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Chapter 155 Capture the treasure house

The dark and deep mine tunnel is like the esophagus of a monster, leading to nowhere.

"Master, let's go back. Doshav is just a boss after dying. It's not easy to save a huge sum of 10 million."

Jackson doesn't want to go any further. There's a subtext here: Downton already has a dungeon, and there's no need to put himself in danger for Doshaf's meager 'treasure'.

"Ten million? Is it that much?" Arnold was shocked and spat out with difficulty. As a barbarian who had never touched gold coins a few times, he was really eager to bulge his pockets.

"It should be less." Seeing that Downton ignored him, Jackson could only helplessly hold the oil lamp and continue to serve as a scout to clear the way.

"What are you afraid of, a ghoul? As long as your brain is not rotten, you won't die." Hutao rolled her eyes, despising Jackson, she hated cowards.

"If there is only one head left, I might as well just die." Jackson muttered to himself, and yelled a few times from time to time.

Occasionally, disturbed bats would rush out and cause a commotion.

Downton held an oil lamp and kept approaching the surrounding walls, surveying the terrain and moving forward cautiously.

Judging from the corpses that kept falling down in the tunnel, there were only two groups, one was the kobolds, and the other was, as expected, Doshaf's subordinates.

Downton guessed correctly. The most important step in Doshaf's plan was to empty the treasury first, so that even if the attack on Dauphink failed, he would not lose all his money.

Doshaf did not have much confidence in regaining his rights as the boss, so he had to leave a way out for himself. With money, the escape journey would not be too uncomfortable.

Jinya endured the humiliation and had been looking for Doshaf's treasury for a long time. He wanted to get the reserves hidden in it and then let the tribe rise.

This time the riot in the mine was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but it was a pity that the gold teeth were still not as thick and dark as Doshaf. Before they could follow him into the vault, their own people were discovered.

Jinya didn't want to give up, so he had no choice but to attack by force. If he could seize Doshav as a hostage and ask for the location of the treasury, there might be a chance.

More than twenty minutes later, Downton and his party entered an abandoned mine.

"What should I do?" Arnold was dumbfounded. This is an ore trading center. There are more than a dozen tunnels around it. Fresh blood is spilled at the entrances of several holes, and corpses are lying there. It's hard to tell which one is which.

is the right way.

"Spread out and try your luck." Looking at the rails laid in the tunnel, gathering at the transfer area and sending them out of the mine, Downton couldn't think of a good way.

"Is that okay?" Arnold still had some integrity. Even though he really wanted the treasury, he didn't leave directly. Instead, he asked Downton what he meant. After all, he was still a mercenary.

"Hmm. Let's pick one." Downton didn't want to stop others from getting rich. As for himself, he didn't want to leave. The injury was a bit serious, causing him to cough up blood frequently and it was very painful.

"Okay, then take care." Arnold showed off his ability to track prey in the northern frozen soil, sniffed the air and looked at the footprints left on the soil, and finally chose a passage on the right.

He chased in without hesitation.

Downton rested against a mine cart, taking off his clothes and preparing to bandage his wounds.

"Master, that guy is gone, we can continue!" Jackson approached Downton in a ruthless manner and helped him pass the straps.

"Continue what?" Downton didn't understand what the demon servant meant.

"Keep going and find the treasure?" Jackson was surprised, "Isn't it just that you didn't want to be at odds with Arnold, so you pushed him away?"

This caused Downton to wonder, "Am I that sinister?"

"Ah? Really? How is this possible?" Jackson didn't believe it, "Don't be kidding me. With your ability, you can definitely find out which way Doshaf took it!"

"Just find a tunnel to spend the night. I'm tired and want to sleep." Downton was just about to find a bloodless tunnel to sleep in when he was stopped by Hu Tao.

"Brother, wait!" the little loli breathed, her cute little nose twitching, "I can find that old guy!"

"What?" Jackson was stunned for a moment, then reacted, "You said you could find the principal? On what basis? Is it possible that you can smell it like this?"

"Yes!" Hutao looked solemn and nodded affirmatively, "The old man's smell on that guy's body is so disgusting. The smell of blood and gas is very strong in the air, covering up a lot, but you can still smell it.


"Why can't I smell anything?" Jackson stared hard at his nostrils, but unfortunately he felt nothing but air. He couldn't help but be surprised, "Are you human?"

"Shut up!" Downton kicked Jackson. The identity of the little Loli should not be simple, but if she didn't take the initiative to tell him, he wouldn't ask.

"Here!" Hutao ignored the topic and walked and sniffed like a kitten, finally stopping in front of a tunnel.

"Are you sure there aren't any blood stains here?" Jackson's face was full of distrust, "It seems there are no footprints either!"

"Idiot, those blood stains and corpses could also be bait."

