

In Sumo's workshop, the acting shopkeeper Zhang Bowen finally burst into excited cheers.

"Teacher, I did it, I really did it!"

Holding a sickle that exuded a faint blue light, Zhang Bowen ran and jumped, waving it in his hand.

At the beginning, he was not very skilled at it.

But the more times he waved, the faster the cold light erupted, until finally Zhang Bowen's arm seemed to have a phantom.

Obviously, compared with the powerful stone tools of Qiankun Food Store, the one in Zhang Bowen's hand is obviously more powerful!

"Our energy consumption rate is only 70% of Qiankun Food Line's, but our auxiliary effect can reach 120%."

After four or five minutes of frenzy, Zhang Bowen collapsed and sat down on the floor.

But the next second, when he raised his hand and saw the value displayed on the energy stone sickle, he opened his mouth again, panting heavily and laughing continuously.

"Yes, we succeeded!"

Witnessing the birth of the Nengshi Scythe with his own eyes, Somo also gave uncompromising encouragement to his first apprentice.

It is true that all the drawings and manufacturing methods of this powerful stone tool were made by him. Even during the manufacturing process, Zhang Bowen had to ask for advice many times to achieve this point.

But this cannot cover up Zhang Bowen's own light.

His hands-on ability and understanding ability include seriousness, piety, and a calm attitude.

Compared with knowledge, these are the most precious!

He has laid a solid foundation. As time goes by, as long as he can persist in studying for five or ten years, he will definitely become a rising star in scientific research.

"However, this is just an experimental version of the sickle we made. Next, we have to complete the mass production step as soon as possible."

As soon as the words changed, Sumo returned to the work table and took out another drawing.

What is recorded above is the drawing of a further mass-produced version of the Noh Stone Sickle.

"Teacher, what is this?" Zhang Bowen stood up in surprise. After seeing clearly what was on the drawing, Zhang Bowen was half astonished and half ecstatic.

Just like swimming in a deep pool, Zhang Bowen always finds it just when he thinks he is about to hit the bottom.

Penetrating the bottom of this layer, there is still an abyss with no visible boundary below.

Although he had guessed that Sumo had other preparations in hand, when he actually saw them, the shock was still beyond words.

"Take it, it's not difficult to make this thing in our territory. All you have to do is take people to negotiate with a powerful factory to start production as soon as possible."

"If you want to win this battle, as the current shopkeeper, you must understand what your responsibilities are."

"Teacher, I understand!" Zhang Bowen took the drawings solemnly, and his eyes flashed with an unprecedented firmness.

Looking at Somo standing in front of him, he took a slight step back, slowly bent his knees, and knelt on the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After three heavy apprenticeship ceremonies, Zhang Bowen stood up and ran out with the drawings in his stride.

As he watched the boy, who was only in his early eighteens, disappear from his sight, Sumo looked away and leaned back on the chair in despair.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

After a period of contact, he had developed feelings for Huang Xiaojuan, Sun Quan, and his apprentice Zhang Bowen.

But that's exactly what it is.

Every time I think that as long as I complete the task and return to the real world, I will never see these people again.

Sumo couldn't help but sigh, feeling empty in his heart.

"We still need to figure out the reason for the formation of the ruins as soon as possible. If we can summon the people of this world to the real wasteland just like summoning the fishmen before."

There was a precedent, so after sighing for a few words, Somo couldn't help but focus his attention back.

Three days have passed, whether it is long or short.

Zhang Bowen completed the development of the Nengshi Sickle, and Sumo himself was not idle, and had basically produced the appropriate machine model drawings.

On the way, in order to prevent this backhand from having an accident.

Relying on the system upgrade, Sumo also spent a huge sum of 1,200 points to upgrade the applicability of the drawings to match the characteristics of Spark No. 3 wheat as much as possible.

But for Rice on the other side, he didn't have the energy or time to develop tools.

Only a strong man can cut off his wrist and cut off this small part directly in exchange for a successful harvest of most of the wheat!

"I hope my backup will not be used, otherwise it will be difficult to keep a low profile."

He pulled out the 95% disassembled drawings of the Sun Chaser Armor from under the table, and pulled out a silver-white mask that was rough in workmanship but had a decent appearance from the drawer.

Sumo picked it up gently and put it on his face.

The next second, a magical scene happened!

I saw that this armor mask, which was originally integrated, seemed to come alive, with the corners constantly shaking.

Moreover, as the shaking frequency became stronger and stronger, octopus-like tentacles began to slowly stretch out, tightly tightening the mask around Somo's face.

When it was completely ensured that the mask would not fall off, these tentacles stopped and began to make further comfort adjustments.

"Yes, after improvements, the speed of unfolding and wearing has been reduced from three minutes to just over a minute."

"As long as the output frequency of the power stone core can be increased, it should not be difficult to shorten it to half a minute or even twenty seconds in the future."

He tried to pull out a sharp knife and cut the area covered by the mask.

After ensuring that this power could be completely diluted by the structure of the mask, Sumo tapped the back of his head with satisfaction.

The next second, the tentacles started to activate again.

However, this time it was not the spreading posture before, but it became a rapid recovery, and began to shrink to the areas around the mask where it spread out.

It only took forty-five seconds for the mask to return to normal, automatically falling off Somo's face and falling on the table.

Viewed from the inside, there are several obvious craters in the mask, the deepest of which has even penetrated the mask body.

Obviously, compared with what is described on the Daily Warframe 1.0 drawings, although the current mask has begun to be functionally perfect, its strength is more than a little bit behind.

It can be said to be "the difference between cloud and mud".

“It’s still too expensive!”

"Just a semi-finished mask cost me nearly 40,000 points of materials."

"Based on this calculation, the original estimate is indeed too conservative. If I want to make a truly usable armor, these materials alone will cost more than a million points."

"And alloy materials after level 4 must be reported in person and explained in use before they can be purchased. For levels above level 6, you must make a certain contribution before there is a quota."

"These restrictions are real."

Sumo can completely understand the reason why the territory behaves this way, but it does not mean that he will not worry because of these restrictions.

Money, as long as Zizailiangfang can successfully complete the summer harvest this time, the terrifying profits alone can make up for this gap, and there may even be a surplus.

But troublesome matters such as contributions and reporting are extremely difficult to deal with.

"It seems that I still have to take the initiative to attack!"

Looking at the canteen with smoke rising from the distance outside the window, Sumo felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

There is no burden on my heart when I am picking off the enemy's wool.

But it always feels weird to pick someone's own wool.

However, in this world, he has already set a precedent with Feng Long.

If you have too many debts, you don’t have to worry; if you have too many lice, you don’t have to itch.

"Pei Shao, Pei Shao, who told you, an old boy and an old bachelor, to come over and hit me at the muzzle of my gun?"

"This time it's your turn to "contribute" to the territory's plans!"

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Seeing that it was already close to dinner time at five o'clock in the afternoon, Sumo simply didn't wait any longer.

This chapter has been completed!
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