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Chapter 522

But thinking that these guys were fashionable and brave enough to fight against the enemy, he still patiently explained.

"They are all wearing armor. They are not comparable to the city guards in Yingdao City. It is difficult for ordinary weapons on the mountain to cause harm to them."

"As for why I didn't choose to attack at night, I thought they would definitely be on guard tonight. Attacking in the evening while they are eating would be a better way to catch them by surprise."

"Big brother is still awesome!"

"Brother, I'm convinced by your mind."

Several of the bandits looked like they suddenly realized it and began to flatter him.

Some of them were actually forced to submit by force by the green-shirted bandit leader.

But even though they didn't follow him for a long time, his several robberies were easy and he even entered Yingdao City, which really convinced them.

In the past, they were just stragglers. How could they have imagined that they would have the glorious moment of storming into Yingdao City and almost making the governor wet his pants?

This can be worth their bragging for a lifetime.

As for whether they could lose their heads, they had their heads hanging on their belts from the moment they turned into bandits.

Anyway, if you farm the land honestly, you will live a useless life.

Near evening.

The bandits on the mountain came very suddenly.

While eight hundred elite soldiers were sitting on the ground eating dry food and pancakes, they suddenly rushed down from the mountain shouting to kill.

In just a few minutes, they reached the official road.

Although these few minutes were enough for the eight hundred elites to take up arms, they were still slightly at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

It is even more delusional to use war horses to charge.

But they never thought of using war horses.

This is to suppress bandits.

Unless the two armies are facing each other, there are not many opportunities to rely on cavalry to charge. This is why there are so few cavalry in the south.

"Finally here!"

When Lu Fang saw this scene, a slight smile appeared on his lips. Then he shouted: "Kill!"

Then he added: "Shout! Everyone, shout for me!"

All the elites couldn't help but have strange expressions on their faces.

Mr. Lu fell ill again.

But they all still shouted obediently.

"The envoy's younger brother Lu Fang is here to suppress the bandits! You will be captured as soon as possible!"

It's a different kind of way to cheer yourself up in this way.

And this made the bandits a little puzzled.

Just kill, what are you talking about?

It's time to fight, who cares who you are?

But there was still a lot of hatred flowing into Lu Fang's mind.

The green-shirted bandit leader held a spear and took the lead in charging into the crowd.

He is really strong.

Almost all the elites who came with Lu Fang were martial arts masters, and those at the forefront were not below the eighth-grade martial arts masters.

But just after the confrontation, the bandit leader was seen sweeping across with his long spear.

I don't know how much this spear weighs.

Several elites who had just approached him were swept away directly. They fell to the ground and vomited blood. Their chest armor was dented.

This made Lu Fang even take a breath.

Then he saw the bandit leader looking towards him.

Obviously, the green-shirted bandit leader had just noticed that he was giving orders. He wanted to capture the thief first and capture the king first!

Jiang Zimo, who was standing next to Lu Fang, couldn't help but shrink his neck.

Although eight hundred elites passed by like a school of fish, killing the bandits, he still felt a chill and said: "Master Lu, then, that guy seems to be targeting us?"

Lu Fang corrected him: "You are targeting me, not us."

Jiang Zimo swallowed, pulled out the saber from his waist, and stood in front of Lu Fang.

This surprised Lu Fang and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Jiang Zimo turned around and showed a smile that was uglier than crying, "I'm afraid, but... we can't run away, right?"

Then he said: "Master Lu, if I can't stop him later, when you go back, tell Miss Fu'er that I'm gone, but don't tell her that I'm dead. I'm afraid she'll be sad."

Lu Fang rolled his eyes angrily, "Come on, I don't need you. You should keep your life for yourself!"

But naturally I was still a little moved.

This guy is quite reliable at critical moments.

As expected, the bandit leader in green shirt was heading towards Lu Fang.

Although Lu Fang couldn't tell what kind of cultivation he had, it was certain that such cultivation was enough to make him invincible among the crowd.

Unless eight hundred elites were used up until he was exhausted. Otherwise, it would be difficult to kill him.

Lao Xiao whispered two words beside him, "First grade."

Lu Fang tilted his head in surprise, "Is he a grade one?"

Lao Xiao nodded, "There is already a gathering of cauldrons."

Lu Fang was even more confused.


Much more powerful than imagined!

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help but look at the bandit leader who was fighting among the crowd.

At such an age, such a level of cultivation... must be rare, right?

Is there any sign of a gathering of cauldrons?

Wouldn't that mean he is about to break through and become a master?

If this is the case, then I might really be able to recruit a powerful assistant for Lu Liang.

"Master, it's up to you."

Lu Fang said.

Seeing that the Qingshan bandit leader had sent dozens of people away, he felt heartbroken.

Lao Xiao didn't answer, and moved toward the bandit leader.

As for the elite bandits who had already fought, the fight between them was obviously far less impressive than that of the bandit leader.

It made Lu Fang feel that there was nothing to see.

And Lao Xiao's movement made the bandit leader's expression suddenly become solemn.

When Lao Xiao came closer and stood about half a foot in front of him, the Qingshan bandit leader did not rush to draw his gun, but said: "Master?"

Lao Xiao said: "You are not bad either."

The green-shirted bandit leader showed a bit of bitterness, "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that in order to suppress me, the imperial court would even be willing to invite masters."

But the spear in his hand was held tighter.

Even if he is a master, he still has to give it a try.

"Why don't you abandon your blade and surrender?"

Lao Xiao said.

What faced him was the spear suddenly thrust out by the bandit leader Qingshan, "Dream!"

He didn't know how much power was contained in this iron spear. Although it was thrust straight, the barrel of the gun actually trembled slightly.

Lao Xiao's figure floated back a little, and he shot out with his right palm.

Then he swept to the left side of the green-shirted bandit leader and slapped him in the face with his left palm.

The bandit leader's spear was like a swimming dragon in his hand. He retracted the spear in an instant and blocked Lao Xiao's palm with the tail of the spear.

But just when his palm was about to touch the iron gun, Lao Xiao suddenly retracted his palm.

His figure moved quickly.

The palms of both hands continued to strike everywhere around the bandit leader's body like a violent storm.

The green-shirted bandit leader's face became more solemn, and his gun dance was like splashing ink.

The fight between the two looked fancy, but in fact it was a fierce move with hidden murderous intent. It was just that the speed was too fast.

Lu Fang and Jiang Zimo blinked at the same time.

They have never seen a fight at this level before.


There was a sigh in my heart.

They could barely see clearly the movements of Lao Xiao and the Qingshan bandit leader. If they were to go up on their own, they would definitely not be able to sustain even one move.

And then, Lu Fang also realized something.

With Lao Xiao's strength, it shouldn't be so difficult to win over a martial artist who is not yet at the Grandmaster level.

Is he... trying to help this gang leader break through?

This chapter has been completed!
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