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Chapter 933 Tianyuan military reform, the second village in the territory!

 "Has the fish tide predicted something new again? Or is it the machine tools we are in short supply now?"

Sitting on the first floor planning the drawings for the renovation of the shelter, Sumo raised his head and felt strange.

According to what he said last time, there is an interval of one and a half months between each divination.

Why is it only less than a month now?

"The high priest said that the power you gave him last time allowed him to accidentally reach a new level. The time for a regular divination has been greatly shortened. This number is still needed for big divination."

Chen Shen immediately answered and gave more precise information:

"We have already found someone to judge the location he mentioned. It is in the direction of Qinggang City. I later asked Feng Long for confirmation. It was a bit troublesome. It seems to be in the base of that group of gopher guys."

"Over there?"

Somo frowned slightly.

The Sun Chaser is not invincible, and the buffer alloy on its surface will be damaged if it is exposed to intensive firepower for a short period of time.

After seeing the combat effectiveness of those exoskeletons last time, relying on the strength of the Tianyuan Army to invade was a complete fantasy.

What's more, the specific information under the opponent's bunker has not yet been fully explored. Even if the machine tool is known to be inside, there is no way to snatch it out.


"You don't have to worry about this matter. Go and call Sudeben over and I'll explain it to him."

"The Tianyuan Army's current mechanism is too bloated. The village reform and the militia should also be reformed."

The Tianyuan Army is responsible for dispatching and assigning the militiamen who patrol the territorial boundaries every day.

The militiamen who guarded the village to maintain order were still dispatched by the Tianyuan Army.

In addition, we have to fight externally and perform special missions.

The earlier you separate these responsibilities and establish different rules and response methods, the more helpful it will be for future development.

In addition, the Tianyuan Army's size of 600 people seems a bit too much.

Some time ago, in order to compete with the dwarves, people who had basically received training in the early stage joined in. Now that the New World has expanded and the war has calmed down a bit, it may be a good choice to release some trained warriors into the village.

Those scavengers are always worried about their own safety, so they hire one or two soldiers to join the team. The places they explore will only go deeper and deeper, and the more good things they can find will become more and more.

As the saying goes, hide troops among the people and use troops for the people.

If manpower is needed to join the front-line battle again, these reserve militiamen who frequently participate in battles with scavengers will immediately be converted into active combat effectiveness, achieving the effect of killing two birds with one stone.

"We don't need to set up too many departments first. We should separate the Tianyuan Army responsible for external operations and the patrol team responsible for internal security."

"When the time comes, let me subdivide the responsibilities and evolve the management of different departments."

Su Deben came in a hurry, and after the two exchanged ideas for a while, a rough plan was drawn up.

There are 680 people in the Tianyuan Military Camp, and the last 200 people will be eliminated in the next fifteen days, and they will be broken into pieces and added to the village's operation system.

Among the remaining people, another 300 people were selected to form a patrol team.

The last remaining one hundred and eighty people, who were at the forefront, formed the Tianyuan Army team, forming 12 teams of 15 people per team.

"Speaking of which, haven't we actually launched a direct war with foreign countries?"

Looking at the Pingtan Bunker in the western suburbs, the people inside obviously have a lot of dealings with wastelanders.

Compared with the "young birds" protected in the territory, what if the two parties really meet in reality.

Sumo touched his chin and began to formulate ideas.

Pick the soft persimmons first and pinch them.

Using the lv.1 Tianyuan Army to leapfrog the challenge may be the lv.10 or lv.15 Pingtan Bunker. This is obviously unrealistic. At least you have to start with the mobs to gain experience and upgrade them, and take advantage of the routes to upgrade them several times.

How about searching first to see if there is anything similar to the one on the fifth floor?

But at this moment, No. 0, who was slowly absorbing the radiant energy of the Energy Stone Array at the top of the shelter, suddenly transmitted a message.

"Master, the wild wolf you sent out has brought the guest back."

In the hazy fog.

Huang Xiong tightly held the iron pipe rifle in his hand, his muscles all tense.

Behind him, hundreds of refugees with ragged clothes and pale faces were following closely, looking back and forth around the area, as if they were worried about the mutated monsters that might rush out of the mist at any time.

The two black-coated dogs, as well as some other tame mutated creatures, were being led by the wild wolf at the back of the team.

Step out from the safety of the fifth floor and step into the unknown wilderness.

