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Chapter 355: Pingluo Xiaoshan

Whether it is Juding, Chaoyuan or Tongxuan, they all have something extraordinary and refined.

Juding, the inner Qi is accessible, and it is difficult to be hurt by swords and guns.

Chaoyuan was even more capable of killing people with his eyesight, which was mysterious and mysterious.

As for Tongxuan, he can be called a land god. It is said that he can cut off the river with a wave of his sleeves.

It's just that it's hard for ordinary people to see a master take action.

Lao Xiao must not have used all his strength.

Lang Fanyun and others knew very well that if Lao Xiaodong was serious, it would only take a little effort to destroy the entire cottage.

Tongxuan, that is something that ordinary masters can compare to!

I felt even more confident.

In just a few minutes, the group followed Lao Xiao and rushed into the hall.

There were stumps of body parts and meat all the way.


Yang Gang and Lu Fang were standing back to back and were being besieged by the bandits.

Several corpses lay around.

However, both Yang Gang and Lu Fang were also successful.

Yang Gang was stabbed in the thigh.

Lu Fang's left shoulder.

It was bloody and stained all the clothes.

The two of them don't have the sweeping strength like Lao Xiao. When they are besieged, there will inevitably be times when they have no time to react.

He hasn't fallen down yet, which has already surprised Lang Fanyun and others.

Especially Lu Fang, he never expected that this guy would be so fierce.

It can be seen that these bandits have high levels of cultivation, and I don't know how this guy can sustain his eighth-level cultivation level.

Only Lao Xiao was not surprised.

The next process can be said to be overwhelming.

Lao Xiao's performance show.

For the first time, Lu Fang saw the true strength of this old man.

Dao Gang!

Just as Lao Xiao swung his sword, a bandit in front of Lu Fang was chopped into several pieces by the sword.

This fucking thing is simply a humanoid machine gun!


In just a moment, all the bandits in the hall were killed.

The smell of blood is pungent.

There were dozens of corpses lying throughout the house.

Lao Xiao only killed a few of them and did not take action again. He probably wanted to give Lu Fang a chance to practice.


The bandits standing at the door with weapons in their hands were so frightened that they didn't dare to come in again.


When the last bandit in the hall fell to the ground, Lao Xiao turned his head and looked outside the room and shouted coldly.

Those bandits instantly dispersed.

Lu Fang and the others naturally didn't bother to chase.

Lao Xiao walked up to Lu Fang, patted Lu Fang's right shoulder and said, "Not bad."

Lu Fang smiled bitterly.

He took out Yunnan Baiyao from his pocket, handed some to Yang Gang, and then sprinkled it on the wound himself.

Damn it.

It really hurts.

Lang Fanyun and others were not injured. At this moment, the look in Lu Fang's eyes had changed a lot.

They all just saw Lu Fang fighting with others.

I have to admit that Lu Fang's strength has the ability to make them all look at him.

I'm afraid that even if they were placed in their Danxia Sword Sect, they would be invincible at the same level.

Just now, Lu Fang faced several bandits with similar cultivation levels as him. During the fight, he did not lose.

In comparison, the performance of Yang Gang, who was at the sixth level, was far less impressive. He might be considered the strongest among his peers, but it didn't surprise them.

The strength of each of them is not inferior to Yang Gang.

Su Liluo walked up to Lu Fang with a smile on her lips, "You are quite awesome!"

Lu Fang scratched his head, "Maybe they are too bad."

If it were anyone else, he would have admitted it openly. But being praised so highly by Su Liluo made him feel a little embarrassed.

Lang Fanyun seemed a little jealous and said: "It's getting late, let's go to the next bandit village right now?"

Lu Fang looked at Yang Gang.

Indeed, this is the right thing to do.

Yang Gang sprinkled medicinal powder on the wound and said, "This is the easternmost part of You County. Let's just sweep over from here later!"

"Just lead the way."

Lu Fang nodded.

Yang Gang added: "Less than thirty miles to the northwest from here is the stronghold of the Brachiosaurus. Let's go to him first."

With that said, the medicinal powder was also sprinkled.

I simply bandaged it up and walked out of the hall.

Lu Fang and others followed suit.

Outside, there was no trace of those bandits. They probably hid or simply ran down the mountain.

Xu Damajang and his gang of bandit leaders have all met the King of Hell. It will only be a matter of time before the trees fall and the hozens scatter.

This time, there was no need for Lu Fang to ask any more questions, Yang Gang said: "The strength of the Brachiosaurus is pretty good. He is at the sixth level. He is good at the Brachiaria Boxing. His fists are as good as steel. He is much stronger than people like Xu Damabang.

.When I played against him, the outcome was probably 50-50."

Speaking of which, he looked at Lao Xiao, "But that's it. Just don't let him escape. The rest is nothing to worry about."

With Lao Xiao here, he really couldn't think of any possibility for the Brachiosaurus to win.

Lu Fang thought for a while, "Still using the method just now?"

Yang Gang was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "That's fine. The top three Apes are relatively careless in cultivation. If they are together, leave the Apes to me and leave the rest to you."

"Are they all seventh grade?"

Lu Fang asked.


Yang Gang nodded again, "With your strength, there is no problem at all."

Lu Fang curled his lips and said, "How about you leave the brachion to me to deal with?"

These words made Yang Gang and others slightly stunned.

Han Feihong smiled bitterly.

He is only in the seventh grade.

Now, is Master Lu strong enough to fight against a sixth-grade martial artist?

It can be said that he watched Lu Fang's strength improve rapidly, which made him feel a strong sense of frustration.

Immediately, Yang Gang said: "Are you sure you can capture him?"

There is still a big gap between the seventh level and the sixth level. Lu Fang can suddenly kill Xu Da Ma Bang, but he may not necessarily be able to kill the trambrachia in this way.

Under normal circumstances, there is no big problem for a sixth-grade martial artist to deal with three or four seventh-grade martial artists at the same time.

Lu Fang said: "There should be no problem."

He wanted to try the power of drawing and slashing with all his strength now.

Before, it was too easy to kill Xu Da Ma Bang.

Lang Fanyun and others looked a little strange.

Kill the sixth grade?

Including Su Liluo, nearly half of them are only at the sixth level of cultivation.

Doesn’t it mean that Lu Fang can fight with them? Even take their lives?

Before, although they saw that Lu Fang was quite capable, they did not put Lu Fang to this level.

I just think Lu Fang can defeat a seventh-grade martial artist.

There is still a gap between this and them.

But now, Lu Fang's words made them realize that Lu Fang had equal strength to them even in martial arts.

Self-esteem and vanity make them feel a little uncomfortable.

They are extremely talented, elites of the Danxia Sword Sect!

Lu Fang...what is it?

How can he be so powerful when he is just a playboy?

Fortunately, they had already walked out of the village. It was so dark that no one could see their faces clearly.

Only Su Liluo chuckled lightly, grabbed the corner of Lao Xiao's clothes, turned around and said to Lu Fang: "It seems that you still have the ability to keep the bottom of the box!"

"I taught you."

Lao Xiao spoke at this time.

These words somewhat relieved Lang Fanyun and others.

With Lao Xiao's guidance, it doesn't seem so strange that Lu Fang can kill a sixth-grade martial artist.

It's just that I still have a bit of a taste in my heart.

How did this guy survive?

He was able to receive the teachings of Master Tongxuan.

Even they have never had such an opportunity.

This chapter has been completed!
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