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Chapter 896 Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, market-oriented restructuring!

According to the current territorial management rules of the Tianyuan Territory, every territorial citizen with the ability to work must complete tasks on a daily basis to promote the construction of the entire village.

Among them, take the task of clearing snow and hoeing the ground as an example.

To achieve 100% task completion progress, the size of the hoeing field must reach 300 square meters, which is approximately half an acre of land.

For most men who maintain basic working abilities, this task is not difficult.

If you are more diligent, you can complete it in about 10-12 hours, which means you start working at 8 a.m. and finish just after 8 p.m.

But for some men and women who have not fully recovered, the intensity of this task seems a bit overwhelming.

They cannot achieve 100% completion of a single task, and must cooperate with other easier tasks to achieve 100% weighting.

Therefore, the original intention of setting the task weighted score indicator is to more directly display the weight between multiple tasks.

Even if a more relaxed and mindless task is completed 100%, it may only account for 40% of the total task score.

As long as 20% of the heavy and technically difficult tasks are completed, the total score may reach 100% or even 200% when weighted into the task!

"This indicator gives greater preferential treatment to talents, but for people like Bi Qiqi, it is a bit too cruel!"

"Yes, he can only complete those simple tasks to accumulate the total score percentage, and all his time is spent on meaningless rushing."

"But can't he learn on his own? It only takes a week to hoe the ground. How can he improve his speed?"

"He's not lazy, either. He works more than fifteen hours a day. He's more diligent than most people!"

There was a lot of chatter in the conference room, and everyone sympathized with Bi Qiqi's busy schedule.

Working more than fifteen hours a day is much harder than the people here.

To say that he doesn't work hard and is not diligent is simply unjustifiable.

"Actually, there are quite a few such people in our territory, accounting for more than a full 30%. If the mission department pays a little attention to those people whose completion progress is stuck near 100%, they can easily get the data I have."

Dean Qiao pretended to be serious and said: "Under the operation of our current system, if we want to solve this problem, we can only rely on the task department to issue new teaching tasks and let the veterans guide the novices."

"Isn't that great?" Chen Kai, the director of the mission department, interrupted, looking like he was very satisfied with your proposal.

"Very good? If it only solves the current troubles, then it is indeed very good." Dean Qiao almost choked when he heard this: "Minister Chen, the total amount of each task of our task department is

How is it calculated?”

"Take the middle number?" Chen Kai tilted his head and thought for a moment, then somewhat understood: "You mean if a veteran brings a newbie, there will be trouble in increasing the total number of tasks?"

Let’s use the example of clearing snow and hoeing it.

Judging the total amount based on the current work efficiency of the residents, 300 square meters can achieve 100% of the task requirements.

But if the old bring in the new and everyone's work efficiency increases, this number may have to rise to 400 or even 500 to meet 100% of the daily requirements.

"This is the disorderly involution caused by an inappropriate system. The current system of the task department will make the threshold of each task higher and higher. Once someone falls behind in the learning process, or leaves for a period of time due to other circumstances,

Familiar tasks, when they come back again, will probably never catch up with the mainstream level and become victims of the torrent of involution."

"If new people join our territory in the future and they find that they cannot even reach 50% of the task level, how many people will choose to keep working hard like Bi Qiqi?"

Qiao Yuansheng's words were quite shocking.

Even Su Mo had a surprised expression on his face.

"Then you tell me, how should our mission department be reformed to achieve orderly development?"

Chen Kai made a gesture of all ears.

"First, the mission must accept the fact that there are differences between individuals."

"Second, we need to further subdivide each person's task completion, set up a scoring system, and find out where each person's talent lies."

"Third, the tasks should be diversified, not only short-term tasks, but also medium- and long-term tasks."

"Fourth, education and learning are actually equal. We can set teaching tasks, and naturally we can also set learning tasks."

"Fifth, the income generated by tasks should tend to be market-oriented, and the one-size-fits-all weighted task scoring must be cancelled."

"Sixth, the task department should be a service-oriented functional organization rather than a sovereign institution that maintains the operation of the entire territory. In other words, we should return the authority to issue tasks to individuals, and let the task department conduct unified assessment and release



"Wait a minute, if you keep talking, I feel like you should be the boss of this mission department!"

Chen Kai was a little shocked when he heard what happened next.

He didn't fully understand what Qiao Yuansheng said, but he heard the sixth item clearly.

