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Chapter 1255 Steel Dungeon

"The Duke of Downton has an order. Because the war is coming, we cannot give everyone a holiday, but every family can go to the city hall and receive a benefit based on the number of family members. One hundred gold coins, or rice, noodles, fish and meat, of your choice!"

A goblin courtier finished his announcement, and the streets became commotion again.

"Did you get yelled at long live a few times, and your head went crazy with joy? This city has a population of over a million, right? Wucuo Novel Network gave away hundreds of millions of gold coins in just one sentence.


The Chief of Guards didn't want to see Downton in such high spirits, so he made disparaging remarks.

"If you have a low IQ, don't embarrass yourself. Only when gold coins are circulated can they generate value. The owner has received wealth from Ruble Ghana and must turn it into war dividends as soon as possible!"

Abagon rolled his eyes, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to say it, you won't understand it anyway!"


The chief guard had lived for thousands of years, but this was the first time he was despised by a goblin, and he almost died of anger.

"Stop making noise!"

Nicole stopped, in terms of economics, Abagong is indeed a giant.

“It’s still more comfortable to live in your own home!”

After taking a hot bath to get rid of the fatigue from the journey, Downton returned to the study and began to deal with official business.

Nicole was very curious, so she visited, and what she saw was not a pretty female secretary in professional attire, but a large group of green goblins, and she couldn't help laughing.


Miria put the coffee down, hugged the plate, and did not leave.

"Juliet has something to do and has left temporarily."

Downton responded casually, the more indifferent he was, the less she would think too much about it.

"I see!"

Knowing that her daughter was safe, Miria crossed herself on her chest and prayed devoutly. She originally wanted to ask her daughter to do it, but seeing that Downton was so busy, she was too embarrassed to interrupt.

"As expected of a Templar, so kind!"

Nicole teased that regarding the search for Juliet, Downton specifically told the undead troops staying at the Dragon Cemetery. If it had been any other noble, let alone searching, they would have thrown Juliet's family into the dungeon first, ruthlessly.


"Master, the ministers are all here."

A goblin secretary knocked on the door and reported that as the fighting stopped for a while, the commanders returned and a plenary meeting would be held today to decide the future direction of the country.

"This has nothing to do with careers!"

Downton stood up and left. His secretary helped him get the documents.

"No, I'll do it!"

Sissi took the document, just like a female secretary, ready to be dispatched at any time.

The large conference room was already filled with officials, more than a hundred people. Among them, those closest to the main seat on the left were all direct descendants of Downton.

After the guard stood at attention and saluted, he wanted to make an announcement. Downton waved his hand to indicate that it was not necessary.


The door was pushed open by the guard.

The moment they saw Downton walking in, everyone in the room immediately stopped talking, stood up in unison, and straightened their backs.

"His Majesty!"

The uniform slogans are particularly impressive.

"Call me Duke!"

Downton walked towards the main seat expressionlessly. Harley had not seen him in order to avoid suspicion, which made him feel very uncomfortable. After all, the two of them were considered close friends.

The officials were as silent as a cicada, and they followed the emperor like a tiger. They responded with all their might to this man who could decide their fate with just one word.

Abagon was determined to be the first to follow Downton, so he asked for the first position on the left. For it, he even had a fight with the unconvinced Arnold, and finally he had to threaten military spending to win it.

"Sit here!"

Seeing Sissi, Abagong gave up his seat with a wink.

"No, I just stand here!"

Sissi held the document in both hands and stood behind Downton.

The officials stared intently, but were shocked in their hearts. This was the Rose of Bavaria, Princess Lombardy. If she didn't love Downton to the core, how could she condescend to do such a servant thing?

Sissi said this, but Abagon didn't dare to let her stand. He immediately ordered the servant to move the chair and placed it next to Downton.

Because of this thoughtful gesture, the goblin housekeeper received a sweet smile from Sissi expressing her gratitude.

"Before we start the meeting, I would like to make a decision. From now on, Delankfurt will establish the position of local consul to manage the conquered countries and lands. The basic idea is that whoever conquers it will be in charge. From today on, Ah

No is the governor of Lubgana!"

As Downton narrated, he observed everyone's expressions. Sure enough, after hearing this, the generals breathed quickly. There was no way, who didn't want to open borders and make marquises, while the civil servants were envious, jealous, and hateful.

