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Chapter 1220 fierce battle

Due to his transformation into a dragon, Downton still had a tail after using his beast-like performance to resonate with the Twin Angels, but it turned into a platinum-gold color.

At this time, Downton was suspended in the air, with white wings behind his back and a sacred halo above his head. He looked like an archangel, bright and holy, dispelling all darkness.

"You make me look like a villain, which makes me very uncomfortable!"

Bah, Magic Mountain spat, and made a blunderbuss-like gesture with his hands, pointing at Downton.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Black gravity bombs with a diameter of one meter are like shoals of tuna in the ocean, roaring over the sky and trying to completely submerge Downton.

Angel Barrier!


Two haloes were born, crossing in the shape of a cross, just in time to protect Downton. The liquid mass emerged, but it had no effect at all. The gravity ball was a physical attack and penetrated directly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A big explosion filled the air, and the entire hall was shaking. The shock wave was so violent that it directly shattered many of Hilton's and his party's magic shields. If it weren't for the fact that he was rich and had many life-saving magic costumes, he would have definitely died.


Even the Black Flame cultists did not dare to watch and wanted to escape, but under fifty times the pressure, they could not even jump.

"A bunch of trash!"

Mo Shan snorted coldly, and with a touch of his left hand, a gravity storm erupted, blowing them away with a whine and smashing them against the wall.

Although he vomited blood after falling, he was still far away from the center of the battlefield.


Downton's wings fluttered, and he flew towards him, slashing with his long sword.



Amidst the roar of thunder, a huge holy sword was born, piercing the magic mountain amid the movement of golden lightning.


Moshan raised his hands above his head. He slapped it fiercely, and then pulled it apart. A black circle was formed, like a black hole in the Milky Way, which seemed to lead to another world.

Gravity black hole.


The Sword of Judgment missed its target and shot into the black hole. It disappeared without a trace, leaving the Magic Mountain unscathed.

Downton teleported to the Demon Mountain without any warning, dominating the sky and slashing again. The power of law was activated, blocking the space so that the enemy could not dodge. At the same time, dozens of golden dragon spears suddenly appeared, focusing fire at all corners.

"it's useless!"

The Demon Mountain grinned ferociously. Seven black spheres suddenly appeared around it, rapidly expanding visible to the naked eye, turning into a black hole, sucking in all the dragon spears.

Ba Kong slashed at the black hole, and dense lightning immediately erupted, trembling violently, as if he was about to be swallowed up. Downton felt something bad. He quickly sheathed his sword.

"Is this all you have?" Wucuo Novel Network does not skip words.

The Mountain triumphantly punched Downton in the head.


Downton fought back, because of the existence of the gravity field, when two fists are one foot apart, they cannot move in. The magic mountain smiled.

A dense explosion of gravity blades suddenly attacked Downton.

Downton dodged somersaults and his attack was blocked.

"Did Downton retreat?"

Because he was beaten by the Magic Mountain, everyone in the group supported Downton and hoped that he would kill his opponent quickly.

"You will die if you don't retreat, haven't you noticed? The attack of the Magic Mountain is invisible and invisible. It's so weird that you can't trace the trajectory at all!"

Hilton was so breathless and his scalp was numb. Magic Mountain was already a legend, and he was also a genius who could fight across levels.

"That Ming Jing Zhisui of yours is really annoying!" Mo Shan curled his lips. Since his debut, countless enemies have been tricked to death by his weird talent, but today he was defeated. "But I have to admit, it definitely has

You are qualified to be ranked among the ranks of epic martial arts. Just by relying on it, you can be remembered by the magic world."

Downton was worried about the comfort of Hu Tao and his party, so he continued to attack without any nonsense. His left hand was ferocious, and his right hand was domineering, and he slashed a violent storm.

Divine prison!

The black tide spread, a temple rose from the ground, the guillotine rose, and countless chains were shot out to imprison the magic mountain.

Only the realm can resist the realm. Seeing the appearance of the Divine Prison, twelve gravity arrows were instantly shot out from the foot of the magic mountain, and then expanded clockwise, radiating, and unfolding into the gravity realm.

Sizzling! Sizzling!

The two major realms collided, and the power of law repeled and bombarded them, causing many tiny lightning bolts to flash out.

Gravity collapse!

Magic Mountain's right hand suddenly clenched, and the gravity of the entire space began to collapse, and the space could even be seen shattering like glass, with cracks appearing.


Cracks appeared on the dome of the prison, spread randomly, spread to the guillotine and chains, and then shattered with a bang.