Yes, the current authority of the mission department is indeed a bit large and complicated, so it is necessary to increase the manpower.

But in fact, those tasks are completely needed by other departments or territories. Why can't they be subdivided into those departments or individuals and let them publish them themselves, and then the task department will review and issue rewards?

"After all, you still want to take out the economic system and replace the existing distribution system, right?"

Chen Shen heard what Yuan Sheng Qiao wanted.

If mission benefits are to be marketized, then the economic system of the entire territory must be marketized first?

A single move can affect the whole body. This cannot be accomplished by a small reform. It has already touched the core of the operation of the entire territory.

"Yes, while our current population has just met the minimum market demand, it is also the early stage of the territory's development."

"In the data I collected, the third demand accounting for 71.5% is the issue of distribution!"

Qiao Yuansheng's speech is very logical.

"Our current distribution system is based on head. Take the simplest three meals as an example. A man's daily quota is one pound of whole grains and two ounces of meat. After eating these quotas, he can only wait for the next day.


"But here's the problem. Everyone's status is different every day. Some people work a lot and may need to eat more to meet their daily needs. Some people work a small amount and want to save the extra quota or go to work.

Exchange for something else.”

"This kind of thinking is the beginning of marketization."

"As for the task system, some people have stronger execution ability and can complete 200% of the task progress, while some people have weak execution ability and can only complete 100%, but they receive the same allocation every day.

, this also requires market-oriented regulation.”

Mr. Qiao was still talking, but the audience below had some opinions.

"How do you ensure the gap between the rich and the poor? How do you ensure that people who have accumulated capital in the early stage will not use capital to become exploiters?"

"It sounds reasonable, but it's actually not possible. Based on our current internal situation, I'm afraid it won't be long before someone can get rid of production completely."

"It's too idealistic, the free market, and the macroeconomics are not suitable for the current wasteland."

"Once the concept of money and money arises between people, it can easily complicate the originally pure relationship."

"Forget it, I don't want to see a rich man making noises in an industry that I am completely unfamiliar with."

Involves market operations.

Billions of people on the entire planet have not been able to perfect the entire system of theory and create a perfect balance.

What everyone is doing is still rolling this bomb down continuously, hoping to rely on the wisdom of later generations.

"No, no, the situation is different now. In the wasteland, we have better processing methods to recover the excess value generated by marketization."

"I set up an identity."


Cough cough cough!

Sumo, who was sitting in the main seat, suddenly spit out the hot tea he had just drank.

Element detection.

If you heard me correctly just now.

"The identity you are talking about doesn't mean that management positions and even citizenship qualifications are clearly priced, right?"

"Hey, does the lord think so too?" Qiao Yuansheng's eyes lit up, as if he had found a soulmate.

He stood up excitedly: "In the future, if we want to maintain the competitiveness of the territory, we must have more outstanding territorial residents join us, instead of accepting everything as we do now. The identity system can help us complete the first step.

Screening can also help us quickly accumulate a large amount of resources and use them for territory development."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Interrupting the excited Qiao Yuansheng, Su Mo stared directly at him.

Should he say it or not, he already doubted whether this person had also entered the future wasteland.


"What is the relationship between Qiao Qidong and you?"

"Ah? How did the lord know my pen name?"


Sumo suddenly felt that his fist under the table became hard.

Yes, I should have thought of it a long time ago.

How come the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks appear in this small wasteland at the same time?

Qiao Qidong, who proposed the concept of identity in the wasteland four years ago, actually joined the Tianyuan territory in one year in the wasteland?

"I once entered a ruins and saw some things that will happen in the future."

Looking at the confused Qiao Yuansheng, Su Mo spoke slightly.

I have to say that whether it is what I just said or the identity system that will operate in the wasteland in the future, it can be proved that he is indeed a talent and has a good mind.

But if he can't change his mind now and bring him back to the "right path".

Then it’s essential to be aggressive and avoid risks in advance!

"The new continent of the future, where your identity system has been operating for a while."

"As a result, has our Tianyuan Territory developed?" Qiao Yuansheng's eyes widened and he did not focus on the future.

"In fact, just talking about development, the status system has indeed made the development of the top territories of mankind very nourishing." Sumo did not intend to lie. He thought for a moment and said slowly: "But the price is that we eliminated 90% of the human race.

Give them up completely.”

"Ninety percent?"

