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Chapter 551 Tan Yutang's Promotion

It stands to reason that it is rare for officials from the capital to be transferred back to Kyoto so quickly after being sent abroad.

There is only one possibility: there is someone behind you.

It seems that this son-in-law of the Wang family who rides a dragon is not as simple as he imagined!

Could it be that there was a big shot in the Imperial College helping him with the Imperial Academy's academic record?

Lu Fang asked again: "What position do you hold?"

Wang Sidong shook his head, "I don't know. Just listening to what my sister said, it seems that I have risen half a level."

He said it somewhat disapprovingly, even a little bit dissatisfied.

Lu Fang almost didn't raise his hand to pat this guy twice, and said angrily: "Then your Wang family has really found a golden turtle husband."

"Only the eighth grade."

Wang Sidong muttered.

"You really don't know anything."

Lu Fang rolled his eyes and said: "Officials released from Kyoto are often promoted in rank, and it is extremely normal for officials who are transferred back to Kyoto to be demoted. If an official of fourth rank or above is transferred back to Kyoto, he will be demoted.

It can be considered as a level within two ranks, and it can even be said to be a rise in the light and a rise in the dark. Your brother-in-law is able to rise to half a rank, which is really good luck. If nothing happens, I am afraid that he will rise to the top in the future. "

By now, his understanding of Dayu is naturally different from what it used to be.

Wang Sidong finally became a little surprised, "Is he so powerful?"

In fact, Tan Yutang has nothing to criticize in terms of appearance, talent, or status. At least it is not the turn of Ningyuan County wealthy families like the Wang family to find fault.

But because Wang Yeyan pursued Lu Fang before, and Wang Sidong was good friends with Lu Fang, this guy had a strong preconception and always felt that Tan Yutang was not as good as his brother Fang.

Furthermore, I am not very close to this brother-in-law.

Lu Fang only said: "If you put it on the ground, an eighth-rank official in Kyoto will have more dignity than a sixth-rank official."

Wang Sidong paused, "Come on, come on, have a drink."

No matter how great it is, it is still in Kyoto.

He didn't expect his brother-in-law to take advantage of the water thrown away by his married daughter.

That night, Wang Sidong stayed in the courtyard of the Jiedushi Mansion.

Lu Liang and Lao Xiao are not here, and there are still rooms in the yard.

The next day, Lu Fang and Wang Sidong left the Jiedu Envoy Office at the same time. Wang Sidong returned to Huichun Medicine Store, while Lu Fang went to Dengke Bookstore.

Of course, it's not possible that he misses the old man Xu Zhen, but he just can't help it and wants to ask Liang Siqi about his current situation.

Xu Zhen, you should still be able to see Liang Siqi, right?

More than two and a half months have passed since he hinted that Liang Siqi was pretending to be ill. But he didn't even know what Liang Siqi's condition was.

I only know that Liang Siqi probably hasn’t gone to Kyoto yet.

When Liang Dong went to Ningyuan County to attend the opening ceremony of Qingxi Fang, he just said that Liang Siqi was doing well in Prince Rong's Mansion and told Lu Fang not to worry.

Lu Fang didn't believe it.

If it was good, wouldn't Liang Shi and the people in Kyoto urge her to go to Kyoto to repeat the decree?

After pretending to be ill for such a long time, I was afraid that Liang Siqi would really get sick.

If unfortunately a long-term illness becomes serious, Lu Fang would rather she go to Kyoto to marry the number one scholar named Jiang Jiaping.

Go to Dengke Bookstore.

Lu Fang saw that his new "Tian Long Ba Bu" was once again placed in the most conspicuous position.

Below is the completed version of "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio".

It seems that Xu Zhen also uses him as a sign.

Juro layman.

Now seeing this pen name again, Lu Fang couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Fortunately, people in this world don't understand these connotations, otherwise, I might be criticized by today's scholars.

Ten times a night...

Walking into the bookshop, Lu Fang didn't see Xu Zhen's figure, so he walked up to a familiar-looking boy and asked, "Where is your boss?"

"Master Lu!"

The boy saw that it was Lu Fang, and quickly made a bow to Lu Fang and said, "My boss is in the back yard. I will call him for you right now..."

After saying that, he hurriedly ran to the backyard.

Did he know that Lu Fang was the God of Wealth of their family?

Soon, Xu Zhen hurried out with the young man and approached Lu Fang, "Master Lu, are you back?"

Seeing that there were other customers in the bookstore, Lu Fang pulled up Xu Zhen's sleeves and said, "Let's talk upstairs."

The two went directly upstairs. Xu Zhen made tea for Lu Fang. Lu Fang asked, "Brother Xu, have you been to Prince Rong's Mansion recently?"

Xu Zhen's expression suddenly became complicated, "I haven't been there for a while..."


Lu Fang was stunned.

Did Liang Shi even have Xu Zhen in charge?

Xu Zhen said: "I was thinking about delivering a book to the princess the other day, but I was stopped by the housekeeper in Prince Rong's palace. He said that the princess was ill and was not seeing anyone else, so he told me not to send it to anyone in the future."

Lu Fang understood instantly.

Apparently it was really Liang Shi's instruction.

I just don’t know whether it’s specifically targeting Xu Zhen, or whether Liang Siqi is not allowed to see any other outsiders.

But it makes no difference to him.

It seemed that he had no other channel to learn about Liang Siqi's current situation except from Liang Dong. And Liang Dong seemed to have something to hide.

Could it be...

Could it be that Liang Siqi has already left for Kyoto?

Lu Fang's butt suddenly lifted up.

Only a few inches later, he slowly sat down again.

Probably not.

If so, that guy Liang Dong had no reason to hide it from him. Liang Dong obeyed Liang Siqi's words, and he still knew this.

Xu Zhen knew something about what happened between Lu Fang and Liang Siqi. After all, he knew that Lu Fang was destroyed by Liang Shi and that Liang Siqi was given a marriage.

Just thinking about it, I can come up with some clues.

Seeing Lu Fang's disappointed look, he didn't know what to say. He put the teacup in front of Lu Fang and went downstairs.

When he came upstairs again, he held some banknotes in his hand and said to Lu Fang: "Originally, when you asked someone to deliver the manuscript last time, I planned to ask him to bring you the latest manuscript fee. But after thinking about it, I still

It would be better to leave it in your hands personally."

After all, he didn't know Tang Ziping.

Lu Fang nodded and stuffed the banknotes directly into his arms without counting them.

This time the royalties were much higher than last time, but with his current net worth, he really didn't care much about it.

Not to mention anything else, in fact, the money he earned from Liang Dong and the others was enough for him to squander throughout his life.

Xu Zhen didn't know about Liang Siqi's situation, so he didn't have much intention to stay here and chat with Xu Zhen.

After only drinking tea, he said goodbye and left.

Went to Lu Lin’s house again.

He still planned to have an honest talk with Liang Dong.

Not knowing Liang Siqi's current situation, he really felt uneasy.

And if you want to see Liang Dong, inviting all of them to Feixian Tower is undoubtedly the best way.

At the same time, he also wanted to talk to Lu Lin about the purchase channels. Those three processing plants can only support the peppers and potatoes.

This chapter has been completed!
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