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Chapter 648

Lu Fang himself was a little surprised.

Because he knew that Liang Siqi was not the kind of woman who couldn't bear missing her. If she suddenly wanted to see him, it could only be because of something.

"Thank you, Your Highness, Sixth Prince."

He cupped his hands.

Liang Su still smiled, "You're welcome."

Then he walked back to the middle and sat down with the princes.

Xue Liangce and others winked at Lu Fang.

They are the ones who know best what happened between Lu Fang and Liang Siqi, and they also know that it is not easy for Lu Fang and Liang Siqi to reach this point.

As a friend, I feel happy for Lu Fang.

But Lu Fang had no intention of speaking.

He frowned secretly, just wondering why Liang Siqi wanted to see him.

"The Emperor has arrived..."

It wasn't until another eunuch sang loudly outside that he came back to his senses.

Liang Hanmin appeared at the door with several officials from the Ministry of Personnel whom Lu Fang didn't know.

All the new scholars knelt down and saluted.

"Plain body."

Liang Hanmin waved his hand and sat down at the top position.

At this time, the bronze bell in the palace also happened to ring.

It’s time for You.

"Pass the banquet."

Liang Hanmin, who had just sat down, said again.

Outside, there were maids filing in carrying plates.

The sound of silk and bamboo also began to be heard from behind the screen.

This is how the Qionglin Banquet officially begins.

In fact, the process can be considered dull and boring. It is nothing more than the new scholars talking among themselves. Moreover, Liang Hanmin occasionally announces which new scholar is right in the prelude.

Just ask a few questions.

And these people will undoubtedly be considered by other new scholars to have a higher possibility of winning the first grade.

Lu Fang was not among this group of people.

Among the several Jinshi in Jingnan County, no one has this honor.

This caused Xue Liangce and others to look a little dim.

Even Lu Fang failed to be declared the king. I am afraid that this time for the imperial examination... Jingnan County will not be able to make a splash among the counties in Dayu.

Unknowingly, the Qionglin Banquet came to an end as Liang Hanmin stood up.

Lu Fang, Xue Liangce and others stood up and walked out thoughtfully.

"Lu Huiyuan."

Just as he walked out of the hall, there was a sharp sound from the door.

Lu Fang and others tilted their heads.

He was a eunuch who followed Liang Hanmin.

Perhaps because he had been cleansed for many years, the smile on this eunuch's face always made people feel a little chilling.

He whispered: "Your Majesty declares that you should go to the imperial study room to perform the due diligence."


Lu Fang was shocked.

Xue Liangce and others had expressions of ecstasy on their faces.

Just after the Qionglin Banquet ended, the Emperor announced that Brother Fang would come to the Imperial Study Room to perform a duet. I'm afraid it wasn't...

There are a total of 279 Xinke Jinshi. Apart from Fang Geer, who else has this honor?

Even if Brother Fang is not the number one scholar this time, he certainly won’t fall out of the top ranks, right?

After the surprise, there was deep envy.

"Let's go."

Seeing that Lu Fang remained silent, the eunuch said again.

Lu Fang frowned without leaving any trace, and said to Xue Liangce: "Please go to Xuandemen and tell Princess Yongle that the emperor announced that I went to the imperial study to play the right song, and asked her to wait for me."

When Xue Liangce nodded, he followed the eunuch to the imperial study.

The uneasiness in my heart became even more intense.

He really couldn't imagine what Liang Hanmin would suddenly call him to do at this time.

Of course, it could also be that he had a guilty conscience. Lu Fang comforted himself in his heart and tried his best to calm his mind.

Go to the Imperial Study Room.

The old eunuch Liu Eunuch came to open the door and welcomed Lu Fang in.

Liang Hanmin, who had just drank some fine wine at the Qionglin Banquet, was sitting behind the dragon table, his face a little red.

"Your Majesty, Lu Fang, goes to see the Emperor! Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!"

Lu Fang knelt down in front of the dragon case.

Liang Hanmin raised his head and said calmly: "Get back on your feet!"

Lu Fang stood up obediently, bowed slightly, and waited for Liang Hanmin's hearing.

A slight silence.

Liang Hanmin then said: "You wrote on the palace examination paper that you exchanged the holy grace for the hoard of food, but you asked me to sell my official position and get a title?"

"I have no such intention."

It turned out that this was the case. Lu Fang breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replied.

"What does that mean?"

Liang Hanmin said.

Lu Fangdao: "Since the founding of the People's Republic of Chongqing, every time there is a war on the border, nobles have mostly led the troops. But please forgive me, Your Majesty, please speak frankly. Over the years, some nobles have been content with enjoying themselves and have become unfamiliar with bows and horses.

In the name of their nobles, they had to take the lead. I thought that instead of letting these nobles fight in battle, it would be better to let them donate food to avoid going to the front line. In this way, the soldiers and horses of the imperial court are all generals who are skilled in the art of war.

The commander can be invincible in battle and avoid the possibility of defeat. Moreover, these nobles can also deeply receive the holy grace."

This was what he had thought of during the imperial examination, but he didn't write it down in detail at the time.

Of course he knew that Liang Hanmin would not take this approach to sell his official position, but that would not be the case in another way.

Liang Hanmin raised his eyes slightly, and he was really moved, but he immediately calmed down.

He said: "The palace examination paper talks about food. When did I talk about the border war?"

Lu Fang twitched the corner of his mouth, "Your Majesty, forgive me for being bold. Now our Dayu national treasury is rich. Apart from the border wars, I... I can't think of anything else that could cause the imperial court to be short of food."

"You really dare to write and speak."

Liang Hanmin suddenly chuckled, "Do you know what scores the eight examiners gave you for your test paper?"

Lu Fang raised his head.

Liang Hanmin continued: "Four circles, four crosses. Your remarks are really too bold. Even I couldn't help being frightened when I saw it."

At this point, his voice changed slightly, "But now that I hear you say it, this method is not undesirable."

After saying that, he just looked at Lu Fang, looking a little embarrassed.

In fact, judging from the scores given to Lu Fang by the eight examiners, we can probably tell what the court's attitude will be if it implements this method.

Some people must agree with it, while others think it is absurd and breaks the rules.

Since Liang Hanmin could even do such things as usurping the throne, he was obviously not a stickler for rules. He undoubtedly agreed with Lu Fang's proposal.

Half a while passed.

He said: "Based on your performance in the joint examination and the imperial examination, your writing ability and learning are not outstanding, but your new ideas and far-sighted vision should make you the number one scholar. Even in the past ten years or so, I have never

I have seen any Jinshi who can compete with you in terms of vision. Maybe there is, but they dare not say. However, you have no intention of pursuing an official career. Tell me, what do you think I should do?"

Lu Fang felt a little chilled in his heart.

The main event is here.

Liang Hanmin really has some thoughts of becoming the number one pick?

Do you want to become an official?

Is it his idea, or did his teacher Yu Yuanwei come to give some advice?

This chapter has been completed!
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