"Duke, I have an objection!"

A middle-aged man stood up. This was one of the nobles who first fell in love with him, and now he has become the spokesperson of some nobles.


Downton had expected this.

"The generals are good at fighting, but they need knowledge and experience to govern local areas. Let them serve as consuls. Not to mention paying taxes to the treasury, I am afraid that the province will not be self-sufficient. If things go on like this, it may lead to uprisings and rebellions."

The middle-aged man is good at language skills, and those in power care most about taxation and political stability, so he uses these two points to attack his opponents.

"Fart, we can also learn, as long as we use the right talents."

"That's right, doesn't the master know how to do it?" Wucuo Novel Network did not skip words.

"Don't forget, the master is the number one general in the north, but he is also a good hand in governing the country."

The generals immediately slammed the table.

"How many versatile men are there like the Duke?"

The nobles argued without hesitation that Downton was too special to be an example.

Downton did not stop it, but allowed the two parties to quarrel. This kind of topic can only be resolved by talking about it, and the confrontation between the military and the government is conducive to his control of these officials.

"what are you thinking?"

Sissi used soul communication to ask secretly.

"These civil servants have forgotten one of the most important issues. Those newly conquered countries will inevitably riot and resist. Only these generals who are good at conquering and fighting can suppress them. In the first ten years, I did not plan to recover much tax money and settle down as soon as possible.

, denationalizing the original country and assimilating them is the most important goal."

Downton explained.

"Look at the countries in the Western Continent, the feudal system is an inevitable factor in the decline of the kingdom. Now the nine empires have realized this and are strengthening the centralization of power. However, the power of the nobles who own a large number of fiefdoms has become overwhelming. They have formed a country within a country.

situation, in order to avoid this situation from happening, I chose a centralized system, but I can't let people say that I treat the soldiers who work to open up borders and split the land, so separating the consuls is undoubtedly the greatest reward.


"You kill two birds with one stone!"

Sissi thought.

"No, it is Sande. It is a multi-ethnic country. Due to culture, beliefs, customs, etc., there will be many problems when integrating. For example, when Arnold went to Ghana, those barbarians would also choose to follow, because Arnold promulgated

The policy will definitely give them preferential treatment, which can prolong the time for the conflicts to intensify."

Downton talked so eloquently that Homer, Cheap God, and Sissy were amazed.

"But what about in the future? If an area is full of a certain race, it will definitely not be conducive to national unity, right? There are many words on Wucuo Novel Network"

Sissi has personal experience. Even though Lombardy is an alliance country, there are already many people who are arguing for independence. They are still humans. If they were replaced by other races, they would probably be more determined.

"When Frankfurt is as powerful as a big empire, what an ethnic group demands is not independence, but more voice."

Downton shrugged his shoulders, "In other words, I may not live until that time. So that is what my descendants should worry about, or in other words, Frankfurt is destroyed, so we can just take this step.


"You should have thought about it, right? Wucuo Novel Network has a lot of words."

Homer continued to ask.

Downton shook his head. But in fact, he had thought about the separation of powers, constitution, electoral rights, voting rights, and many more. But these cannot be mentioned. You must know that all the countries in the mainland still have a semi-slave and semi-feudal system, that is, Lombardy, a little bit.

He saw some budding signs of capitalism. If he said this, he would be a public enemy of the entire continent's ruling class and would definitely be burned at the stake.

Of course, Downton has built a huge empire, and there is absolutely no possibility of giving it up for nothing. Even if he eventually moves towards democracy, he still has to get enough benefits.

The meeting was proceeding in an orderly manner. Downton is now a dictator with great power, so the civil servants' rebuttal is powerless. If they cannot convince Downton, they can only obey, or die, or quit? It depends on Downton.

Do you feel like letting them go?

"Don't be intoxicated by this pleasure!"

Seeing the smile on Downton's face, Homer quickly reminded him how many kings were so arrogant and then arrogantly led to destruction.

"Those envoys have been waiting for a long time. Do you want to receive them?"

At the end of the meeting, Abagong asked about the next trip.

"Let them wait, Nicole, are you interested in visiting my dungeon?" Downton stopped everyone present, "Stop what you are doing first and go to Porus with me."

