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Chapter 982: In the future, you will find new fun in this land!

 "Their momentum is really strong, they look stronger than the Gopher old guard."

"It's just that I don't know if they are willing to let us leave the city and move here."

"You shouldn't refuse, right? Didn't Mr. Wild Wolf say that they are recruiting labor in their gathering place?"

"It's a pity that this war came so unexpectedly. Otherwise, we could have observed more and contacted each other before we came back."

Stopped at the border of the territory by eight guards, the wanderer who escaped from the city on foot could only stop and stand still.

At first, they were a little scared.

But after staying for a while, it may be because the riot last night brought too much fright, and no one could fall asleep.

In this wet mud, more than eighty people sat on the ground, leaning on each other and dozing off.

I was snoring everywhere for a while, but I didn't care at all that an accident would happen.

Observing that there were only a few people in the team who were still asleep, Lu Zhou's heart moved slightly and he quietly recorded their appearance on the game channel.

On Earth, he is a board game store owner, running a small script-killing shop for young people.

Because he had two years of experience as a conscript while in college, he was successfully selected into the Tianyuan Army.

It is a pity that the Tianyuan Army will only need to retain a group of elite soldiers with combat experience in the future.

In a big competition, Lu Zhou failed to pass the final level due to his congenital physical weakness, so he could only follow the restructuring and distribution and became a member of the Hope Village Guard.

But fortunately, as the Minister of Security, Li Hu saw another side of him besides his combat experience.

Careful, observant and cautious.

These advantages allowed him to become a squad leader in the patrol guard, with seven guards under his command.

At this time, facing the group of people in front of me.

The captain of another team might not pay attention to these details, but for Lu Zhou, who has been dealing with young people all year round, he can even tell the other person's character at a glance.

He clearly sensed that this group of people was not a collective.

Those homeless people dozing off, although their bodies are tense, it can be seen from the fact that they are sleeping on the ground.

The mental pressure of this group of people is actually very low, and they only show their fatigue due to the oppression brought by the environment.

And there are other people who seem to be sleeping, but their micro-expressions are always tense.

They are definitely not ordinary wanderers. Not only are they under great physical pressure, but they are also under greater psychological pressure.

"who are you?"

After glancing up and down at the tall man who came up to talk earlier, Lu Zhou asked in old-fashioned pre-war dialect.

Almost everyone in the refugee team has a gun, but only this man's gun looks more sophisticated.

Judging from the small movements of those pretending to sleep from time to time, this person must be the boss of that group of people, if not the leader of the entire team.

And to be able to escape from Qinggang City with so many people, it can be seen from the side that he must be somewhat capable.

"Sir, I am an ordinary wanderer living in Qinggang City. My name is Osmond."

"These people are some of the homeless people I gathered while escaping from the city... Please be kind. The city is too dangerous now. Ten tactical nuclear bombs have exploded!"

"Ordinary homeless person?" Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows, showing an expression of disbelief.

It seems that this guy still didn't realize that his disguise had been exposed by his subordinates' carelessness.

But this mere weapon is not enough to cause any splash in the territory.

Don't say anything now, but when other guards come to control the situation later, the guards will have a hundred ways to make him speak honestly.

"Yes, we are wanderers from the wandering jungle."

Osmond's face did not turn red, and his heart did not beat. He continued in a calm tone.

"The soldiers of Clear Harbor Shelter took the blame for the invasion on us poor people. They launched nuclear bombs and destroyed the city's environment. They attracted the unyielding avengers underground... We, we can only

Get out."

"Oh? Then you are familiar with the wandering jungle?"

"I have lived there for twenty-nine years. It is my home. If you don't want to believe it, you can ask anyone in this team. They will be more familiar with it than anyone else on this land.

All high."

With a sincere look on his face, Osmond began to talk about last night's trip without any humility:

"This disaster is definitely a punishment for Sunny Harbor Shelter. They unscrupulously walked out of their own territory and brought weapons and conquests to every corner of the city. They massacred tens of thousands of homeless people in one day. They were very vicious.

Their bodies were dumped in the Devil's Tree area."

"Now these people are back, and they want revenge with their undying belief."

