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Chapter 766 Different talents, different choices!

The midday sunlight covered the road.

The black-gray tar exudes a faint smell of burnt smell.

The weather exceeding 30 degrees should have made everyone feel unbearably hot, but in fact, listening to Yu Shaolong's accusations one after another.

Even Soma and I felt a chill on my back.

"Yu Shaolong, you took office with suspicion. Well, did County Magistrate Tong embezzle your retirement pay and all your security payments in the past three years?"

Zhang Min asked rather stutteringly.

When Yu Shaolong said this, her first reaction was to make up right and wrong.

After all, those orders with clear names, ruthless searches, and unscrupulous orders for political achievements sound simply too scary.

If what he said is true, the methods he used in the commercial competition in Sangtian Town were nothing, not even one ten thousandth of that of County Magistrate Tong.

But the reaction of Yu Hanxue, the only local next to him, seemed to be ironclad evidence.

The fact that he didn't speak meant to a certain extent that what Yu Shaolong was currently accusing was not a hasty fabrication.

"Captain Yu, is what he said true?"

When Su Mo pointed him out, a few drops of hot sweat immediately dripped from Yu Hanxue's forehead, and the hairs all over his body also exploded: "County Magistrate Susu, our security team is not responsible for this, you...you want to ask,

You have to ask the anti-corruption team!”

"Okay, it has nothing to do with you here. I have already said hello to Minister Zhang. I want to take them away."

Yu Hanxue breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that the new county magistrate unexpectedly did not bother him any more.

Although according to regulations, those people must be taken to the Public Security Department to be detained one by one, and they can't talk about others until a record is made.

But before looking at the indifferent eyes of County Magistrate Su, Yu Hanxue could only swallow secretly, hold back his words, lead the men forward and leave.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

Half a minute later, a group of seventeen people disappeared down the small street. Although we had left a lingering impression, the passers-by still dared to turn around and only dared to walk back slowly with their heads held high for fear of being swept away.

into trouble.

The stalemate in the side street lasted for about ten minutes.

Suddenly, there was a sharp buzzing sound nearby, and a dozen van-like cargo trucks lined up from far to near, firmly surrounding everyone.

The car door opened, and a pale-faced Zhang Da walked up.

I first slowly scanned the standing Zhang Min and others to make sure there were no injuries, and then walked over with peace of mind.

"Boss, those people are..."

"Tie us up and take us all to the station for you."

"Yes!" Zhang Da also asked less questions, and nodded repeatedly before ordering the people he brought to take action.

After watching everyone being escorted out of the car one by one, Zhang Minna put down the white knife in his hand and got back into the car.

"Brother Su, the mess in Baoyu County is really a little trouble. It's just the first day he came here and there weren't those thugs committing crimes in the street. What if..."

"If so, let's run, right?" Driving in front of the convoy, Hu Yuan's mind was still filled with thoughts of the unavoidable knife, and he was trembling all over.

Living around Sangtian Town for eight or seven years has made a small number of people forget the original dangers of the wasteland, and their ability to survive has slightly improved.

According to what Yu Shaolong said.

It is foreseeable that there will definitely not be many similar little troubles in the entire Baoyu Town.

Once it is detonated by an unintentional person, I can only imagine how many small waves it will cause.

Moreover, the next County Magistrate Tong will be held accountable in the future. As the current manager, Zhang Min will definitely be responsible for wiping his butt.

But just looking at the current poverty-stricken situation in Baoyu County, there is no money or manpower to accomplish these tasks.

If the lord is held accountable, even if the Binding Group has been operating well for several years, the income will probably be enough to pay the fine.


"Run, you already know that, and you must have been able to hide it from these people who are staring at you. Where can you go?"

Sun Quan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly replied.

"You know how to manage territory, but in business competition it's always a matter of life and death. The less you know, the easier it is to end things. Now you have a lot of ways to turn back."

"It's better to use those people as a breakthrough, even if it's an excuse, knock on a few people first to block the gun!"

"Oh?" After hearing this, Zhang Min's cerebellum, which was still thinking, was stunned, and he gradually came back to his senses.

After coming here, I originally planned to train Hu Yuan to be my own white glove, to convey some orders that could see the light.

But regarding my performance just now and my speech now.

On the contrary, Hu Yuan's mind was too flexible and he always thought of being wise and protecting himself first, just like Sun Quan's view at this time.

The hard way is the easy way.

"Yu Shi, please elaborate on what you just thought. Well, if you let him take charge of that matter, who in Baoyu County will he choose to use that "excuse" to knock out first?" Yu Shi thought for a while and replied.


"If what Yu Shaolong said is true, the first person you knock out must be Su Moyong!"

"Sumo Yong? I'm one of your own!" he shouted slightly. Zhang Min was really surprised that time. I really didn't expect that Sun Quan would not make such a bold decision.