When they heard this, the officials were excited. It was Downton's biggest secret. Now that it was revealed, it meant they were recognized.


Nicole chuckled.

Walking out of the rebuilt huge portal, everyone was stunned by this brightly lit city. Because of the turbulent clouds in the sky, Porusna was plunged into darkness and gloom all year round. But now, with various factories in full swing

Since its establishment, lighting systems such as street lamps have been laid and renovated, and a city that never sleeps was born.

In the field of vision, there are huge chimneys standing like knights' spears, with billowing black smoke rising in the air. In the ears, the deafening roar of machines and the rail transit on the road are echoing, extending in all directions.

As dense as a spider web.

Beep! Beep!

As the whistle blew, a magic train dragged a long cargo box, like a long dragon, running on the track.

Ah sneeze!

Many people smelled the smell of dust and smoke for the first time and choked until they sneezed.


A goblin tour guide rushed over.

"Introduce it to them!"

Downton walked onto the platform in front of the portal, and a group of people quickly followed, while listening intently to the goblin tour guide's introduction.

A few moments later, a sightseeing train with a Glory license plate arrived, and the tour guide asked everyone to get on the train.

"We have established five transportation hubs and fully realized urban rail transit. You can use trains to reach every corner of the city within half an hour!"

The tour guide distributes tour brochures.

Because a lot of new vocabulary is used, most officials don't understand it very well, but there are always some geniuses.

"Can we implement this in other cities? So that if a riot breaks out, soldiers can arrive as quickly as possible to suppress it."

"More than that, this can reduce the number of horse-drawn carriages and alleviate traffic congestion in the city."

"I think the first step is to lay it between cities. First, it can increase communication and contact, and increase the control of the royal city over surrounding cities. Second, it can increase transportation capacity. The cargo transported by these carriages at one time can be as much as many carriages, and it seems

It is not very affected by the climate. If there is a track, it can be transported at night, right? There are many words on Wucuo Novel Network."

The officials were talking a lot. They understood that His Majesty brought everyone here, and it was definitely not as simple as a visit, so they all racked their brains to deal with it, just to show their talents.

"There are still some talented people with far-sightedness among your subordinates!"

Nicole listened, and there were some words that made even her feel enlightened and couldn't help but admire them.

"Bring me the files of those people tomorrow."

Downton smiled and named the officials who made the point.

The goblin secretary immediately wrote it down.

The officials who were named immediately straightened their backs, and it took a lot of effort to suppress the excitement in their hearts. They knew that their day of rapid success was coming.

Other officials are not discouraged. Frankfurt is thriving, and Downton is a hero, with plenty of opportunities to display his talents.

"The idea of ​​urban rail transit was proposed by the owner. He accidentally saw the drawing of the Magic Chariot on the drawings at that time, and immediately removed the tires and replaced them with this combination of wheels and rails, and named it

Locomotive means powered mechanical vehicle!"

The tour guide proudly announced that it was their honor to have a great host.

As the tour guide introduced the idea of ​​Downton in detail, exclamations arose. The officials were not complimentary, but really praised this idea. This is definitely an epoch-making plan and will bring great changes to Frankfurt. Downton

His intelligence is definitely ahead of a generation.

Nicole was silent and looked at Downton carefully.

"What's wrong? There are flowers on my face?"

Downton joked.

"I really want to cut open your head and see what's inside!"

The Queen's words were full of admiration and admiration.

"This is the man I like!"

Sissi smiled proudly, held Downton in her arms, and chewed her. This scene fell in the eyes of the officials, who were even more shocked and became more optimistic about the future prospects of the country.

"The large building in front is the steam airship factory we cooperate with the Lombardi Alliance. It is also the most valuable industry in the underground city. All the airships produced will be used to form Guns N' Roses Airlines. Currently, Guns N' Roses

The output value has reached 60 billion gold coins."

The tour guide pointed to a castle-shaped building and continued to introduce, "By the way, that is an industry jointly invested by the owner and Princess Sissi!"

There were exclamations everywhere. Of course the officials had heard of Guns N’ Roses, a new company. It has taken over the aviation business of the entire continent. It is convenient, fast and comfortable. Which nobleman travels abroad, if he does not take the steam airship of Guns N’ Roses?

That's how a country bumpkin behaves. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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