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Chapter 929 Three Hundred Years Underground, Pingtan Shelter!

 Each underground fortress started in the pre-war era and was eventually preserved as an underground fortress that can still be used after the war.

Basically, they applied the most advanced architectural concepts and technologies of that era and high-strength applied materials.

Whether it is the impact and shock of a frontal nuclear warhead or the frequent earthquakes caused by crustal movements, they have always passed through difficult environmental tests time and again perfectly.

Of course, there were many people who retained heavy weapons. After the war, they wanted to negotiate and move in more than once with the idea that "the neighbor's house is my home." However, in the end, they were blocked by the solid underground defense circle, which maintained the whole

Decades of time.

Some people have calculated based on the strength of the materials used to build the bunkers at that time that based on their lifespan, these fortresses could last at least five hundred years on the Blue Star. Even if some accidents occurred during this period, it would be guaranteed that the next time human civilization would return to the ground.

But the reality is cruel, it was only two hundred and seventy-two years, less than three hundred years.

More and more underground fortresses are beginning to withdraw from the stage of history and are reaching the end of their lives.

What ended them was not that external materials reached their limits, but


The heavy shelter door opened, Liu Lu's thoughts were brought back, and he stepped inside.

At the entrance is a room with an area of ​​about fifty square meters, with two exoskeleton guards sitting in the corner.

From top to bottom, a weak air flow carries water mist down, performing the most basic disinfection.

After the disinfection was completed and he nodded to the two guards, Liu Lu stepped inside.

Behind the second gate is a long defensive corridor, about forty meters long.

On weekdays, there are no roadblocks on the corridor.

But as long as the manager of the fortress presses the emergency button, a gate made of super alloy material will fall down every five meters, blocking all foreign intruders from the real core area.

When he reached the end of the corridor, Liu Lu straightened his clothes and looked back and forth at the cameras on both sides.


The heavy blocking door began to lift, and vague chaotic sounds began to come from inside.

After entering, there is a platform space of just over 100 square meters.

Among them, a dark hole with a diameter of five meters lay across the ground, and the sound came from it.

Liu Lu stepped in, tilted his body slightly, and slid down the side of the hole.

This is a slide entry design similar to a slide.

When there is no danger on weekdays, the slide is very well maintained and the smoothness is almost imperceptible.

But if an enemy is detected entering, sharp alloy cutting blades will protrude from both sides of the slide. Even if you are wearing an exoskeleton, you will not be able to escape the fate of being chopped into pieces in a few seconds.


The noise became louder and louder.

When mottled light began to appear in the slide, the corner was turned, and the vision finally opened up!

It was a bare buffer platform.

"Hey, Captain Liu is back so soon. It seems like someone from the harbor is here?"

At the end of the slide, just when Liu Lu had just landed, someone helped him up accurately.

Liu Lu squinted his eyes until the bright light inside was no longer so irritating, then nodded slightly and said: "They are here, I am going to report to the manager."

"Okay, you don't need to register, I will do the rest."

The person guarding the end of the slide seemed to be very familiar with Liu Lu. The two exchanged a few words before choosing to let him go.

Continue walking along the corridor that connects the small platform to the light.

Inexplicable whispers, the footsteps of pedestrians, the sizzling sound of electricity, and buzzing sounds from time to time, more and more sounds began to become clear.

Someone once speculated that the hole in the ground where the Gopher Man lived was just a collection of narrow small rooms, and he lived in it like a tomb until he died.

Some people also speculate that they are just like gophers, with a nest in the east and a nest in the west, just linked together by passages.

But no one has ever guessed it.

From a perspective perspective, the entire Pingtan Shelter looks like a cylinder with its inner core hollowed out.

A huge rotating escalator is being built in the center of the inner core, starting from the top and extending downward until it enters the bottom floor of nearly 100 meters.

Along the inner core, scratches were carved out at intervals of three and eight meters, forming independent parallel spaces underground.

Each layer of these parallel spaces is an independent living layer.

It has independent access to the ground, and also has complete residential accommodation, service facilities, public departments, sales shops, and entertainment venues.

Except for floor leaders and deputy floor leaders, as well as some people with special certificates, they can go to other floors through the escalator in the middle.

Over the past two hundred years, this place has seen away batches of familiar faces and welcomed new faces one after another.

Many people were born here and died here.

Under the control of the great manager, he lived an almost isolated life.

