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Chapter 871 Difficult choice, the divine class!

"Heat, cold, exile."

"The high temperature is eighty degrees, the cold is one hundred degrees below zero, and the gods come once a year." Long Anguo's voice became hoarse, and you could directly tell from his words that he was probably in a terrible mood.

Disaster is forever, what a tempting term.

Everyone thinks that eternal disasters are ordinary disasters that we encounter every day.

Even if it is excessive, it will be at most the level of a series of disasters.

But the reality is that these three options given by the game make people feel chilled just by looking at them.

No matter the high temperature or low temperature, or the extremely high frequency of the arrival of gods, they are all full of death threats!

"Yes, that's why I called you here to study the options together."

"After all, you still need to face most of the time in the future." Sumo explained softly.

"Can we not choose these three items and still survive the previous rotation disaster?" Yu Tie asked aloud.

"I'm afraid not." Sumo shook his head.

"Killing gods is more like a milestone in the game, and it is not up to us to choose."

"But the fact is that no matter which one you choose, humans currently don't have the means to prepare."

"So the game gives six months of preparation time. If we don't make a choice within six months, he will randomly determine one." Sumo answered.

"Isn't this just forced buying and selling?" Yu Tie said helplessly.

"Since he kidnapped us from the earth and brought us here, he has been buying and selling us by force."

Although the simple Yu Tie has become a god, his mentality and way of thinking about problems still remain at the level of ordinary people.

To some extent, Sumo didn't think this was a bad thing, so he patiently explained it.

On the other hand, Long Anguo on the side thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head and asked: "The gods of the dead world and the false gods, what do these represent?"

"These are the divisions of strength between gods. Lance, please come out and explain it to them." Sumo coughed lightly.

A faint light appeared in the living room, and then it faintly transformed into a human form.

He has a body over two meters tall and is very strong, with explosive muscles all over his body.

He first glanced at Yu Tie, who was slightly confused, then bowed slightly and said softly:

"In the vast and boundless universe, there are countless worlds where living things can thrive. Just like human civilization's understanding of the starry sky, those worlds are planets one after another."

"Planets come in different sizes. Planets with abundant products and huge sizes are called super worlds. They can breed powerful races and gods and provide them with enough living space and resources. Planets with few products and small sizes are called super worlds.

The micro world lacks necessary rules and is only qualified to allow ordinary creatures to reproduce."

"Between them, some more specific levels are divided according to scale. The ones larger than the micro world are small worlds, which basically have the ability to give birth to gods. The ones larger than the small world are medium-sized worlds, as long as they are powerful

The biological tribe has an 80% probability of giving birth to a god. The larger world than the medium-sized world is the large world."

"The big world has basically perfected its own internal rules. As long as the tribe reaches a certain scale, it is 100% possible to give birth to gods. As for the five ancestor gods, their hometown is the big world."

Human beings have always had too many doubts and puzzles about the information about gods. Even the three new gods, Yu Tie, only know a little about it.

Long Anguo had already had countless questions in his mind, but at this time, facing Lance who was talking eloquently, he quickly sorted out all the doubts in his mind and asked the most important question first.

"What level of world is the wasteland world we are in?"

"Wasteland world?" Lance paused slightly and glanced at Somo.

After getting the latter's nod, he said: "This is a broken super world, and the rules in it are missing, so it is coveted by the five ancestor gods."

"Speaking of this." Lance continued to explain.

"The division of power between gods is the same as that of the world, divided into many levels. Starting from the most basic pseudo-gods, they did not get the attention of the core of the world when they became gods, and naturally they were not qualified to control the rules and attach themselves to divine power.

So being able to become a god is all because there are enough tribes, or you are lucky enough to obtain divine power through other channels."

"This Mr. Yu Tie, the God of Hunting, inherited the divine personality of a fallen god and gained the ability to control divine power. According to the hierarchy among gods, he is a false god."

"I" Yu Tie was silent for a moment, his face burning with fever.

When they first became gods, the three of them were drinking and singing, complimenting each other and saying they wanted to make a name for themselves in the world of gods.

It's just that the idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

Now, after experiencing so much, he was shocked to discover what it means to sit in a well and look at the sky.

Now, even if he is said to be the weakest god in person, he can only forcefully smile and ask: "There should be strong and weak among the false gods, right?"

"Of course, the division of power between gods is very strict. There are more levels between false gods and true gods than ordinary creatures becoming gods!" Lance said with a smile, stroking his hands.

"The reason why these levels are very strict is largely because every time you experience one of them, the strength of the gods will increase by leaps and bounds. Mr. Yu Tie inherited the godhead of the fallen gods and is already much stronger than most false gods.


"Can you tell me how the false gods can possess King Su and how they can become powerful gods?" Yu Tie nodded quickly and asked after hearing that he was more powerful than most false gods.

