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Chapter 386

Until the night is very dark.

The old eunuch sent Liang Hanmin back to his dormitory, and then returned to his dormitory in the Internal Affairs Office.

There is a little eunuch waiting inside.

If Lu Fang were here, he would definitely be shocked when he saw this little eunuch.

Because this little eunuch is none other than He Chengcai, who has been missing for a long time.

I just don’t know where the big black mole at the corner of his mouth went. Now his face looks much more pleasing to the eye.

As soon as the old eunuch sat down at the table, He Chengcai quickly brought tea and said, "Thank you for your hard work, foster father. I will get you some water to soak your feet."


The old eunuch raised his snow-white eyebrows and said, "What you said to my father, my father has already told the emperor today. Although he didn't point it out, the emperor has already become suspicious."

"Thank you, foster father!"

Hearing this, He Chengcai's face showed great excitement and he knelt down on the ground.

The old eunuch narrowed his eyes and said, "If they are really remnants of the previous dynasty, my father will naturally reward you heavily. But if they are not, you should know the consequences."

"My son is willing to guarantee it with his life!"

He Chengcai, who lowered his head, had a cold look in his eyes, "If he were not a remnant of the previous dynasty, then why would Lu Fang deliberately hide his clumsiness all these years? How could Lu Liang have the virtue to allow a master to assist him, and just do it?"

A handyman in the county government."


The old eunuch stopped answering and just waved his hand.

He Chengcai got up from the ground and went to pour water for washing his feet.

The old eunuch had the habit of soaking his feet in hot water every day. However, this water was not ordinary water, but water mixed with a woman's menstrual period.

He Chengcai didn't understand what was wrong with this.

He came to the palace with only one purpose, and that was to put the brothers Lu Liang and Lu Fang into danger.

And this path was guided by a mysterious man. The identity of Lu Liang, a remnant of Lu Fang's previous dynasty, was also what that person said.

He Chengcai didn't know whether it was true or false, but as long as Lu Liang and Lu Fang could be killed, he didn't care about the truth or falsehood, let alone the means.

Now that he is no longer a complete person, even if he uses his life to die together with Lu Liang and Lu Fang, he is still willing to do so. Because his family members all died at the hands of these two brothers.

At least, that's what he thought.

It's July.

Yu Yuanwei and Ran Hongbo were successively appointed as ministers of the Ministry of Industry, and the affairs of the ministers set off a series of dark waves in the capital.

It seemed that Su Zai had suffered a loss, and the Ministry of Industry among the six departments of the Shangshu Province was afraid that it would be out of his control. However, Tan Sitong, the former minister of the Ministry of Industry, was transferred to the Ministry of Public Affairs and served as a minister.

Moreover, he is a responsible official and has two rooms per household.

This is equivalent to Su Zai inserting a crucial nail into Wang Zai's Zhongshu Province.

In this way, it is hard to say who will suffer and who will gain.

The only ones who definitely made a profit were Yu Yuanwei and Ran Hongbo, the teacher and student.

And news from the capital will naturally spread to various places at extremely fast speeds through various channels.

Yu Yuanwei can definitely be regarded as a new member of the court.

Although Hanlin bachelors are noble, the minister of the Ministry of Industry is the real power. The power and status are far from what they were before.

The Tanzhou circle in Jingnan County was particularly shocked.

Because just after the news came that Yu Yuanwei was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Industry, the imperial edict appointing Lu Liang also arrived.

Anyone who knows the Lu Liang and Lu Fang brothers cannot help but feel that these two brothers are really lucky.

It's like smoke rising from ancestral graves.

There are two different things between students who are academicians and scholars and students who are ministers of the Ministry of Industry.

As long as Yu Yuanwei can stay in the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Lu Fangguang will be able to hold his head high among the students in Tanzhou by virtue of being his student.

The benefits of Luliang are certainly greater.

The emperor appointed the envoy from Jingnan County!

Although it is only the official title of the sixth rank, you must know that even Jiang Shi, who is the governor of Tanzhou, is only the fifth rank.

This official of the sixth rank can almost move sideways in the local area.

