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Chapter 795 Retreat to Suzhou

The country's wars are huge and unimaginably complicated.

War is never a simple comparison of military strength.

Two more days passed in this way, and the letters from the Zhongshu Province, the Shangshu Province, and the Privy Council of Dayu were like snowflakes floating all over the country of Dayu.

After intense discussions and even arguments, Liang Hanmin finally decided to use the power of the whole country to go to war with Liao, Jin, Feng, and Tiemeng at the same time.

In terms of military strength, 200,000 forbidden troops from the capital were mobilized.

Among them, 150,000 reinforcements were sent to the northwest to relieve the shortage of troops in the northwest Forbidden Army. The other 50,000 were to assist the northern Forbidden Army, vowing to keep Jin Feng's cavalry out of the gate of Dayu.

In terms of materials, most of them are drawn from the south. Because over the years, the south has always been a richer place than the north.

This decision made by Liang Hanmin seemed very difficult, but in fact, it was also a compromise between various factions in Dayu.

The Wuxun Group achieved their goal and were about to lead the army into battle. To this end, they also made many concessions.

It is inevitable to provide money and food.

In fact, since the founding of Dayu, the origins of nobles have been divided into two types. One is those who risked their family wealth to help Emperor Taizu of Dayu conquer the world.

The second is those fellow villagers of Taizu who rolled up their trousers and played in the mud with him since childhood, and went through life and death while conquering the world.

Nowadays, these nobles want to reproduce the glory of the past, and unless they really spend some money, Liang Hanmin will naturally not agree.

After all, although he is sitting on this throne, this world is not just his world.

In addition, Liang Hanmin also summoned martial arts experts from all over the country to help the court fight against the enemy.

The Liao Kingdom seems to have dispatched master-level experts, so Dayu naturally has no need to be polite. From the perspective of martial arts experts, Dayu is not afraid of any surrounding countries.

Moreover, most of the people in the world scream and rush forward when the country is in crisis.

As soon as these imperial edicts and letters were sent out, Kyoto instantly exploded.

Then, it spread to all parts of Dayu at an extremely fast speed.

Northwest Xingqing Prefecture.

Nearly ten days have passed since Fengmen Pass fell.

The Liao army completely occupied Fengmen Pass. After passing through Fengmen Pass, a steady stream of soldiers set up camps in front of the pass.

After passing Fengmenguan, there is a vast plain.

It can be said that Fengmenguan is the gate of hell for the cavalry like them. And as long as they pass this gate of hell, the world will be theirs.

This also destined that the surprise attack on Fengmenguan, commanded by Yelu Qiji, the fourth prince of the Liao Dynasty, would occupy a large chapter in the history books of the Liao Dynasty.

But now, Yelu Qiji seems to be using his tactics throughout the entire Liao-Song campaign.

In just a few days, tens of thousands of troops were already marching eastward and overwhelming Xiping Prefecture.

In the original Xiping Prefecture, there were two northwest forbidden armies, Heisha and Shalang, each with 5,000 men and horses. However, the last time the Heisha army went to meet the defeated army at Fengmen Pass, it was swept by Liao general Wuertu, and almost the entire army of 2,000 cavalry was destroyed.

Today, there are less than 10,000 forbidden troops in Xiping Prefecture, and there are only 2,000 regular cavalry left in the Shalang Army.

Among them, there are only two hundred heavy cavalry, and the rest are all light cavalry.

Although there are more than 4,000 Xiang soldiers and several city guards in Xiping Prefecture, such soldiers are simply not enough to be seen in front of the regular Liao army's cavalry.

Therefore, the situation in Xiping Prefecture is precarious.

Previously, Xu Shidao asked the two armies of Heisha and Shalang to assist Fan Sheng in gathering the remaining troops and holding on to Xiping to block the Liao army's eastward advance. Now it seems that he was undoubtedly too optimistic.

At that time, he could not have imagined that the two thousand cavalry of the Black Sand Army would not be able to rescue the remaining soldiers at Fengmen Pass, but would instead get him in.

Facing the menacing Liao army, there was no force in Xiping Prefecture to stop it. Although Fan Sheng suffered a heavy defeat at Fengmen Pass, Fan Sheng, who had a good status in the entire northwest Forbidden Army, was still defeated by Heisha and Shalang.

The commander of the Forbidden Army became the temporary commander. There was no time to ask for instructions from the Xingqing Mansion. Fan Sheng showed his ability and immediately ordered the abandonment of Xiping, so that the soldiers and civilians in Xiping Prefecture could quickly evacuate to Suzhou.


It can be regarded as the second line of defense in Xingqing County.

On the west side of Suzhou, a natural river formed by the melting of snow mountains flows through, which can hinder the eastward advance of the Liao army's cavalry.

To the north of Suzhou is the vast desert.

This desert almost runs through the entire north and south sides of Xingqing County. Unless you are a local person who is familiar with the environment, it is difficult to travel through the desert.

It can be said that if the Liao army wants to invade Kyoto, Suzhou must also be a battleground.

There are another 20,000 Northwest Forbidden Army stationed in Suzhou, not counting Xiang soldiers and city guards. Judging from the strength of the troops and the terrain, it may not be impossible for Xu Shidao to gain time to stabilize the situation.

It's just that Fan Sheng retreated like this, and the entire northwest and west side was completely in chaos.

The imperial army was in front, followed by the officials and civilians, and they rushed towards Suzhou in a mighty manner.

From time to time, Liao cavalry came forward to fight against the autumn wind, burning, killing and looting wantonly, which was terrible to watch.

The war has really spread in Xingqing County.

I just don't know whether Fan Sheng's decision will eventually allow him to stabilize the situation in the northwest and make meritorious deeds, or will it make him a "national traitor" reviled by thousands of people.

Right now.

There are still countless people migrating to Suzhou. They are moving slowly, like a swarm of ants slowly climbing on the ground.

At Suzhou West Gate, due to the internal intelligence incident at Fengmen Pass, Suzhou Commander-in-Chief Wang Hucheng had to send heavy troops to guard the gate and conduct strict interrogations of the people who entered the city.

This even slowed down the people's movement into the city.

Even so, the city was already overcrowded.

On the streets that were originally relatively cold, refugees in ragged clothes could be seen everywhere.

They have a large family, and even though they bring many daily necessities with them, they still have difficulty eating.

Materials in Suzhou City are too scarce.

Moreover, there are some unscrupulous businessmen who have raised prices significantly at this moment, making many refugees unable to even afford grains that are difficult to import.

There was panic.

This in turn caused the city guards in Suzhou City to focus most of their energy on preventing riots.

All in all, it's a vicious cycle.

Everyone knows that if the refugee problem is not solved now, this alone will make the officers and soldiers of Suzhou City miserable. When the Liao army comes, the situation will be even more difficult to estimate.

As a result, Fan Sheng, Wang Hucheng and others discussed and began to issue orders to divert the people out of the city.

Let them escape from the city.

Even if everything is desolate when you leave Suzhou City, it is still much better than staying in Suzhou City without food or drink.

Just like that, soon, long queues of refugees appeared outside the city gates on the south and east sides of Suzhou City.

The dust is billowing.

The children hid in the arms of their parents and elders, under their clothes, and walked slowly forward.

In this vast yellow sand, these refugees look so desolate and helpless.

This chapter has been completed!
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