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Chapter 919 A ??first visit to Qinggang, the post-war city!

 The villagers who had approved the agreement left with smiles on their faces.

The remaining people who failed were all selected smart people, and they soon discovered their own problems more or less based on the situations of those who passed.

Unfortunately, there is a one-month grace period for re-submission of information.

Seeing these people walking away in whispers, Sumo thought in his mind.

Perhaps in addition to interest-free loans from the territory, it would also be good to open up other forms of "support"?

Several of these failed people have considerable development potential, but they are just not suitable for the current development pace of the territory. If they can be supported early, they may also have a considerable impact on the market.

Especially the one who wants to study toilet paper.

The inventory currently used in the underground shelter was purchased from the trading market before, and is now almost used up.

That being said, you still have to take care of other aspects.

According to the information given by Delang, there should be a lot of "good things" underground or buried in buildings in Qinggang City.

For ordinary people, these heavy construction machinery that cannot be taken away cannot be repaired without corresponding tools and drawings, but they have a survival system and rely on survival points.

Sumo had an idea.

Continuing to cautiously explore is a waste of time. Now, perhaps the best choice is to try your luck in Qinggang City.

"Olio, you and I will go out for a walk later. Forget it, Moore should follow me."

Since returning from the future wasteland, Oreo, who is dressed in black and white fur and darker colors, seems to have fallen into a state of hibernation. He has been lying on the slope above the shelter looking into the distance all day long, not knowing what he is observing.

Through the investigation of clues, Sumo could vaguely feel that there was an inexplicable connection between Oreo and the previously established wonder.

Something seemed to be brewing in that stone statue carved from stone.

But whether you look at it through the game panel or the system, you can't detect this weak change.

"Moore likes to go out and play the most, okay!"

The honest Thunder Bear Warrior excitedly put on the first armor made in the village and transformed into a giant beast that humans could not conquer.

Taking Moore to the Tianyuan Military Camp not far outside the village, Sumo thought for a long time and finally decided to bring along a few militiamen who had performed outstandingly recently.

Once he has found out what is real in Qinggang City, he cannot always take people to explore. These militiamen are the main fighting force of the territory, and it would be best to be responsible for eliminating threats around Qinggang City.

Secondly, you can also take these newbies to practice leveling, and find out as soon as possible what kind of effect it will have if the reserve soldiers have enough route points.

"Feng Long, take some people with me and go to Qinggang City."

Feng Long, who was still staying in the simple bungalow military camp, looked excited and trotted over quickly.

In two days, the entire Tianyuan territory was almost covered by them, but except for a group of strange aborigines who came to the fifth floor area, the rest of the place was full of dilapidated buildings, and not a single person was seen.

Now, after counting, the only places that can be explored are outside the territory.

But without further orders and permission, no one can step outside the territory now.

Now that he had this opportunity, just the fact that he could be the first group to explore outside the territory was enough for him to be extremely excited!

Not long after, the Longming team led by Feng Long was assembled.

Counting him, there are five people in total, who have exactly the same duties: captain, scout, fireman, assaulter, and sniper.

The two missing people are the deputy captain who is still on standby in the fifth floor area, and the other fireman who has been deployed for daily patrol duties and is currently patrolling the edge of the territory.

If they knew that Longming Team was now qualified to leave the territory, they would probably be slapped in the thigh.

"Hello, lord, my name is Wenjin, channel id nuclear energy rifle, currently working as a fireman."

A young man with faded red hair stood up, slapping his chest excitedly and looking full of energy.

Next to him was a somewhat unsmiling, rather cold-looking middle-aged man with facial paralysis.

"Bai Shougen, ID: God of Death, serves as a sniper."

Bai Shougen's lips didn't seem to move when he spoke, and he didn't know where the voice came from, but just looking at his performance, he seemed to be well suited for the position of a sniper.

"Hello, lord, I am the observer in the team. My name is Ming Wu Jing, and I still have the same name on the channel."

"Si Chunyi, currently an assaulter, channel ID: In wind and rain, best at fighting in small terrain."

Two young men who looked quite similar came out at the same time and reported their basic information.

