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Chapter 817 Genetic melee, Shenting plan!


Sitting in the slightly dark cabin, Somo faced the sea, gently lit a candle and inserted it on the cake in front of him.

The cake was very simple, with no fancy decorations, and the number 28 was simply engraved on the flat buttercream.

This was the birthday gift that Zhang Min had specially prepared before leaving, as he accidentally let slip that night.


Soma quietly blew out the candles and closed his eyes.

"Unknowingly, it's already my third year in the wasteland." He said calmly in his heart.

Six months in the real wasteland, 12 months in the White Sand Ruins, plus 9 months in this ruins.

It has been 27 months, far more than two years.

Although he is still a bit "young" compared to the humans who have stayed in this ruined world for nine years.

But for Soma himself, what he has endured has been several times more than what humans in the outside world have endured.

The pressure on his shoulders never got smaller, but became more and more.

After a while, he opened his eyes slightly and wolfed down the entire cake.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door.

Sumo picked up a paper towel, wiped the corners of his mouth, and put the cake plate into the corner.

"Which one?"

"Master Su, it's me, Zhou Xun."

"Come in." The door opened, and the strong Zhou Xun walked in, holding a thick stack of information in his hand.

"Sir, this is the latest research data coming from the territory. Dean Yan Xiaqing also specially made an annotation, saying that he wants you to read it quickly and give your opinions so that they can start the next part of the work."

"So fast?" Sumo raised his eyebrows, stood up, took all the information and put it on the table.

It has only been a week since we went to sea. How can the territory have achieved results based on Poseidon cells so quickly?

Open the document and turn on the desk lamp.

Zhou Xun quietly left and closed the door behind his back, leaving Somo alone to read quietly.

Outside the cabin, the sea wind howled, accompanied by occasional bursts of rain.

White waves occasionally hit the deck, leaving waves of salty water trickling out along the drain.

After carefully flipping through the two pages of information sent by Yan Xiaqing, Su Mo frowned.

Whether the wasteland is in chaos or not, it really depends on the alien race.

What is recorded in this document is not the recent breakthrough of Poseidon cells, but the rapid development of the blood plague virus.

According to genetic sequencing, due to frequent cross-infections, the blood plague virus that currently dominates the outside world finally competed for victory.

Those blood plague viruses mixed with weak alien genes began to be gradually eliminated.

Instead, some blood plague viruses containing powerful genes take over the human body.

Among them, the genes of the five major royal families are impressively listed.

The cursed tiger's genes can make humans immune to all diseases and greatly increase their resistance to harsh natural environments.

Crystal Dragon's genes can make human skin tougher and stronger, and people with a high level of acceptance can even have the ability to release barriers.

Yuanzhu's genes can enable people to eat more food and store more energy in exchange for stronger physical fitness.

The genes of the rut dog can make people's perception in battle stronger, and even have the ability to predict in a certain sense.

As for the most powerful thunder monkey, the gene brought by its gene is even more abnormal. It can make humans absorb electrical energy and store a certain amount in the body.

During combat, you can release electrical energy at the moment of contact with other people, causing a paralysis effect.

In daily life, it can be used as a large power bank to power electrical appliances.

As for those who have a high degree of acceptance, rumors also mention that they can discharge electricity from a distance and directly transform into the King of Thunder and Lightning.

"The genes of the five royal families are growing rapidly, and it is expected that they will account for the majority of infected people within two months at most."

"But the most difficult thing is"

"They discovered that humans can successfully survive the blood plague virus only if they suffer from malignant tumors?"

Looking at the source recorded in this information, Sumo was a little surprised, but also somewhat aware.

Ever since he reached the trade agreement with the Adventurer Alliance, Tianyuan Territory and the Adventurer Alliance have entered a honeymoon period.

Especially during this period, the exchange of information between the two became more frequent.

The Adventurer Alliance relies on adventurers scattered all over the country to easily get the news they want.

For example, these people are currently preaching that human beings must accept evolution and tap into the potential within their bodies.

They call themselves "Shenting" and lead all kinds of wild ghosts and crooked gods under their command.

With the growing team, the west coast and south coast of the New World have become the back gardens of this group of people.

Any territory that refuses their request for growth will be ruthlessly attacked, and they will continue to burn, loot, and expand their ranks.

"Looking at the route, this group of people doesn't seem to be foolhardy. Are they deliberately encircling a very large territory?"

After flipping through the war maps on the next few pages, Sumo felt a little troubled.

