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Chapter 822 The Power of ERO



In an instant, the cavalrymen rushed into the formation and screamed repeatedly.

Each of the light knights wearing leather armor could not stop the bullets from penetrating, and fell off their horses after being shot.

The neat formation turned into chaos.

Before they could even get within 200 meters of their position, they suffered losses of more than 300 people.

This frightened the general of the Qingqi into a pale expression, and he no longer dared to use the roundabout tactics that the Qingqi used to use.

How to play this?

We didn't even know what they were using, so we lost so many people in vain.

Immediately he shouted: "Retreat! Retreat!"

He turned the horse's head first.

The Qingqi rushed into the formation, made a detour in front of the position, and then ran away again.

Then he watched Lu Fang's military formation from a distance, shocked.

In a simple charge, they actually lost more than 400 people, nearly half of their troops.

And he could clearly see that when they finally retreated, the soldiers and rebels in the military formation also stopped... using their strange weapons.

Because the clicking sound is gone.

This is obviously a waste of water.

Otherwise, their losses will only be greater than they are now.

This made the Qingqi general's heart extremely complicated at the moment.

He didn't understand why Lu Fang would let go at the last moment, but he had to accept Lu Fang's feelings.

The huge gap between the two sides also made him feel terrified.

It would be terrifying if the rebels in Chengdu and Tongchuan counties had such fighting capabilities.

I'm afraid the imperial court has underestimated them from beginning to end.

An army with such fighting strength does not need hundreds of thousands, even if it is only one hundred thousand, it will definitely cause a storm in Dayu.

Even overthrowing the existing imperial court is not impossible.

Especially under the current circumstances.

"General, how about letting it go?"

Lu Fang looked at the Qingqi general and stopped talking, and took the initiative to shout over there.

For him, even if he destroyed the entire light cavalry, it would not mean much. If he did, it would only bring scolding to the rebels.

If the light cavalry hadn't had to charge, he really wouldn't have wanted to start a fight with them.

Now, they should know how to choose.

Lu Fang then added: "We are really just borrowing the road from now on. Regardless of whether the general believes it or not, we will not enter any city."

The Qingqi general's face was solemn, but he still didn't answer.

Lu Fang frowned, "But if the general insists on stopping us from going to the northwest, then I have no choice but to be rude."

I don’t know what the Qingqi general was thinking.

In only a few minutes, he led the light cavalry under his command to dismount, and stepped forward to collect the bodies of the soldiers who had just died, as well as the wounded soldiers.

Naturally, I don’t plan to fight anymore.

"Let's go."

Lu Fang didn't say much to them and immediately ordered the special soldiers to leave.

They each walked out from behind the bunker, found their horses, and rode away.

Yellow dust is billowing.

The light cavalry who were cleaning the battlefield looked at the five hundred people leaving, and looked at the dark ero submachine guns they carried on their backs, with extremely complicated expressions.

Just this day.

Inside Fujin Castle.

After cleaning the battlefield, the Qingqi general hurriedly led his troops to Fujin City.

The original order to annihilate Lu Fang's rebel army was issued by the Jiedushi of Daizhou Xijun, the magistrate of Jiezhou. From a procedural point of view, it was overstepped. Not to mention such a big thing happened, even if the rebel army was successfully annihilated, he would have to

Come back and resume your life.

After listening to the report of the Qingqi general, Jiezhou Zhizhou was dumbfounded.

He didn't kill any of the enemy, but killed more than 400 of them.

More than four hundred light cavalry!

This is nothing in the entire Lizhou West County, but in Fujin City, it is a big deal.

Even he, the governor of the state, could not afford it.

"This, this, this, this, what should we do!"

At this stage, the magistrates of the state are in dire straits.

The Qingqi general frowned slightly and said, "Are you worried about how to explain to Jiedushi, or are you worried about how to deal with this rebel army from Chengdu?"

"I don't know how to explain it to Lord Jiedushi!"

The governor of Jiezhou had beads of sweat on his forehead, "We mobilized the Qingqi without asking for permission, but we were so useless."

The Qingqi general thought for a while and said: "Now that the matter has come to this point, in my opinion, I can only report it to the Jiedushi Master truthfully."

Then looking at the surprised look in Jiezhou Zhizhou's eyes, he smiled bitterly and said: "I know, sir, you may still be thinking of sending more people over to make amends and annihilating this rebel army may be able to offset the merits and demerits, but..."

He was silent for a moment, looking embarrassed, "Maybe the thousands of people we can mobilize now may not be the opponent of this rebel army."

He was really scared of being beaten.

I still feel scared to this day.

He had never seen such a powerful weapon.

Intangible and traceless, it cannot be caught by the naked eye and cannot be avoided.

And it is extremely lethal.

This kind of weapon is by no means just a light cavalry nemesis. Even heavy cavalry cannot resist it, let alone infantry.

"Report it... you and I will be punished."

Zhizhou was very hesitant.

The general said: "But the incident happened so suddenly that we did not have time to ask for instructions from Lord Jiedushi. We never thought that this rebel army would be so capable."


Zhizhou couldn't stop sighing.

After a long while, he said: "Then I will arrange for a quick horse to go and report to Lord Jiedushi."

Then the two of them discussed how to write this letter in the room.

The general asked Zhizhou to write it truthfully, and Lu Fang said he was going to the northwest frontier.

As for how Jiedushi will treat this rebel army, that depends on what Jiedushi wants.

A few days passed quickly.

Although Lu Fang fought a battle here in Fujin, he was not in a hurry to lead his army to leave the west county of Lizhou.

He was still training and traveling as before.

Didn't go into the city either.

Supplies are all obtained by exchanging worship points.

Under his crazy exchange of bullets regardless of his adoration points, the marksmanship of the special soldiers has greatly improved.

On this day, we arrived at the boundary of Youchuan in Xihe Prefecture.

Youchuan is just a small town.

It's not very far from Xingqing Mansion. It's only a few days' journey to Xingqing Mansion.

In the evening, the special forces soldiers camped in the wild.

More cavalry came after me.

This time the crowd was even bigger, at least no less than two thousand people.

After hearing the noise, the special forces soldiers put down their work and stood ready with guns in hand.

Someone shouted: "These guys are really not afraid of death. They dare to come here. This time they must suffer."

They are not like Lu Fang who has many things to think about. They only think that sooner or later they will have to fight with these imperial troops. If they kill a few more now, they will definitely make a profit.

By the way, you can also exercise yourself.

Lu Fang also frowned.

If the defenders in the west county of Lizhou have to fight against themselves, then there is no way. I really can only give them a taste of pain.

This chapter has been completed!
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