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Chapter 824 The situation suddenly changed and the whole army fell!

Compared with the life of the survivors in the three major territories on Earth, it is naturally far from comfortable.

Every day, everyone has a lot of complicated work, and they have to be busy from morning until late at night before they can take a break.

But compared to other small and medium-sized territories in the New World, this kind of life is nothing short of paradise.

You don’t need to worry about whether your salary will be in arrears, or whether prices will change day by day.

As long as you work hard, you can fill your stomach, which is a luxury that everyone in the outside world envies.

However, the status system divides human beings into three, six or nine levels.

The high entrance fees to large territories have cut off too many people from thinking about a better life.

Now, the flame of anger hidden deep in the hearts of ordinary survivors has finally been ignited. The first one to burn is

Three major territories!

On April 3, the ninth year of the last calendar year, the fifth battle between the Divine Court and the Alliance began.

In the end, Shenting won another great victory with a crushing advantage, breaking through the two large territorial defense lines sheltered by the alliance in one fell swoop.

However, what is surprising is that this time, Shenting did not continue its previous plan and continued to burn, kill, loot and strengthen itself.

They chose a gentler approach and began to place themselves on the side of justice, consciously or unconsciously.

Only deal with managers, open warehouses to release food, win over ordinary people, and paint a better future.

After a combination of punches, nearly 80% of the people in the two large territories were brainwashed into rebellion on the spot and joined the Shenting team.

And ordinary people in other places also discovered to their surprise that the Divine Court was not as terrifying as described in the three major territories.

They don't kill people when they see them or rob when they see money. Instead, they want to lead ordinary people to live a better life.

In this way, many people became even more ready to take action and even started to riot.

But it was also on this day that the Alliance finally couldn't sit still and launched the most violent artillery fire in history.

Three o'clock in the night.

In the countless deep mountains within the three major territories, fireworks suddenly rose into the sky one after another.

They dragged their long tail flames, and after reaching a certain height, they quickly entered cruise mode and headed straight to the hinterland of Shenting.

Immediately afterwards, as if stimulated by the contagion of these fireworks, in the large territory farther away, there were also fireworks rising into the sky in the deep mountain depressions.

After arriving at the destination, huge fireballs almost turned the sky blood red!

Divine power barriers are strong, but it is obvious that they cannot fully cover all the land controlled by Shenting.

Immediately, several groups were preparing to attack the surrounding Shenting base, but were blown into pieces by the fireworks.

At the same time, bridges, highways, and large-scale civil facilities built in the land controlled by Shenting were also severely damaged.

There is no doubt that this was a clever and clever sneak attack. It only used hundreds of fireworks and almost cut off the roots of Shenting.

Without these previously built infrastructure, Shenting's internal logistics will surely suffer severe challenges.

As long as their attack is blocked, they choose to stop and give the three major territories more time to form a team of evolvers.

The balance of this war will soon change.

The life in the adventurer town was unforgettable, but after leaving here and returning to the ice field, Somo quickly regained his spirits.

It's okay to use this kind of comfortable days to rest occasionally, but waiting for a long time will only make people depressed and make it difficult to face setbacks.

At the point where they disembarked from the ship, Bao Lei had already brought the supplies donated by the Adventurer Alliance onto the ship, which was enough for everyone to consume for at least three months.

But only one thing.

The way back to the territory can no longer follow the previous coastline.

From the Tianyuan Territory up to the Far North Icefield, many places have been included in the ruling territory by newcomers who have recently joined the Divine Court.

And every day, fireworks from afar will explode from time to time, hindering the restoration of infrastructure in Shenting.

Sumo did not dare to bet on his luck that these fireworks would be accurate enough and would not accidentally injure a passing boat like him.

Therefore, the route must undergo certain changes.

"We first went down along the coastline, and then turned into the upper tributary of the Changlong Xianjiang River, disguised as a merchant ship and went down the river."

"At this time, only the necessary people were left on the ship, and everyone else got off the ship and used land transportation to quickly pass through the area occupied by Shenting."

"After passing this place, get on the boat and follow the Changlong Fairy River all the way back to the territory."

Pointing to the map, Sumo quickly planned a new route home.

Compared with the previous sea route, this road is actually a little faster.

If everything goes well, it will only take a little over twenty days to return to Tianyuan Territory smoothly.

Of course, the more information the Adventurers Alliance provides, the more he can understand how terrifying the chaotic situation outside is now.

