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Chapter 1195 Lucky Prince

After transforming into dragons, everyone's strength increased, not to mention that they were already elites, so they attacked with anger. The first time they met, they knocked over a dozen giant dragons and made them fall down like boiled dumplings.

"Teams 11 and 12 are behind, others retreat!"

Under the command of the deputy captain, even giant dragons need momentum and confidence. Now, they have been completely defeated by the enemy.

Dragonites can fly, which completely offsets the advantages of giant dragons, and after all, their bodies are huge and their flexibility is naturally inferior to them.

Downton flapped his wings, cut through the sky, and faced a group of giant dragons. When he passed by, he waved his sword casually.

Titan? A flash of fantasy!


A sword blade slashed through the dragon's shield, and then slashed on its body, directly cutting its waist into two pieces. The sword blade continued unabated until it broke through the shield of the second giant dragon.

It stopped after cutting off five ribs.

"so close!"

Seeing his companions being cut into pieces and thrown to the ground, with the mud splashing everywhere, the second dragon was frightened, but before it had time to be happy, Downton killed him.


Downton did not dodge, but like a cannonball, it hit its body, and then the sky was full of broken bones and sticks, falling down one after another.

In just a few dozen breaths, a team of twelve giant frost dragons was maimed by Downton. Although their strength was average, they were still super beasts. They were so vulnerable that the other dragons were shocked.

Morale fell below freezing point.

"Amo, come out!"

Downton broke through the dragon's defensive circle and approached Amo's battleship. The air cavalry rushed in like crazy, scattering crossbows and arrows.

"Trash fish!"

With a wave of Tangton's long sword, Ba Kongxiao exploded with a huge magic blade, covering an area of ​​several hundred meters and slashing across it.

Some death knights were unable to evade and were chopped down. The two-headed flying dragons wailed, sprayed hot and wet blood, and fell to the ground together with their masters.


A thick red beam suddenly shot out from the battleship, with huge heat energy. Even the surrounding air was evaporated and distorted. Unfortunately, in front of Ming Jing Zhisui, no matter how concealed he was, he could not succeed in a sneak attack.

With a slight flutter of wings, Downton evaded in an arc and dodged.

call out!

A black cold star the size of a fingernail suddenly appeared from Downton's side and shot towards his eyebrows. It was Amo's specialty magic soul deprivation. As long as the target was hit, there was a high chance of killing him directly.


The liquid mass expanded and swallowed the black cold star.

A group of ten-meter-tall skeleton puppet guards wielded giant shields and swords and charged at Downton. This was the defensive force on the battleship, which was enough to withstand an elite group of a thousand people. However, it was very powerless against Downton.

Downton walked towards the bridge without stopping, but his left hand shook to the side.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The magic energy punch hit him hard. Probably because his body was strengthened after transforming into a dragon, the punch roared with a deafening dragon roar.

Before the skeleton puppet could get close, it was knocked away, passed over the side of the ship, and fell down.

Three undead assassins appeared next to Downton, stabbing his vest, neck, and feinting at his heart with venomous daggers.


Downton's dragon tail swung and struck the three undead bodies like a steel whip, instantly blowing them to pieces.

A leader of the Thousand Death Riders used a puppet to cover his body, charged forward, held a big sword, and killed with force.

Downton did not dodge and blocked with his sword.

A silver moon suddenly appeared. Then two people passed each other!

"So strong!"

After rushing forward for a few steps, the Qianren leader murmured, and his whole body, including his sword, broke into two pieces and fell to the ground. The fire of the soul in his eyes went out.

The guards on the deck did not dare to go up again, and they all felt as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

The death knights surrounded the battleship and shot at Downton, but the crossbows could not break the Lonely Mountain barrier at all, let alone the Overlord's body.

"Amo, get out, or I will dismantle this battleship!"

Downton roared, and the roaring sound made the death knights dizzy. His voice already carried the power of the dragon.

"Is my brother coming soon?"

Amo has lived for thousands of years and is already a cunning old man. He has long recognized that Downton is invincible in close combat and his talent is the nemesis of the magic system, so he does not show up at all.

If he must fight, he will choose the terrain and weather that are favorable to him.

"Master Xilin is here!"

Acolyte reports.

