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Chapter 334 Seven Fairies

The two of them left the Wanfu Inn.

Lu Fang followed the address given by the policeman and walked towards the center of the county town.

There are only a few main streets in You County. No matter how crazy he is, as long as he doesn't go into an alley, he won't get lost.

While walking on the road, Yu Bei asked: "Young Master Lu and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince have a good relationship?"

Lu Fang asked back, "You don't know?"

Yu Bei smiled sarcastically, "I stay in the military camp all year round, so I am a bit ignorant."

He really didn't know much about Lu Liang, Lu Fang's past, and their interpersonal relationships. After all, Ning Yuan was some distance away from Chaling.

He was in Chaling or in the military camp, so there was no reason to think about the social relationship between Lu Liang and Lu Fang.

If he had known that Lu Fang still had such a relationship, he might have found an excuse to shirk Yang Mao and not come into this muddy water.

Lu Fang smiled and said, "My relationship with His Royal Highness is really good."

Yu Bei nodded thoughtfully, "Young Master Lu is a blessed person..."

The two of them talked as they walked.

to the county center.

You County is poor.

But Yanchun Tower is not shabby.

It looks much more grand than Zuihua Tower in Ningyuan County.

Located at the intersection of streets in You County, it is more eye-catching than the county government office. It is simply a landmark building in You County.

The railings upstairs are also draped in red and colorful, with a lot of red silk hanging on them.

Lu Fang took Yu Bei and walked in.


"Please come in with these two guests!"

Still the same familiar tone.

The old bustard also had a familiar look on her face.

While talking, Lu Fang was really worried whether the powder on her face would fall off.

He is already quite comfortable with such a battle.

He raised his head and scanned around inside, and said: "The best private room, the most beautiful court lady. I am not short of money, but if the girl is not beautiful, don't blame me for destroying your shop."

"Look what you said."

In just two sentences, the madam recognized Lu Fang as a young master with a good background, "Every girl in our Yanchun Tower is one of the best, and we guarantee that they will suit your fancy."

After saying that, he turned back and shouted to Mr. Gui: "You two gentlemen, please come to the elegant room at Tianzi No. upstairs."

Looking at Gui Gong, who was only fifteen or six years old, running over, "You two are invited upstairs!"

His face was full of philistine smell.

It's all polished here.

Lu Fang took Yu Bei and followed Gui Gong upstairs.

When we got to the private room, the decoration was actually quite good. It was antique and could be called "elegant".

Lu Fangdao: "It is said that You County is poor, but this Yanchun Tower is a bit better than the Zuihua Tower in Ningyuan. It is not much worse than the Feixian Tower in Tanzhou..."

Yu Bei just laughed.

"Young Master has good eyesight."

Mr. Gui answered the question, "Our Yanchun Tower is opened by the richest gentlemen in You County. These girls are also beauties from all over the country."


Lu Fang chuckled.

Turtle Gong smiled sarcastically and exited the room. He was secretly annoyed that he didn't do a good job of flattering him.

I didn't get any reward money.

Lu Fang and Yu Bei sat down at the table. Lu Fang placed Niulanshan on the table. He picked up the two wine glasses in the tea set, opened the clay seal and poured wine for Yu Bei. "General Yu is from Chaling County?"

Yu Bei shook his head, "No, he is from Anren County. He is just a member of the army in Chaling."


Lu Fang nodded, "Why do you want to join the army in Chaling?"

Yu Bei raised his eyes, raised his glass and clinked his glass with Lu Fang, "We are forced by life, and we have four brothers and three sisters in the family."

Then drink it all in one gulp.

“Good wine!”

"This wine is the best wine I have ever tasted in my life. It tastes spicy but has endless sweetness! What a great wine!"

He placed the wine glass heavily on the table and continued: "I am the eldest in the family. I can't support so many people in the family. I have no choice but to go out and make a living by myself. Haha, I'm not afraid of Mr. Lu's jokes. I did it back then.

I worked as a small worker, set up a stall, even begged, and even worked as a turtle boss in this brothel, but I could barely make ends meet. Later, the Chaling Army recruited troops, and I joined the army. I spent nearly ten years

Time, at least he became a partial general."

He took the initiative to pour wine for Lu Fang.

Clink glasses again.

"Master Lu, a person like me can't even think about being a philistine. Because now everyone in the family is counting on me to make a living. To be honest, if I had known that you had a close relationship with His Royal Highness, I wouldn't have come over to this mess.

Shui, I understand what you think, but Mr. Yang is my life, food and clothing parent, and I can't go against his wishes."

What a villain.

At this moment, because of these few words, Lu Fang's impression of Yu Bei couldn't help but change.

What Han Feihong said is probably a bit one-sided.

Yu Bei loves money and is a philistine, but a wonderful person.

He smiled and said, "I know this, and I never thought about asking you to offend Yang Mao."

"Then what are you doing?"

Yu Bei was slightly stunned.

Lu Fang said: "I have long expected that you would not offend Yang Mao because of me, and now I am even more convinced of this idea. If you want to live a good life, you cannot do without the position of general. I am not naive enough to think about using it.

Money will make you abandon your stable job. However, there are always more solutions than difficulties, right? You can't help us suppress the bandits, but if you pretend to be sick or something, Yang Mao shouldn't blame you too much, right?"

Yu Bei frowned, "What Mr. Lu means..."

Lu Fang said: "The small groups of bandits in You County should have united now. To suppress the bandits, a few big battles should be enough."

"You want me to pretend to be sick, and then Han Feihong will take my brothers to suppress the bandits?"

"That's what it means."

Yu Bei frowned, "If President Yang knew about it, he would immediately send someone to replace me, right?"


Lu Fang chuckled, "By the time he sends people over, maybe I've already wiped out another group of bandits here."

Yu Bei suddenly smiled like a fox, "Then Mr. Lu will try to win over his newly sent generals like he tried to win over me, until the bandit suppression is over?"

Lu Fang raised his eyebrows, "Isn't it possible?"

Yu Bei gritted his teeth and said noncommittally, "Master Lu, let me think about this matter!"

He didn't believe Lu Fang completely yet.

Even if he believed it, he still had to consider the feasibility of this matter. After flattering Yang Mao for so many years, he finally became a cavalry general, and he didn't want to waste all his previous efforts.


Lu Fang nodded happily.

At this time, the madam also led the girls over.

The seven girls are all different in appearance. They are all wearing solid-colored gauze skirts. The colors are different, but they are all slightly visible.

Seven fairies!

Is it so high-end?

Even though Lu Fang had seen some of the market, he was a little surprised.

The people in You County are very good at playing!

With a smile on his face, the madam said to Lu Fang: "Master, should you pick two, or keep both?"

Lu Fang looked at Yu Bei.

Yu Bei's eyes were focused on the girls.

Then he waved his hand and said, "Everyone, please stay!"

Yu Bei was convinced, but the matter had not yet been negotiated. He had to continue to work hard.

Lu Fang believed that as long as he continued to "attack difficulties", Yu Bei would have to agree to him sooner or later.

As he said himself, he is originally a philistine. Since he is a philistine, everything must be discussed.

This chapter has been completed!
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