This is a bold attempt by the Desolate Bone Tribe, and it is also a forced choice they made out of desperation.

After more than ten days of siege, the supplies stored in the building have become less and less, but the opponent still has no intention of attacking.

This approach, which was clearly going to be wasted, came back intact and after explaining the recruitment policy, Huang Xiong agreed simply, and as if he was relieved, he decided to "abandon the darkness and turn to the light" that day.

No one is following or monitoring.

It seemed that the soldiers stationed on the fifth floor were not worried about them escaping.

Not long after, when the outline of a village began to appear in the hazy mist before his eyes, Huangxiong's eyes widened and he couldn't help but stop.


He suddenly froze, looking at the dozens of people walking out of the mist, and tightened his grip on the iron barrel rifle in his hand.

Although he also understood that the guy in his hand was as ridiculous as a toy in front of the opponent's sophisticated pre-war weapons.

But unlike Desolate Wolf, he is the leader of Desolate Bone Tribe.

He has a mission on his shoulders. Even if he surrenders, he must ensure that the more than a hundred people behind him will not become slaves of the other party and suffer endless inhuman oppression.

"Dear Lord, we don't mean to offend, we were just dragged to your territory by this strange mist."

From the position where others stepped aside and the gaze of Wild Wolf, Wild Bear immediately locked his eyes on the man in the front row.

Sumo nodded slightly and glanced back at the basic configuration of the Desolate Bone Tribe.

There is a big difference from what Wild Wolf explained, because in troubled times, healthy men are the main fighting force of a force, and the refugees who can live outside are basically women and children.

There are now a total of 142 men, women and children in the Desolate Bone Tribe, 60% of whom are women, and there are even two pregnant women with bulging bellies.

However, from the comparison between the look on the pregnant woman's face and that of the people around her, it seems that although this group of people are refugees and occasionally work part-time as plunderers to grab small caravans passing by, their nature should not be so bad that they are irredeemable.

As long as you still have some hope for the future of mankind and still have illusions about living a better life, it will not be difficult to conquer.

In terms of supplies, the Desolate Bone Tribe does not have much inventory, and almost everyone has just a few on their backs.

On the mutated creature side, there is an old whip ox, two armored dogs, and four puppies that have not yet grown up. They are slightly richer than the ordinary refugee tribe.

In terms of weapons, Sumo took a look at the iron tube rifle in Huang Xiong's hand and chose to ignore it.

Without complete industrial support, the Gophers disdain to do business with them. It is too difficult to find standard weapons. It is considered lucky to have these firepower weapons made by oneself with simple work.

Compared to the Tianyuan Army, which is currently at level 1, this group of people may be at level 0. If they had not previously had the geographical advantage of the fifth floor area, they could have been divided into the most basic mobs and directly farmed.

"I won't blame you for being abrupt before. No one expected that the mist would send you directly to my territory. But having said that, this is the place under my jurisdiction after all."

"You have two ways. The first is to surrender. The second is to leave."

The refugee procession was silent.

Everyone involuntarily turned their attention to Huang Xiong.

"Lord, thank you for your kindness to my brother Wild Wolf."

"But the conditions brought back by the Wild Wolf were too harsh. You know, after leaving Qinggang City, we almost cut off all sources of food and income. If we continue to stay in the previous camp, sooner or later we will starve to death in the ruins of the city


These natives from Blue Star cannot be mixed with players from Earth.

It was a decision that Sumo made after careful consideration for a long time.

Even though both sides are humans, even though these Blue Star humans are still Lu Kuan's compatriots.

But the reason is very straightforward.

The aboriginal people do not have game boards, and there are certain communication barriers in language.

If people from both sides are allowed to live together as a group, but the bonus brought by the route cannot be radiated, sooner or later someone will have a psychological imbalance due to this reason, and will develop a feeling of betraying the group, which will give rise to anti-social ideas.

In addition, once a conflict breaks out between the two parties, no matter how fair the convoy formed by one's own people is, it will inevitably have certain biases. This approach may not have any consequences in a short period of time, but over time, it will accumulate in the hearts of the indigenous people.

The dissatisfaction will only grow.

Once it detonates, no one is willing to bear the price.

The only way is to separate the two sides and form different groups to communicate.

The people from Blue Star still live together with the people from Blue Star, and the players from Earth also live in the same place as the players.

Even if there is still a gap between the two sides, the result will be the same as now.

