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Chapter 303 Eight Desolate Vertical and Horizontal Swords

He originally planned to use skill points to continue to strengthen the eight-step cicada-catching technique, basic sword skills, or draw a sword, but now, he naturally has other ideas.

If you want to draw your sword to cut, you must focus on your sword skills.

In the future, you can’t use the Longquan Hengdao to perform the Three Talents Sword Technique, right?

No matter what, you should practice sword skills.

Open the skills bar.

There are already dozens of exercises in it.

Bahuang Zongheng Dao...

Seems good.

This is what Lao Xiao taught.

It should be Lao Xiao's most popular technique besides drawing his sword and slashing.

This sword technique has a total of sixty-four styles, and it is extremely powerful. However, it is quite profound, and Lu Fang is still far from being able to exert its full power.

Usually martial arts masters would not choose to practice such a technique at a low level because it is difficult to understand.

Most of them are gradual.

When you are at a certain level, practice the skills of that level. In this way, you can maximize its power.

But Lu Fang has no such trouble.

Any skill is just a skill point to him.

Although Bahuang Zongheng Dao is a skill beyond the level, as long as the skill points are enough, can't it be mastered?

Even if it is limited by its cultivation and cannot exert its full power, it is still enough for someone of the same level.

In this lottery, Lu Fang received a total of 958 skill points.

At that moment, five hundred points were added to the Bahuang Zongheng Dao.

Immediately, a realization came to my mind.

The sixty-four sword techniques were deeply rooted in his mind.

At the same time, the system also gives prompts.


"Congratulations to the host, the skill Bahuang Zongheng Dao has been revealed for the first time!"

But that's all.

Five hundred skill points did not allow Bahuang Zonghengdao to realize the level of entering a palace.

Damn it!

Another gold-eating beast!

Lu Fang gritted his teeth and added all the remaining skill points.

Nine hundred and fifty-eight points.

However, there is still no movement in the system.

Isn't this Bahuang Zongheng Dao similar to the basic swordsmanship?

"Ten draws in a row!"

"Ten draws in a row!"


Lu Fang came again with five waves of ten draws.

There are only 370,000 worship points left.

I have forgotten how long it has been since I was so poor.

Two items.

Forty-eight skill points.

Lu Fang was so petty that he only added forty-two points to the Bahuang Zongheng Dao.


The system prompt is coming.

"Congratulations to the host, the skill Bahuang Zongheng Dao has entered the house!"

Sure enough, just like basic swordsmanship, it requires one thousand skill points to reach the stage of entering the palace.

Lu Fang had some concerns in his mind.

Judging from the skill points required for upgrading, the Bahuang Zongheng Dao should not be as powerful as Drawing the Sword. But it is definitely quite good.

Compared to Tiger Power Fist and Sancai Sword Techniques, they are many times more powerful.


Use Bahuang Zongheng Dao to deal with small miscellaneous fish.

In a critical moment or when facing a high-level martial artist, draw your sword and slash.


I just don’t know if using the Longquan Hengdao to perform Drawing Slash will be much more powerful than before?

The next day, it’s June.

Lu Fang stayed in the room and read a book.

Lu Liang said that the county government was going to put up notices in the past two days and officially start the child examination on June 12th.

Lasts three days.

The examination questions are still divided into three categories: classic meaning, policy theory, and poetry. Each exam takes one day.

Among them, there are two chapters on classics and meanings, three on essays, and two on poetry.

As for minor subjects, there are no examinations in the child examination and rural examination stages.

Only during the examination-examination stage will minor courses be offered. This is because only by passing the examination-examination selection and gaining the title of Juren can one enter the court and become an official.

Hutou Mountain.

The bandit leaders such as Lao Qiufeng, Tongbo Yuan and others gathered together again. Sitting in the Juyi Hall, their expressions were not very good.

The Red Lady sat on the top seat, looked around everyone, and then said: "You must have heard about the guy with the Zhenshan Dao, right?"

No one spoke.

The red lady said quietly: "Although he is only an eighth-grade martial artist, he has dozens of people under his command, and he was killed by just a few people."

"That's because he didn't have the eyesight to offend a master who shouldn't be offended."

Some bandits sneered without showing any sympathy.

The red lady gently glanced at the bandit and said, "That's true, but after all, it's the face of us people that is being lost."

"Red Lady."

At this time, Lao Qiufeng suddenly said with a chuckle, "You don't want to avenge him, do you? I heard that there is a master suspected of being a master among those people. Although he is an old man, it is not something we can offend.


"Then just wait for others to come and kill you!"

Red Lady said.

These words made all the bandits slightly stunned.

Lao Qiufeng frowned and said, "It's the Zhenshan Sword that seeks death on its own. What does it have to do with us?"


The corners of Madam Hong's lips curled up and she said, "The newly appointed magistrate of You County, Lu Liang, do you know that he has an old man at the level of a grandmaster under him?"

The bandits were even more surprised.

You look at me, I look at you, there is silence for a while.

In the end, Lao Qiufeng frowned and said, "You mean, the one who killed the Zhenshan Dao was the old master under Lu Liang?"

The red lady shook her head, "I can't say for certain. I only found out about this news in the past two days. The person who killed the Mountain Sword may not be a master. Naturally, he may not be the old master of our new county magistrate.


As he said that, those beautiful eyes with slightly raised corners stared at Old Qiufeng's face, "Old Qiufeng, weren't you a former county police officer? Now you should have a few brothers who are good at painting. You might as well show up.

Two hands? As long as you draw the portrait, then you will naturally know whether the person who made the move is Lu Liang?"

Lao Qiufeng narrowed his eyes slightly, then nodded, "Okay."

Grand master!

There is no reason for them to be careless.

Although there is a dragnet in the village, I am not too worried about the master master coming up the mountain alone. But what if I bump into him like the Zhenshan Dao?

"Bring people in!"

Seeing that Lao Qiufeng agreed, the red lady shouted outside.

Some bandits entered the house.

The red lady looked at Lao Qiufeng again.

Lao Qiufeng said: "Let someone bring me pen and ink."

It looks like he plans to do it himself.

The red lady waved her hand and someone went down to make arrangements.

She said to one of the bandits who had just entered the house: "Tell Lao Qiufeng the appearance of those four people that day."

"Yes, yes."

The bandit nodded quickly.

He came from the mountain top of Zhenshan Dao.

Zhenshan Dao was killed, and more than half of the brothers on the mountain were killed or injured. The remaining bandits returned to the mountain and robbed money and goods, and scattered them like birds and beasts.

Nowadays, the hilltop next to Wuji Town is empty.

A bandit came in carrying a table and pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Lao Qiufeng walked to the table, spread out the paper, dipped his pen in ink, and said to the bandit: "Tell me! First, tell me what the old man looks like, what is his face shape, and what are his characteristics."

As he said this, he muttered again, "I haven't done any painting for several years, and I don't know if my hand is pregnant or not."

"The face of a donkey, full of beards... Hmm... The eyes are thin and long, and he has rosacea. He looks like he might be in his seventies, and he still has a hunchback."

The bandit said he would get up.

I just don’t know what Lao Xiao would think if he heard his description.

Damn it.

Am I that ugly?

This chapter has been completed!
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