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Chapter 69 The Immortal

No longer paying attention to the comments of people around him, Lu Fang took Zhu'er and left.

Whether it was to avenge a private vendetta or to add insult to injury, compared to what the He family and his son did, he felt that he was merciful enough.

Justice is in people's hearts, and they are not afraid of other people's irresponsible remarks.

Back at the government office, Lu Fang asked Zhu'er to go back to the courtyard and went straight to the room where Lu Liang was doing business.

When Lu Liang saw him coming back, he asked, "Have He Zhengci and the others left?"


Lu Fang nodded and said: "I scratched He Chengcai's lifeblood. He will probably never be humane again in this life."

Lu Liang couldn't help but raise his head, showing surprise, "Did you make him a eunuch?"

Lu Fang said: "He brought it here himself. If he hadn't wanted to hit me, I really wouldn't have thought of doing this to him."

This is a bit untrue.

Lu Fang had to admit that when he used words to stimulate He Zhengci, He Chengcai and his son, he had a vague idea of ​​​​provoking them to take action. Otherwise, he would not have caught He Chengcai with lightning speed the moment he took action.

The broken and perfect balls.

Lu Liang looked at him deeply and said, "He deserves it."

But in my heart, I took back my previous words.

Erlang shouldn't be considered a big-hearted person, right?

However, if Erlang wants to get involved in the official circles of Dayu in the future, he will also need this kind of skill and heart. Otherwise, he will only be eaten up to the point that no one is left.

Seeing Lu Fang still standing in front of him, Lu Liang asked again: "Is there anything else?"

Lu Fang said: "Do you have any information about our Ningyuan Winery?"

This was a new idea he came up with on the way back to the county office.

Instead of going to a winery to buy wine that has not been distilled or aged, it is better to buy a winery directly. The tools and winemakers are all ready, and then you only need to do the two steps of distilling and blending yourself. This is considered a new type of wine.

As long as the core craftsmanship of liquor is kept secret, there is no need to worry about others being able to imitate it.

Lu Liang was stunned for a moment, then said: "Are you planning to open a wine shop?"

Lu Fang nodded and said, "Yes."

Lu Liang frowned slightly and said thoughtfully: "Erlang, if you want to do business, I support it. But do I know why you want to open a winery? The only winery in Ningyuan County that is on the market is Guihuafang.

The rest of the sweet-scented osmanthus wine can only be regarded as rough wine. Although the production process is not difficult, the profit is not high, and the market is only limited to Ningyuan County. How do you plan to make money by opening a winery? You can make wine.



Lu Fang smiled and said: "Of course I want to open a winery only if I am sure that I can brew a wine with better quality than Osmanthus Nang."

Lu Liang was shocked, "When did you learn to make wine?"

He suddenly felt that his brother's secret seemed to be deeper than his own.

He has obviously never read any books, but for no reason he has a poetic talent that can overwhelm the Great Chongqing Shilin.

If others don't know, can Lu Liang not know whether Lu Fang has worked hard or not?

That's all. He could barely convince himself that it was because Lu Fang had extraordinary talent.

But Lu Fang can make all kinds of novel and delicious snacks, as well as condiments like chicken essence, and now he says he knows how to make wine. What's going on?

There were obviously no snack-making tools in his room.

Moreover, I have never seen him purchase raw materials.

It seemed that since being thrown into the water by the scholar, Lu Fang's whole body had been enlightened.

With so many abilities, even his personality has changed.

This will never be the same as the light.

Lu Liang looked deeply at Lu Fang, waiting for his answer.

When Lu Fang looked at Lu Liang's eyes, he knew that Lu Liang was already suspicious.

He had long expected that this day would come sooner or later.

It is a strange thing to conjure chicken essence, toothbrush, and snacks out of thin air.

Of course, he had already thought of his words and said, "I said it was taught by the immortal in his dream. Do you believe it?"

The theory of immortals and ghosts was quite popular in this era.

Lu Liang's eyes were still suspicious, "Then how did you make those foods? Could it be a gift from an immortal?"

Lu Fang chuckled, "Of course not, the immortal only appears in dreams, how could he give me these things? He just taught me the making methods. These are all made by me using the ingredients I bought when I go out on the street.

Some of them are indeed purchased from overseas travel dealers."

Lu Liang remained silent.

Lu Fang knew that he still didn't believe it, and said again: "Brother, I have my secrets, and you also have yours, right?"

Lu Liang looked at him again.

Lu Fang continued: "Do you know why I didn't ask your secret?"

Lu Liang said: "Why?"

"Because you are my brother, I know you will never harm me. Even if you hide some things from me, it is for my own good."

These words made Lu Liang's eyes suddenly become profound.

Then, he suddenly chuckled and said, "Okay, then I won't ask you any more questions. But, what does the immortal look like in your dream?"

Lu Fang rolled his eyes and said: "An old man with a boyish face and white beard."

Lu Liang was stunned: "Is it that simple?"

Lu Fang said: "Don't all immortals look like this? Is there anything strange about it? Why don't I ask him why he looks like this next time he appears in my dream?"

Lu Liang smiled and shook his head, "That's all, I'm afraid the immortal will not be able to help but want to beat you."

Lu Fang shrugged his shoulders, "Help me sort out the information about Ningyuan Winery. I want to buy one directly."


Lu Liang agreed.


Lu Fang said again, and then walked outside.

He knew that Lu Liang would definitely not believe what he said, and even if he did, he wouldn't believe it completely, but it didn't matter. As he just said, Lu Liang is his brother whose blood is thicker than water. Even if he knew that he had secrets, he would never believe it.

I won't force myself to dig out these secrets, let alone harm myself.

Lu Liang looked at Lu Fang's back.

Until Lu Fang's figure completely disappeared from sight, he was still stunned for a long time.

Then, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured to himself: "Immortals pass on dreams... Even if you are possessed by ghosts and gods, you are still my brother. I believe you will not harm me."

After finishing speaking, he shouted to the door: "Let Cao Liang, the tax collector, record the affairs and send the information about the winery in this county."


The yamen's response sounded outside.

Tax Cao is one of the Cao Cao in Dayu County, responsible for tax collection.

The Tax Cao Recorder is the person in charge of the Tax Cao Recorder. He is subordinate to the County Chief Secretary. Although he is only a minor official, he has considerable real power.

Regarding the various businesses in Ningyuan County, the Tax Cao Lushi is the most clear.

This chapter has been completed!
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