They will think that Hope Village is a powerful force, and thus they will assume the attitude of inferiors from the bottom of their hearts.

Even if people from both sides still interact with each other, it is roughly the same as if people from a powerful country on earth go to a weak country, they will only be respected and welcomed.

As for law enforcement, it's even simpler.

Conflicts that break out on any side will still be under the control of that side. This can also curb the sense of superiority of the players on the earth to a certain extent, thus maintaining this balance.

Thinking of this, Sumo raised his head and looked at Huang Xiong, who was looking worried.

"The conditions given to Wild Wolf before were the conditions finally decided upon by the village. You only have these two choices."

"But out of satisfaction with your attitude and pity for the Desolate Bone Tribe, as the lord, I can now give you a third option on top of this."

"Lord, please speak!" Realizing that something was going on, Huang Xiong quickly bent down and bowed, his body almost perpendicular to the pile.

"The Barren Bone Tribe is still rooted in the fifth floor area, but I will provide you with a start-up capital to establish the second village in Tianyuan Territory. Barren Bone Village."

"I will instruct the village's Work Administration to assign some jobs to Barren Bone Village, but you don't have to think too much about the salary. A hard day's work will only cover the cost of two meals a day."


When I first heard this term, it was only spoken by gophers, foundations and caravans.

Huang Xiong's eyes widened, and a gleam of light suddenly burst out from his dim eyes.

He forcibly suppressed his joy and continued to bend down until he reached the maximum angle before raising his head: "Lord, I need to discuss this with my clansmen."

"Okay, I'll give you five minutes."

From the performance of Huangxiong, we can basically see the results.

In fact, this is indeed a formality.

It was only after he gathered the women, children, and men with various injuries together that he finished explaining the latest recruitment policy.

The small Barren Bone Tribe had already begun to burst into cheers.

Of course, these refugees don't care about the prospects of establishing villages and continuing to develop.

They only care about having two full meals after working hard for one day.

I'm afraid this kind of treatment is the same in Gopher Man's bunker, right?

"Lord, Huang Xiong is willing to offer you the most pious loyalty."

"We accept your conditions and are willing to contribute to the development of Tianyuan Territory."

Huangxiong stepped forward respectfully, placed the slightly rusty iron pipe rifle on the ground, and bowed back.

Refugees from other tribes followed suit and stepped forward to throw out their weapons.

Among them, the slingshot that disrupted the drone was also thrown down by a skinny child with his tongue hanging out.

But looking at his expression, it seemed that he was quite reluctant to part with his "weapon".

"Except for fire weapons, you can keep other homemade weapons. After all, my people can't protect your safety 24 hours a day."

Somo coughed lightly and called to the refugees to take back a large pile of rags.

The fifth floor area is close to the Wanli Mountains. Although nothing has been dropped there yet, there is a chance that enemies will suddenly attack one night.

Coupled with their innate hunting experience, it would be a waste to abandon this skill completely.

"What's your name?"

Crouching in front of the boy holding the slingshot, Somo asked softly.

"Slingshot, others call me Little Slingshot, Lord Lord."

The boy didn't look worried, he just put his hands behind his back a little shyly.

"Little Slingshot? Where's your original name?"

"Original name?"

"My father died before I was born. This is the name my mother gave me."

His eyes glanced at a somewhat embarrassed middle-aged woman behind him, with some confusion on his face.

In the post-war era, few people use convoluted names anymore.

Only the big shots still retained the habits of the pre-war era and liked to give themselves formal names that did not sound impressive at all.

What's more, after the era of cultural education, most people can only speak and have completely forgotten how to write.

It is so convenient to be able to use the objects around you as your own pronouns.

"Okay, are you familiar with the western suburbs of Qinggang City, near Pingtan Bunker?"

The little Slingshot, who was thin, dark, short, and looked malnourished, nodded quickly.

"Western suburbs? Lord, I often go to catch rats in the sewers over there. They are so fat!"

"Sewer?" Sumo was slightly surprised: "Are you familiar with the structure of the sewer over there?"

"Yes, before I caught all the mice, I also found a blue carpet mushroom fruit. Hiss, the patriarch used it in exchange for the whip ox!"

Pointing at the old whip ox behind him, Little Slingshot patted his chest.

"Very good." After hearing the satisfactory answer, Sumo couldn't help but nodded: "Be prepared. Maybe I will send someone to find you in a few days, and there may be a generous reward~"

This chapter has been completed!
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