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Chapter 1132 The heroes gather

Against the background of the clear sky, Talonweiseg looks even more majestic, like a giant, standing on the vast land.

Whether it was the first time they saw it or they had already experienced the scenery of Storm City, everyone was deeply shocked and remained silent for a long time.

"If we want to capture this city, even if we have one million conventional legions, we probably won't be able to do it!"

Downton whispered.

"Yes, it cannot be occupied, only destroyed!"

Di Lanxue nodded. Storm City has become the symbol of the Orc Empire and the totem in their hearts. Its standing represents too many meanings.

"How about an air strike? Is it possible to completely turn it into ruins by gathering the air power of the eight empires?"

Downton came up with an idea. It would be too difficult to conquer the city through ground troops. It would be too difficult to reach the Storm City. The losses would be in the hundreds of millions. This is something that no big country can bear. This is why the orcs have been suppressed.

But it is still the reason why the country will never be destroyed and the seed will never be extinguished.


Di Lanxue answered simply.

Downton was stunned for a moment and realized that the internal fighting in the human empire was too fierce. No one could guarantee that allies at one moment would not stab each other at the next moment. After all, if the orcs planned to defeat everyone, they would be a terrifying force.

"Ahem, Downton!"

Downton was about to say something more when he suddenly heard Barak coughing. He turned around and saw a group of people looking at him with slightly frowned brows.

"Haha, it's just a joke, don't mind!"

Downton laughed dryly, and then apologized sincerely, "Sorry, I'm a professional addict. When I see a city, I will think about how to capture it, not the orcs!"

"I understand how you feel!"

Dalong punched Downton's chest and nodded empathetically. As a general, there is no one who doesn't like to destroy cities and forts.

"I really don't understand you men. When you see this kind of peerless ancient city, shouldn't you be impressed by its magnificence and uncanny craftsmanship?"

Merida rolled her eyes.

"So Downton is already recognized as the number one general in the north at the age of twenty, and you can barely be a commander of a thousand men!"

Ctesiphon looked at Downton with emotion. Others would be deeply shocked when they saw Talon Witheg, but only three people thought about how to capture him. Apart from Downton and Di Lanxue, the one known as

Heinrich, the star of hope of the mainland.

"Are the brain circuits of geniuses different from ordinary people?"

Ctesiphon envied Downton very much. The longer he got along with him, the more he could detect his unconstrained thinking. This was a talent given by God, and it was a talent that could not be obtained no matter how hard he worked.

"Everyone has something they are good at. If you take them to the extreme, you will be successful and unique, so there is no need to force it!"

Professor Abu's voice came. Ctesiphon, who was in a depressed mood, was suddenly shocked and felt an enlightenment. A kind of enlightenment was born in his chest, and the road ahead that was previously full of fog suddenly became clear.


Except for Ctesi Feng, including Di Lanxue, everyone bowed their heads to say hello and moved aside. This was a sign of respect for the wise, regardless of race or belief.

"Your Highness!"

Merida let out a low cry, and when she saw that Ctesiphon was unmoved, she reached out to pull him. However, Professor Abu stopped her.

"Shh, don't disturb him, he's having an epiphany!"

Professor Abu put his finger in front of his lips and made a silent gesture, and then a warm voice sounded in everyone's heart, "Dalong, Lei Chan, protect him, others leave first!"

Downton and Di Lanxue looked at each other, and both saw a touch of envy in each other's eyes. Enlightenment is a mysterious state, which is so rare. Even geniuses like them only have such pitiful two who have survived until now.

three times.

"I can finally be convinced that Professor Abu is an orc, and he values ​​Ctesiphon very much!"

Elaine lamented that judging from his appearance alone, Professor Abu was too young, that is, a young man in his thirties, and his ears were slightly longer and pointed, making him more like an ancient elf than an orc.

Ctesiphon's androgynous beauty makes even women feel ashamed. Every movement of Wallenstein is extremely elegant. He is simply a noble among nobles. It can be said that his behavior is like a movie that can be learned by upper-class nobles for thousands of years.


Of course, Mr. Warren's appearance is also unparalleled in the world. He is the kind of existence that makes women go crazy when they see it. However, compared with Professor Abu, he is still slightly inferior.

