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Chapter 1199 The world surrenders, the Dragon Soul Temple!

The elemental light shone around, and the dragons quickly opened their shields, but a few still couldn't catch up.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The dragon gun shot hard and hit the magic energy explosion. The unlucky ones screamed and were nailed to the ground.

"What the hell?"

The leader was startled. The smoke and dust stirred up. He instinctively blinked his eyes, but when he opened them again, a human appeared next to the dragon man closest to Hu Tao.

Titan slay!


A blade of light flashed, and a large amount of bright red blood spurted out.

The dragon man endured the severe pain and retreated. He knew very well that he was no match for this human being. The other dragon men simultaneously used magic to suppress it and buy time for their companions to evacuate.


Twelve liquid balls suddenly appeared, like barriers, catching the magic, amplifying it, and shooting at the dragons who were good at magic, interfering with their spellcasting.

Three more dragon men came and surrounded and killed Downton.

Titans dance.

Downton swung his sword, clenched his fist with his left hand, and took advantage of the situation. Hundreds of magic energy punches roared down, and the surrounding areas exploded.


According to the tactics, the escaping dragon man should cooperate with his companions and charge again to attack, but his momentum was cut off by that sword. He couldn't even see his attack, so how could he fight? So he just wanted to escape, but

This idea also failed to materialize.


Downton's dragon tail shot out and pierced the dragon man's neck. The guy struggled a few times, and then his limbs hung down weakly, with blood flowing down his throat and tail.

This bloody and cruel scene caused all the dragons to give up their attack and retreat temporarily, looking at Downton with fear on their faces.

"Ant, you actually killed him!"

When the leader saw the death of his clansman, his face turned ferocious.

"Oh? Can't dragon people be killed?"

Downton said, flicking his tail and throwing away the impaled dragon like a rag. At the same time, he pulled the dragon he was carrying in front of him and glanced at it casually.

"don't want!"

The dragon man felt Downton's murderous intention, put down his body for the first time, and begged loudly for mercy, but it was too late.


Downton's dragon tail swung and directly blew the dragon man's head.

The brains and blood were mixed together and sprinkled on the ground. The skull with the broken dragon horns swirled and fell at the feet of the regiment leader.

Downton's dragon tail's blow was so powerful that it blew off his head and even tore out a large section of Bai Sensen's spine. It looked extremely terrifying.


Seeing the headless corpse fall to the ground, the dragons' pupils widened instantly and they all took a step back.

As a branch of the dragon clan, as the top of the food chain, the blue dragons have always been superior due to their strong strength. They have always regarded other races as ants. They have always been the only ones to kill others, but today, they were slaughtered like pigs and dogs.


In the heart of the Dragon Clan, they have always been arrogant and felt that even if they lost the battle, they still had the strength to evacuate. But today, both Downton and Hu Tao deeply shocked them with their bloody and fierce methods.

"Big brother!"

Seeing Downton, Hutao cried with joy and rushed towards him.

"We can't let them join together!"

The dragon people, many of whom were experienced in combat, wanted to intercept, but Downton waved his hand and grabbed a dragon spear and threw it violently.


A dragon man who had just stepped out was stabbed directly in the shoulder and flew out with blood spurting out. It was because it had to avoid it wisely, otherwise the heart would have been pierced.

"Brother, Kong Ray is going to die!"

Xiao Hutao cried very sadly, and her face was originally covered with blood, but now it was washed away by tears and became even more colorful.

Although the little loli is a fool, she is very kind.

"do not worry!"

Downton cast magical spells to stabilize Kong Ray's injuries. The murderous look in his eyes became more and more intense, because the walnut seemed to be fished out of a pool of blood, especially the face, from the right shoulder to the left rib.

A wound almost split her in half,

"I'm fine, this is all dragon blood!"

Hutao grinned and lied, not wanting Downton to worry.

"You think I don't know that their blood is blue?" Downton turned his head and glanced across the audience, "Who did this injury?"

All dragon people who were stared at by Downton felt a deep fear. It was entirely the glory of the dragon clan that made them hold back their fear and not retreat. However, the idea of ​​​​evacuating began to grow in their minds.

"Don't tell me? Then let's all die!" Downton roared, expanding his domain, "The world surrenders, Dragon Soul Temple!"

Boom! Boom!

An unknown black stone slab spreads around like a tide, covering the soil underfoot. Various scrolls are carved on them, all of which are related to giant dragons.

The sky also changed color, and amidst the crackling lightning, a temple broke through the void and stood on this huge square.

Dragon souls appeared one after another, circling, patrolling, and guarding this tower-like temple that reached into the sky. Every roar they made exuded a strong dragon power, making people tremble in their hearts.

, I want to worship!