Yu Shiyong was in charge of the Materials Department, and he was forthright in giving out various data on Baoyu County. He was also the first minister to come over and surrender to me.

In both public and private matters, I should be the first person to choose.

Otherwise it would be absolutely ungrateful!


"The Materials Department is responsible for the mobilization of points in the entire Baoyu County. It is the most important money bag in the entire territory. County Magistrate Tong wants to bypass Somo and do those things. Even if he can cover it up for a while, he is still under investigation.

"Come out." Sun Quan shook his head quietly, his eyes becoming colder and colder: "Since I know, I choose to hide it instead of talking about it. I don't care whether I support you or betray you. Such an important position is

If you can let me sit down again, you must be responsible for it!"


After a sharp analysis, I found that there was also a hint of shock on other people's faces.

Zhang Min's heart also jumped, and he felt a little bit of panic in his heart.

My next thought was still to create a system to rotate those identities.

The mediocre will go up, and the capable will go down.

Grasp these exposed telltale signs during the rotation, integrate them backwards, and capture the money bag in your own hands.

But it is the same in the world.

Having seen the competitive competition in business, you are more focused on either taking action or successfully obtaining the target harvest as soon as you start, which is a delaying tactic.

"As a manager, you can be gentle, but you must have someone to complement your white and dark sides, so that those people know and fear your methods."

"Then take a look."

"Sun Quan is more suitable than Yu Shi!"

Zhang Min thought for a while and digested the information from my leader just now.

Then, I asked again.

"So he thinks that if Somo is used, who of you would be more suitable to be the Minister of Materials Department?"

As the saying goes, employing people is based on suspicion, and doubting people is based on using. Since we have already talked about it out of the blue, it is necessary to cover it up.

"Since there is not so much mess outside the city, you must make sure that the new Minister of Materials is 100% your own person, and it is best to be good at cleaning up accounts, integrating internal affairs, and being able to complete the goals you set." Sun Quan

He answered calmly and said frankly:

"You recommend your dad. I have dreamed of being an official all my life. I will definitely have no resistance to the position of director of the Materials Department. And even if I have no experience, I can rely on my skills in managing stores in the future to secure the Materials Department."

It’s out of your hands!”

The whole car was silent.

Everyone, including Zhang Min, was surprised by Yu Shi's sudden appearance of cowardice.

Nepotism, whether in business or politics, is a taboo.

But now Sun Quan can say it so frankly.

Zhang Min thought slightly.

Then he nodded.

"Actually, you originally planned to let him participate in the management of Baoyu County. The Zhang family should also be independent and develop the restraint group as a supplement to your business."

"But what he just performed really impressed you. You can give him a chance."

"If he can successfully plan that action, let Yu Shiyong come to power willingly, and let his father go down without any hesitation despite public opinion, then he will be in charge of the county secretariat!"


As Yu Shi's words fell, although Yu Shi's expression in the front-view mirror did not change slightly, it still became intense in the end.

Regarding what Sun Quan said just now, I am indeed ashamed of myself.

Playing with human nature and means requires a very weak psychological quality. At most, you can hesitantly maintain your own ideas.

Yu Shi asked himself, I must be as cruel as Sun Quan, who could turn around and attack the friend just now, even if the other party is really not at fault.

"Brother Su, you may be more suitable for managing business. Those days, uh, you mean."

Just looking at each other in the front view mirror with Zhang Min, this serious look made Yu Shi forget all the words he was hiding in his mind, and could only murmur:

"All right."

"Rather than dealing with those pests, you still want to help these people who are harmed by us."


"Decided!" Hu Yuan nodded heavily: "The less you see, the more you can feel your ability in that torrent, the happier you are, and the more you can bear to watch yourself like that, so the more you want to

Let’s do something practical!”

"What about him?" Zhang Min turned around and looked at Yu Shi.

The former didn't back down at all that time, and his beautiful eyes turned over: "You are willing too, you are doing business at all costs, especially when dealing with these special competitors using inferior means, you will always feel that your conscience is at ease.

, but you feel at ease with those beasts!"

"Very good! It's decided then!"

Zhang Min felt relieved and made a decision immediately.

Sun Quan's current performance is obviously much better than that after Hu Yuan, but I agreed to Hu Yuan first. If both of them are willing to give up, it is so difficult to set up the Du Group. Then there is really someone who can be trusted.

to manage.

Fortunately, after a period of testing in Baoyu County, it seems that both of them have found their true talents and their desired goals.

Since Sun Quan hates fighting with others, those corrupt worms in Baoyu County are just here to train you.

Hu Yuan hates doing business and wants to help Baoyu County regain its vitality. The Jiji Group can be my stage.

Just wait for a while, and wait for the heroes to come over to those who have completed the test.

If we set up a good framework, my county magistrate will probably be the same "happy" hands-off shopkeeper as he will be in the future!


