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Chapter 256 Buying Land

Afterwards, after only talking to He Zhigao a few words about Lu Liang's transfer to You County, Lu Fang left the wine shop.

Go to the county government office.

Buy land!

Since Liang Dong has so much confidence, he has no reason to hold back.

Moreover, it is also a good idea to take this opportunity to see if it is feasible to run a business in Dayu.

As long as the liquor factory can operate, soy sauce, chicken essence, snacks, etc. will definitely be able to be mass-produced.

After arriving at the county government office, Lu Fang went directly to Lu Liang's office.

Seeing Lu Liang working inside, he said directly: "Brother, is there any land for sale close to the county seat?"

Although his family has 500 acres of land, it is used for farming and he has no intention of using it.

Lu Liang raised his head, with doubts in his eyes, "Do you want to buy land? Wasteland or cultivated land?"

Lu Fang said: "Wasteland will do."

Lu Liang asked again: "What to do?"

Lu Fang said: "Build a wine shop."

Lu Liang was even more confused, "Isn't your wine shop in the city? Why do you want to buy land outside the city?"

“Save money!”

Lu Fang curled his lips and said: "I plan to buy five hundred acres of land. If this is in the city, can you allocate such a large land for me?"

Lu Liang was shocked, "Such a big wine shop?"

The entire Ningyuan County covers an area of ​​only a few thousand acres. It is obviously impossible to allocate 500 acres from it.

Even if it could be set aside, the cost of relocating those residents would be astronomical.

Lu Fang said: "I'm just buying so much land for the time being. The winery may not be so big. His Royal Highness may need millions of kilograms of wine every year. It is impossible for my two wineries in the city to produce so much wine."


Lu Liang looked at him with wide eyes, "A million pounds..."

Then he said with complicated eyes: "Your business is quite big..."

Lu Fang's development speed was beyond his expectation.

He had never seen or even heard of a winery covering hundreds of acres. In this day and age, it was definitely a giant.

Lu Fang said: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince earns the bulk of the money. I just work for His Highness the Crown Prince."

Lu Liang nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He just said: "As for wasteland, there is a more suitable one in the east of the city. The soil there is not suitable for farming. It is a small hill."


Lu Fang nodded simply.

Hills don't matter.

It just so happens that the winery doesn’t need to be greened yet.

The soil layer that is not suitable for farming should be more solid, which will save trouble.

Also, places that are not suitable for farming tend to be cheaper.

"Go and invite Master Zhou here."

Lu Liang shouted outside.

When it comes to land sales, the county magistrate can make the final decision, but it still needs the signature of the chief bookkeeper. The real person who handles the matter is also the chief bookkeeper.

Lu Fang sat down opposite Lu Liang and asked, "How much does it cost?"

He knew that land was cheap these days, and wasteland was even cheaper, but he still wanted to have an idea. He really didn't have much money now.

Just these days, the ginseng capsule market in Ningyuan County is close to saturation, and Wang Sidong only sent him less than 20,000 taels of silver.

Lu Liang winked at Lu Fang and said: "Wasteland is not expensive. And it is a place that no one values ​​in the first place. You can negotiate the price with Chief Zhou!"


Lu Fang just laughed.

"Your Majesty the County Magistrate."

Soon, Zhou Fang came over, "Are you looking for me?"

"Sit down first!"

Lu Liang smiled and nodded, saying: "My family, Xiao Fang, wants to buy the wasteland on the hill in the west of the city."


Zhou Fang, who had just sat down, looked at Lu Fang in surprise, "Young master Lu, you want to buy that piece of land? It's a wasteland with not even a few trees."

These days, people usually buy land for building their own homes, farming, wasteland... He really couldn't imagine what Lu Fang wanted to buy it for.

What can be gained from that?

The small hill in the west of the city is not small.

Lu Fang said: "I just plan to move the winery outside the city."

"Do you need that much land?"

Zhou Fang was also confused.

