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Chapter 696

He ran up to Xu Jinnian and said with a flirtatious look, "Old Master, look at this... we are also on the job, it's really..."

This is obviously a person who is very good at playing both sides and can be shameless.

Chengdu County was already a very important figure in Chengdu County to handle some criminal and prison matters. But at this moment, he was able to nod and bow to Xu Jinnian, a remnant of the previous dynasty.

And there is nothing unnatural about her face.

Even his eyes were full of guilt and admiration.

How could Xu Jinnian be fooled so easily? He smiled softly and shook his head.

At his age, just one glance is enough to judge people's character. Not to mention that he has experienced countless things in most of his life, and he is already very good at judging people.

But then he still shouted to the crowd: "Everyone, please leave. I would like to thank you all for coming to see me off. I have no regrets in this life."

He didn't want these people to have conflicts with these officers and soldiers because of him.

If any turmoil really breaks out, the people will be the ones who suffer in the end.

The crowd stared at Xu Jingnian in confusion, unwilling to disperse.

Xu Jinnian shouted again with a complex expression: "Everyone is leaving, let's leave."

Under his shout, the crowd finally gradually moved aside.

For mentioning some criminal and prison matters, the Lord thanked Xu Jingnian with his hands and hurriedly ran forward.

The team can move forward again.

Along the way, countless people stood on both sides of the street, watching Xu Jinnian.

Behind the team was a dense crowd of people, who kept chasing after them.

This should be the most lively prisoner parade in Chengdu Prefecture. More and more people appear on the street, and it seems that the entire Chengdu Prefecture has come out.

Such a scene made the officers escorting and supervising the execution feel a little uneasy.

It's so messy.

If there were any riots during the beheading later, it would be a big trouble.

Even though they knew that Lord Jiedushi had placed many very powerful experts among the officers and soldiers, and had arranged the Chengdu Mansion into a dragnet, no one was sure that they would be able to stop those martyrs who might come to rescue Xu Jingnian.

After all, this is Xu Jingnian, not some unknown person.

I just hope that because this announcement was posted just now, those remnants of the previous dynasty will not have time to prepare.

Before I knew it, it was already close to noon.

As countless people watched from the streets, Xu Jinnian's prison van was finally escorted to the execution ground, which was Caishikou.

Seeing the officers and soldiers under his command disperse to the surroundings, separating the people and surrounding the entire execution ground, the prison official quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that those remnants of the previous dynasty did not know the news of Xu Jingnian's arrest in advance.

Otherwise, they would have chosen to take action during the parade.

Because the scene was chaotic during the parade, it was certainly a better time than a beheading.

In this way, even if there are remnants of the previous dynasty who come to rescue them, they are only hiding in the Chengdu Mansion. Thinking about it, there are only a few, and they are just sending sheep into the tiger's mouth.

To remind you, the prison official brought several other prison officials to the stage and sat down.

Someone actually brought tea.

Several people were fiddling with the lids of their teacups skillfully, looking up at the sky from time to time, quietly waiting for the arrival of noon.

As for the noisy crowd, of course they will not pay attention to it.

As long as these people don't try to break through the blockade of officers and soldiers.

Those who serve as officials in Chengdu County, whether they come from Kyoto or are transferred from other places, all understand the principle of "turning a blind eye".

Because they are always outsiders to the people of Chengdu County. And the folk customs in this place are fierce. If someone is really provoked, their heads may be dislocated in the night.

There have been many bloody examples of this before.

And in the end, most of the officials can't find anything.

Jianghu knights, remnants of the previous dynasty, and local and senior officials from Chengdu County. The relationship in this place is really too complicated.

Unless it is broken and then established, it cannot be solved by the imperial court sending a few capable military governors or supervisors.

Those who are incompetent will basically have to be robbed of power by local officials as soon as they arrive here.

Those who are capable will not survive long.

Fortunately, the weather was not too hot, so no one fainted from heat stroke among the crowded crowd outside the execution ground.

The dark crowd just looked at Xu Jingnian and talked about it.

There are many kinds of explanations.

The expressions are also different.

There is grief.

There is regret.

But there are also those who watch it as fun.

There was also a very solemn expression on his face.

In the southwest corner of the execution ground, there were more than a dozen young people standing scattered among the crowd. They were all staring at Xu Jingnian with a very solemn expression.

Although he was not wearing a weapon, his eyes occasionally showed murderous intent.

But he never took action.

"Hong Luo, what should I do?"

Suddenly, a young man with a stern face approached a woman wearing a veil, but her figure alone could make many people covet her.

This woman is naturally Ye Hongluo.

The last time Lu Fang bumped into her, she was still in Changning County on Jinghu South Road. I just don't know why she appeared in Chengdu Mansion again now.

And this young man turned out to be Yang Gang.

The young descendants left behind by Zhang Zhihe, Xu Linzhi and others, with Ye Hongluo as their backbone, were all brought to Chengdu Mansion. At this moment, they are all on the periphery of the law field.

Ye Hongluo bit her lip gently, shook her head for a long time, and said softly: "Wait."

Of course she was anxious, which was evident from the uneasy look in her eyes.

But she couldn't move and didn't dare to move.

There are obviously experts among the officers and soldiers. This is not something they can handle with their few manpower and their martial arts strength.

Not to mention them, even if a few master masters come, they may not be able to rescue Mrs. Xu out of the city. It is more likely that they will all be buried here.

She could only wait for a master to appear. If there was hope of rescuing Xu Jingnian by then, they would wait for an opportunity.


Yang Gang frowned when he heard this, "But the time is coming soon."

Ye Hongluo gritted his teeth and said, "There's nothing we can do about it. Are we going to die?"

She was not the oldest among these people, but Zhang Zhihe entrusted her with the "important task", and she had to lead them to Lu Liang.

Zhang Zhihe wanted them to assist Lu Liang in the future and strive to regain the former dynasty, not to lose their lives here to rescue Xu Jingnian.

"Damn it!"

Yang Gang didn't know what to say. He just felt a sigh of relief in his chest and couldn't help but stamp his feet bitterly.

Then he dived into the crowd again.

This chapter has been completed!
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