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The first thousand three hundred and forty-five chapters

After entering the area controlled by the Evil God Army, the light was obviously much darker, and the elements and magic energy were even more manic. The Evil God Army's tyrannical body was completely unimpeded, but when humans used martial arts and spells in it, they would be even more disturbed.


The right time, the right place and the right people, the Western-Turkish Allied Forces did not occupy any of them, and relied on their flesh and blood to block the Evil God Army from outside the Great Wall of Despair. Even Downton, who is already a legend, has a strong feeling for those magicians.

Deep respect.

Human beings can be small, but they will never be humble!

Without the protection of the power of order, Downton really felt that a dark force was like the scythe of death, constantly cruising around his neck, causing panic and uneasiness, and those negative memories began to uncontrollably come from his mind.

stand up.

No one lives in happiness all the time, even Sissi, who is loved by thousands of people, has her sad past, and the power of blasphemy will amplify them countless times, erode the human heart, and complete corruption.

Downton released the goddess guard. Although its light was suppressed, it dispersed the surrounding dark power, making people feel like they found a bonfire on a cold winter night, warm and bright.

The target appeared, and the bone dragon began to glide and lower its altitude!

The Tower of Blasphemy is completely different from the human lighthouse. It is a low bunker building with five edges and corners. It looks like a turtle shell upside down on the ground. It is covered with sharp bone spurs and filled with monster corpses.

, this is a way for them to show off their merits and force.

A group of meat-eaters huddled in a bunker, barbecuing out of boredom. The meaning of their lives was to eat and kill.

"I seem to hear human language?"

A flesh-beater raised his head.

"Did you hold it in for too long? You had auditory hallucinations. How could a human being appear here? You don't want to live anymore?"

The centurion cursed.

"I seem to have heard it too!"

Another interjected.

"Then you are also hallucinating."

The centurion despised him.

"No, it really does!"

Several people raised their heads, listened attentively, and even twitched their nostrils violently, using their sense of smell to detect. In the underground animal pens, the monsters being raised began to stir.

"Humanity has not launched an offensive for several years. And this is still the second front. How can there be an enemy invasion?"

The Centurion taught the recruits a lesson, but quickly shut his mouth because there was indeed a roar in human language.

"get out!"

There was a heavy sound of footsteps, and dozens of flesh-beaters poured out of the bunker.

"Really human?"

Looking at Downton standing not far away, a group of flesh-beaters were dumbfounded.

"Oh, how pitiful, this guy is also an unlucky guy who was driven crazy by the war." The Centurion sighed. Guys suffering from war syndrome are not uncommon here. "When you eat him later, don't peel him, just leave a piece."

Roast the whole body!”

"Do you have a map of the front lines? Get me one!"

Because of the existence of the grimoire, Downton could speak fluent Abyssal, so communication was no problem at all. He didn't take action immediately because he wanted a map because he found that the Evil God Army's Tower of Blasphemy was built very irregularly.

Going down would be a waste of time.

"This is the first time I've seen such an arrogant scout like you. If you have the courage, don't say anything!" A flesh-beater looked at the centurion leader. "Sir, he is mine...!"


A heavy punch of magic energy came from the sky, knocking off the last sound of the flesh-rusher. When the dust fell, everyone saw that their companions had been smashed into pulp, and no one was dead.


The centurion drew his sword, and the magic pattern tattoo on his body brightened up. He immediately transformed and sprinted towards Downton. The others followed.

Downton, who wanted to vent his feelings, did not use weapons and charged with his bare hands. He grabbed the centurion's head and arms.


The centurion was torn into two pieces, with blood and internal organs flying everywhere. The body was used as a mace to hit the guy behind.

Downton entered the flock like a tiger and started a bloody killing. In less than three minutes, only dead bodies were left on the battlefield. The night wind blew by, and the fishy smell hit his nostrils.

After wandering around the bunker, Downton didn't find any valuable information except the leftover bones.

"A bunch of trash!"

After smashing the tower with one punch, Downton jumped on the bone dragon and continued to move forward.

Fleshbreakers are also considered the main force in the Evil God Army, but against Downton, they are just giving away food. A hundred-man team will be torn into pieces if they can't last even three minutes.

A few days later, rumors began to appear among the Evil God Army on the front lines.

"Did you hear about it? Recently, a tower-destroying maniac has been wreaking havoc on the front lines and has killed many people."

"It is said that wherever he went, not a blade of grass grew, and everyone was beaten to pieces and died miserably."

"Ma Lebi, he should be a legend, right? Why do you think he went to the front line to join in the fun? This is not his battlefield!"

The Evil God Army is a terrifying existence in the eyes of the Westerners, but they also have their own society and life.

There are too many towers on the front line, already in the hundreds of millions. How powerful can a legend be? It will take several years to kill him, and the Evil God Army can continue to build, so things like demolishing towers have never been high-end.

Strength is involved because it makes no sense.

