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Chapter 89 Peerless Beauty

Of course, I also want to see what it would be like to see people fighting in the arena.

He has never seen such a scene in his life.

Zhu'er curled her lips in dissatisfaction and said in her heart, the young master is indeed the same young master.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

The middle-aged Jiang Hu Ke agreed.

Afterwards, the waiters served all the dishes one after another.

Through conversation, Lu Fang also learned the general details of this middle-aged Jianghu guest.

Tang Ziping was also from Xiangyuan County.

He is said to be a gangster, but he actually makes a living by helping escorts for the escort agency. He is only an eighth-level martial artist, far from being a master.

However, martial arts masters of his level are the most common in the world.

A sixth-grade product like Zhu'er is already rare.

Lu Fang also learned from his mouth that it is quite rare for those disciples of famous sects to become sixth-grade martial arts masters in their teens. It is said that the chief disciple of Danxia Sword Sect is only in his early twenties now.

It is the realm of a fifth-grade martial artist. Su Liluo is younger, and is still only a sixth-grade martial artist.

And the two of them are already the most talented disciples of Danxia Sword Sect.

This surprised Lu Fang, who couldn't help but look at Zhu'er suspiciously.

Zhu'er is at the sixth level at a young age, which is not bad compared to Su Liluo. Is it really just a matter of family martial arts?

He didn't believe it a little.

But when Zhu'er faced him, she just lowered her eyebrows and looked down on her eyes.

It's not easy for him to ask questions right now.

After drinking and eating, I made an appointment with Tang Ziping to meet in the lobby downstairs at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, that is, five o'clock.

Then Lu Fang took Lao Deng and Zhu'er upstairs.

There are only two rooms, one for Lao Deng and one for him and Zhu'er.

I was used to getting along day and night, so Zhu'er didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

When they arrived in the room, Lu Fang sat down at the table, looked at Zhu'er, and shouted: "Zhu'er."

Zhu'er knew what he was going to ask, so she pursed her lips and came closer to Lu Fang.

Lu Fangdao: "Your age and cultivation level are similar to that of Su Liluo. Isn't it just a matter of family martial arts?"

"It's because of Mr. Xiao's efforts in teaching me for more than two years that I broke through to the sixth level of martial arts. Before, I was only at the eighth level." Zhu'er said.

Lu Fang was stunned and said: "My master is so powerful? In just two years, he promoted you to two ranks in a row?"

Zhu'er blinked and said, "Mr. Xiao said I am a rare genius!"

Lu Fang didn't know what to say.

Although I still don't believe it, Zhu'er can't find anything wrong with what he said.

After all, Lao Xiao is also a master of Tongxuan, and Zhu'er is extremely talented. It is normal to be promoted to the second rank in two years, right?

He had reached the pinnacle of tide-watching skills in a short period of time through the worship value system, but he had no idea how difficult it was to advance as a martial artist. If Tang Ziping were here, he would definitely stare and say it's impossible, absolutely impossible


This night, I spent another day practicing cross-legged practice.

Lu Fang sat on the east end of the bed, and Zhu'er sat on the west end of the bed.

Although there was no 38th parallel in the middle, Lu Fang never crossed the line.

Of course it's not about being stoic.

For a man like him who has not yet experienced the joy of the bridal chamber, Zhu'er is definitely very tempting. But Lu Fang endured it, firstly because he didn't want to hurt Zhuer, and secondly because he didn't want to find himself in the bridal chamber with great difficulty these days.

The good impression Zhu'er and other girls had gained disappeared in this impulse.

Impulse is the devil!

Never let the small head below the belly button influence the big head above the neck.

The next day.

Lu Fang took Zhu'er and Lao Deng downstairs on time.

Tang Ziping is already waiting below.

Lu Fang asked the boy to get some big steamed buns, paid the bill, and then started on his way with Tang Ziping.

Tang Ziping was walking originally, but this time of course he rode against his carriage.

But he didn't have the nerve to sit in the carriage, so he and Lao Deng sat on the board of the carriage driving outside.


Following Lao Deng's shout, the wheels rolled forward.

Tang Ziping seemed to be very familiar with this area.

Following his guidance, Lao Deng drove the car to the bank of the Weishui River and continued northward along the river bank.

About two hours later, Tang Ziping outside said, "This is it."


Lao Deng stopped the carriage.

Lu Fang opened the curtains and looked out, seeing the river in front of him.

The river surface is quite wide, but the water is not turbid, and of course there is no spectacular scene like the waves crashing on the shore.

There is indeed a small island in the middle of the river, lush and green.

But how to get there is a problem.

Lu Fang got off the carriage, looked at Tang Ziping who was also looking towards the center of the river, and asked, "How to get there?"

"Little brother, you are crazy!"

Tang Ziping said: "When the masters are fighting, let's just watch from the shore. What if we run over and get hurt?"

Lu Fang was stunned and said: "But what can you see here?"

Lao Deng said calmly from the side: "Don't worry, if the Danxia Sword Sect really wants to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, they will let us see it. It just depends on luck and where they will drive the murderer."

His flat tone made Lu Fang and Tang Ziping look at him.

But no one said anything.

Lu Fang looked at the river and saw nothing, so he simply got back into the carriage and took out the jar of sweet-scented osmanthus wine that Lao Deng had never drank.

Place it on the ground.

They also exchanged their worship points for some melon seeds, and each person stuffed a handful into their hands, "Then just wait here!"

Tang Ziping was stunned, "Little brother, your hands..."

"A little trick, just a little trick." Lu Fang said with a smile.

A look of surprise flashed across Tang Ziping's eyes, and he thought to himself, this little brother who looks like an ordinary kid from a rich family seems to be not that simple!

It's just not enough to contribute worship points to Lu Fang.

After all, tricks like changing things out of thin air are just acrobatics.

After some time, a frightened bird suddenly jumped up over the small island in the middle of the river.


Lu Fang felt a chill in his heart.

I forgot to eat the melon seeds in my hand, and followed the direction of the frightened bird with my eyes.

It's towards the south of the island.

After a while, several figures appeared on the pebble beach on the south side of the island.

A figure in green robes was in front, followed by four people chasing after him.

Judging by their appearance and appearance, they are not the four they met at Ruyi Inn.

Sure enough it was them.

The daughter of the master of Yunxia Peak of Danxia Sword Sect...Su Liluo...

As expected, Lu Fang's eyes were mainly focused on Su Liluo.

She didn't bring a hat at the moment. Unfortunately, she was too far away to see her face clearly.

Lu Fang gritted his teeth and exchanged 8,000 adoration points for a pair of Pule binoculars from the system mall.

Place it on the bridge of your nose.

At this glance, you can see clearly.

It's really her.

Lu Fang was stunned by his startling glance last time, but this time, Lu Fang felt even more shocked.

Although she was influenced by the unlucky guy, Lu Fang had to admit that this woman was really beautiful, and it would be an understatement to say she was flawless.

Even in my previous life, if I met such a beauty in Hanfu, I would not be able to walk, or I would have to hit a telephone pole.

This chapter has been completed!
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