Capello brought a team of dragons to support them. After they could fly, their maneuverability was terrifying and they were even more threatening.


Downton suddenly raised his hand to signal the Dragon Man to stop pursuing.

"What's wrong?"

The dragon people who are killing Rise are puzzled that this is a great opportunity to get the title of dragon slayer.

"Reinforcements are coming!"

Downton narrowed his eyes. On the skyline, a fleet was approaching quickly. On the deck, there were Death Knight air cavalry busy taking off.

"Let's go!"

Downton flew off the deck, and a group of death knights and bone dragons quickly moved out of the way. No one dared to stop him.

The dragons followed.

Downton has not given up revenge, but he has to adopt strategies and defeat them one by one, which is more effective than rushing in so recklessly.

"What's going on? What are those things?"

Xilin looked at Downton and his entourage leaving and felt the aura of danger. It was also a dracolich, but compared to his brother Amo, it was much burlier and more like a berserk warrior. But in fact it was proficient in many genealogies.


"The experimental subjects still retained their memories, so they rioted!"

Amo shrugged helplessly, and then became excited, "But a precious specimen was discovered, did you see it? It's the one who led the team, he is so strong!"

"You rest here and restore the laboratory by the way. I'll go take a look!"

Xilin was not convinced.

"No, the queen definitely wants to capture him alive, but with our current strength, we can't do it yet!"

Amo advised that it is much more difficult to capture alive than to kill.

Capello is a good at activating the atmosphere. Under his guidance, the originally silent dragons began to communicate. Almost all of them were aristocratic children. Even if they didn't know each other, they had heard more or less about their past. Therefore, as they talked,

Those memories are revived.


Hilton flew beside Downton, hugged his arm without hesitation, and pressed his plump breasts against it.

"Have you forgotten who I am?"

Downton glanced at her.

"You are my leader!"

Hilton stretched her neck and kissed Downton on the cheek. Of course she remembered the man's identity. She just pretended to have forgotten it because of the Dragon Man's amnesia incident.

Downton is so powerful, not to mention Watson, even the legendary Bazooka was defeated. His achievements in the future are bound to be limitless.

Thinking of offending Downton, Hilton was almost scared to death. In order to avoid being killed, she could only take the opportunity to pledge her allegiance in the hope of escaping death.

Of course, after seeing Downton's strength, Hilton eagerly wanted to be his lover.

In an abandoned cemetery with toppled tombstones, the space suddenly distorted, scaring the crows perched on the branches to flee.

After a few breaths, a gorgeous arched portal took shape, and Juliet was thrown out. She rolled several times on the soil where maggots climbed before stopping her momentum.


Juliet yelled and was about to rush into the portal, but quickly stopped because the war machine came out without saying a word.

Using both feet, the war machine shot at Juliet, punching her in the head. Dark red lightning shot out of her arms.

The gap in rank was so great that Juliet couldn't avoid it. She couldn't even lift her fingers and could only watch as her fists fell.

Just the sharp punch cut Juliet's skin, but at the moment of the hit, the war machine suddenly stopped moving.


Looking into Juliet's eyes, the black robe's order was forcibly awakened in War Machine's mind. Juliet was a being who needed to be protected.


Twilight passed through the portal, saw the war machine, and immediately rushed to the rescue.

"Retreat temporarily!"

War Machine did not fight and chose to retreat.

Ignoring Twilight, Juliet stared at the portal, her knuckles turning white from the force of her fingers.


Twilight stood in front of Juliet.


The portal collapsed, and there was a turbulent flow of magic energy everywhere.

"Where's Downton?"

Juliet didn't care about her own comfort at all. She grabbed Twilight's arm and shook it vigorously, "He's out already, right?"

Twilight pursed her lips, not knowing how to answer!

Without further argument, Juliet turned and left.

"Where are you going?"

Twilight took the maid's wrist.

"Go find Downton, let me go!"

Juliet struggled.

"No, you will die if you go!"

Twilight refused.

"Even if I die, I will die with Downton!"

Juliet's words made Twilight stunned, and she subconsciously loosened her fingers.

"She loves Downton, I shouldn't stop her."

Twilight looked sad, but what she was actually thinking about was that Juliet and Downton had been together for several years, so what qualifications did she have to hinder them?

"Love has no priority, only care!"