"Oh, sorry, sorry."

Walking out of the corridor, Liu Lu bumped into a man carrying a toolbox and hurried to the left.

The two collided with each other, and the man, who was slightly weaker, sat down on the ground.

But when he raised his head and saw the person he bumped into, there was a hint of complaint on his face:

"Captain Liu, the water supply pipe in our B-7-2 area has exploded again. Last time you said that a new replacement would be found soon. How long has it been? If we continue to repair it, I'm afraid it will cause our entire evacuation.

There are problems with all the water supply systems!”

"What's the rush? Am I not looking for it?"

Liu Lu muttered, a trace of dissatisfaction flashing in his eyes.

He looked at the area the man was talking about, and sure enough, it was surrounded by a sign indicating that it was under repair.

If it were a hundred years ago, this situation might still be new.

But now this is completely normal. Almost every floor of Pingtan Shelter will have various infrastructure problems.

Maintenance and repair is a minor matter, but it is not a major matter if it is damaged and needs to be replaced.

"Each floor of our shelter is managed independently and is responsible for its own profits and losses. The standard of living depends entirely on the people living on this floor to find a solution. Captain Liu, you have the capital and strength to go to other floors to continue living, but this B

-No one else on the 7th floor has the money. If the delay goes on for a long time, these people will become more and more dissatisfied."

"Our maintenance team has been waiting for you, the deputy leader, for a long time. If we can't find the materials, the Lord will blame us and directly cut off the basic supply of our floor. No one can bear this responsibility, right?"

"I said, Lao Lu, you are threatening me, you are very courageous." Liu Lu sneered and wanted to walk away with disdain.

However, before he could take a full step forward, the man named Lao Lu's next words made him pause in embarrassment.

"Captain Liu, last time I went to talk to B-6 and B-5 to restore the power supply by borrowing optical cables, it was all done by our brothers. If you think this is our responsibility, then you can leave boldly."

On the word "borrow", Lao Lu emphasized his tone, and the meaning was self-evident.

Liu Lu's face twitched, but he finally suppressed the rising anger.

He turned his head and forced out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Lao Lu, didn't I promise you to find a solution? Give me some more time and I will find replacement materials as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I will go and persuade the brothers again and let them trust you and the chief for a while."

Lao Lu stood up, patted the ashes on his body and left.

But when he did this, Liu Lu felt even worse.

Stepping onto the spiral escalator heading to the B-21 management floor, he could only pray silently in his heart as he looked at the various creatures on each floor as he went down.

The manager doesn't want Lao Lu to be so easy to talk to and just get over it in a fool's errand.

Pingtan Shelter, except for the management, has other 20 floors with different tasks.

There are those responsible for finding deals to supply energy materials for the shelter to generate electricity.

Responsible for repairing damage to the overall exterior of the shelter.

There is also an entire floor devoted to training, specifically responsible for foreign wars.

From top to bottom, the lower the level, the easier the tasks are and the smaller the task quota required.

For example, the amount of survival materials that the B-1 layer needs to submit every month is 150% of that of the B-7 layer. If it cannot be completed, it will be kicked out of the shelter.

The tasks on the B-13 floor are 70% of those on the B-7 floor. If you exceed the limit, you will be rewarded by the manager.

Ever since he took up the post of B-7 floor manager, he took up the harbor shelter and was able to carry out regular and quantitative transactions.

It has been a long time since the people living on this floor were forced to go to the ground in large numbers to search for supplies because they could not fulfill their material requirements, paying a heavy price to complete the requirements.

But this time, after seeing the outrageous price, Liu Lu had almost guessed the result.

The administrator will definitely not agree to such an outrageous request and pay a large amount of coupons to purchase supplies for the harbor shelter.

The big trouble on the B-7 floor that has not been encountered in more than ten years may really come!

"Liu Lu, deputy director of B-7 floor and captain of Pingtan Defense Team 7, identity verification successful."

"Please answer the reason for meeting the manager."

Unknowingly, I reached the bottom.

Hearing the guard's inquiry from the front, Liu Lu suddenly reacted and said quickly: "I'm looking for the manager. There is important news from the harbor shelter!"

"Harbor Shelter?"

The armed guard frowned, walked to the table and chair, picked up the tablet, and looked through the previous schedule.

This time of the month happens to be the trading time between the B-7 floor and the harbor shelter.

