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Chapter 118 The Governor's Conspiracy

"The Governor's general, Oakley, brings with him a heavy gift to congratulate Victor on getting married and growing old together!"

The welcoming servant's words were clearly spread throughout the entire venue through the magic amplifier, as if a big invisible hand pressed a switch, and all sounds disappeared.

"Governor? It can't be the one from the Black Flame Church, right?"

Some guests muttered in low voices, but thought it was impossible. The Governor was from the dark world, and would not come out even if there was an intersection in the real world. This was an unwritten rule that no one had broken for thousands of years.

But if not, why didn't the greeter announce his name? You must know that facing a wealthy family like Napoleon, any title will seem insignificant.

"Maybe it's the one from the fraternity!"

Someone picked up the joke, but it was more of a joke.

"I heard that the two governors are the same person, but I don't know if it's true or not!"

"The three new stars in the dark world are the Governor, the Magic Mountain, and the Black Knight. Among them, the Governor is the most mysterious. No one has ever seen his true face. Some people say that he is a son of a wealthy family. I wonder if the rumors are true?"

"Shh, don't discuss this issue. Didn't you say that everyone who has met the Governor is dead? Anyway, the name Governor is always related to dark words such as death and disappearance, which is unlucky!"

There are also some among the nobles who are afraid of trouble and do not want to be exposed to the dark side.

"Oclay? Isn't he the guy with the spotted mane in the Dark Brotherhood? I heard that his hands are stained with blood and he is responsible for the affairs of the Dark Brotherhood in Paris. Why is he here?"

These nobles have high positions and power, and they cannot all be honest and good people, so some of them have dealt with those bad guys and know this name.

Oakley is a feared existence in the dark world.

Soon, a man with a height of two meters but a lean body walked in. His cheeks were sunken and his cheekbones were bulging, making his eyes bulge as high as a goldfish. Coupled with a long face, he looked

Like a villain. Absolutely no one wants to take a second look.

"Why does this guy look like a freak?"

A lady frowned and felt nauseous and vomiting. There was nothing she could do about it. Oak's body was covered with spots, like scars left after the skin had healed. Moreover, his hands and feet were very long, almost in the same proportion.

So the arms dropped to the knees.

"What do you want to do?"

Louis appeared again and stood in front of Oakley without showing any signs of weakness. If it weren't for Downton's comparison, this blond young man would definitely be an eye-catching talent.

"Come and congratulate Lord Victor!"

Oakley smiled, revealing a pair of white steel teeth. Under the illumination of the magic chandelier, they shone with a cold light that wanted to devour others.


Louis didn't even wait for Oakley to finish what he said before he interrupted forcefully. Although the Napoleon family had close ties with the Brotherhood behind the scenes, they would never bring it to the surface because it would undoubtedly be a huge blow to their reputation.

"Okay then, I am a freak who has polluted everyone's mood. But don't worry, I will finish my words and leave immediately!"

Oakley shrugged his shoulders, not caring about Louis' murderous gaze, and walked straight to Downton.

"I'm coming!"

Seeing this scene, the nobles immediately became excited. With Downton's temper, there might be another fight, because everyone knows that Downton was assassinated by the Skinwalker a few days ago. There are rumors that it was

Sent by the Brotherhood.

"Duke Downton, when you were still living in Morning Mist Town, our brotherhood offered you an olive branch, but you not only refused, but you also killed our regional director and took away our accumulated wealth hidden in the dagger mine.

After decades of wealth, that’s tens of billions of gold coins!”

Oakley was filled with emotion, but what he said made all the nobles in the room stunned.

"So this is how Downton made his fortune!"

Some people are interested in Downton, and the nobles who have studied his family history suddenly realize that it was after he was forced to go to the dagger mine that he started a glorious life.

"Tens of billions? Then you should check the silverfish in the association. Why did I only find one billion gold coins?"

Downton didn't bother to hide it, because anyone who was interested could find out by just going to the mine and checking it out. Besides, he didn't want others to be misled, so that the secret of Polusna, the real place of fortune, would be better protected.

"It doesn't matter. We have extended olive branches to you several times because we are eager to get you to join us. The Governor values ​​you very much!"

Oakley bowed, his tone very sincere.

"Haha, do you think I, a Hand of the King, will join the Brotherhood? How many of you will I have at my disposal?"

Downton chuckled.

"It seems you still don't understand us. Can I say that one-third of the nobles present are our members?"

Oakley scanned the room.

The nobles immediately exclaimed, and a very few people's expressions were obviously unnatural, but most of them were expressionless, or confused and guessing.

Real nobles are cunning old dogs, and they will never lose their position just because of a word from the other party.

"Oh? What does that have to do with me? I don't care if other people want to live in rotten ponds with sewage flowing across them. I only like to swim in clear lakes!"