In other words, Professor Abu's appearance should not exist in the world at all. Downton is also very handsome, but standing next to these people, he is not enough to look at.

"What Downton lacks is a temperament!"

Homer saw most clearly that what attracts a man to a woman is not only his handsome appearance and strong figure, but also his temperament, that unique temperament condensed after experiencing the world.

Professor Abu and Wallenstein are definitely saints. You can imagine how many years and vicissitudes they have gone through to get to this point!

"Downton, I have already arranged the hotel. You go first. Once I have arranged the storm elves and the Silent Death Army, I will pick you up and wash away the dust!"

Barak has climbed to this position and has become a man. The storm elf has just sworn allegiance to Downton. Naturally, he wants to show his face to his best friend. There is also Silent Death. Downton obviously values ​​Ctesiphon and wants to be friends with him, so Yu Gong

Personally, an orc like him has to arrange things well for others.

Of course, with Barak's current status as a wealthy man, he doesn't have to do these things, but he is willing to do so just to repay Downton.

"Don't dare!"

Lei Chan refused repeatedly.

"That's too foreign. You are Downton's friends, and you are my friends, Barak!"

Barak grinned widely, showing all his white teeth.

"Listen carefully, don't cause trouble to Mr. Barak!"

Seeing that he could not refuse, Lei Chan turned around and told his subordinates that a peace conference was recently held in Storm City. A lot of people came from the human kingdom alone, not to mention the private armed forces brought by the great chiefs. Naturally, they could not all be put into the main city.


A temporary military camp was set up on the outskirts of the city, but there were too many people. The land was always good or bad, and the supply of daily supplies was always untimely. With Ctesiphon's low status, the Silent Death would definitely suffer unfair treatment, so Barak

Take care of them, they deeply appreciate it.

"Thank you!" Downton stretched out his fist. "I'll wait for you to drink!"


Barak and Downton bumped their fists and rode away.

The residents of the royal capital have had their eyes opened recently. Most of the heroes who could only be heard in the songs of bards in the past, and the legendary regiments with holy numbers were now displayed in front of them.

"Where are these people from?"

"Ah? No one recognizes it? It seems to be a small fish from a small place!"

"Well, this team of elven cavalry is still worth seeing!"

When Downton and his party walked onto the street, the citizens immediately looked at them and talked in low voices. Now guessing the identity of these outsiders and digging up their gossip has become a kind of fun.

"Idiot, that's the Storm Elves, the tomb-keepers who live next to the Khorasan territory and have guarded the Elf Queen's tomb for generations!"

"What? This is the clan of elves that His Majesty the King couldn't get their loyalty to even though he went there in person? So what's going on with this man?"

"You won't be loyal to him, right?"

The orcs in the capital are also well-informed, so seeing Downton walking in front, with the storm elves waiting on him, he naturally knew what this meant.

The End of Fear is one of only three five-star hotels in the main city. It is Barak's property and the stronghold of the chiefs' business group affiliated with him.

The big steward introduced the places where you can have fun in the main city. While leading the way, someone recognized his identity and couldn't help but be surprised.

In the orc business world, the big boss is also a powerful being, but now, he is bowing down to a human.

"Please wait!"

In front of the street at the end of the horror, the chief manager apologized and ran towards the hotel like a rabbit. At the same time, he did not forget to yell at the doorman, "What are you doing standing still? Go entertain the distinguished guests, carry the luggage, and fetch the mount.

Remember, use the best forage!”

"what happened?"

The hotel owner came out and frowned when he saw the manager and the people on the street, "Why did you bring another guest? There are no more rooms!"

"What? Didn't the owner promise to reserve half of the guest room?"

The big manager was angry. He thought the boss was targeting him. After all, their subordinates were also divided into factions, and their performance directly determined their promotion.

"Do you know who wants to live there? If I tell you, I'll scare you to death!"

A proud smile overflowed from the corner of the hotel owner's mouth. As a businessman, he didn't have a few big clients. He thought that Downton and his party were related to the big manager. This time he refuted his face. Those big clients were furious. Let alone business, they were not.

It would be nice to kill him.

"I don't care who they are, tell them to get out and vacate the room!"

The big steward was impatient. He had witnessed Barak's attitude towards Downton with his own eyes. What's more, there was Di Lanxue accompanying them. Who could be as proud as them?