"Because we were in the same camp before, the undead's hatred towards us is very low. As long as we don't deliberately block their attack direction, no undead will attack us."

"Even if I see you, I won't attack you?" Lu Zhou was a little surprised and asked quickly.

"Yes, I can guarantee it with my life." Realizing that his information was valuable, Osmond struck while the iron was hot: "Mr. Wild Wolf once came to our wandering jungle before. He issued a solicitation order and wanted to recruit a group of people.

A homeless person with good physical fitness.”

"If it weren't for this damn war, maybe we should be standing here long ago." Osmond said angrily: "Now our home has been occupied by a group of beasts. Once they are caught, we will have to take refuge in Sunny Harbor.

Those who live high in the wall will become coolies to repay their debts, and they will treat us like mutants, and we will have to serve there for ten years before we can escape!"

"Are you together?"

Lu Zhou frowned and synchronized all the information Osment just revealed to the security channel.

The city of Qinggang was so chaotic last night that collecting internal information relied solely on visual observation.

Now this group of people has arrived just in time to provide valuable inside information.

But...Sunny Harbor Sanctuary would do such a stupid thing?

Lu Zhou was skeptical about it.

In his opinion, the larger the power, the more rules it should have and should not do such stupid things.

Catching a group of wanderers and enslaving them to pay off debts, are you still living in ancient times?

Anyone with a right mind knows that this kind of thing will only force more resistance and will definitely not have the desired positive effect.

Tianyuan Territory did this very well. The lord did not use any violent means when facing the group of people in the fifth floor area.

An independent area was divided for them, knowledge and civilization were brought there, and they were given the necessary survival tools.

Lu Zhou passed by there when he was on patrol a few days ago. The "simple folk customs" of the Desolate Bone Tribe came all the way to refill his water bag, expressing gratitude for the territory's protection.

If we were to enslave these people like Sunny Harbor Sanctuary, it would be impossible to achieve this step, right?

At this time, there was suddenly a noise and the roar of an engine in the distance.

Heads began to appear from all directions in the mist. They were holding guns and wearing the patrol's unique gray-blue linen uniforms. They vaguely surrounded more than eighty homeless people in the middle, forming a pocket-like appearance.

Many wanderers were awakened and quickly tried to touch their weapons, but as soon as their hands touched them, they were targeted and locked by rifles.

"Don't be nervous, let...them relax!"

With a semi-commanding tone, Lu Zhou glared at Osmond forcefully.

The guards in the mist came out and quickly took away the weapons from each wanderer's hands with strong force.

Some people wanted to resist throughout the whole process, but as soon as they made a move, they received a solid elbow.

No need to be polite.

This was the first article written by the Guard in the external guidance document long ago after the Desolate Bone Tribe had just surrendered.

Because the aborigines lived in a very different era from humans on earth.

Their daily living environment has an extremely serious sense of superiority and inferiority, as well as a very rigid hierarchy.

There, force is far more important than anything else, and confidence is what counts.

If you treat these people with kindness as soon as you come up to them, they are likely to think that Tianyuan Territory is empty and have other thoughts.

But if you show absolute strength from the beginning, it will be beneficial to the subsequent relationship.

After the weapons were almost collected, the earth tiger roaring from a distance stopped in front of the homeless group.

Chen Shen and Li Hu, wearing military coats, walked out of the back seat one after another and stood on the ground.

At the same time, the smiling Wild Wolf also got out of the car from the passenger seat, with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"You issued a recruitment order in the Wandering Jungle?"

Looking at the ragtag group of people in front of him, Li Hu looked dissatisfied.

In his opinion, recruiting indigenous people is a very dangerous action and will bring a lot of instability to the current territory.

For example, if these people commit a crime in the city and offend any gopher old shelter.

If the Tianyuan territory takes them in, it will be easy for the corresponding shelter to hold grudges, make things difficult for them, or even initiate small-scale conflicts.

And if these people have some ulterior motives, such as wanting to come to the territory to cause damage, or to gather information.

That would be even more inappropriate.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. If he keeps this kind of time bomb beside him, the benefits will far outweigh the risks.

"Don't be so nervous. It was me who agreed to the Wild Wolf to issue the recruitment order."