The more irreconcilable the contradiction between the two parties is, the stronger the flavor of war will be, and the sooner the danger will arrive.

Especially now that the surrounding area of ​​Tianyuan Territory is peaceful, as if Shen Ting has forgotten this place, it makes people feel even more uneasy.

Therefore, even if he had to take some risks, Sumo decided not to make a complete detour and spend two months circumnavigating the New World.

"According to what you said, we sent people to carefully collect the injection status of the current evolvers in the three major territories. It is basically certain that the Long Banner territory has not completely escaped the replacement of Poseidon cells. Many people in the territory have been injected with the wrong injection.

The cell genes of the other two territories are being investigated. The other two territories, Golden Eagle and Northland, have made mistakes. They do not plan to replace Poseidon cells, but directly choose to continue injecting the genetic evolution potions of the five royal families to maintain their combat effectiveness."

On the ship before departure, Sudeben brought the latest collected intelligence.

“The identity system has accumulated too much anger in the hearts of ordinary people.”

"We don't have much time left. The fire has been completely lit and it can't be stopped without burning some people to death," he sighed.

"I am willing to follow your advice, start preparations after you leave, and return to Tianyuan territory as quickly as possible." Su Deben continued to ask in a deep voice: "But do you know that if the three major territories cannot reach Shenting to attack?

, it is absolutely impossible for the Tianyuan Territory to resist with any certainty. After all, Tianyuan has not been outside the identity system in these years, and there is absolutely no way to escape the liquidation."

"I understand, but some things may not be as complicated as we think." Sumo stood on the bow of the boat with his hands folded, looking at the dark sky against the cold wind.

"Do you know what is the easiest way to defeat a powerful territory?"

"The general trend is crushing? Although Shenting has a reason in name, the general trend is still on the side of the three major territories. The materials they have accumulated over the years are enough to fight a ten-year war. The continuous fireworks attacks these days

, it’s just an appetizer, the real big guy hasn’t been shown yet? You have to know, even us adventurers.”

"No, you are still thinking too complicatedly. Only an evenly matched battle will last so long. Shenting is now at a disadvantage. If they want to make a comeback, they will not take the usual path." Sumo interrupted him.

"Think about their actions from beginning to end, what is their real purpose, what are the real changes in the New World, what are the changes in human thought, and you may be able to get the answer."

"You mean?" Su Deben looked blank, with a blush on his face that was pale from the cold: "They are promoting the speed of evolution?"

"It seems that you understand that what is really scary is not their appeal and offensive, nor the so-called divine barrier. This kind of conspiracy on the surface is truly unsolvable."

Sumo shook his head slightly and changed the subject:

"I have to go. If everything goes well, we can meet again in about a month and a half."

"When the time comes, I will leave a good place for your Adventurer Alliance in Baoyu County."

"I hope so." Su Deben didn't say anything more. He got off the boat worriedly and walked back with his body hunched over like a little old man.

Perhaps he has seen too many partings over the years.

In the end, it was Siming, Du'e, Tianlang and others who bid farewell.

Led by the adventurer's guide ship, the ship walked for a whole day and night just like when it came.

After returning to the sea area before entering.

"Boss Su, we will be here in a while. Don't forget the good wine and meat then." Siming joked and came up to give him a hug.

"Don't worry, I'm waiting for you to come." Sumo nodded with a smile.

It is easy to interact with such simple warriors. You only need to convince them with force to gain friendship.

After a few more polite words, Siming jumped off the boat and left, and Bao Lei also ordered the boat to sail.

On the same river, the two sides went their separate ways.

The waves of the water were drawn out, and a beautiful long wave rushed to the shore.

After three days.

The merchant ship finally walked out of the coastline covered by the Arctic ice sheet and officially entered the first section of the area controlled by Shenting.

From here on, there was a distinctly pungent smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, even covering up the salty sea breeze.

Commanding the ship to sail with difficulty into the Longtou River tributary at the upper end of the Changlong Xianjiang River.

Looking at the mess around him, he saw a blue light curtain covering the sky like a ball.

Somo walked off the boat and frowned, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

Not far from the Longtou River, it is within the Nakohuai territory that mainly collects and grows various alpine and cold oil crops.

Groups of mutated humans injected with evolutionary drugs covered the border like locusts.

Using the triangular symbols burned on their arms as identification marks, they entered towns one after another, burning, killing, and looting.

