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Chapter 167 monsters like tide

The intelligence of gargoyles is not high, which is the level of ordinary beasts. However, after complex training and teaching, they can use javelins as weapons and carry out simple throwing attacks.

Although they can fly, gargoyles and ghouls have the same status. They are both cannon fodder units. Occasionally, mutated individuals can also work part-time as mounts.

Of course, high-level gargoyles who have turned on their wisdom and can use magic have a certain chance of growing into gargoyle lords. Their offspring will naturally have high intelligence and can already establish a tribe.

There are many gargoyle families in the deathrattle plane, but the one in front of me is obviously a product of the laboratory, used by the mysterious owner of the Abomination Workshop to defend the cathedral.

Downton rushed to the gargoyle, raised his knife and chopped off its head.

Jackson, who was sprayed with blood, muttered to himself, opened the body, and got up.

Hula! Hula!

Before Downton could give new instructions, more than twenty gargoyles waved their bat wings and flew into the corridor in a swarm.

They are all perched on the ceiling of the second chapel next door, attracted by the calls of the same kind.

Seeing the intruder, the gargoyles swooped down. The one in the lead was obviously a low-level one. It had already activated its wisdom, and it opened its mouth and sprayed black magic bullets towards Hu Tao.

In their eyes, the thin little loli is the weakest and easiest target to kill, so they attack it first.

Hutao held up the tower shield, and the magic energy bullets hit it, unable to even repel her half a step.

"Concentrated formation!" When Downton stood in front of Celes, the gargoyles also came and swooped down. When they got close to their prey, they stretched out their sharp claws and tore their bodies.

Bang, Downton swung his shield and knocked one over. The black dragon wing on his right hand slashed out, cutting off most of the other's shoulder.

Blood drips.

Celes fired a phosphorus rocket, smashing one into a sieve and falling from the sky.

Jackson's crossbow arrow also successfully penetrated one's body, but unfortunately it did not cause death.

"Damn it!" Hutao was in crisis. He was besieged by ten gargoyles, especially the low-level one, which flew around the little Lolita. Once it got behind her, it would fire a series of magic bullets.

Hutao was hit several times, and there were obvious dents in her armor. Some gargoyle claws grabbed her body, and the armor exploded into clouds of sparks.

"Stop being brave and come here quickly!" Downton urged.

Hutao backed away with his shield. These gargoyles were very difficult to deal with and had extremely strong flying abilities. They would often dodge as soon as the little Loli swung her battle ax.

Downton wasn't doing much better. Facing the flying gargoyles, he felt like he couldn't use any force. If the opponent didn't get close, he wouldn't be able to cut them down.

The ghouls looked at the gargoyles high in the sky and sighed in despair. Only Celes became the main force and could cause damage to them.

However, because her level was still low, Celes had not yet mastered the gaze locking skill, so about half of the magic she fired would miss, so the battle was in a stalemate.

As soon as the gargoyles fought, they lost half of their bodies due to wrong tactical choices. Now they have learned their lesson.

The low-level gargoyles were obviously the leaders. Seeing that Hu Tao could not be killed for the time being, and that Celes posed a great threat, they began to attack the Death Banshee.

The gargoyles divided into two groups and harassed the team.

One wave swooped down at Celes, and then after Downton intercepted it, it immediately rose. Even if it couldn't kill her, it would still interfere with her casting. If Downton didn't intercept it, they would attack her directly.

The other wave besieged Downton, leaving him unable to protect Celes with all his strength. As for the other ghouls, the low-level gargoyles recognized their identities and didn't care at all.

"I'm so angry!" Hutao was agitated because she couldn't hit the monster. As soon as she relaxed, a gargoyle rushed up and left a series of scratches on her back.

"Be careful!" The gap in arms made Downton feel helpless for the first time. "Homer, is there a solution?"

Downton was worried that if the battle was delayed too long, it might attract more enemies.

"No, you all have melee professions. Now we can only place our hope on Celes." Homer sighed. The arms are incompatible. No matter how strong you are, if you can't hit anyone, it's all in vain.

"Take out the warrior's spear found in the armory." Downton did not give up, preparing to play a role as a spear thrower. Even if he could not kill the opponent, he would still create some chaos for them.

The war space opened, and a wooden box was carried out by big bronze hands.

Bang, Downton kicked open the lid, picked up a two-meter-long spear, and shot towards a gargoyle near the ceiling.

The gargoyle didn't even try to hide, it just waved its claws and opened the spear.

"I, Di Polo, are you bullying me because I am weak?" Downton drew out the power of a troll from the Titan statue that was attached to his body, then grabbed a spear again and was about to shoot it at the gargoyle.

, he suddenly rolled his eyes and suppressed his own power.