There are less than two months left before this ruins, and not only have other territories not developed an antidote to the hemorrhagic plague.

Even within the Tianyuan Territory, no direct way to suppress the blood plague has been found.

If you want to save these ordinary people who are infected with foreign genes, you must capture them and re-implant them with Poseidon cells.

But there are materials, equipment, daily consumption, and personnel dispatch expenses.

Putting aside the difficulty, this cost alone is enough to bankrupt Tianyuan Territory and its three major territories on the spot.

"It seems that there will be a big war between the old and new humans in two months!"

"We have to find a way to find out these new humans infected with the genes of the five royal families as early as possible and see what their methods are."

Coming to the conclusion, Sumo also saw Yan Xiaqing's comments below.

During the external genetic testing, the Academy of Sciences accidentally discovered two familiar genes in the genes of the blood plague virus.

"Oreo's genes? Moore's genes?"

"What the hell? What the hell is this?"

Looking at the cute bear head in the genetic sequence, and the Oreo with the evil smile on his face.

Sumo was startled from his previous meditation and suddenly felt a headache.

Only then did he suddenly remember that he had sent Oreo to the Dragon Flag Territory to meet with Moore.

Looking at the current situation, a dog and a bear may have successfully met each other.

"Oreo shouldn't be aimless, she should have a reason for doing all this."

"Just wait and see what happens and wait for subsequent developments!"

Out of his trust in Oreo and Moore, Sumo didn't think that the two children were planning to cause trouble with the five royal families.

There is a high probability that what they are doing now is preparing for something in the future.

Thinking of this, Soma stood up, opened the door and walked to the captain's cabin on the upper deck.

Just when he got to the deck, he looked back and saw several merchant ships hiding in the wind and waves, clinging to death behind the ships.

"Bao Lei, what are those people at the back doing? Let them dock quickly."

"With such a big storm, they don't really think that our disguised merchant ship can leave, and so can they, right?"

Pushing open the door to the captain's cabin, he saw Bao Lei sitting in the captain's seat, drinking hot tea.

Sumo quickly pointed to the back and reminded.

"Sir, that is not an ordinary merchant ship. It has been following us for several days. I deliberately lured them into taking the bait."

Bao Lei stood up, poured out another cup of hot tea, and handed it over.

"Follow us?"

"Yes, they slow down when we slow down, and they speed up when we speed up. It seems that the people who come here are evil. There is a high probability that they will wait until the death sea ahead before taking action."

"Then why don't we kill them now?" Sumo wondered.


Bao Lei almost spit out the sip of tea he just took.

He had just planned to introduce the clever trick of using the wind and waves to get rid of the opponent, but he didn't think


"Then there's still a lie. Aren't we loaded with weapons? Let me blast one down first. I want to see who dares to chase us?"

"Quick, catch up with me, don't let them run away!"

On the deck of the merchant ship at the rear.

A strong man with a bald head and a long black stick in his hand couldn't help but curse.

Behind him are more than a dozen men in the same uniform. Even if the wind and waves are very strong and the ship is constantly rocking, they can still stand firmly on the deck and look forward.

"The Lord of God has issued a reward. Whoever can capture Su Dog will be empowered with divine power and promoted to a noble rank!"

"We have the upper hand. We must not miss this great opportunity. We must win it before others do!"

They were people who had received the mission from the God Lord and came to Tianyuan territory to spread the news about the God Court.

But after accidentally bumping into the news that Sumo was leaving in Tianyuan Port.

Huang Ding decided to abandon the original mission on the spot and quickly led his men to chase him out.

Among the bounties offered by Shenting, Su Youzong ranks sixth in importance. As long as he can be captured, it will be enough to reach the sky in one step.

"Lord Jin Lei, the other party's ship is too fast and may have discovered us."

"The wind and waves are too strong now, and our ship can't catch up!"

"What?" Huang Ding turned his head, a flash of electricity flashed in his dark eyes.

"If you can't catch up, fire at me. If they try to escape, sink their ship!"

"They don't really think our ship is a merchant ship, do they?" A trace of cruelty flashed in Huang Ding's eyes.

They have been chasing for seven days, and originally planned to take action in the uninhabited sea ahead.

But looking at the current situation, since the other party has discovered them, they are ready to escape.

Then there's no need to worry about concealment. As long as they can sink the opponent's ship, shouldn't they be able to control such a big storm?


An unexpected explosion suddenly erupted, causing the entire merchant ship to shake violently.

Huang Ding turned around and was shocked to find that a ship at the rear of his fleet was on fire and on the verge of disintegrating.

