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Chapter 736 Open Your Heart

To the west of Xishan Yechuan is the border of Gaochang.

Gaochang State has an extremely high altitude, thin air, and many mountains, mostly covered with snow.

Due to the limitations of the living environment, although Gaochang State had political power for a long time, its national strength was always weak and it did not have the strength to expand outward.

In the past, the leader of Gaochang Kingdom wrote to Emperor Qingyu and called himself "nephew of Xizhou". Now, the same is probably true for Liang Hanmin.

But in any case, Gaochang State is also a country under the rule of an independent political power. Therefore, in fact, Dayu still gives Gaochang State the respect and courtesy it deserves.

Just because of the words "nephew of Xizhou", when Emperor Qingyu was in power, he sent a lot of things to Gaochang Kingdom.

He has never fought against Gaochang's troops.

After Liang Hanmin usurped the throne and ascended the throne, many new policies in Dayu were overturned, but the diplomatic strategy did not change much.

In addition to treating Daliao, Jinfeng and Tiemeng as threats, it was quite good to the small countries near Gaochang, Dali and Deng. Therefore, Gaochang and Dayu have always remained calm in these years.

People of the two countries can also travel freely between the two countries.

at this time.

Within the territory of Gaochang Kingdom.

Unknown wilderness.

There are steep mountains and steep rivers.

The sky full of stars seems to be pressing on top of your head. Even without a torch, you can still see the scenery clearly.

On the mountain road that spreads and twists and turns like a road, but cannot be completely called a road, Lu Liang and other people formed a long line, heading deeper into Gaochang Kingdom.

"Whoa whoa whoa."



There were sounds from time to time in the team.

There were gravels rolling down the slope into the rushing river below, making a muffled sound.

Some people stumbled and exclaimed.

Fortunately, there were still many martial arts masters in the team, and everyone was holding the clothes of the person in front of them before moving forward. Therefore, no one fell into the river.

But there is always fear.

At the front of the line.

Lu Liang, Xu Jingnian, Shen Jianbao and other key figures in the village led the way.

From time to time they looked behind and sighed softly.

I don’t know how long it will take for this to end. I don’t even know what is going on with the team that went to Chengdu Prefecture.


As they walked, even the martial artist Shen Jianbao couldn't bear it anymore and said to Lu Liang: "Your Highness, how about we take a rest?"

They have been walking for nearly two hours from the mountain village to here.

Not to mention the old, weak, women and children in the team, even the elderly martial arts masters like Shen Jianbao also put a huge drain on their physical strength.

"Just wait here for the news."

Lu Liang said.

He stopped and found a stone to sit on.

He does not plan to go further into Gaochang Kingdom.


Shen Jianbao was a little hesitant and said to Lu Liang: "Your Highness, if the Dog Emperor's people come after him..."

As he spoke, he looked at Xu Jinnian, probably wanting Xu Jinnian to help persuade Lu Liang.

But Xu Jinnian did not speak.

Lu Liang shook his head slightly and said: "If those minions really knew our whereabouts, they would have caught up with us long ago."

There was deep worry in his eyes, "If nothing else happens, they should know the movements of Xiao Fang and the others. Moreover, they plan to deal with Xiao Fang and the others first."

Shen Jianbao gritted his teeth and said, "Then just follow His Highness's advice."

He wanted to continue walking forward, but actually he just wanted to feel at ease. Staying here always made him feel a little panicked.

But based on rational analysis, what Lu Liang said is indeed good.

If the Dog Emperor's minions wanted to destroy these people, they should have caught up with them long ago.

Although they had left the village for nearly two hours, due to the large number of people and many old and weak people, the distance they walked was not very far.

"Your Highness, please don't worry too much. Your Highness Seventeen and the others... good people have their own destiny."

A scented handkerchief was handed to Lu Liang.

Lu Liang turned his head and looked, with a lot of softness and other meanings in his eyes.

The owner of this fearful hand is Ye Hongluo.

She has always been following Lu Liang. In fact, by now, the mutual appreciation between the two is no longer a secret.

The only difference is that the window paper is scratched.

"His Royal Highness Seventeenth is protected by gods, how could he be harmed by those traitors. Maybe someone will catch up with us later and tell His Highness Seventeenth Highness that they have captured Chengdu Mansion."

Ye Hongluo looked at Lu Liang's fiery gaze, bit his lip, looked a little shy, and said again.

Although she is a woman who is not inferior to men, and has even been a female bandit leader, and has dealt with many bandits, she is obviously still a child when it comes to matters between men and women.


Lu Liang was also a newbie in this regard, so he only agreed softly.

Then Ye Hongluo felt a little uncomfortable and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the handkerchief in his hand.

Xu Jinnian, Shen Jianbao and others looked at each other with understanding eyes, and each turned their heads away from each other, slightly away from the two of them.

Ye Hongluo glanced behind the team.

The three daughters Liang Siqi, Zhuer, Chen Youxi, Jiang Zimo, Fuer and others were all there.

Jiang Zimo supported Fuer, who had a big belly.

Liang Siqi, Zhuer, and Chen Youxi were looking back.

Probably they are all expecting someone to suddenly appear, even if it is impossible.

"Your Highness..."

Ye Hongluo opened her red lips again.

The fingers of her hands, as slender as green onions, were placed on the back of her waist and quietly mingled together. One can imagine how nervous she was at this time.

In her mind, the contents of the letter Lu Fang left for her were flashing.


Lu Liang looked at her.

"I like you."

Ye Hongluo said.

Lu Liang's eyes widened.

Ye Hongluo was really embarrassed to look at him again, and lowered her head shyly like a little girl, "I don't know why, but you have always been in my mind over the years."

Speaking of this, her face was already on fire.

After all, the two people had only met once before.

She just made a face and scared him to tears. Just because of this, she would always remember him, which sounded too ridiculous.


Lu Liang's face was full of panic. He didn't even know where to put the handkerchief, "I, I..."

At such a critical moment, he actually stuttered.

His face turned red.

Ye Hongluo suddenly raised his head and looked at him, his eyes flickering.

His Highness Seventeenth said that he was a dull man when it came to emotions, and he must be very timid and needed encouragement before he could express his feelings.

"Actually, I, I have always remembered you. And I often dream about you."

Lu Liang finally said something concise.

Ye Hongluo's bright eyes instantly showed a mixture of joy and shyness, "Then, Your Highness, do you... like me?"

There was nothing she could do.

Because she didn't know if she would never get this opportunity again in this life if she didn't take the initiative to express her feelings.


Lu Liang looked left and right, his voice very low.

Not far away, the shoulders of Shen Jianbao, Shan Tai, Xu Jingnian and others were shaking slightly.

His Highness and Ye Hongluo finally opened their hearts to each other.

They were both pleased and a little funny.

But at this moment, there was some movement at the end of the team.

This chapter has been completed!
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