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Chapter 527

"Thank you, Master Qi."

Lu Fang cupped his hands towards Qi Nanshan and said: "This wine is worth drinking, but I think it should be drank with the eight hundred strong men under Lord Qi's command."

The speaking voice is not too quiet.

At least the elite people in the front row who were close to him heard it and were slightly moved.

If I just admired Lu Fang before, then because of these simple words, I felt a little moved in my heart.

Qi Nanshan was stunned for a moment, then said: "Exactly, exactly."

He turned to the officials following him and ordered, "Cancel the banquet in the city and hold a banquet in the military camp."

That night, eight hundred elite soldiers took off their armor and drank heavily with Lu Fang in the Guiyang military camp.

On the camp road not far from Pingyang, Lu Fang led his army and just left, Xie Hui and others in the city suffered a disaster.

Some men in black sneaked into Yingdao City at night and successively picked off the heads of Xie Hui and other officials in the city, as well as wealthy businessmen, a total of thirteen heads.

Even the plump or beautiful wives and concubines who accompanied them to bed were not spared.

The man in black was ruthless in his attacks and showed no hesitation.

After removing the head from Xie Hui's neck, he said, "You are a son of a bitch, so if I kill you like this, it will be an advantage for you."

He probably has no chance to bring down the entire Yingdao officialdom. It is indeed nonsense to completely eliminate Yingdao officialdom.

As Lao Xiao said, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

Dayu is still Dayu, but the emperor of Dayu is no longer the emperor of Dayu.

But it would be easy for him to remove the heads of the culprits such as Xie Hui.

And the next day.

Lu Fang led more than 700 cavalry and rushed back to Chenzhou.

The suppression of bandits is progressing at a rapid pace.

Good news comes frequently to Tanzhou.

But when Lu Fang walked into the tent and saw Lu Liang and told him that the bandits in Dazhou had been wiped out, Lu Liang had a complicated look on his face.

He spread out the paper and ink, picked up the pen, and could not write for a long time.

"Xiao Fang, come with me for a walk."

After a while, he put down his pen and said.

Then he took Lu Fang out of the tent, leaving Zhang Zimo and others inside, looking at each other.

After a big battle, I walked in a deserted place.

Lu Fang said: "You haven't made up your mind yet?"

Lu Liang patted his chest and said bitterly: "Things are bound to happen. How can I make any determination? I just feel uncomfortable."

"I met the Red Lady in Changning County."

Lu Fangdao.

Lu Liang turned his head and looked at him, "What did she say?"

Lu Fang said: "She thought I led 800 cavalry to Changning to attack them. She blamed me for being in such a hurry and only bringing 800 troops."

The bitterness on Lu Liang's face couldn't help but get worse, and he fell silent.

Zhang Zhihe, Xu Linzhi and others sacrificed their lives for justice.

He takes the overall situation into consideration.

But... so what if Red Lady and others know it in their hearts?

Is it really possible to let go of the grudges in your heart and stop hating yourself?

Seeing his silence, Lu Fang said: "I'm afraid there will be many more things like this in the future. One general's success will lead to thousands of bones drying up."

"One general's success will lead to ten thousand bones being withered..."

Lu Liang murmured.

Lu Fang added: "No one can make anyone feel that they are right. As the saying goes, how can a sparrow know the ambition of a swan. I think that is enough if you have a clear conscience."

Lu Liang couldn't help but be surprised, "When did you understand so many truths?"

Lu Fang shrugged his shoulders and said disapprovingly: "The more books you read, the more principles you will learn."

In fact, it just reminded me of a movie I watched in my previous life.

Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin.

There are countless people who want to assassinate the King of Qin and those who hate the King of Qin.

But those who can understand his grand ambitions, who do not admire him greatly?

Is Jing Ke at fault?

Nothing wrong.

Did King Qin make a mistake?

Not wrong either.

Lu Fang felt that Lu Liang at this moment was like the King of Qin. If he wanted to do what others could not do, he should also be able to inherit what others could not do.

Didn’t this world also experience the Warring States Period?

"You should read more Biography of the Warring States Period."

Lu Fang said quietly again.

"Biographies of the Warring States Period..."

Lu Liang murmured, turned and walked towards the big tent.

On this day, another good news came to Tanzhou.

Lu Fang, the younger brother of the lower official, led the deputy commander of the Guiyang Army and 800 cavalry to suppress more than a thousand bandits at Panchang Mountain south of the camp road.

There are only mountain bandits left in Daozhou, so they are not a problem.

That night, Lu Liang read the biographies of the Warring States Period by candlelight.

It was early in the morning the next day when a man in green shirt appeared outside the military camp. He told the soldiers guarding the camp that he wanted to see Lu Liang.

Lu Fang was in Luliang's tent. Hearing the soldiers' report, he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Green shirt, iron gun!

Is that green-shirted bandit leader really here?

This can be regarded as making a fortune.

A master-level master in his prime!

He stood up quickly and said, "Please come in quickly."

Lu Liang looked at him blankly, "Do you know him?"

Because they were not sure whether the Qingshan bandit leader would come, neither Lao Xiao nor Lu Fang told him about it.

Lu Fang raised his eyebrows and said, "This is the right-hand man that Mr. Xiao and I have found for you."

Then he told Lu Liang in detail about the suppression of bandits in Panchang Mountain.

After Lu Liang heard this, he couldn't help but look happy.

Although Han Feihong has good leadership skills, his cultivation is still not good enough. There was really no one under him who could do it before.

But now, Lao Xiao and Lu Fang have found him a right-hand man.

The green-shirted bandit leader was also led over by the soldiers at this time.


First, he glanced at Lu Liang, Lu Fang, and Lao Xiao in the room, and then he bowed his hands to Lu Liang and said: "Wang Shouxing, a wild man in the world, is willing to serve Mr. Lu!"

He was talking about Mr. Lu, not the envoy.

Obviously, Lao Xiao's words caused him to think deeply.

Or, it's because he doesn't want to serve this court.


Lu Liang nodded repeatedly, stood up, walked to Wang Shouxing, and said, "I, Lu Liang, am very lucky to have the help of Wang Shouxing."

"Don't dare."

Wang Shouxing said politely.

Lu Liang looked outside the tent, and under Lu Fang's strange eyes, he pulled Wang Shouxing to his seat and sat down, and said, "I heard from my brother that Brother Shouxing seems to be quite proficient in the art of war?"

Wang Shouxing glanced at Lu Fang and said with some shame: "In my early years of studying abroad, I was fortunate to have a teacher who was both civil and martial arts. In addition to teaching me martial arts, he also taught me some military books. But proficiency cannot be said to be true."

He felt really unhappy.

Lu Fang only besieged but did not attack, so he really knew his weakness.

But when it came to using troops, he felt that it was not his own strategy that was wrong.

If there had not been Lao Xiao around Lu Fang at that time, even though all of the eight hundred elites were quite brave, the outcome could only be said to be a 50-50 outcome.

He even felt that he should be able to defeat the eight hundred Guiyang troops.

Only in the end he still lost.

How can a loser be brave?

And this already made Lu Liang overjoyed.

He has a master-level cultivation and has read many military books. Even if he is placed in the imperial court, given time, it is not impossible to become a giant in the military.

In recent years, how many capable generals have there been in the Chongqing Dynasty?

Lu Liang said meaningfully: "Brother Shou Xing's talents should not be so unknown. In the future, I will make your name resound throughout Chongqing."

Wang Shouxing couldn't help but look slightly stern.

This chapter has been completed!
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