"Fuck, who the hell opened fire and hit one of our own people, is he blind?"

"Jin Lei. Mr. Jin Lei, it's from the front. It was their ship that attacked first!!" The captain who had just heard the order and had not had time to go back to make arrangements came over again and looked ahead in shock.

The artillery on their ship is still an old-fashioned self-propelled artillery, which requires manual loading before it can work.

But the merchant ship in front of them, which they had been chasing for a week, suddenly opened a hole, revealing a strange device.

"Do they have torpedoes on their ships, or are they fully automatic with tracking!!"

The captain is a retired soldier from a large territorial navy, and he obviously knows his stuff.

But Huang Ding was just an ordinary person, and he questioned with some disbelief:

"What, who the fuck is loading torpedoes on a merchant ship?"

As he finished speaking, the device suddenly flashed with fire.

About four or five seconds later, another ship in the fleet was suddenly hit and burned violently.

"Fuck, what a torpedo!"

The hair on Huang Ding's whole body stood up.

It has been a long time since he gained the power of thunder and lightning, and no danger has frightened him so much.

But now, facing mankind's high-tech weapons, he suddenly discovered that individual strength is of no use.

No matter how powerful his thunder and lightning ability is, it's possible that he can hit lightning from a distance and sink the opponent's ship.

"No, they are not going to stop and will blow up all our ships!"


Another merchant ship disintegrated in the explosion, and the magic soldiers on board were vaporized without even screaming.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, Huang Ding was instantly frightened out of his wits. Without even thinking about it, he shouted:

"Jump ship and take the lifeboat!"

"Since the other side has stopped and wants to sink our ship, we can only survive if we seize their ship and fight them in close combat."

After saying that, Huang Ding jumped down neatly and sank into the water.

Then he took out the lifeboat that had been prepared long ago from the storage space, threw it out, and swam forward like crazy.


There was another explosion, and a fierce wave of air erupted from behind.

In an instant, he was pushed forward a lot.

At this time, Huang Ding looked back and was shocked to find that the merchant ship he was sitting on had been blown into pieces and was burning and sinking.

Of the men he brought, less than one-fifth survived at this time, and they were floating on the water in the same wretched state as him.

"Damn, damn!"

"Attack their ship. I'll see if they can beat us if we get close!"

Huang Ding shouted to boost his morale, and then took the lead in rowing the oars in the direction of the ship.

But after only a few strokes, he realized to his surprise that he wanted to get closer and closer to the opponent's ship.

The ship that had been escaping actually came over?

"Good opportunity, prepare to attack!"

"It's not polite to come back without reciprocating. Since they are bombarding us, we are not polite anymore."

"Take out your RPGs and shoot them at the bow of their ship!"

At the critical moment, the bullshit thunder and lightning power is really not useful in any RPG.

Huang Ding sat on the lifeboat, ferociously took out the launcher, and quickly loaded the ammunition.

Pull the trigger, and the rocket will spurt out with a tail flame and fly straight towards the bow of the opponent's ship.

But unfortunately, when the warhead entered the opponent's ship thirty meters away, it seemed to hit something hard and exploded.

The rockets fired by others were also similar. They exploded in advance one after another, and did not damage even half of the hull.

"No, Lord Jin Lei, their ships are equipped with the latest generation of force field defense systems. Our weapons cannot penetrate this force field at all!"

It was the same captain from before. He exclaimed in despair, causing Huang Ding's expression to change drastically.

"What, not only does it have torpedoes, but it also has a force field. Is this a fucking merchant ship?"

Facing the absolute power of technology, a trace of despair suddenly flashed in his heart.

The new human beings that are being promoted so much today originally have no power to resist in the face of technology.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't even see each other's face, and they were already about to be wiped out.

With such terrifying combat power, how can the so-called Divine Court break through the defense lines of these extremely large territories?

Relying on human lives alone? Who would be willing to use these weapons as cannon fodder to consume these weapons that can be continuously produced?

Unless they are stupid, they will follow the plans arranged by these people.

Boom, boom, boom!

There were explosions one after another, and all the merchant ships were destroyed in the sea of ​​fire.

Looking at the countless shipwrecks swaying on the sea behind him, countless thoughts collided fiercely in Huang Ding's mind.

Suddenly, he took out a loudspeaker from the storage space, turned on the switch and shouted:

"Master Su!!! We are here from Shenting to seek refuge with you. We know Shenting's future plans for Tianyuan territory!"

This chapter has been completed!
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