The banshee owner of the Doom Tavern is indeed a kind and considerate person. After drinking a glass of midnight, Downton began to complain, why do I, a paladin, bring a group of subordinates from the dark camp? It’s not bad to pretend to be a death knight occasionally, right? The female boss comforted her insincerely, and then scolded a few big-breasted banshee maids who kept rubbing against Downton. No one wants to deal with undead creatures all day, and take them out without seeing a chick. Tang He complained. The Ghoul Legion doesn’t care about anything except raw meat, and they must miss the gentleman’s training class every day. The Abomination Legion has recently become obsessed with bandages, thinking that yellowish linen is ultra-fashionable, so they wrapped each one into mummies, even Even the Succubus Maid Corps has publicly asked for paid holidays! Forget about those troubles, there is a newly caught sacrificial dancer today, do you want to stay and enjoy it? No, the wheat on the farm is ripe, I have to go back and see Watch out for those ogre slaves, or they will be lazy! Throwing down three Lordaeron gold coins, Downton walked out of the Doom Tavern dejectedly.
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