It's the group next to the top.

Moreover, the emperor also ordered him to establish all the military towns in Jingnan County, including Chaling Army, Wuhan Army, Xinyang Army and other armies.

In other words, except for the mobilization of local troops, Luliang will have the power to mobilize all the imperial troops of the Dayu court in Jingnan County.

It can be said that it is equivalent to appeasing Huo Qubing's deputy.

It's just that the position of recruitment commander was not always held in the Dayu Dynasty. It was only used to suppress bandits and would be appointed when chaos was quelled.

After all, it is still a test.

If Lu Liang can successfully quell all the banditry in Jingnan County, then his official rank will no longer be below the rank of sixth-grade recruiter.

And if the suppression of the bandits fails, they may be beaten back to their original form.

Youxian County Government.

Lu Liang and others all knelt on the ground in darkness.

When the eunuch who heard the eunuch read out the edict, Lu Liang himself was confused.

I originally thought that even if I was lucky, I would only be promoted to a seventh-grade ordinary state. I really didn't expect that there would be a cross-level promotion.

And it still spans several levels.

It turns out that to be a county magistrate is just from the eighth rank.

It’s really a carp leaping over the dragon’s gate.

"Lord Lu, why don't you accept the order and thank me?"

Seeing that Lu Liang was in a daze, the eunuch who delivered the order said something in a high-pitched voice.

Lu Liang came to his senses and quickly kowtowed and accepted the order to thank him.

Then stood up.

"Grandpa, thank you for your hard work."

Lu Fang stood up, walked quietly to the eunuch, and stuffed a banknote into the eunuch's hand.

A full hundred taels.

The eunuch who delivered the order smiled brightly and left without intending to go in for tea.

Lu Fang, Lu Liang and others took them to the gate of the county government office and turned around when they saw them leaving.

Lu Fang said to Lu Liang: "Brother, show me the imperial edict."

In his last life and this life, he really has never touched the imperial edict.

Lu Liang's expression was a little solemn, and he didn't know what he was thinking, so he handed the imperial edict to Lu Fang.

Lu Fang opened it.

The font above is elegant.

Unexpectedly, Liang Hanmin was also good at handwriting.

But the most valuable thing is obviously the big seal on the left corner.

If this is saved for future generations, it will be a valuable treasure.

After Lu Fang read it, he handed it to Chen Youxi next to him, and then said to Lu Liang: "Brother, you have to keep this thing. It can be used as a family heirloom in the future."

Lu Liang glanced at him but said nothing.

But his expression seemed to be even more unhappy.

Lu Fang noticed something, "What's wrong?"


Lu Liang only said this, and then hurriedly walked to the backyard.

Lu Fang was baffled.

He opened his mouth, but still didn't call Lu Liang.

He originally wanted to ask what kind of official the recruiting envoy was and where the Yamen was, but he could only turn his head and asked Chen Youxi, "What kind of official is the recruiting envoy? Where is the Yamen?"

The former oiran lady chuckled and explained: "The ambassador is not a regular official and has no fixed rank. The emperor wants him to be of whatever rank he wants. If he recruits an ambassador, he will be a second-rank official, but the one responsible is

It’s not just about suppressing bandits and quelling chaos in a county. The Yamen... should be inside the Jiedushi Yamen..."

Apparently she wasn't particularly clear either.

The official title system of the Great Yu Dynasty was actually very chaotic.

"Then what rank is my brother, the recruiter?"

Lu Fang asked again.

Chen Youxi shook his head and said, "You'll have to wait until you go to the Yamen to receive the official robe, dental plaque, and seal ribbon."

Then he laughed again, "But don't worry, he must be much higher than the county magistrate. I guess he can at least be on the same level as the magistrate."

Lu Fang secretly pouted.

After so much effort, is he on the same level as Zhizhou?

Then when can we reach the level of a county king?

He doesn't quite understand how difficult it is to get promoted in this era.

Liu Mao is the most typical example. He has a father who was a magistrate of the state, but now that he is several decades old, he is only a ninth-grade county magistrate.

This chapter has been completed!
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