Inside the restricted group compound full of weeds.

The lights are bright.

Outside the construction site where half of the foundation has been laid, dozens of hired workers are working day and night to build the first small office building for Jieji Group according to the design drawings.

And there is a large pond nearby.

The laboratory components that had been transported were also set up. Even from a long distance away, one could hear the sound of hammering and hammering with regular frequency coming from outside.



Even if the light is not too dazzling.

Zhang Min was still staring closely at the parts about the size of a finger behind his eyes, hammering one after another, muttering without words.

"One thousand eight hundred and eleven"

"One thousand eight hundred and fourteen"

At the same time, the detection instrument on the left that is always on, and the numbers below also change with each hammer.



Each time the hammer rises and falls, the value does not increase deterministically.

Sometimes it will take a small step further and drop to 97%.

But when the number Yu Shikou said reached two thousand, this number suddenly changed, and the increase in Huadu reached 99%!

"It's done!"

Zhang Min let out a low cry and quickly threw the red parts into the cooling pool nearby.


The white steam is steaming, instantly making the entire laboratory beautiful, like a fairyland.

"The head still needs the first two parts to complete."

Picking up the helmet placed aside and looking at the displayed data, Zhang Min was filled with anticipation.

An encounter outside the daylight.

To outsiders, I seemed to be playing normally and nervously, and did I experience any pressure at all?

But this is because all of Yu Shaolong’s seventy-odd people have no guns!

Once those people don't have more than eight guns at their disposal, or no other long-range low-power anti-personnel weapons.

Zhang Min asked herself whether I would have the guts to get in the car and compete head-on with those people.

And even if I were to replace my body with that of an interstellar human, with the terrifying physical fitness and reaction speed that could not surpass those of Huadu people, I would definitely be able to dodge bullets with a firing speed of up to 1,000 meters per second.

In addition, the chaos in Baoyu County is such that special people dare to attack the manager's convoy with a knife. Once this situation develops in a low-key manner and is targeted by these adventurers, it will basically be equivalent to fortification.

There were Oreos standing guard in the distance, but Zhang Min tried to walk down the road, but was swarmed by those people and beat him into a honeycomb.

Therefore, the importance of battle armor has been downgraded again.

"Whether it is outside the ruins or in the wasteland inside, you only have one chance. No matter how you develop, you must ensure that your personal force can absolutely surpass the people of Huadu."

"Even if you want them to hate you to the core, they can still stop you in the slightest!"

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Min took out the cooled parts and attached them to the surface of the helmet.

A magical scene happened.

This soft-as-iron part seemed to be stuck in a swamp. It only struggled for a moment before sinking back and then disappearing.

Eighty-seven seconds passed, and with a crisp creaking sound, the missing parts on the helmet turned into a dazzling "1".

That means that you only need to put in one part before the helmet can be officially put into operation and testing.

"It is a reality to prepare the whole body slowly. Protect the thin and strong parts first, and then figure it out slowly!" Before he realized what he said, Zhang Min felt that he would not be able to stay in the laboratory day and night for two or eight consecutive months.

So we made a prompt decision to manufacture in different parts.

As for the energy of each part, it is first replaced by the energy stone battery embedded outside. Anyway, that thing is needed for the time being to enhance the combat effectiveness. It only needs to use the characteristics to protect itself.

He placed the helmet close to his face, and strange tentacles extended from the alloy, slowly fitting and transforming.

After counting silently for two seconds, the transformation was completed, and the weakest and strongest shortcomings of human beings were completely covered.

Zhang Min got up and walked to the mirror in the laboratory to look at himself.

The helmet with or without tint looks like a small mask, showing the original light silver color of the alloy.

In the center of the face, there are eight holes as big as the belly of a finger, which are equipped with cameras for monitoring the outside world. They are emitting dark blue light and flashing with the breathing.

Yu Shi tried to hit his face with his fist, and he could clearly feel the feeling of a mud cow sinking into the sea. All the kinetic energy was completely diluted and absorbed by the low-level alloy in it.

"It's wrong, it's wrong!"

The performance was so far from the expected performance at the initial stage of production that Zhang Sen felt a sense of danger.

Just, when admiring the posture of the helmet.

At this time, I didn't even notice that there was a line of sight hidden in the darkness right in front of the window of the laboratory, looking inside.

He also noticed that the front of the helmet was still not completely stitched, and the tentacles were still squirming, which brought fear to that gaze.

One second, two seconds.

As if he had decided something, before Zhang Min had time to turn around, his gaze had already left the window.

Faintly, a burst of slow footsteps could be heard in the distance.


Zhang Min slowly walked to the window and looked inside with the help of night vision and red cameras among the eight cameras.

In sight, there were only eight construction workers nearby, carrying cement and hurried to the construction site.

Surroundings, there are other things that are normal to me!

This chapter has been completed!
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