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Chapter 711: First visit to the Academy of Sciences, the severe gap between rich and poor!

"Manager Yan, if I want to go to the Academy of Sciences to buy materials, is there anything I need to pay attention to?" Before standing up, Sumo looked calm and spoke without missing a beat.

Favors, bribes, and backdoors are part of the expansion of human nature.

Even if he really wanted to follow the idea given by Yan Jianhua, he would not directly state his purpose and be caught by the other party as a handle.

"Haha, Boss Su is really prudent. He is worthy of being someone who can endure not posting for such a long time and only wait until the critical moment to take over the good deeds of the world."

"But you don't have to worry too much. High-level materials may be managed very strictly in the territory, but this lowest-level alloy, even the relatively high-value buffer alloy inside, is actually not valuable and is not worthy of the attention of the superiors at all.


"If you want to go find, um, buy, just remember to be as low-key as possible and don't attract the attention of those adults." Yan Jianhua smiled, with a few wrinkles on his fat face.

"Who are those adults?" The faces of Lu Kuan, Ai Jianfeng and others flashed in his mind, and Su Mo continued to pretend to be questioning.

"Oops, I forgot that Boss Su just came to the territory not long ago, so he probably doesn't know any of this."

"Let me tell you this now. I really can't explain it in just a few words. How about I ask someone to give you a ride and let him introduce you to the Academy of Sciences?"

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Manager Yan."

"No trouble, no trouble. If Boss Su still has business in the future, just take care of our Baoyu Heavy Industry!"

After receiving a deposit of 5,000 points and establishing a relationship with Zizailiangfang, which had just emerged, Yan Jianhua's attitude was surprisingly good.

Not long after, a covered car that was obviously more advanced than when it arrived slowly drove out of the factory and stopped in front of Somo.

"Boss Su, in Zhou Yue, Manager Yan ordered me to see you off. Just call me Xiao Zhou."

From inside the car hood, a young man with a long scar on his face poked out, grinning with his teeth bared.

"Zhou Yue? That's a good name, very impressive." He smiled and got into the car, and Su Mo sat in the back seat.

The car started and began to slide forward slowly.

The grade looks obviously higher from the outside, but the riding experience is indeed a bit more comfortable when you get inside.

Some minor bumps are completely filtered by the buffer alloy at the bottom of the chassis, making it feel like you are on a boat, swaying left and right.

"Boss Su, you want to know the situation at the Academy of Sciences, right?" Zhou Yue said after driving out of the winding road in the factory area and onto the main road.

"Well, I just came to the territory not long ago. I have always heard that our Academy of Sciences is very famous. This is the first time I have seen it."

He tilted his head and looked out the car window.

Only then did Sumo notice that these factories in the West District had a road directly connected to the Academy of Sciences in the North District. As long as you kept looking down along this main road, you would arrive directly there in a short while.

Just like the status of the Academy of Sciences advertised outside, this birthplace of science and technology also occupies a very exaggerated geographical advantage in terms of planning.

"Many years ago, before the big earthquake, this place was still a small lake. Later, the territory was expanded and renovated, factories were built here centrally, and the lake was filled in to create land, which led to the current scale."

"In the entire Western District, there are a total of 24 factories built by our Tianyuan Territory, and 8 factories that were expanded and learned from other territories. And for these 32 factories, before signing the construction agreement, another agreement was specially signed."

"Few people know the full name of this agreement, but outsiders call it the "blockade." The general terms are that all factories can permanently enjoy the same scientific and technological support without any discrimination, and the price must be unconditional.

Confidentiality, and the highest level of support for Academy research”

In the rearview mirror, Zhou Yue showed a kind smile: "This time all the buffer alloys were transferred, which is the terms of the blockade agreement."

"Blockade? What if the factory had orders that were being processed before? Wouldn't such a transfer cause conflicts?" Sumo showed a trace of doubt.

"Conflict? What kind of conflict can there be? Boss Su, you have to know that the Academy of Sciences is not an ordinary small store. Even if our mayor and our lord go inside, we have to be polite to the scientific researchers. What are you doing?

Can orders be more important than research by the Academy of Sciences?"

"To be honest, every time the Academy of Sciences transfers a large amount of materials, it is the eve of a big move. We ordinary people can't wait for them to withdraw a few more times," Zhou Yue said gently.

"Big move?"

"Yes." He nodded. "I wonder if Boss Su knows about the several technological explosions in our Tianyuan territory in the past?"