Covered by a divine barrier, all fire weapons have become scrap metal and cannot play any role at all.

With just a simple swing of an ordinary wooden stick, they were able to send the rushing escort flying several meters away.

Perhaps they had been suppressed for too long. Amidst the countless screams, the scarlet eyes of the thugs showed a hint of bloodlust.

They entered private houses unscrupulously, venting the most primitive desires in their hearts, completely forgetting their original appearance a few days ago.

The largest town in Nakowai Territory, Blaise City.

Lord Jared was rushing out of the city along the tunnel with his six children, two wives, and a dozen cronies and guards.

Previously, they thought that the castle built in the city had enough defense to withstand thousands of troops.

But once the divine enchantment enveloped it, and without the protection of technological weapons, the castle undoubtedly became more like a coffin.

Under the pursuit of countless crazy thugs, Jared chose the most "correct" path from his heart.

"A bunch of damn jackals, haven't we already reached an agreement with Shenting to join their evolution plan? Why are we still doing this?"

In the tunnel, Jared, who was bloated and obese, walked quickly with his head lowered while cursing in his mouth.

As early as the first time Shenting announced that this area would be under its control, he chose to submit a letter of intention in time and apply to join Shenting.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party seemed to have not seen his application at all and still sent an invasion team.

And throughout the whole process, these invading teams seemed to be going crazy and didn't care about his surrender application at all.

"Lord, maybe they have included our territory in the killing range, and they want to kill us to scare the monkeys!" A middle-aged man with a Chinese face said with a pale face.

"They occupied this area and wanted to give those who surrendered under their command some luck. We will become the victims!"

"Damn, damn, damn!" Jared cursed three times after hearing this reason.

Before the full war with the Alliance began, Shenting could still maintain its hypocritical face.

But now, they have given up all their bottom lines and launched indiscriminate attacks on those who choose not to join them.

Aren’t these damn evolvers worried that they will also encounter more ferocious enemies?

Thinking this way, Jared was still a little hesitant about injecting the evolution potion.

But now, he suddenly decided to take out the potions stored in the storage space and use them as soon as he escaped.

Only when an individual is strong enough can he protect his family and life from being disturbed.

As we walked along the tunnel toward the outside of the city, we heard constant shouts of killing from above.

Finally reaching a critical point, two strong members of the escort stepped forward and moved the mechanism against the door.

Boom, several loud noises erupted, and the door began to slowly open.

A ray of light suddenly opened through the gap in the door, revealing the gray and gloomy sky outside.

But at the same time, two stranger faces suddenly appeared in the gap, giggling.

"I didn't expect there were people hiding here. It seems we have caught a group of big fish. Brothers, come here quickly!" The evolver outside the door shouted arrogantly to greet the people around him.

It was just a gap, and they couldn't wait to reach in and grab a few people inside.

This scene was so frightening that Jared's expression suddenly changed, and he yelled: "Close the door quickly, close the door, don't let them in!"


The two guards were ordered to release the mechanism, and the gap that had just been opened closed instantly.

Unexpectedly, an evolver's arm that had just stretched out was suddenly cut off by a boulder, and a large amount of blood with black spots was sprayed out.

"Father, I'm afraid!" Looking at the broken arm lying in the corner, Jared's youngest son rushed forward and trembled all over.

"Don't be afraid... don't be afraid, our tunnel is very strong, they... they can't break in!"

"Yes, they will definitely not be able to break in!" Jared himself was frightened, but he still comforted the people around him.

He knew very well that once he showed the slightest fear, the people following him would not be kind to him.

Without control over these people, even if he could escape with his wife, daughter and children, he wouldn't be able to go far.


"We wait until dark before going out, and wait until they relax their vigilance."

"I will inject the evolution potion now!"


"Several wives and concubines exclaimed, pulling Jared away in tears of fear.

"No need to persuade me, I have made up my mind. Tolan, Wayne, Felix, Li Yan, Gundam, you five will also take the injection with me!"

Pointing out a few trusted confidantes around him, Jared gave categorical instructions.

"Others also need to be injected, but we will wait until a few of us are tested first."

Open the storage space and take out six potion test tubes emitting different colors.

These improved evolutionary medicine injections have become simpler. You only need to put them close to the arm, and the probe injection will be automatically released.

But the people named were a little hesitant. After taking their own reagents, you looked at me and I looked at you. No one dared to be the first to make a move.


