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Chapter 88: Enhanced strength, super TV! (Second update)

"With one hundred and fifty liters of diesel and 5 kilograms of toluene, the upgraded oil well is really powerful!"

"If Magu had had so many accessory modules and resources back then, he might have been able to live an extra hundred or two hundred days!"

Seeing the terrifying harvest, Sumo couldn't help but click his tongue.

Five kilograms of toluene, based on the previous manufacturing efficiency, can at least be used to produce at least dozens of kilograms of picric acid bomb.

As a famous explosive, it is easy to open up mountains and expand soil.

If we could find the load-bearing pillars of the kobold castle and detonate these explosives together, I am afraid that in a few breaths, the seemingly indestructible castle would be reduced to a pile of ruins.

"Hahaha, what are you thinking about? I'm not studying architecture." He shook his head. The pleasure brought by collecting things made Somo smile happily.

"What can be happier than farming and watching your own supplies increase?" With a move towards the void, the oil barrel appeared in Somo's hand. He touched the diesel oil in the storage box of the well again and started pulling with his mind.


Currently, there is only 6.5L left in the oil drum that was collected when leaving the deep sea shelter.

Gulu gulu!

Invisible diesel fuel poured out from the air and slowly poured into the oil drum.

The diesel barrel with a capacity of up to 100L was filled in an instant. As Sumo thought, the transmission stopped.

Putting the oil drum into the storage space, Somo walked out of the door, came to the front of the Bengbeng car, and opened the door of the Bengbeng's fuel tank.

After running around for the past few days, there was only about 20L of diesel left in the Bengbeng car. In the huge fuel tank, there was almost nothing left.

With a move in the air, the oil barrel appeared on the ground, and the lid on the oil barrel was unscrewed.

Somo tried to grab the oil drum, and strength surged rapidly in his arms.

As the strength of the hand became stronger and stronger, the veins between the two heads and the third head popped out, and even the blood vessels on the forearm were clearly visible.


Standing still on both feet, Somo exerted all his strength on his waist and blushed. Although his body was shaky and his center of gravity was a little unstable.

But after a stalemate for a while, and the center of gravity stabilized, he grabbed the handle of the oil barrel with both hands, and with all his strength, the oil barrel slowly left the ground.

The oil drum weighing more than 160 kilograms was actually lifted directly by Sumo!

Aim the spout at the mouth of the fuel tank and tilt it slightly. The light yellow diesel slowly emerges from the oil drum and slowly flows into the bouncing fuel tank.

With the injection of strong "blood", Bengbeng seemed to be happy and made a squeaking sound.

When Bengbeng's fuel tank was full, Sumo put down the oil drum and looked at it. There was originally a 100L oil drum, but now only about 40L was left.

"Good guy, my strength is really getting stronger now. I can lift more than one hundred and sixty kilograms of things. This is definitely not due to the nether energy water!" Putting down the oil drum, his arms were obviously able to lift due to congestion.

I saw it was thicker.

Raising his arm, Sumo looked back and forth curiously, unable to figure out the reason for his increasing strength.

"Does it mean that in the ruins... there is a strength bonus for killing monsters? Or the faster time flows, the greater my strength will be?"

The effect of phantom water is very limited, at least there is no obvious change in the Oreos that I drink every day.

On the contrary, after entering and leaving the ruins twice, I can feel the intuitive increase in strength.

"I have to find a way to measure the limit of my strength, and then compare it periodically. The next time I leave the ruins, I will know the reason!"

Lifting the oil drum again, Sumo put it back into the storage space and went back to close the second-floor door of the deep-sea shelter.

As the arrival of the blizzard gets closer and closer, the weather outside is getting colder and colder.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning, and when I took a breath, I could still see the frost.

"Oreo, go home, stop playing!"

For Huskies, the cold actually liberates their nature, and Oreo becomes more and more active.

After hearing Somo's words, Oreo, who was still running around in the wilderness, turned around in a four-wheel drive and jumped back quickly.

He sat sideways on the bouncing car, waited until Oreo got in the car and put on his seat belt, stepped on the accelerator, and sped away.

I have oil in my hands and don't panic in my heart.

Back at the base, Sumo opened the fuel tank of the diesel generator again and added all the remaining diesel fuel into it.

Turn on the generator and connect all the power output of the shelter to the generator.

Sumo came to the living room and connected the newly acquired LCD TV to the power strip.

Take the mechanical controller plugged into the big ass TV, install it, and click the switch!


A slight explosion caused by the surge of electricity echoed in the shelter, and then the LCD TV automatically lit up the screen, and three options appeared on the screen.

Recording replay, image error correction, normal mode

Sumo tried to shake it to the normal mode first. After entering it, just like the LCD TV on earth, there was no signal and the screen was distorted.

Return to the last three options, click Record and Replay again, and with a hiss, Somo's face appears on the screen.

"Hey, can this thing also be used as a mirror?"

Sumo waved his hand curiously, and Somo in the picture also waved his hand.

Looking around, Sumo couldn't find anything like a "camera". He tried to control the angle, and the camera began to move.

Walking along the thick stone wall, you jump to the outside world. Like a big-ass TV, the LCD TV also has a monitoring function.

However, this monitoring can only last up to a range of 100m.

Pulling back the camera, Sumo cut the perspective to the crop breeding room. After the big and small sparks had eaten their fill, they regained their energy and started to hide and seek in circles along the culture medium.

Oreo was lying on the ground, scratching his head and ears, and scratching at the withered yellow grass leaves on his body.

Try pressing the record button below. Just like recording a video on your phone, a message pops up below:

Pause 0.01/infinity, stop.

After starting recording, the viewing angle cannot be switched and can only be rotated around within a limited angle.

After recording for about a minute, from front to back, then left to right, Sumo finally figured out how to play the recording.

Switch back to the three major items and this time click on image correction.

The previously recorded video appeared in the column, and Sumo clicked on it out of curiosity.

As if playing a video, the screen began to rotate, but Sumo, who was sitting in front of the screen, had an O-shaped mouth!

"Damn...this function is too perverted!!!"




Calling loudly, Oreo tilted his head, walked over with brisk steps, and lay down in front of Somo.

The next second, Oreo also discovered that he was actually appearing on the screen, and he let out a curious bark, not knowing what was going on.

After playing the video again, Sumo picked up Oreo and began to slide his hands around Oreo's body at a strange angle.


Along with the increasing intensity of Sumo's hand, a strange feeling came, and Oreo, who was held in his arms, moaned comfortably.

The weeds and quilt creatures mixed in the hair began to fall to the ground following Soma's movements.

Some of the hair that had become knotted and difficult to smooth out began to become smoother.

Hairs fell off Oreo's body, swirled in the air, and finally fell to the ground.

Smoothing hair should be a very painful thing without professional techniques and combing.

However, at this time, Oreo was so happy that his eyes were dull, his saliva was drooling, his tongue was hanging out, and he was about to faint.

"Okay! There's no water for you to take a bath now. We'll have enough water when it snows!"

After digging for a while, I put the Oreo aside and picked up all the stray hairs on the ground.

Looking at the two balls of hair as big as fists, Somo was slightly distracted.

"The first stroke is from top to bottom, making a claw-like shape with the hand, and digging hard until the floating grass falls. The second stroke..."

The picture on the LCD TV is still played over and over again. There is detailed text explanation in the picture, and it is also equipped with arrow guidance.

He turned his head and looked at Oreo, who was lying in a ball on the ground, and looked at the prompts on the screen.

Sumo's eyes gradually brightened!

“With such a good thing, why worry about my production level not improving!!!”

This chapter has been completed!
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