"I know this for sure. The first time was energy stone engine, the second time was regenerative medicine, and the third time was distance energy." Sumo confirmed directly.

The most important reason why Tianyuan Territory is so famous is that it led the entire New World to undergo three terrifying technological explosions.

The first explosion of the energy stone engine directly changed the travel mode of everyone in the wasteland, and improved the geometric level of human expansion and trekking area.

At the same time, those large war machines also exploded with terrifying combat effectiveness after receiving the support of energy stone engines.

It only took about three years to inflict heavy casualties on the alien race and completely lose the capital to fight.

The regenerative medicine of the second explosion has conquered the most vulnerable parts of human beings and given everyone the possibility of regaining a new life.

As long as you pay a certain amount of points, even if you are missing arms or legs, you can reconstruct your body and get an experience that is no less than the original.

And the most exaggerated thing is that as long as you can afford the money, you can transform these new bodies and gain a series of strange abilities.

The distanceless energy of the third explosion completely overcomes the loss of energy during transmission.

Although this one application resulted in very little personal improvement.

But the most intuitive thing is that the price of electricity for residents has dropped significantly, probably only less than 10% of the previous price.

"Boss Su knows, then it's easy." Zhou Yue smiled: "Before these three technological explosions, the sign of each time was that the Academy of Sciences collected various materials in large quantities for experiments."

"Everyone also joked that they wished they could donate all the materials to the Academy of Sciences so that they could explode all the time!"

"So that's how it is." Su Mo raised his eyebrows and suddenly understood.

If it is as described by Zhou Yue, then the small order is naturally not worth mentioning.

After all, as long as it can explode once, it will benefit the entire human collective.

Even if it is possible to sacrifice the interests of some people, under the general environment, no sound will be made.

"Then if I want to buy buffer alloy now, do I have to go to the researchers there to buy it?"

"Yes" Zhou Yue affirmed at first, then shook his head:

"But it's not so restrictive. If Boss Su wants to get the buffer alloy, he actually has three ways to choose from."

"First, find a researcher you know well and ask him to give it to you evenly from his share. As long as the amount is not large, there will generally be no problem."

"Second, after taking the exam of the Academy of Sciences and passing the review, you can obtain the qualification of an external researcher. Once you have the research qualification, you can naturally apply for some material shares. There may be very few advanced materials, but this kind of

There must be no problem with the primary buffer alloy.”

"Third, the Academy of Sciences will invite external bids for some time-consuming and labor-intensive problems, or problems with research ideas. As long as you can answer these questions, you can also get bonus points. With these points, you don't even need to spend points to change alloys."

"Acquaintances, exams, points." Unexpectedly, there was more than one way to obtain the materials, and Sumo was quite surprised.

"Can people my age take the exam?"

Zhou Yue nodded: "Yes, external researchers are targeted at people over 24 years old. However, if Boss Su wants to participate, he will have to wait until the next cycle, which will be in early August, which is still two months away."

"Where's the problem?"

"This is quite simple. As soon as you arrive at the entrance of the Academy of Sciences, you will see a huge notice board on the battlefield with questions posted by various researchers."

"If Boss Su is confident that he can solve the problem, just take the list of this problem and go to the doorman to inform him. You will see the researcher himself soon."

"But please be careful, Boss Su. Some researchers have very weird tempers. I'm afraid if you try to approach them in this way instead of actually answering his questions."

Pointing to the patrol patrolling on the roadside, Zhou Yue showed a look that said nothing.

"What about finding someone you know? How much will it cost?"

"The starting number" freed up one hand and Zhou Yue compared the numbers.

"Five thousand?"

"How is it possible? Although there is no risk in this matter, there is still a possibility of exposure after all. Even a junior researcher will look down on this kind of money."

Zhou Yue shook his head.

"It's actually 50,000 yuan?" Su Mo was speechless for a moment at this outrageous price. He just felt that the transaction point system was simply a cancer, which had pushed the gap between rich and poor people to an unimaginable level.

In the Qingguo territory, the income of an ordinary family of three for a year is only about ten trading points.

Even counting the territory's self-issued currency they use.

The materials earned throughout the year, converted into points, will not exceed fifty at most.

But now, just to find a researcher to help, the favor fee alone costs 50,000 points, which is equivalent to the price of working for a hundred households for a year.


"Boss Su, are you looking for someone? I happen to know a researcher from the Academy of Sciences. Although he is only a reserve, getting some materials is not a problem."