"That's right, big brother is still the best." Hutao waved and plunged into the dark tunnel, "Let's leave quickly. We're going to be late, and we may lose everything."

Downton originally didn't want to go, but after being messed with by the little loli, he had no choice but to follow.

After walking fast in the tunnel for about twenty minutes and turning at least five tunnel forks, Downton and his party finally heard a faint sound.

"Shh, step softly and put out the lamp!" Downton lowered his voice and signaled his companions to take cover.

As he gradually approached the target, the voice gradually became clearer, and a few minutes later, Downton saw two people confronting each other in front of an iron door.

"Gold Tooth, I should have known that you were just an unfed dog, trying to catch my attention, so go ahead and daydream!" Doshaf looked at the kobold whose legs had been cut off, and laughed ferociously, "

How does it feel to be frozen forever?”

Jinya lay on the ground without saying a word. After its lower body was frozen, it was all broken into fine ice cubes the size of fingernails. Because the wound was frozen, it did not bleed to death, but it could not live for long.

"You are not unjust. That dragon-slaying magic scroll was used by me for self-defense, but I didn't expect it to be used on you." Doshaf vomited blood, filled with the joy of becoming the final winner, "You are actually

The war level is really hidden deep enough, but it’s a pity that no matter how hard it is, it’s not as good as me.”

Jinya bit his lip and climbed hard, trying to get closer to Doshaf.

"Stop struggling, your body has been severely damaged by the frost attack, and you will definitely die." Seeing the frost on the wounds on Jinya's body becoming more and more, and the body constantly breaking apart as it rubbed against the ground, Doshafu thought to himself.

The magic scroll bought for millions is indeed worth the price.

"Big brother!" Hutao got excited and poked Downton's waist. Doshaf's body was also covered with scars. Apparently, Jinya had a battle with him before his arrival.

How could the little Loli be unhappy after finally seizing an opportunity that was too late?

"Shh!" Downton made a silencing gesture and covered Hu Tao's mouth, telling him not to move.

Doshav held on to the cave wall, staggered, walked to the iron door, took out a key, and inserted it into the magic lock.

After tinkering for a full minute, there was a click from the magic lock, indicating that it was successfully unlocked.

"No one can take away my wealth!" Just as Doshaf was about to enter the vault, magic energy suddenly gathered and formed a three-meter-tall kobold, which punched him.

Doshav immediately opened the shield and released lightning to attack the kobolds.

As expected of a wealthy mine boss, he possesses a dazzling array of magic items. Unfortunately, his magic power is limited and cannot unleash greater power.

"Do you know why I am called Gold Tooth?" The kobold smiled. Its tooth is a totem. After biting it into pieces, it can be activated with life force to summon a tribal patron saint with strong fighting power.

"Damn it, I'm not willing to give in!"

Doshaf's level is too low, and he relies on magic equipment. Now facing the kobold patron saint, he is vulnerable to a blow. In less than ten breaths, the shield was shattered, and then he was punched by the patron saint.

Meat paste.

"Haha, you villain is finally dead." Jinya was weak, but smiled happily. Their fellow tribesmen can find each other by smell, so even if they are dead, the kobolds can still find the treasure here.

Get it.

"Bronze Ya, stop being childish and take up the big plan of reviving the tribe!" Jin Ya clenched his fist and roared with all his last strength. He was very sad, not because of death, but because he never had the chance to see it again.

That day has arrived.

As Jinya's life force was exhausted, the patron saint also dissipated, and calm returned to the mine.

"What should I do? That kobold died so tragically that I am embarrassed to take the things in the vault." Hutao curled up the corner of his mouth, hating this feeling.

"That's the wealth of the dead ghost Doshaf, but it doesn't belong to him. Why do you feel guilty?" Jackson didn't understand.

"But, is it related to the tribe's revitalization plan?" Hu Tao explained.

"You're not a kobold, why do you care about them?" Jackson rushed to the vault, "We'll finish moving first."

"That's right, at worst, we can just give some to the kobolds." Hutao quickly felt relieved and rushed in with a bright smile, followed by a cheer.

"Homer, detect the body!" Downton walked to Doshaf's body and did not rush to get the loot.

"No problem." Homer projected the words while using his big bronze hands to pick off valuable things. Of course, the remains of the soul were not spared either.

"Brother, come on, we are getting rich!" the little loli chirped excitedly, like a lark.

"Keep your voice down." Downton warned and rushed in. He knew he had to move quickly. According to the kobolds, their people would be arriving soon.

Dofink didn't believe anyone. He used the intricate tunnels to abandon his subordinates. Unexpectedly, he was still found by Jinya, who had the best sense of smell. Then the previous scene happened. Both of them suffered losses, but Downton successfully missed him.

.(To be continued..)


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