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Chapter 947: Changing times, useless technology!

 No one expected that this would happen when the Red Spider Caravan took on the largest order since its establishment.

The three of them felt a little heavy and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Every industrial core is a treasure of the wisdom of mankind in the pre-war era.

Its function is somewhat similar to that of modular devices. After the industrial manufacturing level reaches a certain level, tasks that should be completed by several devices are concentrated on one machine.

The operation method is equally simple. Follow the core requirements to input the materials in a fool-like manner, turn on the energy, and wait for a while to take out the finished product.

However, the slight difference is that the modular device is more advanced. Even if some modules are damaged, it will not affect the functions of other modules and can still perform tasks. Once there is a problem inside the industrial core, even a small part is damaged.

, will also cause the entire process to stop and cannot be used anymore.

Of course, compared to the fact that the modular module cannot be repaired or even disassembled after it is damaged, Industrial Core has considered the subsequent maintenance issues from the beginning and has set up an extremely excellent self-inspection system.

When internal damage occurs, the self-inspection program will not only mark the specific location, but also provide different corresponding repair methods for the user's reference.

Therefore, the industrial core is also divided into several standard levels in Blue Star.

I won’t say much more about it being complete.

Those with less than 30% damage are called semi-abandoned and have a very high repair value.

If the degree of damage exceeds 50%, it is said to be in a completely abandoned state, and the difficulty of repair is comparable to that of rebuilding another one.

The Red Spider Caravan traveled with a large amount of money this time, and before departure, they also purchased two Red Spider chariots and installed combined modules to enhance transportation and defense capabilities. In order to get one, they had been eyeing it for two years.

A semi-abandoned industrial core.

In the past two years, they have collected purchase channels for replacement parts in advance, and also purchased a piece of land around the foundation.

All you need to do is return to the foundation headquarters and purchase parts to repair the industrial core.

The Red Spider Caravan can gradually transform from a wandering land caravan into a semi-industrial caravan, earning a steady stream of income from its core products.

But now, the dream seems to be shattered.

Entering this unfamiliar world, it is still unclear how many of the previously discussed channels can be retained.

But what is certain is that this semi-abandoned industrial core will definitely become a hot potato right now.

Take it out and sell it?

According to the foundation's acquisition standards, at least two-thirds of the investment must be lost, which is equivalent to the caravan working in vain in the past few years.

Why don't you take it out and sell it?

If you hold it in your hand and cannot repair it, you have to bear the risk of being targeted.

It rains at night.

Sometimes silence is the best language.

Sean took out his hand from under the table, gently placed it on the car window, and followed the path of the raindrops moving downward.



The wind blew the raindrops and beat them randomly.

Just like his mood, it was as unstable as the raindrops.

After a while, Sean didn't know what he had figured out, and his wandering eyes suddenly became firm.

He turned his head and looked at Luke and Joseph, who were still wandering around, and said firmly:

"The industrial core cannot be sold to the outside world for the time being. This is the capital for our re-emergence, regardless of whether it can be repaired or not."

"In addition, even if the channels we collected in the past are gone, we can still continue to collect. At most, it will take some time."

"But... if we want to collect parts, isn't it the same as telling others that we have a core?" Joseph said with a slightly hesitant expression, and couldn't help but glance at the patrol team passing by not far away from the car window.

It's already two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Compared with the lazy guards of the caravan, when it rains, they all retreat to the car to rest.

The soldiers in this strange shelter are simply dedicated and abnormal, and they still patrol the border meticulously.

If it weren't for the fact that the weapons in their hands were so backward, the gap between the two sides would be huge.

Josephs asked themselves that they could never maintain their current mentality towards strangers wandering around the caravan.

"Don't worry, haven't we always done this when we inquired about channels?"

"Besides, compared to other caravans this time, we are not unlucky."

"At least before departure, we upgraded all our weapons and prepared enough armaments and logistics for several tough battles."

Sean's tone was mixed with comfort, but his attitude remained firm.

"We can go to a gathering place like Tianyuan Shelter and ask them to help find it. They don't know the industrial core and don't know our purpose of finding repair parts."

"If you go to more places, you will always gain something."

"I hope."

Seeing that Sean had said this, Joseph stopped expressing contradictory opinions and made a gesture of support.