Downton responded, immediately attracting applause from a group of aristocratic young people with a strong sense of justice.

"Clear? Swimming? Haha, you are already the king of a country, but you are still so naive? This world will always be shrouded in darkness, and that bright color is just the darkness that has not yet been polluted!"

Oakley sneered, spitting out a thick mouthful of phlegm with disdain.

"Hey, today is my brother's engagement day. I don't want to kill anyone, but if you keep talking nonsense, don't even think about leaving!"

Louis didn't want to hear any more.

"Okay, last sentence, Duke Downton, the Governor really values ​​you, so I would like to send you a friendly message. The Black Flame Church will attack you recently, and the Skinned Walker was also sent by them!"

Oakley really wanted to see Downton's panicked expression, but unfortunately he was destined to be disappointed.

"this one?"

Downton laughed. Ever since he took the pot of the Black Flame Pope's laboratory in the underground world, he and the church have been sworn enemies. Not to mention a skinned walker, even the four heavenly kings came in person. He would believe it.


Oakley didn't know why. "Are you really stupid, or are you just pretending? You don't know the power of the Black Flame Church?"

"How can I be sure that it's not your brothers who are provoking me to fight with the Black Flame Church and then reap the benefits?" Downton asked, "And I hate you guys who take advantage of innocent civilians even more than the evil people of the Black Flame Church. The world.

Are all equal? ​​Everyone is a brother? Have you yourselves forgotten the purpose of the Brotherhood?"

Listening to Downton's sarcasm, some people found it interesting and chuckled.

"It's up to you!"

Oakley didn't care, turned around and left, "Everyone, please enjoy the dinner!"

"Now that you're here, don't leave!" Lukaku suddenly said, "Louis, do you mind if I kill someone?"


Louis Xin said, it would be best if both of you died.

"Ah. Isn't this the little monster of the Bourbon family? I'm scared!" Oakley hugged his shoulders and looked at Downton pretending to be scared, "Hey, sir, I'm here to report to you.

You even got a big gift, but you were killed by someone, don't you feel sorry?"

"If it were another situation, I would kill you with my own hands!"

Downton didn't have any good impressions of these villains. Anyway, their intentions were definitely not good, and he really suspected that this was a conspiracy set by the Governor.

"Little Lord Warcraft, I know you have successfully entered the rank of marshal this year, so don't try to establish your power with a bastard like me. Here, I will recommend one to you!"

Oakley pointed at Downton with his chin. "Don't think he is just the peak of the scepter. As a marshal, you may not be able to defeat him!"

A series of exclamations resounded in the audience again, and the guests looked at Little Warcraft in shock. Although he was already twenty-five years old, he was promoted to marshal at this age, but he looked very young, which was enough to write home about. However,

Soon, their attention focused on Downton again.

"Did I hear you right? Downton is the pinnacle of the scepter? Can he still defeat the marshal?"

"Don't tell me, Downton is only twenty years old now. According to this development trajectory, there is no problem in breaking the record of the youngest person promoted to marshal!"

"Ah, I remember that was won by the No. 1 Rising Star, right?"

The nobles whispered.

"Yes, the first rising star was promoted to generalissimo at the age of twenty-one, but I heard that Heinrich was earlier and achieved this achievement at the age of fifteen!"

"Come on, your news is not accurate at all. The first rising star has been able to advance to the next level a long time ago. It is just because of practicing martial arts that he has been suppressing his strength and only exploded when he got a big opportunity.",

"Yes, do you know the rank of Her Royal Highness Di Lanxue? But she will not lose even against a legend!"

There was no quarrel among the guests. When it came to geniuses from the younger generation like Shishi Ji, their views were surprisingly the same.

"Hey, people don't take records seriously. In comparison, people like Lukaku are far behind!"

Someone muttered in a low voice, and with the little monster's ears, he could hear even the smallest sound, so his face turned pale.

Oakley took advantage of this opportunity and suddenly rushed out. His nickname is the spotted maned dog, and his speed is naturally powerful.

The little monster was about to take action, but Louis stopped him.

"Forget it, the auspicious time is coming!"

"What do you think?"

Homer wanted to ask Downton what he thought of Oakley's reminder, but unfortunately the latter didn't notice it at all, because the sacred wedding sonata sounded and a couple walked in on the red carpet.

The nobles immediately stopped talking, put down their wine glasses, and applauded.

Downton turned his head, and then his pupils suddenly shrank. Instead of applauding, he crushed the wine glass and let the red wine spill on his clothes. He didn't even notice that the glass shards stung his palms.


Downton almost growled. He had already guessed something, but when he saw Elaine wearing a white wedding dress with a man on her arm appearing in front of him, his heart felt like it had been pierced by a dragon spear, a huge stinging pain.

It spread along the blood, making him almost suffocate in pain! (To be continued...)


This chapter has been completed!
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