"Isn't this guy Downton? When will he be promoted to Legend and be able to open up the Dragon Clan's realm?"

A dragon man asked, although over hundreds of thousands of years, various fields have been born, but there are traces for every race.

"What a monster Queen Nicole created when she fell to the ground!"

The leader murmured, even one as powerful as it felt scared in front of this Dragon Soul Temple, as if his soul was about to fly away.

After being transformed into a human, Downton Dragon's strength has reached the level of a small lord, and it can naturally open fields. Its type is also born based on the condensed essence of the dragon souls that have been sucked into the body.

"what's going on?"

Capello and his party stepped on the floor covered with dragon patterns and looked at the magnificent temple, dumbfounded. Is this the domain of Downton?

Inzaghi, who had been extremely calm from beginning to end, showed a solemn expression for the first time.


The leader made a prompt decision.

"Can you run away?"

Downton snorted coldly. The temple suddenly erupted with glorious light, radiating powerful dragon power. The strength of all creatures in the domain, especially the dragons, was forcibly reduced by one level. Moreover, they felt that there was some secret treasure in the temple.

It attracts their attention and makes them unable to resist the temptation to fly into the flames.

Hula! Hula!

Dragon souls flapped their wings, shot out from the temple, formed a small team, flew towards the blue dragons, and started hunting.

"The first brigade concentrates its firepower and breaks through the area, while the second brigade builds defenses on the spot and buys time!"

The leader ordered in an urgent tone.

The domain is the will of the legendary strong men, a power tempered by their bloodline, talent, experience and strength, and is surrounded by solid barriers of law.

In this world, the master is everything. If the trapped guy wants to leave, unless he gets the consent of the master, or uses more violent power to break the barrier, he will be trapped there until death, and even his soul cannot escape.


The blue dragons gathered fire, and a translucent barrier swayed and appeared in the air, with magical and magnificent dragon patterns on it, radiating light.

"Dragon God, can this guy really destroy our own side?"

A dragon man murmured, with fear on his face. There were more than twenty super-level dragons. This was a force that could destroy a second-rate empire. If someone had told him before that a human could destroy one's own side, it would

It must have sneered and spat all over the opponent's face, but now, it was not sure, especially after the dragon souls flew over, streams of scorching dragon breath spurted out, boiled, rolled, and soon formed a sea of ​​fire.

"The attack has begun!"

Capello and his party stood in the distance, watching this scene blankly. They thought that those dragon souls were just decorations and only had an intimidating effect, but now it seems that they are all super-class strong men.

"I, Emperor Polo, have one hundred dragon souls, enough to crush these blue dragons!"

Prince Piero's face was ashen, but what he actually wanted to say was that if he faced Downton, he would be killed by his domain without even being able to touch his hands.

The others also looked depressed. At this point, they had completely given up the idea of ​​competing with Downton. He was indeed the man Di Lanxue had rated him, he was ridiculously strong.

The dragons breathed a sigh of relief. If they could not return to their family in the future, they could settle down in Drankfur. The stronger Downton was, the safer they would be. Otherwise, they might be burned at the stake by the Holy See of Light in the name of heresy.

"Damn it, haven't you broken the domain barrier yet?"

The blue-robed men who were left behind to stop the enemy cursed loudly. These dragon souls had extremely rich experience in battles and battle formations, and they looked like they had come down from the big battlefield.

After encountering the enemy, the dragons started with their signature scorching dragon breath, followed by one team of dragons using quick-attack magic to suppress them, and another team preparing large-scale area magic.

If a giant dragon breaks through and wants to fight in close combat, there will be dragons who are good at melee combat to intercept, and then use range magic to smash through.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the battlefield, elements exploded, magic energy surged, powerful shock waves scattered, and a large amount of dust was blown up.

The blue robes had to activate their shields and passively defend themselves. In this continuous magic covering attack, their magic energy and physical strength were rapidly consumed.

Fortunately, it's the blue robes. If they were soldiers of other races, they would have collapsed long ago. Even those ace regiments with the word "holy" at the beginning will suffer huge mental pressure when they suffer such a crazy blow.


"Transform and break out!"

The last trace of luck in the leader's heart was also knocked out. Its body emits a light blue light and expands. When it dissipates, a huge blue dragon appears.

There are also seven blue-robed dragons who transform into giant dragons and roar. If they are against other races, the dragon roar has a suppressive effect and can disturb the opponent's mind. However, it is completely ineffective against the dragon soul.

There are generally two reasons why giant dragons have human forms. First, after reaching the lord level, they have the power to freely change their appearance. After all, humans are the most numerous creatures on the Western Continent and are also known as the most intelligent race, so most dragons will

Choose human appearance, the second is to be born as a dragon. r1152

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