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Chapter 215

The dark clouds gradually dispersed.

But the streets are even messier.

Mud and garbage accumulate in the gutters.

With this kind of rain, no one's house in Ningyuan County will collapse or be flooded. But there will definitely still be many shops with property damage.

For example, rice shop, cloth shop, etc.

They are full of things, and some are even piled directly on the ground. It is not easy to move them.

Chen Youxi looked at Lu Fang who was all wet and said, "What are you still doing in a daze? Go in quickly, take a shower and change your clothes..."


Lu Fang turned around and said, "I'll go to the county government office and have a look."

After saying that, he walked out of the store again.

The terrain in Ningyuan County is high, and the rainwater even spreads into the shops. I don't know what the situation is like in those towns.

Lu Fang ran to the county government office.

I saw several government officials running out in a hurry.

He didn't ask and walked to Lu Liang's office.

Lu Liang was inside, and so was the county captain Cao Badou. Seeing Lu Fang come in, he smiled and nodded to Lu Fang, "Master Lu."

Lu Fang said: "Captain Cao is here too..."

Cao Badou was a martial artist, he was upright and straightforward, and he had a good manners. He did not get involved with the gangsters in the county government, so he had a good relationship with Lu Liang.

To be exact, this man has a good relationship with everyone in the county government.

Cao Badou said with a bitter face: "The county government's grain and grass have been flooded. I am here to report this to the county magistrate!"

Lu Fang finally understood why those government officials ran out in a hurry.

The county government granary is an important place. It contains not only the rations for the county government staff, but also the newly collected grain taxes and grain reserves from Dayu.

Lu Liang waved his hand towards Cao Badou and sighed: "Since it has been flooded, let's try our best to grab the food that has not been flooded!"


Cao Badou agreed, nodded to Lu Fang, and walked out.

Lu Liang looked at Lu Fang, "How did you do this?"

Lu Fang didn't care to say this, walked up to Lu Liang and said: "How is the fifty thousand kilograms of grain I asked you to prepare?"

Lu Liang said: "We have already asked Master Zhou to contact the grain shops, and we have also given the money. You can go and get grain at any time."

Lu Fang said: "Then take out the water-soaked grain in the granary and use it first, and then fill it with this grain later!"

Lu Liang was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Your mind is getting smarter and smarter."

Lu Fang shook his head, "I think you have lost your bearings and can't even think clearly about this issue."

Lu Liang smiled bitterly, "This heavy rain came too suddenly. Many places in the county school and barracks were soaked with water. I almost fainted from the rush."

Then he looked at Lu Fang and said, "Xiao Fang, did you already know that there would be such a heavy rain?"

He remembered that Lu Fang had reminded him several times before to pay attention to flood prevention.

Lu Fang rolled his eyes, "I'm not a god, so how can I predict the future? But in such a rainy day, as a county magistrate, you should be on guard against flooding, right?"

Lu Liang smiled even more bitterly.

He regretted not taking Lu Fang's words too seriously.

If we had taken precautions in advance, stored all the food properly, and issued a notice asking everyone to pay attention to flood prevention, we would not be in such a hurry now.

Fortunately, Lu Fang still listened to Lu Fang, built a shelter outside the city, and even ordered food from a grain store.

Seeing Lu Liang like this, Lu Fang didn't feel embarrassed to try to push him anymore, so he just said, "Then what are you going to do now?"

Lu Liang said: "What else can we do? Let's protect the food that has not been soaked first!"

"Where are the towns?"

Lu Fang was a little angry.

Lu Liang said sarcastically: "I can't spare any manpower to help them now, but I have already informed the township chiefs to pay attention to preventing floods, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"You think so beautifully."

Lu Fangdao: "I have told you about flood control several times, but your county government grain and grass are still flooded? Do you think the township chiefs below are more concerned than you?"

But he also knew that Lu Liang was not to blame.

These days, the government office has a small population, and the circulation of information is slow. In many cases, the officials are also clever women who cannot make a living without rice.

If we encounter any kind of natural disaster, most of the time we can only leave it to fate. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people who believe in God.

It is conceivable that during the heavy rain, some people must have been silently begging the Dragon King not to be angry!

He continued: "Now you just hope that the township chiefs will believe you and let those living at the foot of the mountain move away! With such heavy rain, there will definitely be mudslides in some towns. You'd better send someone immediately

Several government officials went to those towns to help their mayors compile statistics on the damage. This way we can be better prepared."

Lu Liang was stunned, "Mudslide?"

Lu Fang said: "It's a flash flood!"


Lu Liang scratched his head and said, "Then I will dispatch a few people to go there now!"

Lu Fang added: "Remember to ask the government officials to tell them that no matter what the disaster situation is, there is no need to panic. For those who are homeless and have no food available, the county government has prepared shelter and food for them."


Lu Liang nodded again, looking very obedient, and then walked outside.

When he walked to the door, he couldn't help but look back at Lu Fang with a strange look in his eyes.

He suddenly felt as if he had become his younger brother?

In the past, he was the backbone of the Lu family. But now, Lu Fang's mind and calmness surprised him.

Everything seems to be under Fang'er's control?

Lu Fang returned to BESTORE again.

Then I took a shower, changed clothes, had lunch at a good store, and went to Yu Yuanwei's home to study.

The rainstorm has passed, and there is nothing he can do now.

All arrangements have to wait until the government officials bring back the situation in each township.

I just hope there won't be any civilian casualties.

The higher authorities can't control so much. If the disaster is serious, Lu Liang will definitely be the one to take the blame.

When they arrived at Yu's house, Yu Yuanwei also talked to Lu Fang about the heavy rain in the morning. He also said that Lu Fang was really foresight in raising donations before.

Very pleased.

Lu Fang took advantage of the situation and said: "It's all teachers who teach well. Students are just learning and selling now."

Then he looked at Yu Yuanwei eagerly, "Actually... the student has something to ask the teacher."

Yu Yuanwei chuckled and said, "What's the matter?"

Lu Fangdao: "At present, even the stagnant water in Ningyuan County has not completely receded. I think the disaster situation in the following towns will only be worse. The donations raised by the students will be put to use, and the students have promised those people to give them money afterwards."

I want to set up a merit monument. But the students also want to ask the teacher to give me two inscriptions to give to them."

Yu Yuanwei glanced at him, "Who...are they referring to?"

Lu Fangdao: "The Wang family and the Xu family have donated the most."

After thinking about it, he said, "They have set an example this time and actively donated money."

When Yu Yuanwei listened, he chuckled and shook his head, saying: "You little guy, you are so careless in front of the teacher. Do you really think that I don't know about these things in Ningyuan County at home?"

Lu Fang smiled sarcastically.

My own moral character is definitely not enough in front of Yu Yuanwei.

Not surprisingly, Yu Yuanwei should be well aware of the current situation of the Luliang and Liu Mao factions in Ningyuan County. He has also seen through Lu Fang's little thoughts.

"Sure, I'll write two words for you."

Fortunately, Yu Yuanwei agreed.

After saying that, he asked Lu Fang to spread paper and grind ink for him.

He added: "As long as you really do something practical for the people, it doesn't matter if you have a little selfishness. If you don't have a little bit of extravagance, you won't be able to get far in the officialdom in the future..."

This chapter has been completed!
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