"Generally speaking, in a world where gods can be born, when the biological tribes reach a certain level, they will begin to give birth to tribesmen with divinity, which is what you call potential tribesmen. They are born with a much stronger ability to divine power than ordinary creatures.

Affinity, after going through some special training methods, can awaken one's own divinity and begin to control divine power!"

"When a creature possesses divinity, it has begun to break away from the ordinary category. As long as there are followers, the divine creature can collect the original divine power from their faith and loyalty and accumulate it. But this is a long process

The process will vary over time depending on the talent of the divine creature, and this process is very dangerous. If the original divine power you absorb is not pure, there will be hidden dangers when igniting the divine fire."

"Speaking of this, I must remind you that lighting the divine fire is similar to the catastrophe in Chinese mythology. It completely determines whether a god can break out of his cocoon and be reborn, and the height he can reach in the future."

"Divine creatures must accumulate enough original power before they can ignite their divinity and put it into the original divine power package, so that their divinity can continuously receive divine nourishment and thrive. At this time, if the original divine power you collect has impurities, the impurities

It will be absorbed by the divinity, causing a series of collapses."

"If you are lucky, there are no problems after doing this, and you successfully ignite the divine fire, then you can start to use the divine fire to refine the rules. At this time, if your world core is willing to help you, or you have a strong background

As a god, someone has helped you get the rules and authority, and it will only take you about a day to condense the most basic godhead."

"But if you don't have these abilities, this long process will probably take nearly a thousand years."

"So long?" Yu Tie was stunned and interrupted Lance.

"Otherwise, if the road to becoming a god was simple, everyone could become a god." Lance sighed: "In fact, after you have godhead, that's when the difference in the strength of the gods really begins to show."

"The stronger the rules contained in your godhood, the stronger the damage you will cause when you attack. Even the weakest rules of a god in a big world are much more powerful than the strongest rules in a small world."

"Similarly, the godhead you obtained definitely had rules before, but because that world perished, the rules within the godhead naturally dissipated."

"Mr. Lance, can you tell me what the rules of the world are? It seems a little difficult for me to understand what you are talking about?" Long Anguo understood the first part, but the latter.

Simply, he asked a general question directly.

"Well" Lance pondered for a moment: "I actually don't understand the rules of the world very well, because like Mr. Yu Tie, the world where I condensed my godhead has also dissipated and collapsed over the long years."

"But if you ask what it is, I can answer you.

Rules are rights. If you master the rules of the sun, you have the right to let it rise in the west and set in the east. Let it appear in the wasteland for 20 hours a day and disappear for 4 hours. In other words, the sun is you, and you are the sun!"

"Rules are rights?" Yu Tie repeated thoughtfully.

"We melt the rules into the Godhead. After I absorb the knowledge of your human world, it seems to me that it is roughly like a process of getting familiar with it and mastering it. An excavator, if I learn how to drive it, even if I control the excavator

Rules. For the same excavator driver, whose car is more powerful will have a higher level of driver."

"I've seen your discussions about the virtual world, and it's really a. How can I put it? If it can really succeed, it will definitely be subversive.

If the created virtual world is real enough and powerful enough to create gods, then we can arbitrarily assign the operating rules to individuals and create gods in batches. Do you think this is a crazy idea?


Lance's words were full of wonder and imagination.

"That should be difficult, to create a real world that is comparable to the outside world." Long Anguo said calmly.

"Of course, because this is the next stage of the task of the gods after condensing their godhood, to build the Kingdom of God." Lance laughed.

"When the gods reach a certain level and want to become stronger, they must start to use their divine power to condense the prototype of a world, and go around to plunder the rules to add them. The more you add, the more complete the kingdom of God will be, and the knowledge will be fed back to the gods.

The more it will be.”

"Think about it, your divine kingdom only stores one kind of rules, but his divine kingdom is a complete world. The gap is so terrifying that even thinking about it makes me feel hopeless!"

"And once the Kingdom of God is completed, the gods will be able to lift it up and completely break away from the world in which they became gods. The Kingdom of God will never be destroyed, and the gods will never die!"

After finishing speaking with some excitement, Lance did not forget to contact Changxiang.

"Just like you store a creature's thoughts in the virtual world, as long as the virtual world doesn't stop running, it can live forever."

"It's really strange. The history of your human race is only a few million years, and the history of civilization is only a few thousand years. How on earth did you find an alternative way to become a god in this short period of time?"

"Because the gods in our myths and stories really existed?" Yu Tie said honestly an answer that had been buried in his heart for a long time.

This was a fact he suddenly discovered after becoming a god.

The gods here need the faith of ordinary creatures to obtain divine power, and they need to obtain divine power from them.

Aren’t there immortal gods and Buddhas on earth who need to believe in? Their methods are similar to those now and then.

"I'm not sure about this, but your fairy tale is indeed quite decent." Lance did not directly deny it, but the look on his face betrayed his true thoughts.

There are too many points in those mythical stories that cannot withstand scrutiny. They seem more like literary creations made by mortals based on known information after traveling to and from the world of gods.