Twilight suddenly spoke with the ring on her finger, which cheered her up and chased her out, "Downton won't die, but if you go, you will definitely die!"

"Let me go!"

Juliet complained, and suddenly swung her sword and struck Twilight's hand, but the latter did not dodge at all, and did not even open her defense, so the skin was scratched and a stream of blood flowed out.

"Downton asked me to take care of you!"

Twilight's tone became stronger.

"I don't need you to take care of me!"

Juliet said coldly, "Next time, I will pierce your throat!"

"In that case, then you stay here and calm down!"

Twilight took action, and a blue cube appeared, spinning, gradually expanding, forming a cage, imprisoning Juliet in it.


Juliet used her strongest attack, but the stance cage did not move at all.

"let me out!"

Juliet slapped the crystal wall hard, but it was in vain, and could only watch Twilight leave.

"Downton, you must hold on!"

Twilight flew at full speed, even if the wound burst, she didn't care anymore.

The dragon's corruption formation produced explosive magic fluctuations, which attracted the attention of some people, including Prince Inzaghi of Milan.

In the past thirty years, he has experienced hundreds of duels, but every time his opponent would lose to him for various reasons. As well as commanding the army and governing, his enemies always died inexplicably. Some people suspected that he was secretly

However, after careful investigation, no clues were found.

Since then, Inzaghi's title of Lucky Prince has spread like wildfire, and he is known as the luckiest man in the entire continent. It is said that as long as he wants to, there is nothing he can't do.

Bang! Bang!

The two signal flares, trailing red tail flames, rose into the sky. This was a warning from the advance scouts.

"Defensive formation, prepare for battle!"

Inzaghi ordered, and the more than a hundred regiment members gathered immediately obeyed, but before they were ready, some black spots appeared on the horizon and approached quickly.

"It's a dragon!"

Lampard held a monocular and observed calmly.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, my luck value is S!"

Inzaghi teased, which immediately caused a burst of laughter, and the originally tense atmosphere lightened a lot. They followed him, naturally wanting to get a share of his luck.

"Hey, why does the leader at the front look so similar to Downton?"

"Downton doesn't have dragon blood, does he? Is this his lost brother?"

"Hush, you are looking for death!"

A group of members were discussing, and one of them made fun of Downton. However, after hearing the reminder from his friend, he was horrified. It is okay to say these things behind his back, but if some thoughtful people tell Downton, he will be finished.

Ever since Downton defeated Wood, the entire continent's upper-class aristocracy knew that his rise was unstoppable. If he married Princess Sissi, he would definitely become one of the most powerful people!

"No, there's a problem. There are many familiar faces among these dragon people!"

Duke Klinsmann was the first to discover the doubts.

Downton and his entourage were suspended in the sky, watching the Inzaghi and others who were waiting in full formation, but did not land rashly.

"what to do?"

Capello has not gotten used to his new identity and doesn't know how to talk to humans. If he is hostile, should he kill them all?

"Downton, you are Downton, right? Haha, I already knew you were a heretic!"

Lampard suddenly took a step forward, pointed at Downton and shouted.


Everyone was shocked.

"There's nothing wrong with it. The face and appearance can change, but the fluctuation of the soul remains the same. I can feel that this dragon man is Downton!"

Lampard's secret method can confirm his identity, so he can scream with confidence.

Inzaghi curled up the corner of his mouth and revealed a playful smile.

"I have long said that you are not a good person. As expected, you are the traitor of the Dragon Clan who infiltrated the human race. This makes sense. Without the support of the Dragon Clan, how could you have achieved what you have achieved in such a short period of time?

achievements and status?”

The magic lamp looked down upon him, feeling a sense of joy that he had discovered a new world. He wanted to nail this guy who had offended him to the pillar of shame in history, so that he would never be able to stand up again.

"You have a great imagination!"

Downton ridiculed that he had never provoked this magic lamp, but he always targeted him, which made him confused.

"There is some hatred, maybe just because of a word or a look!"

Homer sighed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Tear him apart and swallow his soul!"

The Cheap God encourages Downton to fight.

"Princess Meghan? How did you become like this? What happened?"

Piero, the zebra prince, recognized Megan and looked at her dragon horns and scales with a look of shock on his face. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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