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Chapter 587

This night was spent in the Gongyuan.

In this examination area, except for Zhao Xiuyun, Lu Fang did not meet any other familiar faces.

The next day.

The examination officially begins.

Early in the morning, with the sound of gongs and drums, officials asked the candidates who were talking outside to go back to their examination rooms.

If you enter this small room, which is only a few square meters, you will not be allowed to go out for three days and two nights.

Lu Fang, who was breathing fresh air outside, also walked into his small exam room and sat in front of the window. In front of him was the wall.

The layout here is pretty much the same as during the test.

Hand out papers and answer questions.

The questions in the general examination are much more difficult than those in the practical examination, mainly because there are many questions. Just on the meaning of the scriptures, there are five questions.

"Being neutral without relying on force is hypocritical."

"The way of a university lies in being virtuous, being close to the people, and adhering to the ultimate goodness."


Taking the first question as an example, the test is a bit of a joke.

Because this sentence is not the original words in the Four Books and Five Classics, but a quotation of a certain sentence.

Fortunately, it didn't go as far as excerpting a few words from a certain paragraph and asking the candidates to fill in the blanks.

Lu Fang didn't hesitate, he directly opened the hatred value search engine and started searching.

Then I started thinking about how to answer the question.

After I had an idea, I started writing quickly.

He had no way of knowing what the situation was like for other candidates. However, when he finished answering all five questions and looked up again, it was almost dark outside.

It must be near the end of the exam.

Lu Fang estimated that there must be many candidates who failed to answer all five questions.

Because I have a hate value search engine, it took me so long.

Anyone who can really answer all five questions in such a short period of time is truly a monster. His knowledge reserve is absolutely astonishing.

Sure enough, less than two-quarters of an hour later, drums started to sound.

Then an official yelled at the examinee to stop writing, and then someone came over to confiscate the test paper.

Then, Lu Fang heard faint crying.


Is it because my mental endurance is too low?

not necessarily.

Han Chuang had been studying hard for decades, but when he came to the examination, he couldn't even answer the questions, or he answered incorrectly. Lu Fang thought that if it were him, he would collapse.

Even if it is the college entrance examination in later generations, there are still many people who cannot bear it.

The imperial examination in this era is much more difficult than the college entrance examination.

I don’t know how many people will be unable to sleep that night. Then, they basically have no chance of reaching the end.

However, Lu Fang didn't have the Holy Mother's share yet. He just felt a little emotional in his heart. After the officials received the test papers, he exchanged his worship points for some things and began to fill his stomach.

He remembered that people on the Internet in later generations often lamented that life is easy, but life is not easy.

And life in Dayu is not easy, let alone life.

The imperial examination is a one-plank bridge, a competition. And competition will definitely be accompanied by elimination.

Natural selection.

If everyone can easily pass the exam, then the Jinshi title will not have any value at all. The imperial examination will also have no meaning.

And the next day.

Examination policy theory.

There are only three questions.

One historical discussion, and then two national policies.

"Jia Yi's theory of five baits and three expressions was ridiculed by Ban Gu. However, Qin and Mu tried to use it to dominate the Xirong, and Zhongxing also used Jie Chanyu, so his theory is not ineffective."

This is a historical topic.

Then there are two questions about national policy, one of which is "Zhou Li talks about agricultural policy in the most detail, and all the scholars have knowledge of farming. Try out strategies to educate farmers."

The second is "A large country has trade all over the world, but the imperial court has never benefited from maritime trade. Try to develop strategies to regulate maritime trade."

Lu Fang just finished reading the test questions and felt a little numb.

It’s not because these three questions are tricky.

To be honest, these three questions are quite satisfactory and not tricky at all. They can even be said to be quite easy.

Anyone can answer the question, it just depends on whether their answer is in line with the examiner's wishes.

He felt numb because of the last strategy question.

The policy topics of the past dynasties are often related to current political affairs. The sudden emergence of such an exam question this year can only show that the court began to pay attention to maritime trade.

In other words, we are beginning to see the benefits that can be obtained from Shanghai trade.

Could it be that they plan to collect sea trade tax?

This is really unfortunate news for Marco Polo's overseas merchants, as well as those in Dayu who are doing business in overseas commodities.

If you see Marco Polo again, you have to remind him.

Lu Fang first thought about it for a while, and then started to search using the hatred value search engine.

His luck was really good. For the first two questions and the top historical question, he found a ready-made answer sheet for a certain number one scholar in ancient times.

As for the Taoist strategy of educating farmers, there are countless opinions and answers.

Lu Fang just selected a few of them that were more suitable for Dayu's current national conditions, and then put some tinge on the wording and wrote it on paper.

Only the last question took a little more effort.

However, for other candidates, the maritime trade policy is a first of its kind. They have to combine the current national conditions of Dayu to come up with reliable and suitable policies, which is equivalent to crossing the river by feeling the stones. But for Lu Fang, this

It has become a river that countless people have crossed.

It's just that the ancient policy on maritime trade in his previous life was not as complete as agriculture, but it was enough for him to borrow from.

After finishing writing the paper, Lu Fang raised his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

He will try it this time and thinks there will be no problem.

At least Jinshi should be a sure shot.

Only poems and poems have not yet been tested, which is his "forte".

It is estimated that among the tens of thousands of candidates in the entire examination, he is the most relaxed at the moment.

It's the next day again.

An examination of poetry and prose.

Two poems and one poem.

The test question on one poem is quite difficult because the last word of each line in the poem is specified.

However, using the powerful search engine, Lu Fang could easily cope with it.

In less than half an hour, he finished writing the answer sheet for the poetry and fu test.

Then, just wait for the exam to end.

Waiting hard until evening.

Finally the gongs and drums sounded outside, and an official called the candidates to stop writing.

Lu Fang, who had been napping for a long time, got up and packed his things.

After the clerk collected the examination papers, the examinees were called outside to leave. He walked out of the examination room.

Then I saw Zhao Xiuyun running towards this side in a hurry.

When he came in front of him, Zhao Xiuyun was a little out of breath and said: "Mr. Lu, can I pay a visit to Master Yu's house today?"

It is estimated that these three consecutive days of exams have put a considerable burden on his energy and physical strength.

But when the guy mentioned that he was going to visit Yu Yuanwei's house, his eyes still shone.

Regardless of whether he can pass this test, if he can be appreciated by Yu Yuanwei, it will obviously be of great help to his future career.

Lu Fang looked up at the sky and said, "It's up to you."

Then he told Zhao Xiuyun the address of Yu Yuanwei's mansion.

The two of them walked side by side towards the outside of the Gongyuan.

This chapter has been completed!
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