Qiao Yuansheng, whose whole body was shaking with excitement, was stunned as he kept flipping through the information in his hands.

"This oppressive system is like a plague, which will continue to spread down to every territory, eventually leading to something like a city tax covering everyone, and no one can stay away."

"Yes, we have screened out the human elite and entered the territory, but what about the people we abandoned? What will be their final outcome?"

"Take Bi Qiqi as an example. If a system like yours were implemented, what kind of territory would need someone like him?"

So far, the communication between the two people has been completely incomprehensible to others.

But judging from Qiao Yuansheng's physical performance, everyone present nodded with satisfaction.

There is no doubt that the theory just proposed by Qiao Yuansheng has been denied.

That damn identity system, you knew it was not a good thing as soon as you heard it, even the director looked scared.

"Identity system. What if our territory is the only one running it?"

"How is that possible? Do you think other territories will turn a blind eye?"

Although he was not confident in his sociological common sense, Sumo still felt that it was necessary to directly use what would happen in the wasteland in the future to let Wolong know how much harm this seemingly inconspicuous identity system had brought.

Looking at the stunned Qiao Yuansheng, Sumo paused for a moment and talked about what he saw and heard in the future wasteland.

This includes the problems encountered in the three major territories, as well as the identity function derived from the game panel.

After hearing about these completely uncontrollable developments, Mr. Qiao finally had a general understanding of the dangers of the identity system.

Of course, even if Sumo didn't say this, he had already thought of some consequences when he heard that the identity system model would be copied between territories.

If a layered identity system of oppression really forms, it would be even more dangerous than a scheduled natural disaster.

It would not be an exaggeration to call it a bloody purge within the human race.

"I'm sorry, Lord, I really didn't know there would be such serious consequences." Qiao Yuansheng had a look of shame on his face.

"As long as you understand."

Sumo felt slightly relieved.

"In fact, the three needs you observed are very helpful to the territory. We should indeed carry out a certain degree of market-oriented reform to stimulate the development of the territory, but using a method like an identity system is still too extreme."

"I have some ideas here. When this meeting is over, I will talk to you personally."

"Now we still have time to use different control groups to verify the judgment."

In any case, the unified distribution of everyone's food from the same pot is no longer applicable to the territory of 10,000 people.

Since the end of the Lucky Star Project and the loss of the only source of private goods, the open space at the entrance of the village has been idle for a long time, and not many people have come to exchange goods.

After all, trade is the product of freedom. When even a bite of food is territorial property, what can everyone exchange?

Putting all the property in his own pocket is not the result Sumo wants to see.

Now that we have a "genius" like Qiao Yuansheng at our disposal, it would be a good idea to let him come up with a system that is more suitable for the development of the territory.

"Lord, we should no longer rely on the workbenches, furnaces, and manufacturing machine tools provided by the game. Once the real version is damaged, we cannot repair it. We must immediately build our own steel factory and cement factory in the territory.

Machinery factories and weapon production lines are freed from the constraints of the game in advance. And as long as we can reach a certain scale, we can trade these things to other places to earn more supplies!"

"Lord, it's best for us to give up research on high-tech products now and focus all our research back on basic people's livelihood. Otherwise, a fatal disaster will completely make us lose all our previous efforts."

"Lord, the territory's agriculture should be divided into more subdivided areas. The task department doesn't understand the environment and conditions required by different crops at all. It only knows how to issue tasks to make people plow the ground and fertilize endlessly. If this continues, our warehouse may be in trouble next year.

The only crop left is potatoes!”

"Lord, we must pay attention to the tasks during every disaster. According to the information received through the radio, many territories received a large number of biological and plant rewards in winter, which restored life to the barren territories. We will tell you about the next disaster.

Don’t miss this opportunity for anything!”


With Qiao Yuansheng taking the lead as a standard, the remaining people couldn't help but become more and more courageous.

These "harsh" words of advice don't sound comfortable.

But sitting in the main seat, Somo's face became more and more rosy, and he kept nodding.

This situation was much better than he had expected!

As long as the next heavy fog disaster that lasts for half a year doesn't cause any problems.

With the current development momentum of Tianyuan Territory and the technological information he brought back from the ruins, there is no problem in returning to the first echelon of mankind.

At that time, even if those unwilling old popsicles in the underground jump out with people,

"Is it a collision between different civilizations? Then I can't wait."

This chapter has been completed!
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