Downton felt that his body was being torn apart and ravaged, as if he had fallen into a meat grinder, and every inch of his skin was wailing, but he still held on and launched a continuous offensive.

Chariot of God!

Downton drove Ba Kongxiao's embodied chariot and crushed it towards the Magic Mountain.

Gravity quagmire!


The air settled, the ground collapsed, and the chariot also sank in. The speed became slower and slower, which was inconsistent with the indomitable momentum.

The magic mountain was locked by the power of the law and could not dodge, so it attacked fiercely, blasting with both fists, and shot out gravity meteors one after another.

In the violent explosion, the chariot of God was blown to pieces.

"You want to defeat me by relying on the pseudo-realm liberated by weapons? How naive are you!"

Magic Mountain charged forward and struck Downton's head with a whip kick.

Downton raised his hand to block, but was kicked out vigorously.

Magic Mountain waved his arm, gravitational force was activated, and Downton, who flew out, changed direction directly, as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer, and was hit hard on the floor.

Gravity suffocates!

Although in the gravity field, the density of the air becomes extremely unstable, making it difficult to breathe, you can still take a few breaths, but now, gravity has squeezed all the air around Downton away, turning it into a vacuum state.

The feeling of suffocation immediately came over. Although the magic user could last longer than ordinary people in the anaerobic state, Downton's high-intensity battle at this time consumed a huge amount of money. Even with his physical condition, he felt dizzy.

Brain swelling.

"go to hell!"

The Demon Mountain grinned ferociously, and the black light in its right hand swirled around, hitting Downton's head. At that moment, all the light was swallowed up.

"Ah, I can't even feel it!"

The onlookers screamed. Not only the light disappeared, but also their five senses, all were deprived of them, and they became deaf and blind.


After the earth-shaking explosion, the light reappeared, and everyone discovered that Downton was standing at the far end, with the metal wall behind him being dented by the smash. His sternum was dented, and the blood he spat out stained half of his body red.

"Damn it!"

Mo Shan's voice was hoarse and uncomfortable. There was a hole in his neck, and blood was spurting out. It was the wound left by Downton's dragon tail at the critical moment. "But to kill a strong enemy like you,

That makes sense!”


Downton coughed and gasped for air, but soon, the feeling of suffocation came over again.

"You can't escape!"

Magic Mountain Attack.

"Isn't this guy human? There are many words in Wucuo Novel Network"

Seeing the terrifying vitality of Mo Shan who could not die even after his throat was pierced, Hilton and the others were stunned, "Wait a minute, Downton is not bad either. Look at his wounds!"

Downton's body was filled with green light, and his broken sternum was rapidly recovering.

The world surrenders, Dragon Soul Temple!

The rock floor with dragon runes spread out. Towering temples rose from the ground, and the dragon souls roared and flew out with wings.


Bakongxiao blocked Demon Mountain's fist and killed him ferociously. A blade of light flashed, but he couldn't hit. There was a layer of gravity armor around this guy's body, and any attack would be deflected.

Gravity tides!

The two realms began to collide, and the irregular gravity field made the air thin and uneven. Along with the chaos of density, Downton's body continued to bulge and shrivel under different pressures, as if being arbitrarily manipulated by an invisible big hand.


Titan flashes!


The two swords slashed furiously, and a cross blade struck in front of the Demon Mountain. Downton took a step forward, glared with his left eye, and activated Dark Gaze.

At the same time as a spider rune was played, at the foot of the magic mountain, a huge eye opened, and dozens of black chains shot out, wrapping around its body.


The magic mountain exploded the gravity armor, and the chain was imprisoned and destroyed. He took the opportunity to retreat and prepare to reorganize his offensive.

Downton was waiting for this moment. His whole body rotated, and the windmill started, like a sharp wheel saw, cutting into the Magic Mountain.


Amidst the trembling sound of the air, more than a dozen gravity barriers were born, blocking in front of him.

Downton slashed in continuously, and at the moment when his power was exhausted, he took another step, flicked his wrist, and ninety-nine consecutive stars appeared in heaven.

call out!

Countless cross star spots exploded, shattering the barrier and leaving scattered elements of light spots all around.

Magic Mountain gritted his teeth and was about to release the black hole defense, but he was half a beat too late. Downton turned around and a flash of magic erupted.


A blade of light struck Moshan's chest almost faster than time, leaving a huge wound and blood spraying out.


The blood instantly gathered into a ball and sprayed into Downton's eyes like a high-pressure water cannon, disrupting his vision.

Titan Seal!


Downton blocked the blood arrow with one hand, and a magic blade suddenly grew to dozens of meters in length. He slashed it down hard and hit Moshan's body, knocking him to the ground.

