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Chapter 772 50,000 people are enough

He followed Jiang Zimo to Luliang's courtyard.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Lu Liang sitting on the imperial chair in the main hall, holding a teacup in his hand, but he was frowning slightly and was lost in thought.

"elder brother."

Lu Fang walked into the house.


Lu Liang raised his head and nodded towards Lu Fang.

Naturally, there is nothing to be polite about between the two brothers.

Lu Fang sat down next to Lu Liang. Jiang Zimo was already smart. The longer he stayed with Lu Liang, the more he became more and more at ease. He chuckled and walked out.

If this guy were left in the future, he would be a complete secret.


"I'm serious."

The two brothers spoke at the same time.

Lu Fang knew what Lu Liang was going to ask, so he interrupted Lu Liang directly, "With the land of Chengdu, it is naturally impossible to support a million troops. And even if the border situation is tense now, the imperial court will inevitably impose a heavy blockade on Chengdu. I think

It is also unrealistic to recruit troops from other places. Your and Grandpa Xu’s concerns are not wrong."

These words made Lu Liang frown deeper and deeper.

Xiao Fang clearly understood these realities, but why did he say such words in front of Yu Yuanwei before?

Is it just because Yu Yuanwei went back to have a good relationship?


Just when Lu Liang was about to ask a question, Lu Fang's voice suddenly changed, "I think we don't need too many troops to go to Kyoto, one hundred thousand is enough!"


Lu Liang's eyes condensed.

When others said this, he would just regard it as nonsense, but when Lu Fang said this, he felt a bit of impulse in his heart.

"It doesn't even require 100,000."

Lu Fang said quietly: "Maybe fifty thousand people are enough."

He leaned close to Lu Liang's ear and whispered a few words softly.

I saw Lu Liang's eyes opening wider and wider, and his whole body started to tremble with excitement, "You, you really can do it?"

"There should be no problem."

Lu Fang said.

Lu Liang gritted his teeth and then swallowed.

After a while, he stood up suddenly, pressed his left hand on the coffee table, and said: "Since you have confidence, I will leave everything to you!"

Lu Fang's face rarely showed any trace of laughter, and he nodded solemnly.

The wind gate is closed.

Only the howling of the wind could be heard in the night.

The firelight in the military stronghold at Fengmen Pass swayed in the night wind, but it could not blow away the solemn and tense atmosphere in the military stronghold.

Yelu, the fourth prince of the Liao Kingdom, had already announced that he would attack the city at the end of the month, and tonight was already the penultimate night of the month.

Although almost all the people in Fengmen Pass are veteran soldiers, even the "newcomers" like those from Zhai Yangzhou who have just arrived at Fengmen Pass have already met with Liao army spies at least a few times.

But no matter what, the Liao army is indeed pressing forward with a large force this time. In this fight, tens of thousands of people will be injured at every turn.

Even the elite of the Forbidden Army at Fengmen Pass cannot do what Deputy Commander-in-Chief Ling Yonghe said, even if the Liao soldiers are about to attack, they can still sleep soundly.

After all, no matter how elite the Forbidden Army is, they are still made of flesh and blood. And the swords that brave the cold light are always cold.

"Enemy attack!"


"Damn, it's you old boy! What are you doing in the middle of the night!"

"I... I went out to pee! Damn it, why are you so scared?"

In a room in the dormitory area of ​​the military stronghold, ten soldiers were lying in a large bunk more than ten meters long.

The smell in the house is indescribable.

An old soldier couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning for a long time, so he simply got up and planned to go out to pee and enjoy the night breeze.

I didn't expect that such a slight movement would wake up Tongbu Baoze.

"Damn it! Li Ergou, what are you two doing? I finally fell asleep..."

"It's all caused by the stupid Liao thieves! Hit me if you want, what a fucking mystery!"


The dormitory quickly became lively.

No one was sleepy at first, but the few soldiers who had finally fallen asleep were woken up by the noise, and they simply didn't bother to sleep. They all got up from the bed and sat down, you look at me, I look at you, and the topic naturally came to discussion.

When will the Liao army attack?

These people may not be literate, but they are very familiar with Fengmenguan, so they always need to know something about the war.

Li Ergou scratched his crotch, curled his lips, and walked out of the house.

Ever since the cavalry of the Liao army came over a while ago and talked about attacking the city at the end of the month, when will the Liao army come, will it really come, what kind of battle will it be if it comes, etc., he has already heard these topics.


Moreover, all the people living in this house are big bosses who know nothing about analyzing military situations. If you have that ability, you just have to live in a single room, and there are women who come to take care of you every month.

But he forgot that he was usually very keen to participate in this kind of discussion. If he hadn't been holding back his urine at this moment, he would definitely have spitted and scolded Fang Qiu.

This dormitory is the one facing the north in the military camp.

It's almost empty outside. If it weren't for the densely packed dormitories, it wouldn't be much different from the outdoors.


As soon as Li Ergou left the dormitory, he untied his belt and whistled, ready to release the pressure.


Only at this moment, I seemed to see a black shadow flash past.

Li Ergou was shocked.

The peeing stopped abruptly in the middle of peeing.

But no one responded.

"Come out! I've seen it..."

Li Ergou frowned and shouted again.

Just because I wasn't sure if it was my hallucination, my voice wasn't loud.


What responded to him was a hidden weapon with a cold light.



Li Ergou's urine, which he had just stopped in the middle of, suddenly flowed out again. He stared, breathed out, and was speechless.

At this moment, there was a bright dart stuck in his Adam's apple. Most of the dart had gone in, and almost only the tail was still outside, exuding a cold luster.

Even if the gods were alive, Li Ergou's life would not be saved.

"In my opinion, those Liao dogs are just bluffing... Do they really dare to kill me? Do you think we are made of mud? Damn it, I just have a few heads left before I can accumulate enough military merits to go home.

If I have saved enough from this battle, I will become an official when I go back!"

"That's not sure. I think Liao Gou is really going to have a big fight this time. Hey, no one else cares about us brothers. Don't sleep too hard, lest Liao Gou comes and kills us, and we are still in a hurry and suffer.

The military stick is not worth it."

"Hey, where is Li Ergou? Why haven't you come in yet? Why have you been peeing for so long?"

The discussion in the dormitory continues.

Finally, someone remembered Li Ergou who came out to pee.

"Then I guess I can squat in that corner and take care of it myself..."

"Ha ha!"

But obviously, no one will take this seriously.

Sometimes I go out to pee, and if I pee for a long time, everyone knows what I am doing, and everyone understands it tacitly.

Who says there are no wives in the military camp?

This chapter has been completed!
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