But the strange thing is that their last names are completely different, and I don't know what the relationship is.

"I'll give you ten minutes to prepare weapons. Feng Long prepares the chariot. We'll set off immediately."

Without storage space, you need to prepare a lot of things for a trip.

Even the box containing the Sun Chaser Armor has become a big problem. Its weight makes it difficult to transport it long distances without a truck.

But fortunately, the Tihu has now been replaced with the latest Nengshi engine, so there is no longer any range anxiety.

In less than twenty minutes, a gray-yellow painted vehicle drove out of the military camp and rushed straight to the east of the territory, where Qinggang City was coming, under the eyes of countless envious eyes!

"Today we are exploring the periphery and trying to collect as much basic map information as possible. You can familiarize yourself with the nearby terrain and don't rush into deeper areas."

Looking at the five people in the car who looked excited and eager to participate in the battle, Su Mo paused and continued.

"You probably don't know the origin of Qinggang City yet. It is a city cluster that traveled from another world. It is at least three hundred years behind the technology of our people on Earth."

"Of course, according to the information we have collected, the generation difference in weapons should not be as big as imagined, but I am not sure what kind of monsters or opponents we will encounter. It is best to be careful."

"Remember, no matter what you see, don't panic."


"Understood! Team Longming, never retreat!" A uniform shout came from the car. The nuclear-powered rifle driving the car even reached out and hammered its chest, almost hitting a pile of building ruins raised on the ground.

The current Tianyuan territory is finally not as desolate as before.

Wherever the gray fog goes, it not only brings buildings of different shapes, but also some ancillary vegetation, creatures, and even complete natural environments.

This overall change is very significant, making the bare frozen soil that has gone through a whole winter finally no longer so barren, and occasionally you can see some green grass covering the ground, as soft as a carpet.

Shrubs of varying heights and lengths grow on the sides of the ruins, with long branches hanging down into the windows. Traces of various years are deeply buried on the moss-covered concrete surface.

If this is the first time someone comes here from the outside world, they may really think that this is also a no-man's land.

But when actually driving towards Qinggang City, Somo could clearly feel that the frequency of building ruins was actually amplifying, and the density had doubled compared to that around the village.

It's as if it was set up like this on purpose in order to make the link to Qinggang City not obtrusive.

The car drove forward, and soon weaved all the way through the mist to the boundary of the territory.

After parking the car, the group carefully passed through the fog boundary and entered an even more desolate ruins.

Keep going eastward.

The fog blocked too much of the sight of farther places, so that the eyes could only wander around the surrounding buildings.

On the other hand, the faint electric light in Moore's eyes flickered, and he seemed to be able to observe something further away.

"Moore saw some traces of life activity."

"Can you identify what it is?"

"There are quadrupeds, reptiles, and human footprints!"


The five members of Longming's team were all startled. They quickly took the rifle hanging on their backs in their hands and turned on the safety. The laziness on their bodies completely disappeared.

Compared to animals with low IQs, even if they are mutated by radiation, the fear in the hearts of everyone is far less than when they encounter the same kind.

Especially after seeing the group of people in the fifth floor area disagreeing and fighting, everyone believed that only the weapons in their hands could defend the last trace of peace in this chaotic area.

Moving forward cautiously, Moore was at the front wearing heavy armor.

As everyone passed through an area of ​​low-rise bungalows, the buildings around them finally changed.

In the thick fog not far away, there seemed to be a collapsed bridge.

The broken cross-section of the bridge towered upward, surrounded by large pieces of fallen concrete masonry.

Countless scalp-numbing blue-purple bacterial colonies are scattered among the bricks, leaving only a small, relatively clean path leading deep into the mist.

Bah. Bah.

The arrival of humans broke the peace of this area.

A low sound of animal chirping sounded from a distance, and then several gray-brown shadows flashed through the mist and disappeared into the distance.


They walked up the broken bridge until they stopped when the angle of the slope in front was approaching 30 degrees. Everyone stood on the side and looked down at the surroundings, with a touch of shock in their eyes.