The injured Luke didn't have any other opinions. Besides, he was already numb from sleep even if he could survive the gunshot wound.

The three people hastily discussed the deployment situation for the next few days, and then returned to their respective bedrooms and fell asleep.


The next day.

After a rainy night, a rare sunny day.

Of course, with the Thousand Illusions of Fog that spread throughout the New World, the presence of the sun only caused the temperature to rise a bit.

Physically, it still feels like a sticky lake.

The Red Spider Caravan was very efficient and soon sent someone a list full of items that could be traded.

The person responsible for negotiating with the shelter is Walter, the purchasing manager of the Red Spider Caravan.

He is not tall, only about 1.6 meters tall.

But his figure is close to 180 pounds, and he looks like a round rubber ball when walking on the road.

"Dear Tianyuan Manager, this is all the goods that our caravan can currently sell to the outside world."

"Don't worry about the price. You will never find anything cheaper than ours in the entire wasteland."

Walter smiled modestly and took out an A4-sized picture album from the leather bag he carried with him.

"There are so many?"

Sumo took it in surprise and found that the booklet recording the items had more than twenty pages, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Open and read.

Every product in the album has a basic text introduction and illustrations.

Probably the other party discovered that the weapons in the Tianyuan territory were very "old" and also confirmed that the surrounding environment had changed and that the weapons and equipment would be the next hot commodities.

The first few pages of the album are actually full of arms!

From the most basic pistols, submachine guns, and rifles, to enhanced machine guns, sniper rifles, and grenade guns.

From shoulder-resistant RPGs to anti-aircraft artillery that can be installed on the ground.

Under the word "rare", Sumo even saw an electromagnetic rifle shining with silver light!

Although the price is not cheap.

The string of "9" numbers combined together were obviously released by this group of people to make him greedy.

But the Red Spider Caravan is simply like a walking arsenal. Even when Tianyuan Territory had the largest arms reserve before, it was not more than one-tenth of the number that can be traded in this album.


"Only weapons, no ammunition?"

"Yes, we can sell a batch of weapons to your shelter, but the ammunition inventory is currently very tight, and you need to solve it yourself."

Walter explained sternly:

"Because we are not yet sure how long it will take to return to the foundation headquarters, so in order to prevent possible risks on the way back, we have to prepare some ammunition with us. Please understand."

"But as long as we can go back successfully, you can rest assured that we will definitely bring sufficient ammunition next time."

Good guy.

This pie is also very well drawn.

If there were ammunition to buy, Sumo could not wait to exchange all the supplies that the territory could trade, and then let the Madman Weapons Factory operate at full capacity to arm the territory's militia as much as possible.

But no ammunition...

When you buy these guns, aren’t they just like fire sticks?

If the Tianyuan Territory wants to use existing resources to exchange for some unused things, does the Red Spider Caravan think that he is stupid?

Ignoring these "useless" things, Sumo patiently continued to look back.

Enter the daily necessities food category.

Perhaps the automatic reactor mounted on the Red Spider chariot can be manufactured on-site. The prices of daily necessities on the list are actually affordable based on the daily income of workers.

The purchasing power of a mere 1 commercial coupon can be exchanged for a lot of goods.

You can exchange for a set of polyester tops and pants, or a dozen or ten packs of band-aids.

You can buy some of the most basic condiments, such as salt, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, chicken essence, etc.

You can also buy some small and delicate items, such as screwdrivers, dough sticks, thermos cups, sewing boxes, sockets, etc.

And when it comes to food.

Seeing several best-selling items highlighted on the first page, Sumo couldn't help but be startled.

"Wait a minute, do you have the technology to synthesize starch, protein, and glucose?"

on the list.

One commercial coupon can actually buy a full 600g of starch, which is equivalent to about 800g based on the ingredient content of rice.

The protein item is even more outrageous. One commercial coupon can actually buy 300g?

What is this concept?

The protein content of chicken is only about 20%, and only 20g of protein can be extracted from 100g.

Based on the salary of two coupons per person per day, the protein that can be purchased is enough to extract 3kg of chicken.

At this price, if it were extracted directly from meat, the Red Spider Caravan would probably lose money.

