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Chapter 811 Siege

Regarding the selection matter, Lu Fang had no intention of interfering anymore.

He originally set up such a selection system just to give Weiwu Army enough room to perform.

After a few simple questions, he sent Yang Chengyi away.

Only half the time has passed since the expiration of half a month. If nothing unexpected happens, there should be exciting things to see in the future.

I just don’t know who can capture Guo Tianming in the end.

Or, in the end, the position of deputy commander of the mighty army will be advantageous to Guo Tianming?

A few more days passed.

Lu Fang has always lived a "reclusive" life in his room, playing chess and drinking with Lao Deng and Lao Wang. He even disappeared from Yang Gang and others.

As for the logistics of the mighty army, there is no need for him to intervene.

When Yang Gang and others saw Lu Fang showing such a posture, of course they knew what he was thinking, so they continued to go their own way.

Lu Fang only heard some powerful military news from Yang Chengyi and others every day.

It can be seen that both Ge Yongquan, Yang Gang, and Ning Shaohui are determined to compete for the position of deputy commander.

Ge Yongquan united the Chengdu County Forbidden Army and the Green Forest Battalion early on, just waiting for the opportunity.

Yang Gang and Ning Shaohui were still trying their best to win over the smaller rebel teams.

As for the distribution of benefits, it is nothing more than agreeing to capture the Yongkang army and granting such positions to whomever.

Anyway, positions will be based on headcount.

This resulted in only a few groups of rebels taking desperate risks in the past few days. As a result, they were beaten to ashes in the Yongkang military camp.

Lu Fang was happy to see this situation.

Because whether it was Yang Gang, Ge Yongquan, or Ning Shaohui, it seemed that they planned to give the Yongkang Army a severe blow until the deadline.

The scene will definitely be chaotic by then.

And if the situation is chaotic, there will inevitably be many people fishing in troubled waters.

Regardless of whether the Yongkang army can stop it when the time comes, those generals on the roster will not be captured by Yang Gang, Ning Shaohui, or Ge Yongquan alone.

Unless Guo Tianming's head is swollen and all the people on the roster are gathered together.

Lu Fang did not want to think that in the future, the generals of the mighty army would be held by people from a certain group of people.

That would be absolutely detrimental to the construction of the entire mighty army.

Until the last day of the half-month period, which is July 15th.

Yang Gang, Ning Shaohui and Ge Yongquan finally made some noise.

The Mighty Army barracks seemed particularly lively that day.

Just after breakfast, the long-awaited sound of drills rang out in the school grounds.

Even Lu Fang couldn't help but follow Lao Wang and Lao Deng out to watch the fun.

When we arrived at the school field, we found three teams standing neatly on the school field.

The number of people varied. Among them, Ning Shaohui's team had the largest number, about 6,000 people, and Yang Gang's team had the smallest number, with more than 4,000 people.

The local forbidden army led by Ge Yongquan and the Green Forest Army were about five thousand.

The rest have probably acted independently before, either successfully or failed.

At this moment, Yang Gang, Ning Shaohui and Ge Yongquan were standing in front of these three distinct teams, each giving lectures.

Lu Fang only saw this scene and roughly understood their intentions.

I'm afraid these three guys have reached some kind of consensus.

There is no need to consider the situation of attacking the Yongkang Army. Now that they have gathered so many people, they must be planning to attack the Yongankang Army Camp.

This is definitely not a clever tactic, but it has to be said to be the tactic with the best chance of winning.

If they really go into separate formations, and the Yongkang Army is well prepared, even though the Mighty Army has a large number of people, it may not be able to achieve a complete victory.

Lu Fang was happy inside.

This at least shows that the training of the mighty army is quite effective. At least, they have not lost their minds in the face of interests and still know how to cooperate.

Soon, Yang Gang, Ge Yongquan, and Ning Shaohui came to Lu Fang to salute, and then each led his people out of the mighty army camp.

Lu Fang took Lao Deng, Lao Wang and Gao Moli to the top of a hill not far from the two military camps to overlook.

Here, you can take in all the scenes in the two military camps.

Several people clearly saw that the three armies were divided into three torrents, heading towards three sides of the Yongkang Army camp.

Ge Yongquan goes straight to the south gate.

Ning Shaohui led his army to the east gate.

Yang Gang led his army to the west gate.

Among them, the south gate happens to be connected to the mighty army camp, and presumably it is also the most heavily defended place in Yong'ankang.

There are mountains on both sides of the east and west sides, but there are some open flat areas on all sides of the camp, and the terrain is far from dangerous.

Only to the north, the end of the mountains stretches right up to here.

Logically speaking, this is a condescending location, which is a good direction to attack, but no one chose it.

Lu Fang frowned and asked, "Did they discuss it among themselves, or did they decide by drawing lots?"

Lao Wang laughed beside him and said: "It should have been discussed. No one wants to let anyone take advantage. Ge Yongquan is the most powerful. If he is given a choice, he chooses to attack from the north. He may be able to defeat Yongkang with just these men under his command."

The army's vitality has been severely damaged."

"This guy!"

Just as he was talking, Lu Fang suddenly laughed out loud.

He saw from a distance that Yang Gang had just divided his troops at the west gate of the Yongkang Army Camp.

From his originally small group of people, about five hundred people were separated and headed north.

Lu Fang took out the telescope from the inventory.

This makes me want to laugh even more.

Yang Gang is being naughty.

Through the faces clearly seen through the telescope, Lu Fang suddenly discovered that the people this guy had separated out were all elites, and most of the leaders were their original group of companions.

This clearly meant that these five hundred people were to be used as surprise troops.

If Ning Shaohui and Ge Yongquan were to attack from their own direction, they might actually let this guy take advantage in the end.

"Where did Wang Shouxing go?"

At this time, Lao Wang suddenly said something again.

He and Lao Deng were also idle. These days, they would ask about the selection from time to time, and even discuss it with Lu Fang.

Lu Fang shook his head, "I don't know either."

But he believed that Wang Shouxing would definitely show up soon.

Otherwise, he couldn't have just sneaked away, right?

He did not dare to say with certainty that there was no one in the Weiwu Army who had such thoughts. At least Yang Chengyi wanted to leave here at any time, but Wang Shouxing definitely would not.

His family suffered too much due to the shortcomings of the Dayu court. In addition to wanting to overthrow the Dayu court, he also had the ambition to realize a bright and prosperous future in Dayu.

Inside Yongkang Military Camp.

Facing the siege of the mighty army with great movement, they quickly made deployment adjustments.

There were groups of soldiers running quickly inside the military camp.

As Lu Fang expected, in the end Guo Tianming and others chose to focus their troops on the south gate side.

The east gate is slightly behind.

Then there is Simon.

This response method is quite satisfactory.

Probably Guo Tianming and others didn't expect to win. After all, this was just an exercise, not a real fight with real swords and guns.

As long as they can survive tonight, it will be considered a victory.

This chapter has been completed!
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