Rather than saying that gods have appeared on the earth, it is better to say that they have laid a seed for future generations of humans.

Those miraculous fairy methods have gradually been realized by another method with the development of human science and technology.

If the disaster hadn't come, it might have continued to develop for tens of thousands of years.

Human beings can become gods purely through technological means. Who can say for sure?

"In this case, if we choose the place of exile, the first god we have to face is the god of the dead world who possesses divinity?" Long Anguo said thoughtfully.

"With Yu Tie's strength, can he deal with it? Can he kill the opponent?"

"It's definitely no problem." Lance nodded firmly.

"A false god who only ignites his divinity is already weak. He is physically stronger than ordinary creatures. What's more, he is also a false god in the dead world. I feel that as long as you can find the target, you can take it away with one round of rifle fire.

Let alone Mr. Yu Tie taking action."

"Then the promotion is a false god with original divine power in the dead world?" Long Anguo's eyes lit up.

"If what it says is only the minimum standard, then the god who comes is a false god with 10 units of divine power."

"As for igniting the divine fire, you need 100 units of original divine power, and to condense the godhead, you need 1,000 units of original divine power. In the Kingdom of God, only super world gods can be condensed, so they are not among them for the time being." Knowing his thoughts, Lance finished speaking and concluded in one breath.


"With Mr. Yu Tie's current strength, he can probably resist for seven years. By the time the gods with rules in the small world arrive, the number has grown to three, and the probability of victory is extremely slim."

"And after having withstood the four waves of impact in the seventh year, the further the time goes, the more powerful the gods will be. In the eleventh year, there will be gods from the middle world, and in the fifteenth year, there will be the big world.

It is the arrival of gods at the level of the five great ancestral gods. The most terrifying thing is that in the 19th year, gods with super world rules arrived, and there were seven of them at one time, four times a year, a total of 28 people."

"Forget it, we humans have been unable to solve the problem of food and clothing in the wasteland for nine years. How can we have the ability to kill seven super world gods at the same time in only twenty years? Isn't this fantastic?" Long Anguo quickly shrank his head.

Tao, give up all unrealistic fantasies.

If this amount of time can be doubled tenfold to two hundred years, then we can still consider it.

Fight to feed war.

Human beings can continuously kill the gods who came in the early stage, quickly harvest the treasures they brought with them, and even inherit their godheads to cultivate new gods, which greatly shortens the process on the road to gods.

But with only twenty years, or less than seven years, this idea is somewhat unrealistic.

If you choose any of the other two disasters, you may be more uncomfortable at first than you are now.

But in the long run, when the timeline is extended, it is much more stable than this one.

Maybe in a few decades, humans will be able to completely ignore the threats posed by these extreme weather and take root completely.

"Mayor Chen, what do you think?" Long Anguo raised his head and said solemnly, as if he had an idea in mind.

"Lord Dragon wants to choose one of the first two disasters?" Chen Shen asked with a smile.

"Yes, I feel that the risk is too high in the Exiled Land. It is better to choose a practical point between extreme heat and extreme cold. After all, the disaster will not start for another half a year. We can definitely prepare some disaster resistance measures in this half year and try our best to survive the first disaster.

A wave of impact." Long Anguo replied.

"Has Lord Long thought about a question?"


"What if, I mean what if, if we choose extreme heat or extreme cold, or there is an invasion of alien gods?" Chen interrogated.

"There are also foreign gods." Long Anguo was stunned.

This seems to be an unanswerable question. The game only says to choose one type of disaster, but it does not indicate whether the gods will be prohibited from entering after choosing it.

And even if it is banned, just by looking at the invasion of the five ancestor gods, you can know that the promise of the game is not reliable.

"We will always have to face the gods. No matter what kind of disaster we choose to stay in the wasteland forever, sooner or later they will suddenly discover this place, descend and invade." Chen Shen sighed.

"We actually have no choice."

"No choice?" Long Anguo heard Chen Shen's solemn tone: "But Yu Tie can only resist for seven years, and King Su is not in the wasteland. How can we develop enough force to deal with it in just seven years?"

The gods that will come later?"

"No, more than seven years."

Suddenly, a voice broke the stalemate in the field.

The person he spoke to turned his head subconsciously, only to see Somo sitting on the sofa shaking his head slightly.

"I have discussed with the core of the world. He will provide necessary help to mankind within twenty years. That is, within twenty years, whether it is Yu Tie or a newly achieved god, as long as it does not exceed

Fifteen people, their attacks in this world will carry the super world rules."

"And you have forgotten a very important point. There is a ten-fold time difference between the core of the newborn world in Yu Tie's hands and the outside world. Although no rules have been formed in it and no god can be achieved, the path of our human research,

It’s just that there is no need for rules.”

"In other words, we actually have two hundred years to study new ways to integrate divine power and technology!"

This chapter has been completed!
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