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Chapter 563

Unknowingly, it turned out that the uprising had affected far more than just him and Lu Liang.

Not to mention Lao Xu, Lao Xiao and others, Jiang Zimo, Zhu'er, Chen Youxi, Fu'er and others were all involved.

Even Wang Sidong, Tang Ziping, He Zhigao and others may be implicated.

Can't lose...

For these people, I must not lose!

Just like that, the two of them had their own thoughts. Jiang Zimo rambled on, and Lu Fang remained silent as a loyal listener. Unknowingly, he fell asleep on the table.

But it was still early in the morning the next day when Jiang Zimo woke up and woke Lu Fang up, "Master! Master!"

Lu Fang opened his eyes drowsily.

Jiang Zimo chuckled and said, "It's time for us to go to Miss Fu'er's house."

Lu Fang became more awake now. He looked out the window and found that the sky was getting a little hazy.

He suddenly became a little angry and said: "It's too early, the BESTORE stores haven't even opened yet!"

Then he looked at Jiang Zimo's tired but excited face and muttered: "Mom, I knew I had to do business today, but you had to drag me to drink last night. Look at you now, just go like this,

Fuli must dislike you to death. Go back to the room and take a bath first, I will take a bath too, and you can call me later."


Jiang Zimo thought about it, scratched his head, and went outside a little embarrassed.

Lu Fang rubbed his eyes and recalled the life plans Jiang Zimo told him last night. He breathed a long sigh of relief and walked to the bathroom.

Now that he is about to reach the fifth level, his physique is different from ordinary people, and of course he doesn't have to bother with boiling hot water to take a bath.

Just over ten minutes passed before Jiang Zimo knocked on the door again.

Lu Fang opened the door and saw this guy wearing a green official robe decorated with animals and an official hat. There was also a jade pendant hanging coquettishly around his waist.

But dressed up like this, this guy really looks more serious. No one would be able to imagine that he was once a gentleman.

"You boy is wearing an official robe, it really looks like that."

Lu Fangdao.


Jiang Zimo laughed, "That's not true."

Then the two of them left the inn and walked to the good store.

When we arrived outside the store, it turned out that the store was not open yet. The streets were also empty, with only a few vegetable vendors setting up their stalls.

Lu Fang and Jiang Zimo were squatting at the door.

Jiang Zimo grinned stupidly and counted the gifts he brought from time to time.

Lu Fang looked at it and also smiled.

Only the vendors and the occasional pedestrians passing by on the street had strange expressions on their faces.

And the green official robe!

Even the official robes of the county magistrate are of this color.

I really don’t understand how such a big shot could be sitting on the steps of a store with a silly smile on his face.

About two quarters of an hour later, there was a sudden movement in the shop.

Then the door panels were disassembled leaf by leaf.


"Master Jiang..."

Fu'er was surprised when she saw Lu Fang and Jiang Zimo squatting on the steps.

Lu Fang stood up, chuckled and said, "This guy just received his official robe and dental plaque yesterday, and became an official of the eighth rank. He dragged me here to find you."

Jiang Zimo seemed a little at a loss, not knowing where to put his hands, "Fu'er, Miss Fu'er..."

Fu'er's pretty face suddenly turned rosy.

When he saw Jiang Zimo's gift on the ground again, his face turned as red as the sunset.

Of course she could understand what Jiang Zimo was here for.

"Come in first..."

Fu'er blushed and muttered, getting half of her body out of the way.

When Lu Fang and Jiang Zimo entered the house, they didn't bother to entertain them and hurriedly ran towards the backyard.

Once he went there, he never came out again.

Lu Fang and Jiang Zimo waited for several minutes but did not hear any movement inside. They stared at each other and walked towards the backyard.

Fu'er's parents and Li Nian were both washing up.

When he heard the noise and turned around, he was surprised.

Li Niandao: "Master Lu, Brother Jiang, have you just arrived?"

They just saw Fu'er suddenly running back and didn't think much about it.

Lu Fang looked at the direction of Fu'er's room and chuckled, "It's been a while."

Then he winked at Fu'er's father and said, "Uncle, I'm really here to be a matchmaker today."

After that, he lightly kicked Jiang Zimo, who only smiled innocently next to him.

This guy is usually very smart and doesn't panic when encountering big problems. I didn't expect that he would be so cute when it comes to things like this.

"Uncle, uncle...aunt."

Even the words are awkward.

All I know is to pass the gift straight forward.

Fortunately, the old couple had a very good impression of Jiang Zimo. Looking at his appearance now, they only felt that he was an honest boy. They looked at each other.

The couple had already discussed Jiang Zimo's matter.

"This kid came right away and brought so many things."

Fu'er's mother reached out and took the gift. In her words, she seemed to treat Jiang Zimo as one of her own family members.

Lu Fang said from the side: "Yesterday, the Jiedushi government office just issued his official robes and tooth tags. He is now an official of the eighth rank, and he has a good background. He dragged me to Ningyuan yesterday to find him.

I stayed at an inn and came here early this morning because I wanted to formally propose marriage to you and your two elders."

He knew it was impossible to expect Jiang Zimo to say these things now.

Jiang Zimo blushed beside him and just nodded repeatedly.


Fortunately, the old couple had made up their minds and happily agreed.

Li Nian, the kid from the side, winked and said: "Brother Jiang, my parents have been waiting for you to come over! Recently, matchmakers have been coming to propose marriage, but they have all been dismissed..."

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped on the forehead by his old man, "What are you talking about!"

This little bastard!

Don't they want to lose face?

"Thank you so much, uncle and aunt. I will definitely live up to Miss Fu'er in this life."

Jiang Zimo's eyes were filled with emotion. He bowed and saluted the old couple and finally said something concise.

Afterwards, everyone entered the main hall.

That's how the marriage was decided.

Fu'er's failure to show up was tantamount to acquiescence.

Fu'er's father gave Li Nian some scraps of silver and sent him to the street to find an old Taoist priest who had set up a stall in Ningyuan County all year round to ask for good luck.

Lu Fang just added, "It would be better before the year!"

Because the New Year is very lively.

He could see that Jiang Zimo was actually quite lonely, and wanted him to integrate into Fu'er's family as soon as possible.


Li Nian, who had already run out of the main hall, turned around and agreed.

It took quite a while before Fu'er came out of the room. But she went straight to the front shop.

Lu Fang winked at Jiang Zimo.

Jiang Zimo stumbled forward.

Lu Fangze looked at Fu'er's parents again.

He also wanted to tell them about going to Tongchuan. This was something that had to be said.

This chapter has been completed!
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