Today, it's much later than usual.

"Come in, the old rules are to take off your clothes and leave all weapons behind."

The guard blocking the exit stepped aside, and Liu Lu quickly took off his clothes one by one.

It wasn't until he had taken off his clothes that he put on the green thermal insulation suit handed over by the guard.

"This material is so damn comfortable."

Although this was not the first time he had worn this thing, Liu Lu still couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Each shelter has different "specialties".

The most famous thing about Pingtan Shelter is this one-piece thermal insulation suit.

It can control the body temperature within a comfortable range, withstand the severe cold of -30 degrees below zero and the scorching heat of 40 degrees above zero, and always keep the wearer from being affected by the external environment.

It is rumored that two hundred years ago, the output of this thing was enough for each person in the shelter to have one. If it was damaged, it could be recycled and replaced with a new one.

However, as time goes by and the raw materials become less and less, only those with high status in Pingtan Shelter can be rewarded and dressed by the administrator.

"Very well, let's go in."

"Be careful, don't look at things you shouldn't, otherwise you will be responsible for anything that happens."

The guard drove a four-seat flatbed truck from the side. Liu Lu quickly lowered his head and sat on the seat, took the initiative to pick up the eye mask next to him and put it on.

The vehicle started and slowly stopped after about ten minutes.

Zila Zila, the faint noise of the intercom sounded.

"Secretary, Liu Lu, the deputy director of B-7, said he has important news to report to the manager."

"The manager just happened to wake up, let him come in and wait."



The sound of the door opening sounded, the guard took off his blindfold, and Liu Lu quickly lowered his head and hurried forward.

On the shiny metal ground, a blue arrow was beating continuously.

Follow the arrow inward until it stops.

Liu Lu still lowered his head, kneeling on one knee on the ground with undisguised fear.

Not long after, a heavy breathing sounded from ahead.

"Tell me, what's the big news?"

"Sir Manager, the Harbor Shelter has gone back on its promise. Even if it pays liquidated damages, it has to cancel the original contract with our B-7 floor and sign a new supply contract.

At the same time, they have significantly increased the price of the goods in the new supply order, more than ten times the previous price."

"ten times?"

The sound of breathing became a little heavier.

The man as strong as a tiger sat upright from the large chair. The relaxed explosive muscles all over his body were slightly tense, and blood vessels visible to the naked eye appeared on his arms.

His skin exuded a different red color from ordinary people, as if he had just soaked in a hot spring.

His name is "Pingtan", and the manager of this Pingtan shelter sounds gentle and gentle.

But in fact, he was not called Pingtan before.

In the huge Qinggang City, he has a notorious name.

"Tiger Hunt".

Any prey he targets will be picked out and torn apart piece by piece by his ferocious "smell" no matter where it escapes.

Even if the opponent's strength is higher, he still has the patience of a cat, waiting until the opponent is weak to launch a fatal blow.

Many people had speculated that with his character, even if he became a manager, he would not change his name to Pingtan according to the rules of the shelter, and live a life free from competition with the world.

But everyone was wrong in the end, and Yehu gave up his reputation very quickly.

In order to better manage Pingtan Shelter, and in order for everyone to no longer be afraid when hearing his name.

Just like when hunting prey, he never hesitates to use any means to achieve his goal.

It was not until more than ten years later that tiger hunting was spread among only a few people.

After being questioned by him, Liu Lu, who was kneeling on one knee, did not dare to raise his head and whispered in a low voice.

"More than ten times, some items have even increased in price by twenty times, which is simply outrageous. My subordinates don't know if the other party is interested. The leader, Captain Garu, accidentally showed me the supply list of the giant city shelter.

Even though prices have increased, they have ordered more supplies than before."

"My subordinates wonder if the Giant City Shelter and the Harbor Shelter are united to try to cheat us?"

"Trick us? They don't have the courage."

Hearing Liu Lu's suspicion, a look of domineering appeared on Pingtan's face, and he couldn't help but tighten the iron beads in his hands.

In the entire Qinggang City, Pingtan Shelter ranks third in size and power.

The giant city's shelter is ranked ninth. If you want to trick people, you won't put your idea on their heads.

"What else did he say?"

"Captain Garu said there is an important piece of information he wants to sell, which is related to the reason for the price increase of the goods and the changes in Qinggang City."

This chapter has been completed!
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