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Chapter 264 Love Has No Reason

The entire street came to an end without even realizing it.

Lu Fang and Liang Siqi tasted almost all the snacks on the street.

After passing the string of red lanterns hanging at the end of the street, further ahead is the green grassland by the river.

Prosperity and silence are abruptly separated here.

Liang Siqi and Lu Fang paused, then turned their heads to look at each other at the same time.

"Want to take a break here?"

The two of them said in unison.

Then both of them laughed.

Lu Fang sat down directly on the stone pier by the river.

Liang Siqi gathered up her skirt and sat next to him.

Liang Dong secretly rolled his eyes at the other end of the red lantern and stopped.

There were no words at first.

Then Liang Siqi suddenly asked: "The children's examination is next month, right? How are you preparing for it?"

A smile on her pretty face.

The Children's Examination is a preparatory subject for the imperial examination. It is held twice every three years. It is held in each county. Only those who pass the examination are eligible to participate in the "rural examination" organized by the state government.

In fact, it is an examination for each county to select the best and eliminate the bad. This will prevent anyone from cheating and losing face in the provincial examination.

At that time, it will not only be a loss of personal face, but also the face of the entire county government.

For example, students from various universities do not need to take the children's examination to prove themselves.

Lu Fang had already read the test papers of Ningyuan County's recent children's examinations before, and nodded lightly, "There should be no problem."

The questions in the Children's Examination are nothing more than classic meanings, poems, and policy discussions, and the questions are relatively simple.

By relying solely on the hate value search engine, Lu Fang was 100% sure of passing the exam. But in front of Liang Siqi, it was inconvenient to say too much.

"What about the provincial examination? Are you confident?"

Liang Siqi asked again.

Lu Fang said: "There should be no problem!"

The rural examination is set by the Tanzhou government office, and those who succeed are called "xiucai". The examination is not very difficult. It is probably equivalent to the college entrance examination in the previous life.

It's just because there aren't many people studying these days, and many people memorize things by rote, that's why there are people in their decades who don't even have the reputation of being a scholar.

Liang Siqi's smile became more intense, "What about trying it?"

The examination was set by the Jingnan County Yamen. Scholars from the entire Jingnan County competed for only dozens of "Ji Ren" places.

Lu Fang was a little dumbfounded and said: "This... it probably depends on luck."

If Liang Siqi asked further, wouldn't she have to ask herself if she had the confidence to become a Jinshi?

Don't talk too much.

After all, if you don't even get the honor of being a civil servant at that time, you will slap yourself in the face.

Although, Lu Fang was still somewhat confident.


Liang Siqi suddenly laughed out loud and said, "Fortunately, you didn't say you were sure, otherwise, I wouldn't believe it."

Lu Fang scratched his head and said: "Does the princess think it is difficult for me to be elected with my poetic talent?"

Liang Siqi blinked and said: "Although you are very talented in poetry, you rarely read books before. Don't think I don't know. Even if you secretly read by yourself at night, I don't think that when you are reading, you will be surrounded by those students from academies and those who are focused on thinking."

There are many scholars.”

Lu Fang was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

Emotions Liang Siqi still knew something about herself before.

Have you ever read a book before?

What a fart!

The only knowledge he had was acquired at Zuihualou. He deliberately kept it in mind and was prepared to show off at all times.

Liang Siqi felt even more amused when she saw Lu Fang's embarrassed look.

After being silent for a while, he added: "After we go to You County, we should put more thought into suppressing the bandits. If your brother is determined to pursue an official career, this will be a good opportunity for him."

This is the second time she has said this.

Lu Fang nodded, "I know."

If he is effective in controlling floods and suppressing bandits, Lu Liang has to climb a higher level no matter what.

But if the suppression of the bandits fails, then the merits and demerits will probably be equal to each other. When the Pan family is in trouble, it will be difficult for Lu Liang to climb up the ladder.

"Be careful yourself..."

Liang Siqi pursed her lips and said, "I know you have some martial arts skills, but as far as I know, there are strong men among those bandits, so don't be careless."


Lu Fang nodded again, "Thank you for your concern, Princess. I probably won't go to fight with the bandits myself. It's not my turn to do this kind of thing."

He is just Lu Liang's younger brother, not a government servant, let alone a soldier.

Having said this, there was silence again.

The evening breeze is slightly cool.

Another moment.

Liang Siqi stood up slowly and said, "It's time for me to go back home. Thank you for eating so many delicious snacks with me tonight."

Lu Fang smiled and said, "Princess, there is no need to thank you, I also like to eat."

Liang Siqi's appearance really made him feel a little flattered.

Probably, Liang Siqi is rarely so gentle and polite to others, right?

"Next time you come again, I'll treat you to something."

Liang Siqi blinked at Lu Fang and walked towards Liang Dong.

Walking to Liang Dong, he suddenly turned back and said, "Shall I ask Liang Dong to take you back?"

Lu Fang waved his hand, "No need, I'll walk again."

But Liang Dong said at this moment: "I'll ask my driver to take you back!"

A tone that leaves no room for doubt.

Lu Fang had no choice but to nod and not say anything else.

Liang Dong's coachman led the carriage to him.

Seeing Liang Siqi get into her carriage, Liang Dong followed closely, Lu Fang curled his lips and also got into the carriage.

The coachman asked: "Where are you going, Master?"

Lu Fang said: "Please send me to Dengke Bookstore..."

Two carriages drove slowly down the street. Then they parted ways at the intersection.


In Liang Siqi's carriage.

Liang Dong reached out and picked up a bright yellow loquat from the coffee table in the carriage, and called Liang Siqi.

Liang Siqi looked at him, "What's wrong?"

Liang Dong seemed to be playing with the loquat in his hand carelessly and said, "Do you like Lu Fang?"

Liang Siqi did not answer.

"I can see it."

Liang Dong added: "The way you look at him is not like looking at other men."

Liang Siqi said: "What do you want to say?"

Liang Dong threw the loquat back into the fruit plate and sighed softly: "Sister, I know you think I'm ignorant, but I still want to say a few words about my opinion. If you just want to take advantage of this Lu Fang, I won't say anything.

We take good care of him. Even if we use him, we don't owe him anything. It can even be said to be his blessing. But you really want to be with him... Not to mention whether the person in the capital will agree, as long as the father knows

, they won’t allow you to act like this, right?”

Liang Siqi was silent for a long time.

At first, she just wanted to use Lu Fang...

But then I gradually discovered that the figure of this guy appeared in my head more and more often, and I missed him so often that I could never get rid of him.

No man has ever worried her so much.

She knew that she had fallen in love with Lu Fang.

Love is inherently unreasonable.

Lu Fang had been unruly and unruly in the past few years and had molested her. Rationally speaking, she felt that she would never fall in love with this man.

However, she found that she gradually lost control of her rationality.

"As long as you don't tell me, how will my father know?"

Liang Siqi said.

This chapter has been completed!
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