He had known about Lu Fang taking over Qingxifang for a long time. As for the cooperation between Lu Fang and Liang Dong, he had also heard about it in the past two days.

"That's not necessary, but it doesn't hurt to buy it."

Lu Fang laughed and said: "His Royal Highness may need me to brew millions of kilograms of wine every year. I don't know how big a winery is needed. Buy more land and be prepared!"

Zhou Fang's eyes widened.



Millions of pounds...

The way he looked at Lu Fang changed.

I know that you have a cooperation with His Highness the Crown Prince, but I never thought that the cooperation business would be so big!

From now on, who in Ningyuan County can still suppress Lu Fang?

Even if Lu Liang loses his position as Ningyuan County Magistrate, with His Highness the Crown Prince protecting him, can Lu Fang still be able to walk sideways in Tanzhou?

Liu Mao... is nothing.

After a long while, Zhou Fang came back to her senses and said with a smile: "What do you mean, Master Lu, do you want all that wasteland?"


Lu Fang nodded, "Uncle Zhou, you have to make it cheaper for me!"

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Zhou Fang laughed and said, "You building such a large winery in Ningyuan is also a great thing for the people of Ningyuan. I will definitely support it with all my strength."

He knew that Lu Liang was going to be transferred to You County. Under such circumstances, Lu Fang also planned to build the winery in Ningyuan, which was of course a good thing.

Although he is only the chief bookkeeper, the county tax revenue is also linked to his annual review.

Then he said: "I will arrange for someone to measure the land later. I will sell you the useless wasteland for five taels of silver per acre. How about it?"

He looked at Lu Liang again.

The county government still has a price range for buying and selling land, and it is usually not too outrageous. After all, it needs to be registered and registered to cope with the inspection above.

Lu Liang nodded lightly.

This price is really cheap. Usually, the wasteland on the outskirts of Ningyuan County can be sold for about seven taels of silver per mu.

Of course, farmland is much more expensive.

Even for thin fields, the price per mu will not be less than fifteen taels of silver.

But Lu Fang was not satisfied.

If it was an ordinary wasteland, that would be fine. After all, it could still be used as farmland after being reclaimed. But as Master Zhou just said, there aren't even a few trees.

Could that be a suitable place for farming?

If it is not suitable for farming, then it is a place of no value to the officials of the Chongqing Dynasty.

He chuckled and said: "Uncle Zhou, that place is just a piece of waste land that can't even be reclaimed. No one except me will buy it, right?"

Zhou Fang also chuckled, "What does the wise nephew mean?"

Lu Fang called him uncle, and he also called him nephew.

Lu Fang said: "Four taels per mu."

Zhou Fang looked at Lu Liang.

Lu Liang said: "I think it's not impossible. After all, you really can't grow anything on that piece of land."

Zhou Fang nodded, "Haha, since the county magistrate agrees, then naturally I have no objection. It's just... Liu County Cheng's side..."

This matter also requires the signature of Liu Mao, the county magistrate.

Lu Liang thought for a while and said: "Master Zhou, please go and talk to him first. If the county magistrate has any objections, I will talk to him later."

Zhou Fang nodded again, stood up, and said to Lu Fang, "Then I'll wish my nephew a prosperous business."

Even he didn't think Liu Mao dared to object to this matter.

The Young Master Lu now is not the Young Master Lu before!

Lu Fang raised his hand and said, "Thank you very much, Uncle Zhou."

He was not surprised at all that Zhou Fang was so easy to talk to.

Even if Lu Liang was to be transferred, Zhou Fang would definitely not mind selling this favor. Whether it was for the sake of Yu Yuanwei or Liang Dong.

Not to mention, this was originally a business partnership with Liang Dong.

After Zhou Fang left, he said to Lu Liang: "Do you think Liu Mao can agree to sell this land to me at this price?"


Lu Liang chuckled, "As long as he is not stupid, he will agree."

This chapter has been completed!
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