"Yes, we have a complete set of industrial preparation technologies. As long as we can collect enough raw materials and have sufficient energy supply, we basically don't have to worry about food and drink."

"If you buy these basic ingredients in large quantities, we can also offer discounts on top of your purchase."

Walter explained softly.

It is not uncommon to use carbon dioxide hydrogenation to synthesize starch and carbon monoxide to synthesize protein. These technologies can be synthesized from a starting point through several steps of chemical reactions without using biological systems at all and using only chemical catalysts.

As early as the pre-war era of Blue Star, it had been promoted in many places, replacing the ancient agriculture and animal husbandry.

For example, the gopher old shelters in Qinggang City are equipped with similar production machines. Even after more than two hundred years, they can still stably guarantee the expenses of the residents inside.

Of course, there is a very important premise.

There must be enough energy!

The hydrogen gas in synthetic starch is a very high-energy substance, and extracting hydrogen gas from water consumes a lot of energy.

If there is not enough cheap and easy-to-use energy, even if you master this technology, it will be difficult to put it to use.

By the same token, carbon monoxide has much higher energy than carbon dioxide, and it also requires a lot of energy to prepare carbon monoxide.

Moreover, its synthesis method is not purely chemical, but requires the use of biological strains, that is, fermentation. This process requires a sufficiently stable environment to ensure the growth of the strains, and the energy consumption is huge.

However, for the Foundation, which has initially mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology, energy is inexhaustible.

The red spider caravan's chariot is equipped with a nuclear generator, which contains a 3kg helium-3 fuel rod.

According to the calculation that 1 kilogram of helium-3 can produce 19 megawatts of energy, this thing can output a total of nearly 60,000 kilowatt hours of electricity.

It's a bit too much to say that it's open to manufacturing, but at least it's true that you don't have to worry about eating and drinking.

"If you need more than just these basic ingredients, but the technology to prepare it, we also sell that."

"Of course, we don't have any extra corresponding production equipment for sale."

"If you can return to the foundation headquarters and you need it again, we can bring it over for trading next time."

Walter's attitude was very enthusiastic, very much like those door-to-door salesmen in the civilized era.

In fact, technology is indeed the least valuable thing about Blue Star.

In times of peace and prosperity, knowledge is a valuable means of production, and mastering it can earn countless money.

But in the apocalyptic wasteland, to ordinary people, this thing is not as important as a piece of paper to wipe their butts.

Just like jewelry made of gold, what is valuable is not the shape, pattern, or pattern, but the gold itself.

Even in Gopher Lao's sanctuary, education is a leisure and luxury activity that only a few people can participate in.

For those who don't even have basic theoretical knowledge, what if we give them a detailed explanation of nuclear fusion.

Can these people really use the pickaxe, axe, or rub it out with their hands?

Stop being funny.

Technical barriers are a naked act of weakness, a means of self-protection for fear of being threatened by the other party.

The powerful foundation has not restricted technology outflow from the beginning. As long as it is mature technology, caravans are allowed to take it to the outside world for sale.

They only need to sell the corresponding devices to harvest a large amount of labor and make a lot of money.

As he said.

Sumo continued to scroll down and finally saw these "technologies" listed in categories.

The Red Spider Caravan very thoughtfully translated the name of the tongue-twisting technique, which looks extremely intuitive.

In addition to the three major synthesis technologies of starch monosaccharide and protein, there are many high technologies that are refreshing when you hear their names.

"Pipe Capsule Transport System", "Holographic Projection Assistance", "Brain Enhancement Kit", "Individual Soldier Anti-Gravity Flight", "Cold Fusion Energy Technology"...

From front to back, dozens of novel technologies combined with text descriptions seem to have opened the door to a new world.

After a moment of pause, Sumo suppressed the urge in his heart to exchange it.

Make bricks without straw.

For the Foundation, no matter how mature the technology is, for the Tianyuan Territory, which is still in the Bronze Age, it is still a mountain that cannot be reached.

Just like cold fusion, even if you know the principle, there are still thousands of problems waiting to create a corresponding device.

Instead of exchanging these things now, it is better to exchange them for something real.

Just like...

"Hey, is the exoskeleton armor also for sale?"

"Why does this look familiar?"


This chapter has been completed!
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