"No, I'll go check the situation first and then think about it."

In half a day, after removing 15,000 points from the harvester and leaving a huge sum of 5,000 points, Sumo felt that he was so rich that he could sustain himself for half a year even with lavish spending.

After half a day, I realized that my five thousand points were only just over one-tenth of the favor fee.

How could Sumo afford this money, so he could only refuse in advance to avoid exposing his true net worth.

Fortunately, being sent out by Manager Yan, Zhou Yue is indeed very sensible this time.

After seeing Su Mo's expression change slightly, he immediately stopped trying to sell him and started driving his car in the direction of the Academy of Sciences.

After a while, as we got further and further away from the factory, there were fewer and fewer cars on the road.

In the end, there were only four performance vehicles of different colors left behind the performance vehicles marked with Baoyu Heavy Industry.

And these four vehicles, correspondingly, happen to be the four major forces in the territory.

"Team Yu, this group of people is really following closely. Are they not afraid of Su Youzong finding out?"

Four cars drive side by side without interfering with each other.

After continuing to walk for a while, a strong man with a flat head couldn't help but wonder in the gray-blue car on the far left.

"Discovered? So what if we were discovered? Everyone is just executing orders. As long as we don't get too close, what's the problem?"

After answering the subordinate's question, Yu Zhou, who was responsible for the tracking task, smiled.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Don't think that Su Youzonghui is a kind person as shown in the information. In fact, he is a sinister person."

"Now everyone in the territory is paying attention to him, and only the Academy of Sciences is not involved. But now, he personally comes to visit, probably in order to bring down the Academy of Sciences as well," Yu Zhou reminded.

"To pull him down? What does he rely on? Those guys at the Academy of Sciences don't care about your status or qualifications. If you don't have any real skills, I'm afraid you won't even be able to get through the gate, right?"

"What do you rely on? How do I know what you rely on?" Yu Zhou's face turned dark as he thought of something: "If I knew, would I still be trained by Pei Si to be like this grandson now? Come here to do this lowest level of tracking work?


"If you want to know, after you park the car, go ask the three families next to you and see if they know what is so special about Su Youzong. The hundreds of thousands of people who can attract the attention of the territory will all focus on it.

on him"

"Also, these old guys from the Academy of Sciences are very aloof every day, and they insist on obeying their internal rules. Even if our inspection department wants to go in, we have to get a transfer order and beg grandpa to sue grandma before we are allowed in."

"I want to take a closer look to see how hard Su Youzong will fall if he passes by."

As he spoke, Yu Zhou couldn't help but feel angry. Several people in the car looked at each other and quickly stopped talking.

In fact, this question has been asked more than once or twice these days.

After following Su Youzong for a few days, they told Yu Zhou that no one found out that there was something magical about this person that could actually make Pei Si lower his body and come in contact with him personally.

The task given on the list is to keep a close eye on Su Youzong, reflect his daily schedule on paper, and record and hand it over.

at the same time.

If Su Youzong encounters a problem involving his life safety in the territory, he must be protected immediately at all costs.

If there are no safety issues, then just use it as a human-shaped self-propelled surveillance probe, eating and drinking when necessary, and not caring about anything else.

"Boss Su, the area ahead of you is the Academy of Sciences. However, our Baoyu Heavy Industry vehicle does not have permission and cannot drive in. You still need to walk about one kilometer to get to the real gate."

"Manager Yan has told me that I will be your full-time driver today. When you finish your work later, just come to me in the parking lot."

When the car drove to a grand gate, Zhou Yue stopped quickly.

"Oh? Here we are?"

Slightly drowsy, Sumo woke up suddenly and quickly looked outside.

The distance between the factory and the Academy of Sciences is not that close. It took a full hour of driving to get there. It can be seen that the distance is more than sixty or seventy kilometers.

At this time, I looked up.

A white arched gate more than seventy meters long, like a giant dragon crawling on the ground, just cut off the previously uniform main road.

Behind it, a sidewalk paved with crushed cobblestones is revealed, mixed with tall blue fir trees on both sides of the aisle, exuding a strong garden atmosphere.

After getting out of the car, Somo looked into the depths of the sidewalk.

Sure enough, through the gloomy silhouettes of people, you could vaguely see the end of the road. There was actually a more grand gate that cut off the sidewalk again.

Obviously, that is the real Academy of Sciences!

This chapter has been completed!
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