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Chapter 683

There are more of them, but this is the situation.

The leading master probably came from the martial arts world, maybe even a horse bandit. He wielded a scimitar and had a strong aura of roughness.

He was also willing to risk his life.

But when Wang Shouxing and the others came over and Lao Wang stopped hunting those masters below the Grandmaster level and turned to deal with this Grandmaster with all his strength, even this man who looked extremely ferocious because of the long scar on his face showed a look of panic.

His face turned pale instantly.

At the Juding realm, he was no match for Lao Wang.

When Wang Shouxing and others faced off against those "miscellaneous fish", he had to face Lao Wang's tidal wave of offensive alone.

Frontal fighting is not what Lao Wang is best at. However, it is not something he can stop.

In just a few breaths and a few hurried moves, the master was left with two scars on his body.

One is on the chest, and the other is on the back.

His speed is much worse than that of Lao Wang.

And the so-called inner energy of the Juding Grandmaster and being invulnerable to weapons is of course only for opponents below the Grandmaster level.

With Lao Wang's cultivation in Tongxuan realm, the two injuries left on this grandmaster's body can be said to be deep to the bone.

This has already hit him hard.

If he hadn't protected his heart, throat and other vital parts with all his strength, he would have been killed by Lao Wang right now.

However, it seems that it is only a matter of time before he is killed.

The grandmaster opened his mouth several times, only to see that the other masters were entangled by Wang Shouxing and others, unable to protect himself, and had to give up the chance of getting their help.


He drank loudly.

It seems like he is trying his best.

But then, he slashed at the remaining image of Lao Wang around him several times, then swept away to the side.

He actually wanted to run.

Facing Lao Wang, who obviously did not exert his full strength, he knew that he had no chance of winning. Even if Lao Wang took it lightly, even if he was lucky.

Because the difference in strength is really too big.

There is a huge gap in each of the three realms of Grandmaster. Not to mention that there is still two realms between him and Lao Wang.

If you don't run away, you will definitely have to hand over your life here.

The purpose of dedicating oneself to Wu Gou is to seek wealth and honor. But who among them has no idea?

Life is gone, but wealth still has a ball?

As the leading master turned around and fled, the other Wu Gou masters who were fighting Wang Shouxing and others also followed suit.

As soon as they ran a few steps, their faces turned pale.

Because they saw Lao Wang rushing behind the leader at an extremely fast speed and stabbing him in the back with a knife.

This old man's Qinggong is really too superb.

"Fight them!"

Seeing Lao Wang turning his head towards them with a half-smile but not a smile, these Wu Gou masters who were preparing to run for their lives stopped in unison. Then someone shouted.

With a master like Lao Wang here, if they all run for their lives, they may end up being dealt with one by one.

However, how many people are still willing to listen to this man's cry?

After being stunned for a moment, the panic-looking people just ran around like birds and animals.

Lao Wang, Wang Shouxing and others started chasing after him.

Back mountain.

Lu Fang, Liang Siqi, Chen Youxi and Zhu'er were still in the Type 62 tank.

"Grandpa Wang killed another one!"

"Killed another one!"

"We have an advantage in the mountains and forests south of the mountain village, and those Wu Gou masters are blocked."

"Grandpa Wang is chasing and killing those people."

Zhu'er and Liang Siqi used observation glasses to look at the situation in the woods on the left and right sides of the village, and they also told Lu Fang about the situation in their field of vision at any time.

Lu Fang, on the other hand, was looking at the situation at the main entrance of the cottage with a viewing mirror.

Only Chen Youxi, who had fired several rounds before and whose heart was pounding now, still stayed at his post in case Lu Fang gave the order to fire at any time.

In fact, Lu Fang had no intention of firing anymore.

It's a mess, it's a mess.

Now the masters in the village and those from Wu Gou were in a state of complete chaos and fighting, and it was impossible to fire cannons.

If he fired, he would definitely hurt his own people. Rather than doing this, Lu Fang felt that he might as well stay here and watch the fun.

Anyway, the results of the previous shots were almost as good as he expected.

No matter what, it always gave those minions a heads-up.

He is now concentrating on watching the fight between Lao Xiao, Lao Deng and others and those Wu Gou masters.

His hands unconsciously clenched into fists.

This fight was too important for him, for Lu Fang, and for everyone in the village. It was a real matter of life and death.

At this moment, Lu Fang was not happy because Lao Xiao, Lao Wang and others had the upper hand, nor was he even sad because of the loss of the masters in the village.

He seemed to have entered some strange state, the kind of state where all emotions were eliminated from his mind.

At this moment, he was just annoyed and annoyed about why his cultivation level was so low.

If he had the skills to compete with these people, even if he was just barely qualified, he would rather go on the field and fight instead of just watching from the sidelines on the mountain behind.

Even he himself didn't realize that he actually had militant blood in his bones.

In the field of vision.

The fight between Lao Xiao and the burly Grandmaster is not over yet.

Lu Fang couldn't tell whether the strong master was too strong, or whether Lao Xiao's strength had really declined significantly.

With his current eyesight, he could only summarize the fight between the two people in four words.


He couldn't see clearly the moves of the two men at all. He only knew that if he rushed forward, he would definitely not be able to withstand even half a sword.

The sudden ending of the confrontation between the two completely caught Lu Fang off guard.

I saw that the old grandmaster who had just been fighting with Lao Xiao suddenly took ten steps back.

Then, a ball of blood suddenly exploded in his abdomen.

The master in his prime slowly lowered his head and looked at his belly.

Then he slowly raised his head, with an indescribably complicated expression on his face.

He seemed unwilling to give in, but he also seemed to admire him.

His eyes were full of pain, but there was a faint smile on his lips.

After staring at Lao Xiao for several seconds, he suddenly fell to the ground.

Obviously, even a master master cannot withstand such a serious injury. Even if he does not die immediately, he will certainly not be able to continue fighting with Lao Xiao.

Lu Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

The old sword-wielding grandmaster, whose strength was not as strong as that of the master in his prime, had been killed by Lao Deng's sword about two minutes ago.

Now this swordsman is useless.

With the strength of Lao Xiao and Lao Deng, the other grand masters among the imperial minions who seemed to be less powerful would definitely not be able to support the overall situation, let alone turn the tide.

Next, it should be time to chop melons and vegetables.

Only at this moment, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

This chapter has been completed!
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