One, two, three, Downton grabbed the spear and shot at the gargoyles suspended on the ceiling, not even the low-level ones.

Without exception, all the spears were knocked away. It was really difficult to hurt them with the spears thrown by human strength.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Hutao was dumbfounded. She had never seen Downton in such a panic and helpless state.

Jackson finally figured it out. His master must be playing dirty tricks again. Remembering that he had been deceived by his acting skills, he couldn't help but shed tears.

"It should be fine." Downton felt that the time was almost up. After grabbing a spear, he suddenly used all his strength and shot at the low-level gargoyle.

The low-level ghoul found that it was being targeted, but it didn't care. Anyway, the human's attack was as weak as a clown. It was about to continue its efforts and increase its strength to kill the death banshee, but it heard "Whoosh" in its ears.

' A loud boom.

The spear was like being shot from a ballista, and flew in front of the low-level ghoul in the blink of an eye. It looked horrified, and it was too late to hide anymore.

Poof, the low-level ghoul was stabbed in the stomach by a spear, immediately lost his balance and fell down.

"How cunning!" Hu Tao was dumbfounded. It turned out that Downton's previous throws were all to confuse the enemy, otherwise he would not have been able to hit with one hit.


Downton didn't need to remind her. Celes raised her casting speed to the limit and took action, firing five phosphorus rockets.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Three of them hit the low-level gargoyle. Although it failed to hit the head, it penetrated its bat wing.

Bang, the gargoyle, which was trying to regain its balance, was completely stumbled this time, and fell heavily to the floor, exploding into a cloud of blood.

Downton, Walnut, and Jackson rushed over immediately.

When the leader landed, the other gargoyles went crazy and swooped in to help.

"Wutao, protect Celes!"

Downton did not dare to use Giant Roar, but the Giant Seal was blasted out. It was still seven meters away from the low-level gargoyle, and the magic saber had already slashed on it.

Jackson activated his aura of swiftness, almost twice as fast as Downton, and rushed to the seriously injured Gargoyle immediately.

Phew, the dying low-level gargoyle tried its best to shoot magic bullets at Jackson.

Jackson is cunning by nature, and it has always been good at sneak attacks on others. With a simple change of direction, he dodged the magic energy bullet, and then swung his sharp claws and clawed at its chest.

Wow, the gargoyle was disemboweled and its insides were ripped out. It is certain that it will not survive this time.

Downton threw out his cavalry saber, nailed a gargoyle to his body, rushed in, and smashed it with his shield.

Bang! Bang!

The two gargoyles that couldn't dodge fell over and sprayed blood. The remaining one quickly took off into the air, but was hit by Celes immediately afterwards.

Before Downton could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a huge thump on the ground, and two abominations rushed into the corridor, killing each other menacingly like chariots.

"Ghoul, get on top!" Downton, who had retrieved his saber, no longer cared about saving magic energy. He swung his saber at the remaining gargoyles and fired black dragon bombardment magic.

Bang! Bang!

The dragon-shaped bomb hit the gargoyles, immediately blowing them to pieces. The mutilated corpses burned and fell down.

After taking a sip of the quick-acting magic potion, Downton rushed towards the Abomination with his shield in hand.

Abomination is a war machine created by the undead clan. It is famous throughout the Western Continent for its burly body, super defense, strong strength, and dedicated fighting will.

The three-meter-tall abomination weighs up to one ton. Its impact is unstoppable and extremely visually oppressive.

The ghouls charged, but before the steel claws could touch them, the abomination swung the door-shaped ax in their hands and flew them away.

Downton's original intention was to use the ghoul shield wall to block the abomination and let Celes take the main attack, but now it seems completely unworkable.

As one of the top heavy infantry in the mainland, the Abomination indeed has advantages that other races cannot match. During the charge, the one in front grabbed a ghoul, then swung his arm and smashed it over.

Bang, the ghoul fell to the ground.

"Use kite flying tactics!" The number of times the Titan Statue can be used is limited. Downton really doesn't want to waste it on these abominations, but he can't stop them with his own strength alone.

"It's finally my turn to appear!" Hutao was excited and trotted towards Abomination.

Downton wanted to stop her, but it was too late.


The first Abomination in front collided with the walnut, and then it stopped as if it had hit a fortress.

Roaring with hatred, slashing the door panel with a tomahawk!

"Get away!" Hutao took the lead and punched Hatred in the leg.


The huge war machine fell heavily to the floor, causing dust to fly.

Hu Tao made a leap and slashed at the neck of Abomination, but the tearing dragon's teeth only cut a third of the way, and could not go any further.

"Be careful!" Downton yelled in shock, and quickly launched a giant charge. Another abomination struck, and the battle ax struck Hutao, who was looking back to show off with a proud expression. (To be continued...)


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