Magic Mountain became anxious and activated his blood. Twelve black balls the size of coconuts appeared around him and then shot towards Downton.

They can shoot black beams with terrifying attack power, and can be remotely controlled by the Mountain's mind, all aimed at Downton's wrist.

During the combo, Downton's swords were knocked away. He used the Titan Transformation Technique to simulate weapons, but they were shattered again, so he fought with his bare hands.

Dark fog!


A large amount of black mist sprayed from Downton's body, instantly filling a radius of several hundred yards, not only affecting vision, but also blocking all perception.

Hilton and his party could no longer see, they could only feel the elements surging wildly. Every explosion of magic energy would produce a shock wave that would completely tear them apart, so that they had to retreat again and again.


After another impact, the two people bounced away, each covered with bruises.

Several dragon souls flew up, breathing out dragon breath, boiling hot flames, sweeping across the hall, roaring to the sky, suppressing the power of the dragon.


Magic Mountain grabbed the dragon soul from the air, held it with his right hand, and activated the gravity squeeze. The dragon soul seemed to be stuffed into a meat grinder, spinning, shrinking into a ball of flesh, and then exploded with a bang.

Downton's body exuded green light, and his bloodline exploded at dawn, converting elements into oxygen to supply the body's consumption.

"It seems that I underestimated you!"

Mo Shan glanced at the wound and smiled sadly, "I originally hated this form, but in order to defeat you, I can only do it once."

As he finished speaking, Demon Mountain's figure suddenly expanded in a circle. In the black mist, a pair of demon bat wings stretched out behind his back. His soul power began to rise crazily, like a tsunami, raging on the scene.

One hundred times gravity!

Mo Shan clenched his fist with his left hand and smashed it down hard.


Downton couldn't control his body shape at all and fell to the ground. He felt that his blood, internal organs, and even his soul, everything, were falling downwards.

Click! Click!

Downton's bones crackled, the green halo became more dazzling, healing the injuries, and the holy flames of heaven also broke out, repairing the body.

"Your resilience is simply beyond my expectation, but that's the end of it!"

Mo Shan lamented that after becoming a demon, his attack power increased dozens of times, and he could kill low-level legends instantly without any problems.

Downton was not used to the sudden increase in gravity, and all his movements slowed down.

"Downton, release the beast form and perform martial arts!"

Cheap god reminder.

"Don't act recklessly, Downton will die."

Homer was shocked. If it hadn't been for the sharp increase in physical strength after the union, Downton would have been crushed into a puddle of mud by gravity.

"No, haven't you noticed? Downton has too many martial arts, which actually affects his performance, such as the ferocious Divine Prison and the domineering Chariot of God. Because the Barbarian King has surrendered the weapon spirit, he can

Use it unconditionally, but Downton will be ostracized, and his combat effectiveness has actually been weakened. In the dragon soul field, you should use dragon power, and use the martial arts and magic inherited from the dragon soul, unless you

One day, master the martial arts you have learned, otherwise only the purest ones are the most powerful!"

Cheap God speaks very fast explanation.

Downton's physical strength is only the sixth level of Marshal. Because he transformed into a dragon, he has reached the level of a minor lord, which is equivalent to a legend. Forget about other mediocre opponents. Against the evil god's creation like the Magic Mountain, he will definitely have to show his strength.

The most perfect gesture.

"so troublesome!"

Downton complained, released the demon form, and the twin angels were bounced away.

"You are not in the right state of mind right now. You are not rejecting, but accepting and acknowledging your dragon identity. Only in this way can you perfectly fit with those dragon souls and exert your strongest combat effectiveness."

The Cheap God teaches that it knows that Downton actually dislikes this gesture in his heart.

"Magic Mountain, I will kill you!"

Downton had no choice. He began to relax his mind and body and accept the influence of the dragon's blood. Then his words became dragon language, and his eyes also turned into golden vertical pupils, and the aura emitted,

It is even more like an ancient beast.


The roar of the dragon stirred up, and the power of the dragon swept across. Even the Demon Mountain, which had the bloodline of a demon lord, felt a tremor.

This is a natural soul deterrent from the predator at the top of the food chain, avoid everyone who sees it!

Hilton and his party could not bear the pressure, had a nervous breakdown, and fainted.

The two people sprinted and then collided with each other. Even the floor shaped by the domain could not bear the impact and collapsed instantly, with violent elements surging.


Downton and the Mountain exhaled at the same time, and an orange flame and a green flame collided with each other. The former relied on flame immunity to avoid it, while the latter relied on gravity to suppress it, making it impossible for the flames to get close. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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