"The Barren Bone Tribe has now opened up a lot of fields for planting, and they really need some fresh labor to join. Otherwise, it will be difficult to meet the future development needs just by relying on those women and children."

Chen Shen raised his hand and patted Li Hu on the shoulder: "Besides, the lord also agreed to this matter."

Upon hearing Su Mo's agreement, Li Hu did not dare to refute.

He could only turn his head and glare at the wild wolf again, until he was so frightened that the latter stopped evenly.

"Okay, let's review and approve them separately."

"As long as there are no problems with these people's confessions, your tribe will be responsible for their subsequent affairs."

"I don't want to see this group of people causing trouble in the territory. You should understand what I mean, right?"

"Understood, Master Li Hu, I understand!"

The wild wolf nodded repeatedly and trotted towards the group of homeless people in front who had been unarmed.

Some communication.

The eighty-four wanderers were divided into seven groups, with a total of twelve people in each group.

They recorded their confessions from a distance of 20 meters and explored the route they took and what they encountered along the way.

In addition, the guards will randomly pick up people for spot checks and ask them to answer the other person’s basic information and growth experience.

This rigorous review method does not leave room for fraud.

But compared to a group of homeless people who escaped from the city, it was already very harsh.

In addition, Lu Zhou also led people to inspect the weapons collected from this group of people.

Good guy, there are only fifteen guns at most that can really be used, and the remaining forty-odd guns are just fake.

These poor wanderers didn't know where they got the steel pipes from, polished the rust on the outside themselves, and used small sections cut from some construction waste to harden them into the shape of guns.

Looking at the thick rust and dirt inside the barrel, this gun will scare other homeless people.

If you really want to fight, I'm afraid you'll have to blow it up in your own hands first.

However, the remaining collected weapons are much more interesting.

For example, the miniature short crossbow they made by hand is very delicate. The crossbow is only a little over thirty centimeters long, and the crossbow arrows are only about ten centimeters.

Lu Zhou tried to shoot an arrow at the ground not far away, with a range of about thirty meters and two minutes into the ground.

It's not very powerful against guns.

But the crossbow arrows they selected were made of very particular materials, pure iron, covered with colorful rust and powder, and could be called a tetanus artifact.

As long as the skin is scratched by this thing and no timely treatment is received, the power is actually not half less than a bullet.

In addition, they also smeared a purple liquid on those daggers.

After interrogation, it was discovered that this was the liquid of a special mutated plant called the shuttle tree in Qinggang City.

Its original function is actually positive. When used on a physical wound, it will stimulate the peristalsis of the surrounding muscles and force the wound to close together, thereby achieving the therapeutic effect.

But this group of people found another way to apply shuttle sap on their daggers.

As long as a cut is made by this knife, the shuttle sap will immediately cause the surrounding wounds to begin to heal, causing the nerves to curl up and transmit great pain.

According to Wanderer's description, as long as the wound is larger than three centimeters, the opponent will immediately lose combat effectiveness.

And as long as the wound is larger than five centimeters, it is not uncommon to faint from the pain.

"Yes, this thing is great for urban street fighting."

Lu Zhou sighed sincerely.

As the most work-savvy creature, human beings are born with great talents in combat.

These gadgets are not only useful when facing similar battles, they are also effective against rough-skinned mutants and radioactive creatures. It's no wonder they can break out of the city.

"Okay, if they don't have any problems, let's arrange to take him to the Bone Tribe."

After receiving the interrogation results and confirming that these people were indeed from the Wandering Jungle, Chen Shen nodded and signed the word "agree".

Although Li Hu on the side was a little reluctant, he finally signed his name.

"You are all in high spirits. You didn't join the Bone Village just for a vacation."

"Now, follow me and set off."

"In the coming months, you will find new joys in this land!"

After receiving the order, Delang became more energetic and quickly picked up the broken gong at his waist and struck it twice.

This group of people came at the right time. The fields near the village could no longer be taken care of by the tribesmen alone.

There are now 84 young people joining. Although the expenses are much higher, as long as we can persist in the future, we will reap the rewards.

The wild wolf smiled and suddenly had new expectations for a better life.


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