But at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the door that was blocking the evolution. It could be heard that someone outside was hitting it with a hard object.

A trace of fly ash floated down, instantly frightening everyone's hearts to beat wildly, and their expressions changed drastically.

"It's too late, hurry up and inject!"

Jared's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness, and he directly pressed the test tube on his left arm, taking the lead in setting an example.

Others had no choice but to follow suit and started injecting.

Gradually, the medicine in the test tube began to enter the human body, contacting the original human genes and merging.

A burning feeling came from inside the human body, which made several people blush.

According to the rumors circulating, the evolution vision talent will last from 30 minutes to six hours.

The longer you persist, the stronger your abilities will be.

Listening to the constant tapping in his ears, Jared could only pray silently in his heart that he could go faster.

Ten minutes passed and the burning sensation became stronger and stronger.

Half an hour passed, and still no one of the six people had succeeded.

But it was also at this time that cracks began to appear in the solid door, and more and more frequent banging sounds began to ring in my ears.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the door finally cracked open, and a bald Shenting thug poked out.

"Haha, you didn't run away. Looks like I caught you!" He stretched his head back and hit you hard again.

This time, the opening suddenly became larger, creating a gap big enough for one person to pass through.

"Stop...stop him!" Jared yelled, trembling all over, and hurriedly directed the only guards to come forward.

But no one expected that an electric ball would suddenly fly into the opened hole, electrocuting the three guards to the ground.

"Damn it. How come there are three level three evolvers!"

The total number of third-level evolvers attacking Nakowai's territory would not exceed two hands.

He never expected that by chance, he would meet someone at the exit of the tunnel.

"Run, run back along the tunnel, I'll stop you!" With a low roar, Jared pushed his young son directly towards his wife and concubine.

Thugs had already jumped into the gap, and the remaining guards were slashing with wooden swords, but they could only barely resist.

He reluctantly stood up, took out a wooden knife, and looked at the gap with red eyes.

One person jumped down and everyone hacked at him.

Except for the occasional damage caused by electric balls flying in, after more than ten minutes of guarding, no thugs were able to successfully invade.

At this moment, Wayne, who had been sitting on the ground and injected with the evolution potion, was finally the first to stand up.

He raised his hand in surprise and shouted: "Your Majesty, I succeeded, I have become an evolved person!"

"Great, hurry up, come here and guard the opening, let me take a breath."

Handing the wooden knife directly to Wayne, Jared let out a long sigh of relief and wanted to sit on the ground to rest.

But what he didn't expect was that just as Wayne stood under the gap, he suddenly went crazy and slashed at the guards around him.

"Wayne, I'll bully you." Li Yan, one of the six, was at the end of his evolution. Seeing Wayne's atrocities, he cursed angrily.

But before the scolding finished, he suddenly felt dizzy, lost his mind and started to attack the people around him crazily.

In just an instant, the situation in the cave changed drastically.

The gap was left undefended. Although no thugs took advantage of the situation and jumped down, it was completely lost.

"Could it be that they can control the evolvers?"

Jared rolled and tried to move back, but Tolan, who was receiving the evolution potion next to him, grabbed his leg.

He yelled in terror and tried to break away, but he only felt his consciousness begin to blur.

"Am I going to die here?"

Watching the last loyal guard fall, the five people who had just been injected with the evolution potion all joined the opponent's team.

Jared turned his head and glanced at the dark tunnel for the last time, feeling a sense of sadness in his heart.

No one would have thought that the evolver turned out to be a trap, and the Divine Court definitely had a way to control the evolutionizer's mind.

Unfortunately, even if he knew, he couldn't spread the news anymore.

Wayne's wooden sword had already been swung over, and only the last bit was missing.

Just the last one


Suddenly, Jared opened his eyes and was horrified to find that the wooden knife stopped in front of him.

And on Wayne's forehead, there was a wooden dart at some point.

At the same time, several other people in the tunnel who were injected with medicine and were going crazy were also hit by the darts and fell to the ground.

Faintly, the shouts of killing outside seemed to have disappeared a lot, and the terrifying laughter was no longer there.

Jared was shaking all over and his back felt cold.

But before he could get up quietly and plan to escape, a figure suddenly flew down from the gap.

He was a Chinese man with an ordinary face, but an ethereal temperament, and a look that people couldn't take away.

He slowly scanned the scene inside the cave, and finally locked his eyes on Jared.

"Can you temporarily resist genetic control? Interesting"


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