"Get out? You are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue. The people who live here are Duke Klinsmann of St. Jutland, Prince Totti of Rome from the Lombard League, Prince Baggio of Melancholy, Prince Kaka of Milan, and Holy Britta.

Duke Nelson and Prince Cromwell of the Nian Empire, which one are you brave enough to let go?"

The hotel owner snorted sarcastically, and every time he announced a name, the chief steward gasped.

Lombardy is an alliance country, so although the three princes are members of the royal family, they are not very powerful, at least not as powerful as Princess Sissi. But the other three are different. They are all members of the royal family and relatives of the current king.

He is a direct descendant and an unswerving supporter, so his power is powerful, not inferior to that of a wealthy family.

"What's wrong?"

Elaine walked in and asked. Downton was considered half the host, and Di Lanxue was following him, so naturally he couldn't wait too long.

"Sorry, there are no rooms!"

The hotel owner's eyes lit up when he saw the beautiful Elaine, but he quickly responded coldly.

Elaine said nothing and looked at the chief steward.

“The room will be available soon, please wait!”

After the chief steward finished speaking with a smile on his face, he roared at the hotel owner, "I don't care what methods you use, just free up at least thirty guest rooms for me now!"

"There is no room, do you want the toilet?"

The hotel owner curled his lips, then looked at Elaine, slightly sarcastically, "You guys are late!"

"Don't make me say it a second time. If you don't have a room, let those tenants get out!"

The chief steward was also angry. He noticed that Downton was already looking here again. If he couldn't handle even this little thing, Barak would definitely deal with him.

"Who is this? Sounding so arrogant? Who should I tell to get out?"

A young man wearing a purple robe stood on the fifth floor, holding the railing with one hand and looking into the hall below. He had long brown hair, standing on his forehead with a hairband.

Not to mention the loud quarrels, none of these tenants are strong enough that even a weak gnat can hear them. As nobles, they naturally cannot tolerate being scolded.

On every floor, guests come out and greet each other.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, for disturbing your rest. It's just some trivial matters. I'll let them leave now!"

After the hotel owner finished speaking, he immediately yelled at the chief steward, "Go away, even if the owner comes, he will only praise my work!"

What a great opportunity to expand your network by letting big people stay.

"Forget it, let's go!"

Elaine didn't want to argue over this matter, it would be too much of a loss.

"You will regret it!"

The big steward sneered.

"I am waiting!"

The hotel owner sneered. In his opinion, Elaine's behavior was because of fear. In fact, he could understand this kind of thing. There are only three five-star hotels in the capital, which are enough on weekdays, but this time there were too many people.

If a big shot wants to live in it, he doesn't use it on a first-come, first-served basis. He relies on the power in his hands.

What is a wealthy family? What is a royal family? It means that when housing is tight, you can still choose a satisfactory residence as you like.

"Wait a minute, young lady, you look familiar!"

Totti supported the railing with his right hand and rolled down in the most chic posture, "I am the Prince of Rome. It is a great honor to meet you!"

Although he was very polite, Totti's eyebrows were full of pride, because his name was a killer, and any woman who heard it would be so happy that she couldn't close her legs!

"sorry, I do not know you!"

Elaine turned and left.

"Eh? I asked you to wait, didn't you hear me?"

Toti raised his eyebrows. He had never been treated like this before, so he reached out to pull Elaine.

"Your Highness, please pay attention to your behavior!"

The chief steward was startled and quickly intercepted him. In the past, he would not have dared to block a prince, but this time it was different. In addition to Downton, His Royal Highness Di Lanxue was also present. She had a good relationship with this group of people.

So I will definitely stand up for Elaine.

"Who do you think you are? Get away!"

Totti waved his hand and slapped the steward in the face, opening him up.

Hearing the movement inside, Downton dodged and rushed in. When he saw a man pestering Elaine, he punched him without thinking.

Totti's expression changed, and he dodged and retreated, but he still received a punch, and his whole body was blasted out, hitting the wall with a bang.

"who are you?"

Although he was not injured, he was repulsed in front of everyone, which was a big loss. Totti became angry and roared at Downton. (To be continued...)

ps: There is no card text, but I am very busy today, so there is only one update, please understand!


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