Demolishing towers is recognized as a way to train newcomers and is a job done by cannon fodder.

One month later, Silvermoon City, Palm Tree Tavern.

"That tower-destroying maniac has no plans to stop yet. How long will he continue?"

"Does he have any quirks? Is it more satisfying to dismantle a tower than to fall asleep with a beautiful woman in his arms? By the way, do you know his origins?"

"I heard that his name is Leon. He is a newcomer recruited by Hellcat. Because he wears a silver mask, the Evil God Army calls him the Silver Demon!"

A group of adventurers were talking about it.

"We all have nicknames!"

Many newcomers are envious because they can be nicknamed by the Evil God Army and can be regarded as the number one person.

"Hey, what are you envious of? With the Evil God Army's vengeful character, this kind of person will be on their must-kill list. In a few days, you will hear the news of his death."

Adventurers who have been around for several years don't care about this false reputation at all. Instead, they think Leon is a claptrap fool.

There were so many towers, but he demolished more than others built. As for killing people, the Evil God Army has always been known for its numbers, and since he made it so conspicuous, he must have been targeted. If he was surrounded and killed, the gain would outweigh the loss.

"Extra! Extra! The latest information. The Evil God Army dispatched a deputy governor with dozens of legendary demons to hunt down the Silver Mask!"

A bartender rushed in, waving a newspaper and shouting.

"If you don't keep a low profile, you will die!"

Many old people shook their heads and continued drinking.

"Boy, let me see where you are going this time?"

A deputy governor, a hybrid of demon and dragon, held a giant blade. He looked at Downton with a ferocious expression. The big demons behind him all flapped their wings and landed around Downton, blocking the way.

Downton did not raise his head, squatting on the ground and cleaning the blood stains on his hands.


The human beings the deputy governor saw either yelled back or ran away. This was the first time he saw such a calm person, so he felt a little stuck.

"Are you done talking nonsense? Let's do it now. I'm still in a hurry to demolish the towers. I can make up 10,000 towers today."

You know, the deputy governor and these demons on the opposite side are both legendary level. As a result, Downton's dull expression seemed like he was talking about what to eat tonight.

"Kill him!"

The deputy governor felt humiliated, so he went berserk and came over to kill him, "I'm going to cut you into pieces and eat you alive!"

A halo spread, dark waves circulated, and several gorgeous magical light strips emerged from the deputy governor's body. They then extended, expanding the area and radiating around.


Gaps opened up on the ground, turning into giant saw-toothed mouths. They roared, made harsh noises, and spewed law bombs.

The big demons also took action. They were the fastest and best at magic. They wanted to kill Downton in one go and not give him a chance to fight back.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Downton was massacred.

Star realm!

Downton's eyes suddenly lit up, and a string of mysterious runes flashed, increasing randomly. Two mysterious magic circles appeared in front of his eyes, and then with him as the center, a galaxy was born.

Domain skills, total reflection!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The cannon fodder was shot down, flooding Downton and making a deafening sound. Just when the evil gods thought he was killed, all the attack coefficients were reflected back.


The big demon's body was surrounded by shields, but he was still shaken by the blast. For a moment, everyone was in danger.

The intact Downton rushed out of the smoke and appeared in front of the Deputy Overseer. His eyelids jumped and he was shocked. Even he could not guarantee that he would be unscathed under such a concentrated fire.

"Human, tell me your name!"

Although the deputy governor was roaring, he still recognized Downton's strength. Otherwise, with his position of commanding thousands of armies, he would never have asked Zayu's name.

"Drankfurt, the Duke of Downton!"

Downton roared and punched hard.

Titan dominates the sky, the sky shatters!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Fragments of lightning raged like snakes, a law storm was born, and the air exploded in series, making the deputy governor feel like he was stuffed into a meat grinder, and his whole body was deformed.

The Overlord Fist was so domineering that even if Downton mainly attacked the Deputy Overseer, the other big demons would vomit blood in discomfort.


The deputy governor has always been known for his bravery and will not dodge, so when attacking, he only knows that he has fallen into the trap after the attack is launched.

Downton, who used his Thai clone to deceive the deputy governor, appeared from behind him and launched his strongest attack.

Domain skills, star storm!

Downton's long arms seemed to have pierced the world, and diamond-colored wind waves spun and poured out from the arms. Wherever they went, everything froze and turned into diamonds.

The breath of all things was paused.

The deputy governor did not dare to resist and tried his best to dodge.

It was too late, the shackles of darkness had already been activated. On the ground, a huge eye opened and shot out countless chains of laws, which bound the deputy governor's body.

"Break it for me!"

Worthy of being a legendary warlord, he actually broke free from the shackles of darkness for a moment. In a duel between masters, the battle situation can be decided in the blink of an eye.

Domain skills, astral cage!

Stars twinkled and appeared next to the deputy governor, randomly connecting together and blocking the space, making it impossible for him to teleport away. (To be continued.)

ps: I can’t think of any more?



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