I saw that the purple colony that I saw earlier covered more than one area. As far as the line of sight could be seen, almost within a two-kilometer radius, there were this damn thing everywhere. It was no worse than the legendary blanket of bacteria that devoured everything.

And within the hazy shadow of the mist, there are countless high-rise buildings, which also have this kind of bluish-purple bacterial colonies, as well as green vines as thick as a human waist climbing up the stairs.

They seem to be the masters of this city, displaying their sovereignty wantonly, piercing their roots into the ground, constantly sucking the only nutrients and climbing up.

Occasionally encountering a few obstructive concrete stones or vehicles that have not been completely rusted and weathered, these vines do not stop, and plunge into them with nearly half a meter of velvet hair, continuing down.

"The ruins of civilization"

I have never seen such a rough scene, not even in games or movies.

No one has ever been able to describe this feeling with simple words.

Without intervention, these cities built to be suitable for human habitation have become more comfortable storage hotbeds than the wild.

Standing between heaven and earth, even Somo himself felt a touch of insignificance, a touch of the insignificance of human beings between heaven and earth!

He finally understood that Delang and others knew that there were many opportunities waiting to be discovered in Qinggang City, but they could only live in the outermost suburbs, "patiently" waiting for the recovery of civilization.

Conquering, no, just exploring this place will probably cost you an unacceptable price.

"Record this and take it back for archival research."

"Our trip today will end at this broken bridge and explore the area bordering the broken bridge and the territory."

After issuing the order, Sumo decisively chose to retreat and not go to the real high-rise area of ​​Qinggang City.

Not only because of the environmental threats that are visible to the naked eye, but also because of the dangers described in the confessions of the wild wolves.

There are aborigines in this place, and there is no guarantee that they will have powerful weapons left over from before the war. Even if he can escape wearing the sun-chasing armor, the five members of the Longming team, including Feng Long, are afraid that they will not be able to escape.

They all have to be destroyed.

In addition, when I came to these residential areas, I saw a lot of good things.

Just looking through the windows, the various furniture, home appliances, and small objects inside that have not rusted to the point of being turned into scrap metal are of extremely high value.

Taking it back, whether it is for repair or used directly as materials, it is an improvement from scratch.


The team dispersed and returned along the original path to form a team of 33 to explore. They carefully opened the window and entered the interior of the bungalow, searching inch by inch.

As the person with the highest combat power, Sumo simply put on the sun-chasing armor and stood in the center, scanning the surroundings for possible dangers.

The fog within the territory could not completely block infrared detection, but outside the territory, the interference ability of these white fogs increased sharply. Even the intelligent life zero he just tried to release failed after turning on the information collector.

In this case, visual monitoring is more useful.


The camera behind his head caught a slight shake, and Somo turned his head sharply.

But just like what I encountered before, the tremor seemed to be blown by the wind and quickly calmed down.

Considering that taking the initiative in this unfamiliar environment was not the best option, Sumo finally chose to stand still and continue to stand patiently on guard.

However, from an angle that he couldn't see, there was a big black shadow under the shaking ruins that was just shaking. It quickly retreated and did not stop until it completely left the boundary just now.

Bah. Bah.

The speed of the black shadow is not slow, it is about twice as fast as the fleeing speed of a mouse on earth.

However, following it in the hazy white mist, a rough big hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the black shadow in its hand.

Then, a metal hose as thick as a finger emerged from the mist and was inserted into the black shadow's head arbitrarily.


The black shadow howled in pain, but the owner of the big hand ignored it, and the hose continued to squirm.

Half a minute passed before he withdrew the tube and threw the black shadow on the ground.

Powered armor?

Pre-war weapons?

Under the helmet that looked like a gas mask, the man whose face had rotted away less than half had a hint of fear in his eyes.

The remote Qingang City has not seen such a well-equipped team for a long time.

What are they looking for?

Are you looking for those shelters built in the pre-war era in Qinggang City?

The fear in the man's pupils grew more and more, and in the end he did not choose to go in the direction where the black shadow came from to explore in person, and turned around and disappeared into the mist.

This chapter has been completed!
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