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Chapter 645 Two Questions

This is the place where successive Dayu emperors held palace examinations.

It consists of the main hall and two side halls.

Lu Fang and others first paid homage outside the temple.

Then the eunuch's voice came out from the main hall, "Xuan..."

Mr. Li turned back and raised his chin to the Gongsheng students, and led them into the main hall.

After crossing this high threshold, Lu Fang and the other Gongsheng students can be regarded as serious Jinshi.

Because there is no rule in Dayu to eliminate Gongsheng students in the palace examination, that means that all Gongsheng students will eventually become Jinshi. It's just that they are ranked in order.

Emperor Liang Hanmin sits behind the Dragon Case.

Lu Fang just entered the palace, raised his eyes slightly, and saw Liang Hanmin's eyes falling on his face.

His eyes were a little deep, but he still showed no emotion or anger.

I didn't give him any special attitude.

"Your Majesty, Li Yuan, bows to the Emperor. Long live the Emperor, long live the Emperor..."

Mr. Li was the first to kneel on the ground and salute.

Candidates can learn from each other.

Liang Hanmin nodded lightly, "Have all the tribute students arrived?"

"Return to the Emperor."

Li Yuan reported: "There are a total of 279 students who paid tribute to this literary examination, and they are all here."


Liang Hanmin then waved his hand and said: "Let's all get back together..."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Amidst the thanks from all the tribute students, Lu Fang also stood up along with them.

Although I don’t care much about the status of Jinshi, I still feel a bit proud when I see almost all the old men around me.

There are not many people who can get Jinshi at this age. I can count all the people here. I guess there are only about ten people of similar age.

Few of the others are under thirty years old.

Not to mention those like Zhao Xiuyun who were lucky enough to become Gongsheng students. At this moment, he could no longer hide the excitement on his face.

After stepping into this Chongzheng Hall, they will become disciples of the Emperor.

Liang Hanmin's eyes swept across the faces of the Gongsheng students, as if they had paused for a moment longer on the faces of the young Gongsheng students.

Probably in his heart, he also believed that these young tribute students would be more useful to the Chongqing court.

After all, there were only a handful of old Gongsheng students in previous years who grew stronger as they grew older and could rise to prominence at a very fast pace in their later years and later in life.

Then he said to Li Yuan: "Let the exam start now..."


Li Yuan agreed.

The eunuch waiting beside Liang Hanmin rushed out and shouted: "The record reader enters the hall... and the roll call begins."

As soon as he finished speaking, eight high-ranking officials in purple robes and several officials from the Ministry of Etiquette walked into the hall.

Yu Yuanwei was among them.

He is also one of the eight examiners for this imperial examination.

After entering the temple, we first paid homage to Liang Hanmin.

Then the officials from the Ministry of Etiquette walked to the door of the left and right side halls, took out the rosters, and started to roll the names.

Lu Fang looked up at Yu Yuanwei's back.

Yu Yuanwei also turned around to look for him in the crowd. After meeting his eyes, he turned back again.

Lu Fang's heart tightened slightly.

He clearly saw deep disappointment in Yu Yuanwei's eyes.

I knew in my heart that I had broken this teacher's heart this time.

But I can only bury this guilt deeply in my heart for the time being.

"Lu Fang..."

Not long after, the roll-call official called out his name.

It's the side hall on the left.

Lu Fang walked toward the left side hall.

Inside, there are desks lined up neatly, about two meters apart.

There are chairs.

The pen, ink and inkstone are all ready.

He found the desk with his name on it and sat down.

The two people next to me were both unfamiliar faces. They were both old Gong students with beards.

Nod in greeting.

After all the seats in the side hall were filled, within a few minutes, the eunuch's voice sounded again in the main hall, "Faju..."

Immediately, officials came in to distribute examination papers.

This time, the questions in the test paper were so simple that all the Gongsheng students couldn't help but look surprised.

In the past, the questions in the Dayu Palace Examination often contained hundreds of words, and sometimes even exceeded a thousand words. There were usually only four questions.

But this time, there were only two questions, and only ten numbers.

First, "If there is a disaster year, how can the national treasury be suddenly enriched?"

Second, "What is it like to be an official?"

These two questions seem very simple, but in fact they are obviously not that simple.

Lu Fang frowned slightly when he saw the test questions.

These two questions are simple and have simple answers. Maybe they can be answered in a few dozen words. But complex ones also have complicated answers, especially the second question.

There is much that can be said about what it means to be an official.

review question.

He felt that if he wanted to achieve good results in the palace examination, he must first understand why Liang Hanmin asked these two questions as examination questions.

The first thing is, what if there is a calamity year?

I'm afraid this is a pretense.

He couldn't help but think that Liang Hanmin had the intention to cause trouble in the border areas and Liao and other countries. He said it was to cope with the disaster years, but in fact he was probably trying to raise food and grass to cope with the war.

Otherwise, where would the term "sudden" come from?

The Chongqing treasury already has grain reserves every year, which is enough to fight ordinary natural disasters. Only in times of war may it be necessary to quickly raise grain.

And the second way...

He was really not sure what Liang Hanmin was thinking.

Is this to identify the ideals of serving as an official among these Gongsheng students? Or is it to lay down a general outline of "the way to serve as an official"?

If he didn't have those admiration points, Lu Fang wouldn't bother to think about it and just deal with it casually. But now, he also wants to see if he can compete for the top prize.

He still urgently needs to improve his strength.

After a while, seeing that the Gongsheng students next to him were already writing quickly, Lu Fang also started to pick up the brush and start writing.

I already have the answer in my heart.

And quite simple.

The first pass.

Exchanging holy grace for hoarding food.

He knew that other Gongsheng students would probably not dare to answer like him, even if they thought of the same idea as him.

Because they are afraid, afraid of those nobles.

But he doesn't care.

Who has the most food in the world?

Aren't they just the nobles and powerful people who occupy most of the fertile land?

And isn’t what they want just fame and fortune?

As long as Liang Hanmin operates properly, exchanging these for food from them, such as using the food to donate a title, it is likely to be a win-win situation.

He couldn't think of any other way to raise food faster than this.

The second way.

Lu Fang's answer is equally simple.

Those who are self-interested will enjoy temporary pleasure but will be ruined for thousands of years.

Those who are loyal to the emperor will be honored and favored once, and their merits and demerits are difficult to determine.

It is difficult for those who serve the people to enjoy happiness, but they will surely be famous for generations to come.

He knew that there would definitely be many Gongsheng students who wrote many things eloquently, such as that they should be upright and unyielding, serving the country and the people, or that they should be gentle and hate evil as much as hatred, etc.

But then, it will inevitably fall into the cliché.

In just two minutes, Lu Feng wrote the answer on the paper. Then, he took the paper and walked towards the main hall.

This chapter has been completed!
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